


RIA-4926, RIA-4136
LuciadRIA now supports the Symbology Encoding Function FormatDate. Typically, it is used to format a date inside a label. The same functionality is supported through a new build-in custom function dateFormat. For more information, see SLD Custom Functions - dateFormat.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an exception in OGC 3D Tiles layers that have point clouds if the MeshStyle has pbrSettings defined.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where parts of the terrain near the bottom of the screen are not shown when using certain kinds of elevation layers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where attempting to extrude GeoBuffer shapes would sometimes result in a ProgrammingError: "ExtrudedShape: invalid base shape." This was caused by a mismatch between the Z-coordinates of the computed contour and the main shape.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where snapping didn't work for points with different Z-coordinates while editing without a horizontal EditMoveConstraint.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in OGC 3D Tiles where changes in OcclusionStyle were not instantly displayed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for an exception in OGC 3D Tiles that could happen when custom properties are often updated. The exception could interfere with the display of 3D Tiles and navigation.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now depends on library abseil. This new dependency requires no code changes.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Painting a label on a 3D cartesian map doesn't throw an error anymore.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Resolved an issue where the GML output format for WFS requests was not correctly selected from the WFS capabilities, particularly for WFS versions 1.1.0 or 1.0.0. Now, the system accurately retrieves the GML output format from the WFS server's capabilities.


New featureLuciadRIA

SLD support is extended with the possibility to display rotated arrows at line endpoints. For more information, see SLD LineSymbolizer - Stroke.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The WFSFeatureStore.createFromURL method now accepts an options object with allowedVersions to specify the WFS version for GetCapabilities requests. This is crucial for WFS servers that do not support version 2.0.0 by default.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved the examining of input references in the ExtrudedShape constructor. Previously, it could incorrectly throw an error during the validation of the input reference and the base shape's reference. Now, the ExtrudedShape constructor accurately verifies that the two references represent the same spatial reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in OGC 3D Tile sets where tiles containing GLTF files with empty buffers would not appear.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in Symbology Encoding where "null" was logged on the console without a valid reason.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a data loading issue in FeatureLayer. Before the fix, if you remove a FeatureLayer from a map and add it to another map, the data would not appear unless you navigate (pan or zoom) the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in OGC 3D Tiles set where some tiles would temporarily disappear.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a reference identifier containing double colons (e.g., urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5514) was incorrectly parsed with a single colon for the BBOX filter in WFS requests. The BBOX reference parsed that way might have been unrecognized by WFS services.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Resolved an issue with the WFSCapabilities parser where the `Operation` element without a `Parameter` element caused errors. This issue previously prevented the creation of a WFSFeatureStore based on WFS capabilities defined in this manner.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The value of the TRANSPARENT request parameter in WMS GetMap requests is now formatted as upper case TRUE and FALSE. Before the fix these values were formatted in lower case, which violates the WMS specification.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeatureLayer: Fixed an issue where transparent lines would not have a consistent color in sharp corners or where they overlap themselves.



The error messages for failing network requests inside LuciadRIA now also contain the status code next to the status text.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where (valid) licenses with non-ASCII characters were incorrectly considered invalid.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with EditController on WebGLMap. If you edit a feature that is not yet present in the layer's workingSet, and instantly remove it again in EditController.onDeactivate, the feature would remain on the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Resolved an issue in the GMLCodec where GML data, with a geodetic reference containing height information (e.g. EPSG:4979), was incorrectly decoded as 2D instead of 3D points.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue that could result in excessive data being downloaded during the loading of OGC 3D Tiles.



It is now possible to override the coordinate reference of an OGC3DTilesModel from the constructor options.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes for the loading of OGC 3D Tiles that contain one or more geo-referenced region(s) on a non geo-referenced map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed visual artifacts. The globe no longer shows black stripes to users when they zoom in close on the map with lighting enabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where updates to label positions were not being reflected instantly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue on M1 Macs for Safari where the terrain would not align correctly with 3D data.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a rare issue where the license check would fail even though the license is valid.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for point cloud layers where the ADAPTIVE_WORLD_SIZE style is not applied correctly when the map is resized.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for metallicFactor and roughnessFactor in the material definition of MeshStyle being incorrectly taken in account when using physically based rendering.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for failure of loading of 3D Tiles with attributes with colon characters that are used in any expression.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

When passing a geocentric WKT string to ReferenceProvider, it didn't always return a reference with correct axes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Removal of the extra quotation marks that were introduced in the minimum and maximum fields of the properties of OGC3DTilesModelDescriptor.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

According to the GeoJSON specification, the first and last position of a GeoJSON polygon must be equivalent. The GeoJsonCodec now removes this duplicate point when decoding the GeoJSON polygon to a LuciadRIA geometry. Before this fix the start and the end point would be present twice in a LuciadRIA geometry, which could yield unexpected behavior when editing a polygon.



The editors for arc shapes defined with sweep angles now take the sign of the sweep angle into account instead of always assuming that it is positive.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error was thrown when the map is destroyed during a mouse drag gesture.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error is sometimes thrown when inserting points in a point list (polyline or polygon).


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where snapping was not taken into account when placing the first corner of a Bounds shape with a CreateController.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with WMS models where WMS layer names with non-standard ASCII characters would yield invalid request URLs. WMS layer names are now URI encoded in WMS request URLs.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the license check. An "Uncaught promise" error was logged when loading LuciadRIA modules.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

When using a WKT string as input, ReferenceProvider is now more flexible in accepting parameter names for the projection center.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

According to the GeoJSON specification, the first and last position of a GeoJSON polygon must be equivalent. GeoJsonCodec now removes this duplicate point when decoding the GeoJSON polygon to a LuciadRIA geometry. Before this fix the start and the end point would be present twice in a LuciadRIA geometry, which could yield unexpected behavior when editing a polygon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an uncaught map.layerTree.whenReady() promise might be thrown when the map is created in a tab that remains in the background for 5 minutes.



Improved visualization performance for raster layers characterized by a highly irregular tile pyramid.


Support for sparse WMTS raster layers, i.e., WMTS raster layers with a tile-set structure characterized by missing tiles along the tile pyramid, has been improved. LuciadRIA now allows tiles of higher zoom levels to be displayed even if parent tiles of lower zoom levels are unavailable.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

According to the documentation, WMSCapabilitiesLayer.getBounds() and WMTSCapabilitiesLayer.getBounds() can return null. This was not reflected in the TypeScript API and is now corrected.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where LuciadRIA would not look for licenses at __LUCIAD_ROOT__/license when the global variable __LUCIAD_ROOT__ wasn't defined.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where creating a WMSTileSetModel or WMSImageModel using createFromURL() or createFromCapabilities() would create a model with a CRS:84 model even if the server's capabilities did not support that coordinate reference. The factory methods will now attempt to create a model with a supported coordinate reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a race condition when a feature model runs a query and its store is reloaded at the same time with a new set of features. Before the fix an error could occur and not all features could be added to layer's working set (FeatureLayer.workingSet).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where external svg images that did not start with an svg tag, caused a crash.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where fills with a color, but without defined opacity, got an opacity of 50% instead of 100%.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with editing extruded shapes on a Canvas (non-webGL) Map where you could not move the shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issues where a selected feature loses its selection state on a layer with the clustering transformer. Such a situation happened when
  • you pan away from the selected feature over a long distance
  • a FeatureLayer.transformer is reset and the original features put into the model had no IDs
  • a FeatureLayer.filter is reset and the original features put into the model had no IDs


ImprovementDefense Symbology

Added a utility method to MilitarySymbologyPainter to get the actual bounds of a military symbol, that can then be used for fitting on that symbol. Note that regular fitting on the shape of a military symbol will not always give you the desired result. The reason for this is that the symbol shape mostly only contains the anchor points for the symbol, which are then used to calculate a very different final shape to be drawn.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug in complex stroking where arrow patterns drawn on non-hardware accelerated maps with type DOUBLE_LEFT_HALF and DOUBLE_RIGHT_HALF were twice the intended size or were omitted partially instead of fully when there is a lack of space.

Bug fixLuciadRIA


Fixed a bug where draping on meshes could produce blurry results if the meshes was not set as part of terrain.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug in the ellipsoidal Topology that in certain situations could influence outputs of the constructive geometry operations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where a WebGLMap would throw errors when its border is larger than its encompassing html node.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where GeoBuffer.contains2DPoint could throw an error when the buffer's base shape was a Polyline and its end cap was defined set to EndCapStyle.CAP_BUTT.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the license check failed for licenses that are valid until the year 2038 or later.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The bounds calculations for geodetic circle and circular arc implementations, like CircularArc and CircularArcBy3Points are now more accurate. Before, the bounds were too small in some cases.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed some links to Map in the LuciadRIA documentation.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where the preview generation for tactical graphics (MilitarySymbologyPainter#createSymbolImage) did no longer work as expected (no preview or wrongly scaled/bounded preview).

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Added the missing "Armored Carrier with Volcano" (1.X. symbol to the APP-6B symbol hierarchy.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The boost library has been updated to version 1.83.0.



Improved label visualization by having label divs with CSS position styles expressed in fractional pixels. Labels now smoothly follow features that move.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with drawing in-path labels for big area shapes on a 3D map. Before the fix, labels could be placed outside the corresponding area shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a label flickering issue that occurred when individual features are frequently updated. The order of drawing labels with the same LabelStyle.priority is now deterministic, which improves label stability when updating positions of individual features. Before the fix, small position changes of a feature resulted in showing different labels in the vicinity of the modified feature.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression with clustering functionality. The clustering was not triggered when panning the map over a long distance.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when a loading strategy with a multiple query level scales setting could throw an error on a 3D map. Such a situation might happen when a 3D map contained an elevation layer and the camera was close to some steep terrain.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the TypeScript definition for OGC3DTilesModel. It did not properly implement AttributedTileSet.


New featureLuciadRIA

HSPC Pack files are now supported on HSPCTilesModel and TileSet3DLayer.

New featureLuciadRIA

3D Cartesian references, for example the "LUCIAD:XYZ" reference or those created with ReferenceProvider.createCartesianReference, can now be used as the world reference on a WebGLMap. This allows you to visualize non-georeferenced data on a 3D WebGLMap.

A non-georeferenced point cloud visualized in its local, Cartesian 3D reference

The use of a WebGLMap with a 3D Cartesian reference is demonstrated in the 3D icon sample, which now displays a separate panel when you select an icon. The panel uses a 3D Cartesian world reference.

A WebGLMap with a 3D Cartesian reference has certain limitations and conventions to take into account. For more information, please see the article on Cartesian views.

New featureLuciadRIA

The common package of the LuciadRIA samples has been split into multiple packages. If you depended on the @luciad/ria-sample-common package (which we don't recommend since we don't guarantee backwards-compatibility for our samples), you will need to change your imports.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now supports Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles, a globe-covering mesh textured with high-resolution imagery. Support for this dataset has been added in the Data Formats and in the Geolocate OGC 3D tiles sample. All information to get you started is bundled in Google 3D Tiles. Note that the Google Map Tiles API may provide tiles at a lower resolution than what you can experience on Google products (like Google Earth).

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now wrap 2D cylindrical maps around the date line.
A map with date line wrapping enabled
For more information, check out the Configuring a map to wrap around the date line developer article.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now set an outline style and an occlusion style on just those objects of an OGC 3D Tiles set that are currently selected. See TileSet3DLayer.selectedOcclusionStyle and TileSet3DLayer.selectedOutlineStyle. For an example of how to use these new styles, see Using occlusion and outline styles for selected features.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now offers fog effects on 3D WebGL maps. See map.effects.fog and FogEffect for more details. See also the article Configuring WebGL Map effects.


You can now set the property facetCulling on a Icon3DStyle. The facetCulling property defines the polygons that are not visible to the camera and will be discarded.


You can now use TileSetAttribution.getLayerAttributions and the corresponding "LayerAttributionsChanged" event to match attribution strings and logos to their respective layers.



The precision of WKT references that use an ellipsoidal version of the Lambert azimuthal equal area projection has been improved. This affects the following EPSG codes:

  • 3035
  • 3571 to 3576
  • 5633, 5635, 5636, 5638
  • 6931, 6932
  • 9039
  • 9947


You can now use BASED_ON_DATA as a new FacetCullingType when you are styling mesh data for a TileSet3DLayer. You can use it if you are unsure about the face culling type or if you are using a 3D Tiles set that uses glTF version 2.0, or if you are mixing double-sided and non-double-sided material.


LayerTreeNode now emits events named "VisibilityInTreeChanged". The callback on this event hook gets called when the visibleInTree of the layer tree node changes. This allows you to react on a layer becoming visible or invisible on a LuciadRIA map.


GeoJsonCodec now fully supports features with the null geometry, both when decoding and encoding.


Added new cartesian reference with identifier "LUCIAD:XY", that represents a 2D non-geo cartesian reference, with its axes defined in meters. You can use this reference both as a model reference and a map reference, making it easy to display 2D diagrams such as CAD drawings.


Added support for automatic mipmap generation for compressed textures.


When a valid license for LuciadRIA could not be found, a WebLGMap will now show a watermark.


KMLPainter API is now exposed, so that you can extend it to implement a custom styling of KMLPlacemarkFeature objects. Also, KMLPainter exposes methods to obtain LuciadRIA style objects that correspond to the KML style embedded in placemark features. For more information, refer to KMLPainter.


Introduced the FeatureId type alias.


RasterStyle: properties to change the contrast and brightness of a RasterLayer have been added. And it is now also possible to configure a modulation color.


WFSFeatureStore.bounds exposes now data bounds from WFS capabilities.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression with MapNavigator.pan. It didn't pan to the right location when passing in a world or model point with a height above ellipsoid.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

ShapeStyle.zOrder was not applied correctly when used in combination with ShapeStyle.occlusionMode.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Complex strokes were not always painted correctly for vertical line segments with points with a large altitude.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The clustering transformer now accepts an anchor point with a non-0 Z-coordinate that is returned from a custom implementation of ClusterShapeProvider. Before, in such a situation, 3D points were always reduced to 2D points. Please note that the default cluster shape provider still returns anchor points with the Z-coordinate equals to 0.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-4522, RIA-4461
Fixed a bug in complex stroking where arrow patterns drawn on WebGL maps with type DOUBLE_LEFT_HALF and DOUBLE_RIGHT_HALF were twice the intended size or were omitted partially instead of fully when there is a lack of space.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now depends on the myVRArchive library to support Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC) Pack files. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

WebGLMap.globeColor has new behaviour.

The globeColor can now be set to null to avoid painting a globe entirely. This also disables 2D vector and raster painting. Only data that does not need to be draped will be rendered on the map.

On top of that, you can now set the alpha value of your globeColor to 0, which will render a fully transparent globe in the absence of raster layers. The fully transparent globe still allows you to drape 2D shapes and images on top of it.

Setting a globeColor with an alpha values between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive) will render the globe with a fully opaque color.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: The axis system for rendering 3D icons has been changed. The Y-axis now points to the north, the X-axis to the east and the Z-axis upwards.

When loading glTF files they are now also automatically converted from their Y-up axis system to the LuciadRIA axis system, as a result you will in most cases no longer need to apply rotations to have your model oriented correctly.

For compatibility reasons Icon3DStyle.legacyAxis was added. Setting this property to true restores the behavior as it was. In the LuciadRIA 2023.1 release this property defaults to true, so you do not need to update existing code. From LuciadRIA 2024.0 onwards the default will be set to false, it is recommended to already adapt your code for the changes in the axis system.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses libtiff version 4.5.1.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The default orientation of 3D icons on maps with a cartesian world reference has been changed. Previously, by default, the X-axis of the 3D icon was aligned with the X-axis of the world reference. Now, the forward axis of the 3D icon is aligned with the Y-axis of the world reference. Additionally, the heading property of the orientation property of Icon3DStyle now operates clockwise instead of counter-clockwise. These changes were made to improve consistency with other functionality where the Y-axis of the cartesian reference serves as the north direction (e.g. LookAt, IconStyle.heading, etc.).

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

GeoJsonCodec.decodeGeometry and GeoJsonCodec.decodeGeometryObject can now return null. This is a consequence of the enhancement to support features with the null geometry by GeoJsonCodec.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The way texture wrapping (repeat, mirror repeat or clamp) for glTF is handled, has been changed to properly follow the glTF 2.0 specification. This means that now the default behavior for textures inside glTF 2.0 is "repeat", but we no longer force "repeat" when "clamp" is specified inside the sampler.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The boost library has been updated to version 1.83.0.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA


The versions property in WFSFeatureStoreConstructorOptions, WFSCapabilitiesFromUrlOptions, and WFSFeatureStoreCreateOptions are not anymore of the "string" type but WFSVersion enumerations.

The allowedVersions property passed to WFSCapabilities.fromURL is not anymore of the "string" but WFSVersion enumerations.

The WMS version property in WMSImageModelConstructorOptions, and WMSTileSetModelConstructorOptions is not anymore of the "string" type. Versions are now represented as WMSVersion enumerations.

The allowedVersions property passed to WMSCapabilities.fromURL, WMTSCapabilities.fromURL is not anymore of the "string" but WMSVersion enumerations.

Please replace all string version values in your code by corresponding version enumerations. Creation WFSFeatureStore from capabilities with a specific WFS version:

      createFromCapabilities(capabilities, featureTypeName, { versions: ["2.0.0"] });
should be now:

      createFromCapabilities(capabilities, featureTypeName, { versions: [WFSVersion.V200] });

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Corrected TypeScript definition for FeatureModel.get. The return value can also be undefined, which is the case when no feature with the given id exists in the model.



Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression with MapNavigator.pan. Panning to a location that's far away, would not move the camera all the way to its target location.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression with Map.onCreateContextMenu. It was no longer called when there are no features under the mouse.



Improved error reporting when loading 3D icons from glTF files with invalid textures.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WFSFeatureStore now passes to the WFS service the exact reference identifier, as reported in the OtherSRS list of WFS capabilities. Before the fix, the reference identifier could be expressed in a different format, that might be rejected by the WFS service when requesting features.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: a 3D icon would not be visible on a 2D map when Icon3DStyle.transparency was set to true.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with creating WMS models using createFromCapabilities or createFromURL with a reference configured in WMSTileSetModelCreateOptions. It was possible that a model was created with a reference that was equivalent to the requested reference but had a different axis ordering. For example, if you requested a model with an EPSG:4326 reference, you could get a model with a CRS:84 reference. This posed a problem if the WMS server does not support CRS:84.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for possible incompatibility when displaying panoramic images with an Intel Graphics chipset.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a race issue when a feature model runs a query and is updated at the same time with add/put/remove operations. Before the fix individual feature mutations could be ignored.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fitting on a bounds with elevation and a width and height of (almost) zero ignored the elevation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where the terrain offset of a TileSet3DLayer was still applied when its visible property was true, but the layer group containing the layer was invisible.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now correctly parses the attribution element for layers in a WMS Capabilities response if it is present. Before the fix WMSCapabilitiesLayer.attribution was always null or undefined. In accordance with the WMS specifications, all elements in WMSCapabilitiesLayerAttribution are optional and can also be null.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the script to pack multiple samples in a release. On Windows, it would pack samples into an extra "webpack.config.js" folder inside the target folder.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where WFSFeatureStore could decode features in incorrect reference. This situation happened when the store's reference, selected by the store from the WFS capabilities, mismatched the WFS service's default reference. The store will throw an exception if no reference is supported in LuciadRIA from the WFS capabilities.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in which the TileLoadingStatus of a 3D Tiles layer did not reflect the actual number of loaded and pending tiles.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error might be thrown when Map.getViewTransformation is called on a Map that is already destroyed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed memory blocks that were not released when glTF files were loaded as 3D icons.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with picking of 3D shapes and icons that are drawn right on top of a draped layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the WASM binary used in LuciadRIA was inlined twice, resulting in unnecessary large bundle sizes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Luciad RIA now uses libwebp version 1.3.2.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where fills without color but with opacity did not get assigned the correct opacity. Also fixed an issue where fills with an opacity value of 0 got a default color instead of being rendered transparent.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where external svg images without width and height, used in graphics without size parameter, were not correctly defaulted to a height of 16px.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where HSPCTilesModel would log a warning when the model had a reference equal to EPSG:4978, but without identifier.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed icon jittering and inaccuracies in Chrome on ARM-based MacOS devices.



SLD support has been enhanced with the possibility to use a function to define the wellKnownName of a mark graphic.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD functions to make sure the "recode" function can also handle number-properties.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where svg images without width and height, used in graphics without size parameters, were displayed with a size of 256px. This was corrected to the default size of 16px as specified.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling (webGL only), where graphic stroke patterns did not continue nicely at corners.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where dashed lines would not be rendered when the dash specification consisted of an uneven number of components.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where labels that have undefined or null content, should not get displayed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in SLD styling, where an empty fill tag should result in a default 50% grey fill.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in symbology encoding, where a "square" mark was drawn too small. With this fix the given size will equal the length of the side of the square.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue with the Contain symbol, where the arrow was not always drawn perfectly perpendicular to the opening of the circle.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a divide-by-zero error when editing a shape draped on a TileSet3DLayer. It occurred when dragging a handle close to the edge of the viewport.



Icon3DStyle: the initial load time of glTF models has been improved, specifically for models that have parts that reference the same texture.


IconStyle.modulationColor is now also applicable when drawing icons on a non-hardware accelerated map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where drawing complex stroke lines on a non-hardware accelerated map resulted in throwing exceptions when switching to the fallback pattern.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

KMLLayer draws image icons, coming from KMZ image resources, scaled to the height of 32 pixels preserving the width to height ratio. Before the fix, the resource images where resized to 32x32 pixel image, making them non-uniformly scaled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

ParameterizedPointPainter: an error was thrown when a FeatureLayer with a ParameterizedPointPainter was removed from the map and later added again.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where helper lines were not drawn when creating a military symbology feature that has a GeoBuffer shape.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue with editing military symbology features, where you could not move tactical graphics with constrained shapes.



FeatureLayer: the initial load time when multiple FeatureLayer are added to a map has been improved.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an exception thrown when loading a 3D Icon from a GLB file that has 16 bits integer colors per vertex.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WFSFeatureStore works properly when the data coordinate reference from WFS capabilities is represented as a well-known text (WKT). Before the fix, in such a situation WFSFeatureStore could not be instantiated.



Properties of features in an OGC 3D tile set can now be retrieved from the Batch Json table and used as Feature ID or in the style's expressions (only applies to 1-dimension numerical values).


ReferenceProvider.parseWellKnownText now also supports parsing topocentric references.


Bundled image resources in a KMZ file are now loaded and used to properly visualize KML features on KMLLayer. Before, bundled resources in a KMZ file were not handled.


ReferenceProvider.createTopocentricReference now allows you to specify an identifier for the created topocentric reference. This can either be done by passing the identifier directly (see CreateTopocentricReferenceOptions.identifier), or by specifying an authority name and code using which the identifier is constructed (see CreateTopocentricReferenceOptions.authorityName and CreateTopocentricReferenceOptions.authorityCode).


ReferenceProvider now additionally supported WKT strings/EPSG codes with the following datums:
  • Korean Datum 1985
  • Macao 1920


MeshUrlIcon3DStyle now extends the HttpRequestOptions interface. This makes it possible to provide authentication headers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with HSPC tile loading caused by WKT references that have a trailing null character.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The spherical and ellipsoidal Geodesy.area and Geodesy.shortestDistanceToLine implementations didn't return correct results when passing input defined in a reference that is not geodetic. The cartesian Geodesy.area implementation now also throws a programming error when passing input defined in a geocentric reference: the area calculation is 2D, while a geocentric reference defines 3D points. This would result in incorrect results.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GeodesyFactory didn't allow creating a cartesian, spherical nor ellipsoid geodesy for topocentric references.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Topocentric references are now better supported when using a WebGLMap. Among others, it was not possible to fit on a map using bounds defined in a topocentric reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Visualizing vector data that is defined in a topocentric reference on a 3D map now works. Before this fix no data appeared and a TypeError was logged on the developer console.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where edit handles would not stick to terrain while toggling visibility of an elevation layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Web worker issues due to destroying the map quickly after it was created are now correctly caught.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

A LoadingStrategy with refresh settings will now clear its internal timer resources when a FeatureLayer configured with that loading strategy is removed from the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Large geocentric polygons were not flat, but followed the ellipsoid's curvature in 3D.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved the query process with the clustering transformation and simultaneous model updates. Before the fix it could happen that LayerTreeNode.whenReady promise was resolved before the model updates were handled.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

RIA-4332, RIA-4359
Icon3DStyle: the pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor defined in glTF files was not applied correctly, resulting in a wrong color to be visualized. This fix also applies to OGC 3D Tiles visualized in a TileSet3DLayer. This fix might result in a different visualization of your model when the glTF file does not define a color texture or color vertex attribute. To get the correct visualization in this case you need to enable PBR via the PBRSettings property on Icon3DStyle or on MeshStyle.


New featureLuciadRIA

The SLD support is extended with the possibility to define custom functions and to use a set of pre-defined functions. For more information about defining and using those functions, see the article SLD custom functions - Usage and examples. The symbology encoding sample has been extended to incorporate a custom function altering the width of the roads based on their type.

New featureLuciadRIA

RIA-3020, RIA-3705

WMTS support is extended to handle Tile Matrix Sets of which the first Tile Matrix has more than 8 columns and 8 rows, only in the case of a WebGL-enabled maps.

RasterTileSetLayer can now display a red hatched rectangle instead of any actual imagery data when zoomed out to a fair distance from the data. More information can be found in the article Why does my imagery layer show a red (hatched) rectangle on a WebGL map?

You can customize the style of the raster outline drawn when zoomed out far from the data. For more information please refer to the article Learn how to visualize and style raster data using a RasterTileSetLayer. and the API documentation of RasterStyle, where you can find the new fillStyle and lineStyle properties.

New featureLuciadRIA

On point clouds, a large number of points displayed on the screen can cause a decrease in performance. To counteract this effect, the number of points displayed in a layer can now be limited using the new performanceHints.maxPointCount property. This only applies to point clouds. See Limiting the number of points in a layer for more details

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now deal with "WebGL context loss" events in LuciadRIA. For more information, read the API documentation of WebGLMap.webGLContext and WebGLMap.reboot().

New featureLuciadRIA

The WMTS support is extended to handle Tile Matrix Sets that are not organized as a quad-tree.


GeoBuffer contours can now be accessed through theGeoBuffer.contour field.


Improved support for ScalingMode.ADAPTIVE_WORLD_SIZE for HSPC point clouds. ScalingMode.ADAPTIVE_WORLD_SIZE is now the recommended setting for all point clouds.


It is possible to define LoadSpatially to request data with a single query object for the whole 3D scene. For more information please consult LoadSpatiallyStrategyConstructorOptions API.


The TileSet3DLayer class has a new property named loadingStatus, which is an object that represents the layer's current status of tile loading and rendering. You can listen to changes in this status by subscribing to the "LoadingStatusChanged" event.


LuciadRIA provides now a simple Cursor implementation that iterates over an array of elements. For more details, please consult ArrayCursor API.



You can now use complex stroke lines with a width in world units, for example meters. See the ComplexStrokedLineStyle.uom property for details.

You can also scale your icon or text decorations in world size, see the size property on their factory method options.

World-sized complex stroke lines are not supported in a non-WebGL Map.


The Transformation class now has two new properties: inputReference and outputReference.


The Transformation class now has a new property inverseTransformation that allows you to do transformations from output reference back to input reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Draping of vector and raster data has been improved. Cases where vector or raster data could be blurry, or would be clipped at the sides have been fixed.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA imports now always include the file extension. This allows LuciadRIA modules to be resolved by the browser's native module resolver, as well as build tools using NodeJS' ECMAScript module resolution rules. LuciadRIA sample code has been updated to use these new ES module resolution rules:
  • A sample's package.json now mentions "type": "module".
  • A sample's tsconfig.json now sets "moduleResolution": "nodenext".
  • Imports in samples now also contain the file extension (.js or .jsx)
It's expected that most users will not run into any issues upgrading. If your application has a non-trivial, multi-package setup that doesn't treat LuciadRIA as a regular dependency, you might have to adapt your setup. See ES modules as of LuciadRIA 2023.0 for more details

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The creation of WMTSTileSetModel now can create a RasterTileSetModel that does not have a quad-tree tile set structure.

Users of a WebGL enabled map are not affected by this change as the rendering supports this type of tile set structures.

Users of a Canvas map are affected as this map only supports raster tile sets that have a quad-tree structure. You need to update the call for the WMTS model creation to restrict use to Tile Matrix Sets that have a quad-tree. You can do this by adding the option useQuadTreeOnly: true in the WMTSTileSetModelCreateOptions when calling the method createFromURL or createFromCapabilities.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The RasterTileSetModel can now represent tile sets that are not a quad-tree. It allows to create tile sets where the bounds on different levels are not exactly the same and for which the number of rows and columns is not a power of two with respect to the top level. The bounds for each level in the tile set must be aligned in the top-left corner.

The constructor options for the following raster models are affected by this change. They now use a new way to express the tile set structure.

To maintain backward compatibility these constructor options have an equivalent with Deprecated in their name, i.e., RasterTileSetModelConstructorDeprecatedOptions for RasterTileSetModelConstructorOptions. When using TypeScript type declarations you may need to update your code to use the deprecated options type.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

You can now use world-sized lines for non-draped 3D lines. Before, these were always draped on terrain.

The behavior is now in line with other shape painting: the line will be draped if you explicitly enable draping in your style, or if the line is 2D (Z=0 and depth=0). Otherwise, the line is not draped.

If you have 3D lines with a world size, these were always draped before, so if you want to keep that behavior, specify draped: true in your ShapeStyle.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

You can now use complex stroke lines for non-draped 3D lines. Before, these were always draped on terrain.

The behavior is now in line with other shape painting: the line will be draped if you explicitly enable draping in your style, or if the line is 2D (Z=0 and depth=0). Otherwise, the line is not draped.

If you have 3D lines with complex strokes, these were always draped before, so if you want to keep that behavior, specify draped: true in your ShapeStyle.

In addition, the width of draped complex strokes is now much more stable, also when looking at the horizon.

Non-draped pixel-sized 3D lines with complex strokes are oriented towards the viewer. Draped strokes, or world-sizes strokes are never screen-oriented.

Keep in mind that certain deformations of your pattern is expected, particularly when looking along the line.

Complex strokes on 3D lines
Example of complex strokes on 3D lines.



ImprovementDefense Symbology

The rendering of APP-6A Sea Mine symbols has been improved. The outline of their icon is now painted black, where it used to be painted in the affiliation color.
APP-6A Sea Mines before the change
APP-6A Sea Mines before the change.
APP-6A Sea Mines after the change
APP-6A Sea Mines after the change.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The Vertical View Sample no longer crashes when you're not using a hardware accelerated (WebGL) map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Selection of 3D icons didn't work as expected anymore.

Bug fixDefense Symbology


The default hierarchy icon line color for Sea Mine symbols is now always black #000000 instead of the symbology style's color (MilSymStyle.color).


This improves consistency with the other symbols where the symbology style's color is only used to color offset lines, direction of movement arrows and other icon decorations.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

3D Tiles did not fade in correctly when the fading time is bigger than 0 and the transparency flag is enabled in the 3D tile layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for an exception thrown when changing the isDrapeTarget boolean on a TileSet3DLayer if the layer is already loaded.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeatureLayer: complex polygons would be rendered with artifacts when crossing the world boundary of the projection used on the map.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where on a non-hardware accelerated map the framerate in the "military symbols overview" was too low.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where the non-hardware accelerated map freezes sometimes when switching to an icons layer in the "military symbols overview" sample.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where on a non-hardware accelerated map icons disappear briefly on hovering or selection.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Parts of a polygon (or another type of surface) were not always filled correctly when visualized on a 3D map. This was a regression in the previous patch release.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a discretization issue on a non-hardware accelerated map. As a consequence, long lines were drawn too straight comparing to the same lines rendered on hardware accelerated maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue, where LuciadRIA called FeaturePainter.paintLabel and FeaturePainter.paintBody too excessively on hardware-accelerated maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA no longer calls FeaturePainter.drawLabel when a FeatureLayer is invisible in the LayerTree.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where lighting with shadows combined with certain shapes could result in errors.



RIA-4290, RIA-4292
You can now draw world-sized fill images with FillStyle.uom, in a similar way as you draw world-sized icons. FillStyle.width and FillStyle.height behave the same as IconStyle.width and IconStyle.height.


Improved clustering transformation performance when processing big datasets.

ImprovementDefense Symbology


The rendering of APP-6B Sea Mine symbols has been improved. The outline of their icon is now painted in the MilSymStyle.color, where it used to be painted in the affiliation color. If you want the effect as in the image below, you need to add color: "#000000", in your MilSymStyle. The default color of the outline is white ("#FFFFFF").

APP-6B Sea Mines before the change
APP-6B Sea Mines before the change.
APP-6B Sea Mines after the change
APP-6B Sea Mines after the change.

The rendering of Sea Mine symbols has been improved when their fill is disabled for various standards. When their symbol fill is disabled, the hierarchy representation is no longer filled, revealing additional details such as the 'N' icon inside the "Ground (Bottom) Non-Mine Mine-Like Contact" MIL-STD-2525c symbol. This makes the Sea Mine symbols more recognisable. This change affects the Sea Mine symbols in the following standards: APP-6D, MIL-STD-2525c, MIL-STD-2525d.

Unfilled MIL-STD-2525c Sea Mines before the change
Unfilled MIL-STD-2525c Sea Mines before the change.
Unfilled MIL-STD-2525c Sea Mines after the change
Unfilled MIL-STD-2525c Sea Mines after the change.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

It is now possible to customise the line-color MilSymStyle.color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols, off-set lines of icon symbols and for movement direction arrows. The new default color is white ("#FFFFFF"), to make sure that behavior does not change for you when not using this new parameter.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where closed shapes that have a geocentric reference and are defined parallel to the Y/Z plane were not correctly tessellated. As a consequence, they were not rendered properly with a fill style.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in symbology encoding, where the graphic fill pattern was not using the correct size (when using pixel unit of measure).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue for symbology encoding, where some mark-shapes (like stars and triangles) were not nicely closed (which became apparent when using a line-width beyond 1px).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter: Vertical polygons could have a missing segment on the outline when styled with a LineStyle.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter: points with a geocentric reference were incorrectly draped when their z-coordinate is 0.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where EditHandle.onDrawLabel would not be called when editing a GeoBuffer shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GeoJsonCodec no longer removes the closing point when decoding a geometry object to a LuciadRIA Polygon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the crosshair cursor would disappear while creating a point, for example when double-clicking.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where Chrome would log warnings about non-passive event listeners being used in LuciadRIA.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Updated the list of supported features and limitations in the documentation of OGC 3D Tiles models.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where an accidental clash of style-hashing caused the APP-6A warm front and upper warm front getting styled in the exact same way, depending on the order in which they were added to the model.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where shapes drawn in postRender on top of transparent components of the map would not display.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the 'original' shape would remain visible while editing a shape (in some cases). This only occurred when the EditController was activated before the feature/shape was processed by the layer. For example, when immediately activating an EditController after adding the layer to the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with black flickering on a WebGLMap that has a TileSet3DLayer, a "PostRender" event listener and an active EditController.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where attributes containing the characters '+' or '-' in Color Expressions would interfere with expression evaluation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where compressed textures in 3D tile sets were sometimes not recognized properly.




LuciadRIA now contains a sample that illustrates how to handle IFC datasets. The geometry is loaded as OGC 3D Tiles, the metadata information is loaded via a GeoJSON dataset. The sample shows how to combine geometry and metadata into a single application.

IFC sample application
Screenshot of the IFC sample application.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GestureEvent.modifier (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT) is now also set for touch events. Users equipped with a keyboard and touchscreen can now press shift and touch the screen to select multiple features.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Corrected the jet stream symbol for the APP-6A, APP-6B, APP-6D symbologies.
APP-6A APP-6B APP-6C Jet stream
The corrected symbol for the APP-6A, APP-6B and APP-6C jet stream symbols.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Changed the default label position from "EAST" to "CENTER" for all symbols where the location is not predefined (all freeform/polygon shaped tactical graphics), for all supported symbologies (MIL_STD_2525b, MIL_STD_2525c, MIL_STD_2525d, APP-6A, APP-6B, APP-6C, APP-6D) to closer follow the specifications. You can override this default by means of the MilSymStyle.labelPosition property.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Corrected the icons for the APP-6A and APP-6B Thunderstorm symbols W*A*ST----***** and W*A*STR---*****.
APP-6A APP-6B Thunderstorm
The corrected icons for the APP-6A and APP-6B Thunderstorm symbols.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed the definition for MIL-STD-2525d and APP-6D Linear Targets symbols, which, according to the specification, require "exactly" two anchor points in stead of "at least" two.



The Geodesy.distance3D method now also accepts a LineType parameter. This means that it can now also be used for rhumb lines.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved performance of the clustering process when features are attributed to a classification definition that does not request clustering (noClustering = true).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Prevented the non-hardware accelerated Map from importing Photon code, which caused issues on machines without WebGL support.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue on M1 Macs for Safari where positioning of 3D data would be jittery.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where not defining a SEPainterCreateOptions.DrapeTarget led by default to draping on terrain. Now the default DrapeTarget is undefined, which means that if the shape has zero Z, it will be draped on terrain and if it has non-zero Z, it will not be draped.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

KMLCodec decodes KML 'Polygon' geometry without inner boundaries to RIA Polygon, instead of to RIA ComplexPolygon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where using map.effects.eyeDomeLighting in combination with map.effects.environmentMap 's skybox could produce some visual artifacts.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in symbology encoding to correct visualisation in Firefox when using svg inline content without width and height attributes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The Geodesy.distance3D method didn't return correct results when using a geodetic reference.


New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now supports draping of 2D raster and vector data on OGC 3D Tiles data. You can use the new DrapeTarget enumeration on objects such as a ShapeStyle, IconStyle and RasterStyle to indicate whether the data needs to be draped on 3D Tiles and/or on terrain. You can also choose which 3D Tiles layers need to be taken into account for draping by means of a new isDrapeTarget flag on TileSet3DLayer. The use of this API is demonstrated in the "OGC 3D Tiles" sample, which has been extended with a walking tour draped on top of the Marseille 3D tiles mesh data. For more information, see the Draping on 3D Tiles article.

Draping of vector data on an OGC 3D Tiles layer
An area of interest that is draped on an OGC 3D Tiles layer with a city model.

New featureLuciadRIA

To strive for specification completeness for OGC Symbology Encoding, LuciadRIA now supports:
  • For point symbolizers:
    • The use of SVG images through the icon provider.
    • The use of UOM-aware stroke widths for marks.
  • For line symbolizers:
    • The use of line joins (mitre, round or bevel) and line caps (butt, round or square) in strokes.
    • The combination of a stroke with a graphic stroke (dash-array, graphic rotation).
    • The use of displacement and anchor points for the graphics in a graphic stroke.
    • The use of perpendicular offset without gaps or overlaps at the line joins.
    • The use of UOM-aware graphic fill for strokes.
  • For polygon symbolizers:
    • The use of the same improved stroke support as for line symbolizers.
    • The use of UOM-aware graphic fills.
    • The use of UOM-aware displacement.
    • The use of UOM-aware perpendicular offset.

For a complete overview of the supported SLD styling capabilities, see the SLD styling - Supported versions and capabilities article.

Showcase the use of newly supported features.
A park area from the OGC Symbology Encoding sample, combining several of the line and polygon styling improvements. A first polygon symbolizer uses a black fill with a displacement to apply a shadow effect. A second polygon symbolizer defines the park area’s fill and outer stroke, which is a combination of a dashed stroke and an icon with a shifted anchor point. A third polygon symbolizer with a negative perpendicular offset is used to draw the smaller green area on top.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now has API to customize creation and editing behavior. The new Editor and EditHandle classes give fine-grained access to the way how features or shapes should be edited and created. Users can implement their own editor or extend from one of the many out-of-the-box implementations available for LuciadRIA's shape types. The use of this API is demonstrated in the "Create and Edit" sample, which has been extended with a few common custom creation and editing use cases. Read the Customizing creation and editing guide to get started.
Custom arrow shape editor
Editing of a custom arrow shape, including helper lines and custom labels that show the arrow width.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now has API to work with mouse cursors on the Map. See Map.cursorManager, Controller.cursor and the Implementing custom user interaction guide for more details.

New featureLuciadRIA

RIA-3611, RIA-3561
LuciadRIA's default map behavior is now exposed in the API through the following controllers: These controllers have hooks that you can override in order to tweak the default map behavior. For more information, see the Customizing the default map behavior tutorial.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now supports undo/redo through the newly introduced Undoable and UndoManager API. The use of this API is demonstrated in the samples that focus on creation and editing, such as the "Create and Edit" sample. See Adding undo/redo support to your application for more information.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now add bloom to shapes. Bloom is a glow effect that you can use to make shapes appear very bright, and draw focus to them.

Bloom vs. no bloom
Airspaces in the Trajectory sample with Bloom enabled (left) and bloom disabled (right).

For more information, see BloomStyle and BloomEffect. You can also read the "Bloom effect" section in Configuring WebGL Map effects.

New featureDefense Symbology

You can now define a BloomStyle for your military symbology layers on WebGL maps. To do so, you set a bloom: BloomStyle in your MilSymStyle when creating a MilitarySymbologyPainter. You can choose to apply the style to a certain PaintState only.


LuciadRIA now supports the PropertyExists function of the OGC filter encoding standard. You can for example use this function in an SLD style to skip painting labels for non-existing properties in your dataset (instead of painting them as "undefined").


LuciadRIA now supports HSPC datasets with a reference expressed in WKT (projection-wkt property). Before, only HSPC references expressed with an EPSG code (projection-epsg property) were supported.


The performance of visualizing many points with the same 3D icon has been significantly improved. An example scenario is visualizing many trees with the same tree 3D icon.


RIA-3959, RIA-3354
You can now chain multiple controllers together with CompositeController. This was already available in sample code, but has been promoted to API.


The SLD implementation now supports adding a box around a label. Using an SLD text symbolizer, you can configure the fill and stroke of the box, as well as the desired padding between the box and the label. The article How to draw a box around labels illustrates the addition of a label box with an example.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter: when a shape with the same geometry but a different reference (e.g. topocentric with different origin) was submitted for drawing, it was not visually updated on the map.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

EditController has 2 new events: "Restarted" and "EditShape". If you extended EditController and you added extra events, you'll have to update your EditController extension to account for these extra events.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Feature, Store and Codec implementations are now type guarded with generics. Please refer to the TSDoc for more details. If the inferred type is too restrictive, force a more generic type.

      // Let TS compiler know that feature's shape is a point and its properties can contain the population field.
      interface CityProperties { name: string; population?: number};
      const cityFeature = new Feature<Point, CityProperties>(point, { name: 'Leuven'});
      // Let TS compiler know that the store can accept features with a polyline or a polygon shape and any properties.
      const store = new MemoryStore<Feature<Polyline | Polygon, FeatureProperties>>(data: [polylineFeature]);

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

CreateController.onObjectCreated now has a return type of void | Promise<void>. This reflects the actual implementation. The old boolean return value was already ignored.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The layer of a CreateController and EditController is now typed more accurately as FeatureLayer instead of Layer.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The following third party libraries have been updated:
  • libcurl: updated to version 7.86.0
  • openssl: updated to version 1.1.1s
  • zlib: updated to version 1.2.13

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

A dependency to the ms-gsl library version 3.1.0 has been added. This library is used in internal code. No code changes are needed.



Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem when an on-path label is placed in the focus point of the underlying path instead along the path. This situation can occasionally happen on WebGL maps after zooming in from scales when the shape was hardly visible in the view.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Spherical and ellipsoidal Geodesy instances returned a distance in degrees instead of meters for the shortestDistanceToLine method.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Geodesy.area could return incorrect results for triangles with coinciding points.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the ruler controller was placed incorrectly on point clouds with gap filling enabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the ruler controller was placed incorrectly on point clouds with adaptative world size scaling.



Corrected the TypeScript signature of the WFSFeatureStore.query and WFSFeatureStore.spatialQuery methods. The returned type is a promise of the Cursor only.


It is possible now to send queries to a WFS service with the OGC SortBy condition. For more information please consult the WFSQueryOptions.sortBy API.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when labels drawn by a Controller disappear from a non-hardware accelerated map after feature layers repaint their labels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RasterLayer: For some specific camera positions it was possible that parts of the terrain were missing. This resulted in gaps in the visualization of the terrain and possibly large camera movements when navigating.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for transparent point clouds disappearing when gap filling is enabled. Transparent point clouds with gap filling will now appear but gap filling will be disabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GoogleLayer is no longer supported on Internet Explorer 11. GoogleLayer used the Google Maps API to embed Google Maps data in a LuciadRIA non-hardware accelerated 2D Map. Google dropped support for running the Google Maps API in Internet Explorer 11 in November 2022. The Google Maps API now exits with an error if you try to load it in Internet Explorer.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

A label that is created with LabelCanvas.drawLabelOnPath is now redrawn when its associated shape is mutated. Before the fix, on-path labels were not repainted along their mutated shapes.


ImprovementDefense Symbology

We added the possibility to define your own speedLeaderLengthRatio inside MilSymStyle. The length in pixels of your speed leader is calculated as speed(m/s)*speedLeaderLengthRatio*iconSize and is clipped between 1*iconSize and maxRatioMovementDirectionArrow*iconSize.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a possible memory leak when loading OGC 3D Tiles containing physically based rendering (PBR) data.



The label placement procedure takes now into account the fact that the corresponding body is painted with the OcclusionMode style that makes the shape visible even if it is obscured by other objects. In this case the feature's corresponding label stays visible too.


The LoadSpatially strategy will log a warning message when the computed spatial BBOX object has a 0 width or height value. Such a situation can happen when there is no intersection between the current view extent and the FeatureModel.bounds, provided the model bounds is defined.


Improved the LoadSpatially strategy behavior when the underlying WFSFeatureStore requests a limited number of features with the WFSQueryOptions.maxFeatures query parameter. In this case, the layer might not re-query the data after zooming in. Now, after zooming in, a new query is launched to get a new set of features when relevant to the new view extent.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The MilSymStyle has been extended with a property labelStyleGroup, Put it to "NON_DECLUTTERED" to disable label decluttering for all symbols on the map. More information can be found in LabelStyle.group.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

We added sample-only functionality to the AllSymbols sample to make it a large, live addendum to the documentation. You can now:
  • Use the search bar to easily find a certain symbol by name or code.
  • Use the "Anchor Points" layer to see the anchor points and their order used to create the symbol.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

We improved the experience for users of the symbology applications using WebGL Maps:
  • We introduced two new MilSymStyle properties that define the appearance of tactical graphics: skeleton to indicate that you want a simplified style without decorations for your tactical graphics (false by default), and body to indicate that you prefer the full, correct styling for your tactical graphic (true by default).
  • We offer the possibility to make your MilitarySymbologyPainterConstructorOptions. stylePaintState -dependent.
We used this new military symbology API to improve usability for both the Symbology and the AllSymbols sample. On a WebGL map, tactical graphics are pre-loaded using a skeleton style. Only after, symbols are invalidated one by one and redrawn with their body style. We also use the skeleton style as a selection style to improve the response upon selection. To further improve the user experience, we now track the loading progress of the fully styled tactical graphics on the layer. For more information, see this article in the Military Symbology documentation section.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with controller rendering on WebGLMap. In rare cases, it could throw an error if many updates were performed while resolving icon styles.



Added support for 3D Tiles that use coloring as vertex colors.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when a feature is selected even when it does not pass FeatureLayer.filter predicate. In such a situation such a feature was painted on a non-hardware accelerated map. This situation happened when a filter predicate was set on a layer before the layer was added to a map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where creation of Bounds did not finish properly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec decodes now the MultiLineString GML geometry.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA no longer throws an error when a WMS GetCapabilities response contains no layers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added support for GLTF version 1 files with KHR_binary_glTF extension that do not conform with the GLTF version 1 standard.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with fitting on bounds that were below the surface (ellipsoid).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The visibility of point labels on 3D maps is improved when changing the camera position and pitch. Before, point labels could unexpectedly disappear at certain camera pitch values.



When creating a WFSFeatureStore from a WFS capabilities object you can override the service URL both for the GET and the POST method. Before you could override the service URL for the GET method only. For more details please consult WFSFeatureStoreCreateOptions.serviceURL API.


By default GeoJsonCodec encodes a ShapeList instance to a GeoJSON geometry based on its child shapes. With the GeoJsonCodecConstructorOptions.encodeShapeListAsGeometryCollection API you can override this behavior so that a ShapeList instance is always encoded as a GeoJSON 'GeometryCollection'.


EditController and CreateController now emit a EditShape event whenever the shape is edited.


FeatureModel, with a WFSFeatureStore created from WFS capabilities, sets the spatial extent of the data (FeatureModel.bounds) based on the bounds reported in the WFS capabilities object. That way you can fit on model bounds even if WFS data is not yet loaded.


Now labels, that are styled for hovering or selection, reuse the position of the already painted label. This prevents sudden jumps of label position when labels are hovered or selected.


GMLCodec can decode now GML Circle geometries: a 'Circle' (defined by 3 points) and 'CircleByCenterPoint'.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for vertical stretched artefacts on some 2D projections.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Creating a WFSFeatureStore from a WFSCapabilities object can use now otherReferences if the defaultReference is not known in the ReferenceProvider.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected TypeScript type of the WFSCapabilitiesFeatureType.otherReferences property, which is now string[] instead of string.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with labels for 3D icons. They would often disappear because they were obscured by the 3D icon itself.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Creating a WMTSTileSetModel from a WMTSCapabilities object now no longer throws an error if the GetCapabilities response contains a CoordinateReference that is not known in the ReferenceProvider. TileMatrixSets with such a CoordinateReference are disregarded instead.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec decodes GML 'Polygon' and 'PolygonPatch' geometries without an interior ring to RIA Polygon, instead of to ComplexPolygon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for some geometries that could be misplaced in rare 3D tilesets that would reuse mulitple times the same assets.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where dynamic affiliation color changes were no longer correctly picked up due to an error in caching.


New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now supports 3D Tilesets that contain KTX2/Basis Universal images.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now supports 3D Tilesets that contain CRN images.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now enable GPU texture compression on TileSet3DLayer for OGC 3D Tiles mesh data. This can greatly reduce the amount of GPU memory needed, improve performance and stability.

Enable when displaying meshes with large textures, such as reality capture reconstructions. By default, texture compression is enabled.
Disable when displaying meshes with lookup textures, such as CAD models.

If your environment does not support GPU texture compression, setting the flag has no effect. Use the "Device Support" sample to verify if texture compression is supported on your device.

New featureLuciadRIA

Added support for HTMLVideoElement as a texture on a mesh. For more information, see MeshCreateOptions.image. See the how-to guide on visualizing 3D icons for more information on how to use video as texture.

New featureDefense Symbology

LuciadRIA has been extended to support all military symbology standards in stand-alone mode. You no longer need a symbology service, because LuciadRIA now includes all military symbology icons by default. Next to displaying tactical plans, you can also preview icons, or include them in various UI elements. To allow you to retrieve such a preview, LuciadRIA offers new API: MilitarySymbologyPainter#createSymbolImage.

New featureDefense Symbology

You can now visualize MGRS grids on a LuciadRIA WebGLMap. This new feature is demonstrated in the "MGRS Grid" sample. For more information, read the MGRSGrid API documentation.


LuciadRIA now support OGC 3D Tiles point clouds with Draco-compressed PNTS tiles. LuciadFusion also supports creating such datasets.


A new performanceHints property has been added to FeatureLayerConstructorOptions. It provides settings that can dramatically improve the layer's data loading performance in some situations. Please refer to the API reference documentation for more information on when these settings can be applied.


A new expression `frontFacing` has been added to `ExpressionFactory`.
It can be used to distinguish pixels that are part of front-facing triangles. This expression for example makes back-facing pixels transparent: map.layerTree.addChild(new TileSet3DLayer(model, { transparency: true, meshStyle: {colorExpression: ifThenElse(frontFacing(), defaultColor(), multiply(defaultColor(), color("rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3")))} })); Note that if you just want to hide back-facing triangles, it's better to use the facetCulling option. map.layerTree.addChild(new TileSet3DLayer(model, { meshStyle: {facetCulling: FacetCullingType.BACKFACE_CULLING} }));


New expression functions `normalize` and `length` have been added to `ExpressionFactory` that work on a vector of length 3 (`Point` or `Vector3`) or 4 (`Color`).


You can now use a displacement expression on point clouds, similar to displacement of 3dtiles meshes. See `PointCloudStyle.displacementExpression` for details.


We've done various improvements to draping of vector and raster data. Many cases where draped data appeared blurry, have been fixed.


You can now set WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint.cpuMB and WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint.gpuMBto values higher than 4000MB. Previously, this would be capped at 4000MB. This allows you to use more memory in your application. It is intended for software that is run on high-end clients.

It is intended for use on high-end devices with enough available memory. Setting this number too high can cause instability.


We replaced the PointCloudStyle.scalingMode option with PointCloudStyle.pointSize, which gives you more control over the point cloud dot size.

You can still use the existing scalingMode option for backwards compatibility.



LuciadRIA now supports Hexagon Smart Point Clouds (HSPC) in 2D EPSG references.

Before, we supported only HSPC datasets in 3D geocentric (EPSG:4978) coordinates, and non-referenced datasets.

Note that we still recommend to process your HSPC data in 3D geocentric coordinates, for optimal streaming performance. When relying on Hexagon's HSPC conversion functionality available in myVR, you can do this for example with these conversion parameters: mHSPCConverter --source_projection EPSG:7415 --output_projection EPSG:4978.


We did various improvements to our point cloud rendering visual quality and performance, in particular for Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC). For details, see the documentation of PointCloudStyle and the documentation articles Tuning performance and visual quality of point clouds and Visualize Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC) data.

We improved raw painting performance of all point clouds. Your map will be more interactive and fluent when loading lots of points.
We added a new option PointCloudStyle.pointShape which influences how points are drawn, and how overlap between points is handled. When using SPHERE, overlap result in a high quality visual coverage of your data, but at the cost of performance. We propose to use DISC when you have a small point size as it improves performance. The default is DISC for HSPC, SPHERE for OGC 3D Tiles.

World-sized dots
Next to the existing PIXEL_SIZE and ADAPTIVE_WORLD_SIZE, there is a new scaling mode WORLD_SIZE. This mode is particularly useful for HSPC. It allows points to grow larger when you get close to them, based on a physical size in meters. This helps creating a visually closed surface up-close instead of having interspersed small dots. For details see the pointSize property on PointCloudStyle.

Incremental and partial tile painting
We now display HSPC point cloud tiles partially, based on their level-of-detail. This avoids highly visible transitions between tiles of different level-of-detail. This is automatically enabled for HSPC.

Gap-filling post-processing effect
We added an optional point cloud post-processing effect that intelligently fills up small gaps between points. This helps creating a visually closed surface by in-painting gaps of 1 or 2 pixels. You can enable it using the gapFill property on PointCloudStyle.


It is now guaranteed that the reference that is set on constructor for WFSFeatureStore and UrlStore will be propagated to the underlying codec on each query request. Also, it is possible now to specify in GeoJsonCodec and GMLCodec the reference of decoded shapes, which will override the default reference from data that is being decoded.


IconStyle: with IconStyle.modulationColor it is now possible to configure a color that is modulated with the icon. For example using an icon with gray-scale colors and a red modulation color will result in a resulting painted icon with red hues. Note that this will only be applied on a WebGL map.


Transparency flag has now been added to Icon3DStyle in order to allow for correct rendering of meshes with transparent components. This should be set to true when a mesh either has a color or texture with an alpha channel less than 1.0. Note that setting it to true might impact performance.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where labels drawn by FeaturePainter.paintLabel() or Controller.onDrawLabel() are not displayed on the WebGLMap, if the painter or controller does not also draw bodies for label shapes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

A dependency to the fast_float library version 3.4.0 has been added. This library is used to parse floating point values from strings.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the Earcut library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The zlib library has been updated to v2.1.12.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now depends on the libraries myVRPointCloud, jsoncpp, pdqsort, and zstd to support Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC). These new dependencies require no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

@luciad/ria/shape/format/MGRSPointFormat and @luciad/ria/shape/format/GARSPointFormat have been moved to LuciadRIA's Defense Symbology component. They have also been renamed. You can now find these in @luciad/ria-milsym/text/mgrs/MGRSFormat and @luciad/ria-milsym/text/gars/GARSFormat.

Additionally, the GARSFormatPrecision, MGRSFormatPrecision and MGRSFormatType enums have been moved into their own modules: @luciad/ria-milsym/text/gars/GARSFormatPrecision, @luciad/ria-milsym/text/mgrs/MGRSFormatPrecision and @luciad/ria-milsym/text/mgrs/MGRSFormatType

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the Basis Universal library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the Goofy library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the Crunch library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses WebGL 2.0 instead of WebGL 1.0. WebGL 2.0 is supported by the latest versions of all modern browsers. To verify that your browser supports WebGL 2.0, run the LuciadRIA WebGLMap support sample. Note that a WebGL2RenderingContext is now passed in the callback of the PostRender event, instead of a WebGLRenderingContext.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

WFSFeatureStore.createFromURL and WFSFeatureStore.createFromCapabilities use now the options parameter of the same type WFSFeatureStoreCreateOptions. That way both the creation functions can use the same set of input parameters. Before the version property was missing in the options for WFSFeatureStore.createFromURL.



Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where the content of the speedLabel (a text modifier) affected the length of the movement direction arrow for symbologies APP_6A, APP_6B and MIL_STD_2525b, where it shouldn't according to the specifications.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

On a 3D map with elevation data present, parts of the terrain were missing when the terrain data used a reference other than a geodetic (WGS84) reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where it was impossible to interact with point editing handles in 2D for points / lines that have an altitude.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where non-draped shapes defined in a "height-above-terrain" reference, with a datum different from the map reference's datum, were visualized at the wrong altitude. Most notably, this affected editing handles for shapes that are defined in a non-WGS84 datum.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with running npm run dev in the samples. The following webpack-cli error was triggered:
      [webpack-cli] TypeError: cli.isMultipleCompiler is not a function


Bug fixLuciadRIA

IconStyle: draped icons for points defined in a reference with another geodetic datum than the world reference would appear to be moving in a 3D view when navigating.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for some draco compressed 3D tilesets that were wrongly displayed. They are now displayed correctly.



WKT now supported strings that contain a "Local" projection parameter, which corresponds to an orthographic projection.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a text cursor would be shown when the mouse is over a label.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

In TileSet3DLayer, we now identify mimetype image/jpg as JPEG. Previously, this was limited to image/jpeg, but now both forms are accepted.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a case where a change in zOrder on ShapeStyle wasn't picked up on a WebGLMap.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where LayerGroup.whenReady() was timing out when one of its children nodes was a hidden layer, that is a layer with visible state set to false.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where mouse event listeners attached to labels would not be triggered on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Some HSPC point clouds were invisible if the camera was not sufficiently close. They are now displayed at any zoom level.



The hovering functionality on the KMLLayer is enabled by default only when the underlying KML data defines highlight styles for features. Before the change, the KMLLayer turned on the hoverable state by default, which resulted in a needless performance penalty.


Improved performance of computing clusters - only these features that are visible in the current view extend or are in the vicinity of the visible area are subject to clustering transformation. Before this improvement all features in the model were clustered, even if they were far away from the visible part of the map.


You can now create Polar Stereographic references with an increased extent. The extent is how far the projection extends outwards from the poles, in degrees latitude. For example, you can use this to show data located on the south hemisphere, on a map with a north polar stereographic projection. See ReferenceProvider's parseWellKnownText and ReferenceOptions.polarStereographicLatitudeExtent for more details.


You can now disable "freehand" creation CreateController by setting CreateControllerConstructorOptions.freehand to false.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in GMLCodec where a MultiGeometry (MultiCurve, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, or MultiSurface) with multiple member elements was decoded to RIA ShapeList with a single member only. Now such a GML geometry is properly decoded to the ShapeList with all child members.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in GMLCodec where a PolygonPatch with many interior rings was decoded to RIA ComplexPolygon with a single interior shape only. Now such a GML geometry is properly decoded to the ComplexPolygon with many holes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WKT references didn't always correctly take a non-zero prime meridian and a different angular unit into account. This could result in:
  • an incorrect prime meridian shift
  • a prime meridian shift that was applied twice
  • incorrect projection parameters

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WKT references using the mercator projection with a non-zero central meridian were parsed incorrectly. They always ended up with a zero central meridian.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed cases where 3D Tiles and Point Clouds were displayed with less details than expected.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix an issue where, in some cases, 3D tiles data were loaded but never released from memory. This would impact framerate and memory usage.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where Chrome throws ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES when the queue of requests to the symbology service is too long.



Introduced the adjustDepthRange property on WebGLMap. This allows you to specify whether the distance to the near and far planes of the map's camera should automatically adjust when the camera or terrain gets updated.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with drawing shapes filled with hatched patterns on the non-hardware accelerated Map. The fill visualization for such shapes blinks on selection or can even disappear completely. Military Symbology tactical symbols with hatched patterns were affected by this issue.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where bad requests to the symbology service triggered an infinite loop of repeating requests.


ImprovementDefense Symbology

Added the possibility to define the max ratio for the length of the movement direction arrow with respect to the size of an icon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error was thrown when map.mapNavigator.zoom was called immediately after creating a 2D WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

A few references are defined using axes that point west and south, instead of the usual east and north:
  • EPSG:2065
  • EPSG:5513
  • EPSG:8352
The coordinates of these references are now correctly interpreted and transformed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Encoding Polygon shapes with GeoJsonCodec will never duplicate the last point. Before the fix the closing point could be encoded twice.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The KMLLayer now prevents drawing lines that are styled with the width property set to 0 in KML data. Before the fix attempts to draw such lines caused GL errors being logged on the console.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression issue introduced by the RIA-992 enhancement. Now, as before RIA-992 implementation, a Point that is passed to ShapeFactory.createPolyline() or ShapeFactory.createPolygon() is cloned. That way, if the same point is used to create different Polyline and Polygon shapes, then its subsequent mutations will not affect these shapes. Before this fix these shapes were affected. Note: for performance reason, please favor passing a collection of PointCoordinates into ShapeFactory.createPolyline() and ShapeFactory.createPolygon().

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The UrlStore now also applies requestParameters in query(). Before this fix you could pass requestParameters to the constructor, but they were not applied. You can now also alter requestParameters at runtime.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where icons were no longer fetched from the symbology service after a wrong query.



You can now plug into the GMLCodec a feature ID provider to generate consistent IDs for features that do not contain IDs in the decoded data. For more information please consult GMLCodecConstructorOptions.idProvider API.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The movement direction and speed modifiers configuration has been changed for a number of symbols hierarchies to make them more consistent with the other hierarchies. The movementDirection modifier was added to the following symbol hierarchies:
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 01 - Air
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 02 - Air Missile
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 05 - Space
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 06 - Space Missile
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 30 - Sea Surface
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 35 - Sea Subsurface
  • APP-6C: 01 - Air
  • APP-6C: 02 - Air Missile
  • APP-6C: 05 - Space
  • APP-6C: 06 - Space Missile
  • APP-6C: 30 - Sea Surface
  • APP-6C: 35 - Sea Subsurface
The speedLabel modifier was added to the following symbol hierarchies:
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 35 - Sea Subsurface
  • APP-6C: 01 - Air
  • APP-6C: 02 - Air Missile
  • APP-6C: 05 - Space
  • APP-6C: 06 - Space Missile
  • APP-6C: 30 - Sea Surface
  • APP-6C: 35 - Sea Subsurface
The movementDirection modifier was removed from the following symbol hierarchies:
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 20 - Land Installations
  • APP-6C: 20 - Land Installations
  • APP-6D: 11 - Land Civilian Organization
  • APP-6D: 20 - Land Installation
  • APP-6D: 25 - Control Measure
The speedLabel modifier was removed from the following symbol hierarchies:
  • MIL-STD-2525D: 20 - Land Installations
  • APP-6C: 20 - Land Installations
  • APP-6D: 11 - Land Civilian Organization

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The MilitarySymbologyPainter exposes some new style properties that can be used to affect the way icons are visualised:
  • MilSymStyle.symbolIcon defaults to true.
  • MilSymStyle.symbolFrameEnabled defaults to true.
  • MilSymStyle.symbolFill defaults to true.
  • MilSymStyle.symbolFillPercentage defaults to 1,0.
  • MilSymStyle.affiliationColorEnabled defaults to true.
. The effect of changing these style properties can be seen in the image below.
Image showing the effect of the new style properties on an icon.
Image showing the effect of the new style properties on an icon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

SEPainterFactory: the painter did not always respect the order of drawing as defined in a Symbology Encoding file on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LayerGroup now checks for unique layer tree node IDs in canAddChild and throws an error when children with overlapping IDs are added with addChild. This was previously not enforced but could lead to unexpected problems.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where LoadEverything strategy rejects loading data on changing map scale levels. This situation can happen when the load everything strategy uses QueryProvider that defines multiple query level configurations, of which one returns the null query object. This query object means that the model should be queried for all data.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where the selection rectangle for an icon was no longer aligned with the icon in a 3D view.



Added support for 16-bits RGB colors in HSPC point clouds.


ParameterizedPointPainter: a small performance improvement was done to reduce the loading time of a large set of points using the same styling.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

MeshStyle: When a displacement expression was set with a parameter that was not a vector, an error would be thrown.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Parts of the terrain were missing when pitching the camera if the map in krovak projection was displayed in 3D without any elevation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter: the type of the density property was wrong. To configure the density you need to set an object literal with a ColorMap, this is now reflected in the TypeScript typing correctly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Implemented a workaround for an issue with WebGLMap on Chrome 95 on Windows. The WebGLMap would crash frequently, with 'WebGL context lost' errors being logged on the console. See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1272238 for details.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue where the default hovering behavior would not mark the features that would be selected when clicking on the same position if the features were in the same layer and overlap.


New featureLuciadRIA

It is now possible to connect to HERE Maps and use its data in your LuciadRIA application. A new class @luciad/ria/model/tileset/HereMapsTileSetModel allows to create a model for the desired HERE data, which can then be added to a LuciadRIA map using a RasterTileSetLayer. Different HERE maps showing aerial imagery, roads and traffic data.

New featureLuciadRIA

Introduced an environment map effect on GraphicsEffects. This allows you to visualize an environment map to improve the realism of your scenes.

New featureLuciadRIA

Introduced the PBRSettings property on Icon3DStyle and MeshStyle. This allows the use of the PBR material information in glTF files to visualize objects in a more realistic, physically based way.

An industry plant CAD model visualized with PBR.

New featureLuciadRIA

The LuciadRIA Symbology Encoding implementation now also supports world-sized TextSymbolizers as specified in the OpenGIS Symbology Encoding specification version 1.1.0 (OGC 05-077r4). These TextSymbolizers have a uom in meters or feet. The use of a world-sized TextSymbolizer is illustrated in the Symbology Encoding sample for large cities and roads.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA can now load glTF files that reference WebP compressed textures. This applies to glTF files used via Icon3DStyle and OGC 3D Tiles.

New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA can now load glTF files that are compressed using Draco. This applies to glTF files used via Icon3DStyle and OGC 3D Tiles.


LuciadRIA's HSPC (Hexagon Smart Point Cloud) support was updated to version 22, produced by mHSPCConverter version 2021.10. See HSPCTilesModel for details.


The LuciadRIA samples have been updated to use React for the UI components. An explanation of the new structure of the sample code can be found in the Editing, building and running the sample code how-to article. Note that LuciadRIA does not require the use of React; it can be combined with any UI library that you prefer to use in your application.


The glTF format support in Icon3DStyle has been extended:
  • it can now handle glTF files with multiple textures; previously, only the first encountered texture was used for visualization,
  • the texture wrapping is now also parsed and used for visualization.


Added createTranslationTransformation and createRotationTransformation to Affine3DTransformation to have additional building blocks to position and orient a non-referenced dataset.


Added createTopocentricReference to ReferenceProvider for creating topocentric references, which are local, georeferenced, cartesian coordinate references. Topocentric references are supported by the TransformationFactory as well, allowing conversions between topocentric and any other spatial references.


WebGLMap now emits events named "PostRender". The callback on this event hook gets called every frame, after the LuciadRIA layers have been rendered, and gets the WebGL rendering context as a parameter. This allows you to add externally rendered graphics to a LuciadRIA map.


It is now possible to create an oriented box with ShapeFactory.createOrientedBox.


addSelection from @luciad/ria/view/feature/FeaturePainterUtil now supports selection styling of ComplexStrokedLineStyle and text with a halo set.


To ease connecting to OpenStreetMap tile services, a new how-to article has been added as well as an extension to the Data Formats sample to show this in practice.


Symbology Encoding: Added an IconProvider to the SEPainterFactory factory methods. This IconProvider allows mapping ExternalGraphics elements onto icon images or URL's.


Symbology Encoding: Added support for the vendor option named "conflictResolution". Setting this option to 'false' in a TextSymbolizer will disable decluttering for those labels. The default value for this vendor option can be adjusted in the SEPainterCreateOptions.


Symbology Encoding: For TextSymbolizers which explicitly declare a PointPlacement, LuciadRIA will now apply this placement strictly, meaning that it will no longer move the label around when it would otherwise fall outside of the view. Additionally, the rotation tag in this PointPlacement is now supported as well.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in Symbology Encoding regarding the Graphic element. If a size is specified, the height of the graphic will be scaled to that size and the corresponding aspect ratio will be used to determine the width.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where non-WebGLMaps would not resize correctly when used in a CSS flex layout.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue where the FlickerController ended up in a broken state when a click event happened before first configuring which layers to flicker between.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where GestureEventType.TWO_FINGER_DRAG touch events are only recognized if the touch movement starts with a vertical movement.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The FeatureModel now also implements the Model interface.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed parsing of WFS feature type keywords from a WFS 2.0.0 capabilities document.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

TileSet3DLayer: the default loading strategy is now TileLoadingStrategy.OVERVIEW_FIRST. This change was done as this strategy typically yields a better user experience. You can restore the old default by setting TileSet3DLayer.loadingStrategy to TileLoadingStrategy.DETAIL_FIRST.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the stb library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the libwebp library. This new dependency requires no code changes.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses the Draco library. This new dependency requires no code changes.



Bug fixLuciadRIA

Adding a WMS layer in the Data Formats sample should now fit on the model instead of always fitting on the entire world bounds.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue with certain TIFF images being used as elevation data. Before this would cause errors on the console and prevent elevation from working properly.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

The propertyColorExpressions set via the constructor options of ParameterizedLinePainter and TrajectoryPainter were not set correctly, and thus had no effect.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where running npm run dev in RIA samples gave errors. This was caused by an issue in webpack-cli.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the default selection style of extruded shapes was the same as the regular style.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected TypeScript definition for the optional FeatureModel.remove() method.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in FeatureModel where the setter for modelDescriptor used to create a copy of the passed object. Now modelDescriptor that is passed to the model and retrieved from the model is strictly the same object.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where WMTSTilesetModels created with urls containing query parameters would fire invalid requests. This also affected models created with WMTSCapabilities

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected the TypeScript type of keywords in WMTSCapabilities to be an array of OGCCapabilitiesKeywords. Also, the type property in OGCCapabilitiesKeywords is optional and can now also be null.



The clustering transformation can now also cluster features with other shapes than points. Features with other shapes than points are treated as points located at shape's focusPoint. Before only features with the Point shape were eligible for clustering.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue where semi-transparent point clouds would be completely invisbile in a 2D WebGL map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression where TileSetAttributionProvider emitted AttributionStringsChanged and AttributionLogosChangedEvents events with string[][] values instead of string[] values

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with font metrics computation that is used for drawing text.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for wrong images displayed during zooming in CRS1 map reference.


ImprovementDefense Symbology

Added the possibility to create the Isolate symbol with an CircularArcByCenterPoint shape. Note that only the center point, the radius and the start azimuth are taken into account, since the specification subscribes a fixed open angle of 30 degrees. The advantage over using a 2-point polyline is merely a better fit of the bounds.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with running npm run dev in the RIA samples. If you specified a CLI option (for example, --port), the webpack devserver would not run. It failed with a "Unknown option" error.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

CreateController: in some cases the created shape would remain visible on the map, even when removing the layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when invalidating a RasterTileSetModel on a WebGLMap, either by calling invalidate() explicitly, or implicitly by changing settings on WMSTileSetModel and others. In rare cases, some old tiles would still be visible and would not be updated.



The clustering transformation reuses now cluster features whenever it is possible. Before the change, cluster features were always recreated on every request, e.g. when a new query request is triggered or when an individual feature is updated in the model. Recreating all cluster features impacted performance as all clusters were repainted on the map, even if majority of them were not really changed.


IconStyle: image with a height larger than 510 pixels could appear blurry, this threshold has now been increased to 2046 pixels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with running npm run dev in a sample. Starting the webpack devserver resulted in a Invalid configuration object error.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with GestureEventType.PINCH touch events. These events were not always correctly recognized.



Greatly improved shader compilation times for panoramic imagery on Windows platforms. Before this improvement, painting a panoramic image the first time during a browser session could take a few seconds. This has has been reduced by over 90%. As a consequence of this change, it is now no longer possible to blend more than 2 panoramic images together at the same time.


It is now possible to configure the service URL in the static createFromURL() and createFromCapabilities() factory methods on WMSTileSetModel, WMSImageModel, WMTSTileSetModel, FusionTileSetModel and WFSFeatureStore. This allows you to override the URLs returned by the server's GetCapabilities response.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GeoBuffer.copy() now correctly copies GeoBuffer.endCapStyle as well.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with editing of GeoBuffer that have EndCapStyle.CAP_BUTT: while changing the width of these shapes, a helper geobuffer with EndCapStyle.CAP_ROUND was drawn.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

HttpRequestOptions that are passed to the static createFromURL() method in WMSTileSetModel, WMSImageModel, WMTSTileSetModel, FusionTileSetModel and WFSFeatureStore are now also used when performing the GetCapabilities request to the service.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The UrlTileSetModel now also applies requestParameters in getTileURL(). Before this fix you could pass requestParameters to the constructor, but they were not applied. You can now also alter requestParameters at runtime.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where some labels were missing the ENY part, indicating a hostile icon. Also fixed an issue where labels could potentially show modifiers that were not supported for a specific symbol, but still provided.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

The FusionTileSetModel now also supports domain rotation when generating tile URLs. Use the {s} placeholder in the model's URL. The list of domains can be configured through the subdomains constructor and runtime property.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issues with EditController when it was used as a delegate of another controller.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter: Lines with an altitude not equal to 0, styled with a non-draped ComplexStrokedLineStyle were visualized incorrectly and caused selection problems. Since at the moment it is not possible to use a non-draped ComplexStrokedLineStyle, draping is now enforced for this style.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error when loading nested OGC 3D Tiles, in particular when a tileset.json refers to another tileset.json in a subfolder, which in turn refers to another tileset.json that has nodes without content.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Parallel query requests that yield feature cursors with latency can lead to a situation when an error is thrown with the message "the Store already contains a Feature with ID ...". When this happens the layer's WorkingSet emits the QueryError event. The fix prevents the parallel cursor processing by handling the last successfully resolved cursor.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the "Create and edit" and "Dual map" samples where pressing the Enter key while drawing a shape, would trigger clicks on buttons in the drawing toolbar, deactivating the current controller.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeatureLayer: when hovering was enabled on a layer, an error indicating a feature couldn't be hovered was sometimes thrown incorrectly.



Added support for query parameters in FusionPanoramaModel. Now URL's that contain key-value pair request parameters at the end of the request will have those key-value pairs passed to the image server.



Added new API to allow facet culling of meshes in OGC 3D Tiles. The new API is available in MeshStyle.facetCulling. By default, nothing changes and all meshes are painted without culling. This means both the back and the front of each triangle is painted. This is the most robust, but also at a slight cost of rendering performance.

Backface culling can result in performance improvements. It only renders the front of each triangle. This also allows you to visualize the interior of a room while observing it from the outside, which can be useful in some applications.

Looking inside an interior from the outside using backside facet culling.

Front-face culling can be used in cases where the orientation of the triangles of the dataset are inverted. This depends on the dataset itself.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the map would freeze when you remove a layer while editing features in that layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where tiles were not displayed in 2D WebGL. This happened only when you have tiles that could not be fully projected on the map's world reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA


If you have a read-only store (without an add, put or remove), FeatureLayer.editable now defaults to false. You'll also get an error if you set editable to true if the layer is backed by a readonly store.

On top of that, EditController and CreateController now respect FeatureLayer.editable. These controllers will now deactivate if you try to use them with a layer that is not editable. They will also deactivate if the layer is not visible in the layer tree (LayerTreeNode.visibleInTree).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where requests coming from a TileSet3DLayer would not include query parameters correctly.


New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA's WebGLMap now uses WebAssembly behind the scenes. This reduces load times of applications using a WebGLMap and results in small performance gains as well.

New featureLuciadRIA

The LuciadRIA Symbology Encoding implementation now also supports world-sized icons as specified in the OpenGIS Symbology Encoding specification version 1.1.0 (OGC 05-077r4). The use of world-sized icons is illustrated in the Symbology Encoding sample for large and medium cities.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now apply a specific style on features when the mouse cursor is hovered over them. Styling on mouse hover The PaintState parameter of paint function in the FeaturePainter now has a hovered property to indicate whether or not the feature is hovered over. New API was also added on Map to handle the new hover state of features:
  • "HoverChanged" event: Event hook that is called when the set of objects that is being hovered over changes.
  • Map.hoveredObjects: set of objects which are currently displayed as "hovered".
  • Map.hoverObjects(): Updates the set of objects which are displayed as "hovered".
  • Map.isHovered(): Determine whether a particular object on a layer is displayed as "hovered".
  • Map.clearHovered(): Clear the current set of hovered objects.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now draw "world-sized" icons in LuciadRIA. The size of these icons is expressed in a length unit, such as meters or feet, instead of in pixels. The icons don't have a fixed size on the screen, but grow or shrink when you zoom in and out on the map.

Pixel sized (red) vs world sized (green) icons

In the illustration, the red icon has a size in pixels. It always has the same size on the screen. The green icon has a size in meters. It grows and shrinks when you zoom in and out.

You can draw world-sized icons with IconStyle.uom. When you set it to a specific unit of measure, the values of IconStyle.width, IconStyle.height, IconStyle.offsetX and IconStyle.offsetY will be interpreted in that unit of measure.

Alternatively, you can specify a length unit inside a string value for IconStyle.width, IconStyle.height, IconStyle.offsetX and IconStyle.offsetY. For example:

const worldSizedIconStyle = {
  url: "http://example.com/icon.png",
  width: "50m",
  height: "50m"

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now plug properties from external data into a TileSet3DLayer in LuciadRIA. These properties will be linked to feature properties of the model residing in the layer through the idProperty. The layer properties integrate nicely with the model properties originating from the OGC 3D tiles data itself (the batch table properties). Layer properties take precedence over batch table properties. You can update the values for these properties and use their values for expression-based styling. The layer will inform you of features coming in to view and going out of view through a callback, so you can act on that information by either updating or erasing property values. See the Plugging in properties from external data sources article for more information.

New featureLuciadRIA

You can now visually compare multiple layer sets by swiping or flickering using SwipeController and FlickerController.

SwipeController in action

Swiping is done by dragging a swipe line horizontally or vertically, hiding the right/bottom part of the first layer set and the left/top part of the other layer set.

FlickerController in action

Flickering is done by (quickly) clicking the mouse button and toggling visibility of two or more layer sets. You can customize these controllers or use them to implement actions that swipe or flicker programmatically. These visual change detection tools work in 2D WebGL and 3D WebGL. As an illustration, you can enable the swipe or flicker controller in many of our samples with a button in the upper left corner.


TileSet3DLayer now supports Z-up 3D tiles datasets.


Improved TileSet3DLayer's fading effect when switching tiles levels of detail. This improvement aims at limiting the flickering effect that could be witnessed when quickly transitioning between LODs (quick zoom in / out actions).


LuciadRIA samples now use NPM workspaces instead of Lerna. Make sure you're using at least NPM version 7 when running npm install in the root of the release.


ExpressionFactory: a log expression has been added which returns the natural logarithm of its parameter.


The internal HSPC format parser has been updated to now support HSPC up to version 19.


KMLLayer: if a KML file defines highlighted styles for features, these styles are now applied when moving the mouse cursor over these features.


KMLLayer: the color element of an KML IconStyle (modulation color of icons) is now supported.


KMLCodec: KML screen overlays are now parsed by the codec. A "KMLScreenOverlay" event is emitted by the KMLCodec and the KMLModel when a KML screen overlay element is encountered. The event will return a KMLScreenOverlayFeature with all the necessary properties to visualize the KML screen overlay.


LuciadRIA's Controller will now fire "Activated" and "Deactivated" events when Controller.onActivate(map) and Controller.onDeactivate(map) are called. You can use these events to set up and clean up UI elements or listeners related to the controller and the map.


You can now visualize rotated and non-draped (floating at a certain altitude) KML GroundOverlays with createGroundOverlayLayer from @luciad/view/kml/KMLUtil. For more information, consult the API documentation or the "Visualize KML data" tutorial.


You can now register a listener on KMLModel and KMLCodec for a KMLFatalError event. This event will be emitted when an error occurs during parsing from which the KMLCodec cannot recover. A non-fatal parsing error will be reported in KMLFeatureProperties.errorMessages. If applicable, the KMLCodec will provide a fallback value.


KMLFeature: the TimeStamp and TimeSpan properties of a KML feature are now accessible via the KMLFeatureProperties of a KMLFeature.


The webpack configuration in @luciad/ria-sample-common now supports loading TypeScript files. This makes it easier for other samples to use TypeScript.


In a sample with TypeScript code, you can now run npm run transpile-to-js to convert the sample to JavaScript. After running this script, you'll find a transpiled version of the sample in ./transpiled, relative to the sample source directory. If you also want to generate TypeScript declarations inside this directory, you can run npm run transpile-declarations. More information can be found in the 'Editing, building and running the sample code' tutorial.


You can now implement request abortion in custom raster models and feature stores. LuciadRIA will now pass an AbortSignal into RasterTileSetModel.getImage, Store.query and Store.spatialQuery. AbortSignal and AbortController are built-in in all browsers supported by LuciadRIA. LuciadRIA will fire the "abort" event on this AbortSignal when it no longer needs the requested data. For example, the data is no longer visible in the view or newer data has already been downloaded. class MyRasterTileSetModel { getImage(tile, onSuccess, onError, abortSignal) { abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", () => { // this data is no longer relevant, abort the download }); } } Note that you can pass this AbortSignal to the standard fetch. You can look at the sample samples/common/store/RestStore.query() for an example. The most prevalent cases where promise.cancel() were used, were with animations ( MapNavigator and AnimationManager.putAnimation).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a few regressions in the draping algorithm that could cause blurry data or coarse tile selection for draped data.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The native library path is cleared when starting up the LuciadRIA sample server. Before this fix, it was possible that certain sample services threw an UnsatisfiedLinkError because an incompatible sqlite version was loaded by the VM.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-3390, RIA-2355
Fix for flipped images that would appear in complex strokes that were part of a style shared among multiple curves.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The type of options in Store.query and Store.spatialQuery has changed. If you're using TypeScript, make sure options has a type of QueryOptions, or a type that extends from it.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

If you implemented a Controller that fires events, you will have to add the new "Activated" and "Deactivated" events to the signature of Controller.on. You will also have to make sure that these events are properly forwarded to the base Controller implementation.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA 2021.0 no longer supports Internet Explorer. If your project still relies on Internet Explorer, you can still use older versions of LuciadRIA.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA now uses TypeScript 4.1 to generate the TypeScript definitions. See TypeScript 4.1 for changes in the TypeScript specification. If you do not use TypeScript in your project this will not affect you.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

SelectionStyleOptions, which is a parameter of functions on FeaturePainterUtil, has been renamed to StyleMutationOptions. This new name better reflects its usage since it is now also used in the context of hover styling. You will only need to update your code if you explicitly used this as a type, the properties on the interface have not changed.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

MapNavigator operations are now always asynchronous. Now, you always have to wait for the returned Promise to resolve if you want to be sure the map is in the correct position (even for non-animated operations).

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

AMD modules are no longer included in LuciadRIA. You must switch to to ES modules. The "Migrating LuciadRIA projects from AMD to ES6 modules" guide explains how to refactor your code.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse.getHeader now returns a string or null, instead of string or undefined. The typings were also updated to reflect this change.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA's WebGLMap now uses WebAssembly behind the scenes.

Because WebAssembly instances are instantiated asynchronously, the following API was changed:

  • MapNavigator.fit/pan/zoom/rotate: You now always have to wait for the returned promise to resolve, if you want to be sure that the navigation action completed.
  • ExpressionFactory expressions created by this factory are now validated when they are visualized, instead of when they are created.
  • Expressions set on TileSet3DLayer.meshStyle and TileSet3DLayer.pointCloudStyle are now validated once the layer is added to the map, instead of when the layer is created.

WebAssembly is supported on all browsers supported by LuciadRIA.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Evented: the options parameter has been removed from Evented.on. This optional parameter was unused in the LuciadRIA API.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

You can no longer call promise.cancel() on Promises returned by the LuciadRIA API. As an alternative, you should now use an AbortSignal if you want to support cancellation. For example:

        const abortController = new AbortController();
        const animationPromise = AnimationManager.putAnimation(map.cameraAnimationKey, myAnimation, false,
        // abort the animation after 0.5 seconds
        setTimeout(() => {
        abortController.abort(); // this will abort the animation, instead of animationPromise.cancel()
        }, 500);

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA no longer comes with its own Promise (@luciad/ria/util/Promise has been removed). If you were using this Promise, you can use the ES6 built-in Promise instead.



Bug fixLuciadRIA

The Polyline.move2DPoint() and Polygon.move2DPoint() do not change anymore the Z-coordinate of the referenced point. It is a regression issue, introduced with changes for RIA-992 enhancement, where point's original Z-coordinate was reset to 0.

Bug fixAdvanced GIS Engine

Fixed an issue where ConstructiveGeometry and Topology operations would throw errors when you pass in empty ShapeLists or ShapeLists that contain empty ShapeLists.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

IconStyle: draped icons were sometimes slightly distorted when the camera was looking at the horizon.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: transparent parts of a mesh could get colored with the color of the object behind it when ambient occlusion was enabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where creating the seize symbol started wrong.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where editing of the decoy mine fenced symbol was no longer possible.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Feature layers with clustering transformation re-cluster features whenever FeatureLayer.filter is updated. Before the fix the clustering transformation was not triggered automatically.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with editing on a WebGLMap. An occasional error could be thrown during snapping.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Updated the sample server startup scripts to be compatible with Java 15. Before this fix the scripts exited with an error complaining about UseConcMarkSweepGC not being supported when starting the sample server with Java 15.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA will use by default a LoadEverything strategy for layers where the model's reference is incompatible with the map's reference, even if the layer's model implements spatialQuery() API. Before the fix the defaulted LoadSpatially strategy was throwing errors when querying the model spatially. These errors were due to the fact that the map bounds, referenced in a Cartesian reference for example, could not be converted to model's geo-referenced bounds. If LoadSpatially strategy is set explicitly on the layer then ProgrammingError will be thrown with an informative message.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem in LuciadRIA 2019.x with importing `WFSFeatureStore` in strict mode, which is the case when building your application with Angular 8 framework.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes an issue that would permanently disable elevation layers when moved between a 2D and a 3D map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the COP sample where it was not possible to modify a spot report in the Mission Control theme.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the COP sample where selecting a spot report in the Mission Control theme threw an error instead of showing a balloon with a form.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with freehand creation of constrained shapes, like some military symbology shapes. Using freehand drawing to create these shapes would result in errors being thrown.




Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where the coordinates of LookFrom.eye were not always expressed in the Camera's worldReference. This occurred when a lookFrom() was done earlier, with an eye that was not in the Camera's worldReference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

IconStyle: when only the rotation was changed when switching the style, the new rotation would not be applied on a WebGL map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

A feature could be painted twice when it was being edited. This would occur when the feature was being edited and panned out of the view bounds.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: previously a glTF file was required to have a material defined, this is now no longer required, as this is also optional in the glTF specification.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem in KML data visualization where labels were not drawn for KML placemarks that were styled with a fully transparent icons.

Bug fixPanoramic

Added support for request parameters for PanoramaModel.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

EditController gets deactivated properly when the edited shape belongs to a cluster. Before the fix the controller was frozen waiting for the feature update confirmation on the edited shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue which would use the precise terrain offset generation algorithm for TileSet3DLayer by default, while documentation stated it should not be the case. As this has been fixed, it is possible terrain behavior changes under a TileSet3Dlayer. If it is not fitting, be sure to request precise offsetTerrain at layer's construction time.



You can now plug into the GeoJsonCodec a feature ID provider to generate consistent IDs for features that do not contain IDs in the decoded data. Features with consistent IDs can improve data re-loading performance on model re-queries, for example when a layer uses LoadSpatially loading strategy. For more information please consult GeoJsonCodecConstructorOptions.idProvider API.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: for glTF 2.0 meshes the default alpha mode was not applied correctly. When the alpha mode is not defined, the mesh will now always be opaque as defined by the specification.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

We will no longer throw an error when destroying the map while some icons are still loading.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Icon3DStyle: for some glTF files the vertex colors were not applied correctly, as a result the mesh would appear completely white.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The WebSocketNotifier in the sample code has been refactored to a WebSocketStoreDecorator. The WebSocketNotifier could end up in an endless update loop when combined with the RestStore. The WebSocketStoreDecorator can prevent this by not updating the decorated Store when a WebSocket message is received.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a memory leak that would occur if you would update the mesh on Icon3DStyle regularly.



Performance has been improved when using the CreateController and EditController in cases where the map has a relatively high number of layers that are either non snappable or have snapping disabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The FilterFactory.identifiers function signature is corrected: the second argument featureIds is optional.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with drawing complex stroke patterns on a non-WebGL map when a pattern with relative length was drawn over a long distance. When drawing such complex stroke patterns, like the pattern used by the Military Symbol APP-6A "Specified Area - Search Area/Reconnaissance Area", could cause LuciadRIA to end up in an infinite loop that would eventually lead to crashing the browser.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where draped lines defined in a non-wgs84 vertical datum would float above the terrain.



Improved behavior regarding to flickering and artefacts appearing when using ProjectionTarget.CLOSEST_SURFACE and looking at the projection from a relatively far distance.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when HTML document gets unexpectedly resized while drawing labels on a map. This situation could occur when the page was rendered from a Virtual DOM structure, for example when using React framework.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error with WebGL RasterTileSetLayer rendering. When moving the layer, or toggling visibility of layers below the raster layer, a
TypeError: self.cancelTile is not a function
error was thrown in some cases.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

It is now possible to replace a Map with a WebGLMap in "first sample". Webpack no longer crashes with an out of memory error.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with GeoBuffer editing: the outline shape would not move when moving the entire geobuffer shape. This was only an issue for GeoBuffers inside a ShapeList, as is usually the case for military symbology shapes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with editing shapes in a ShapeList: editing would not respect the min/max point count set on the controller.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with GeoBuffer creation: creation would not finish when the max point count limit was reached.

Bug fixPanoramic

Fixed panoramic images not correctly being released from memory after they are no longer used.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed crash when recreating WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed terrain not updating when elevation layer model was changed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GridLayer: when a grid layer was set invisible, the labels would not be shown when it was turned visible again.



GeoTiff elevation tiles now support GDAL's nodata field.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

MilitarySymbologyPainter can now render a halo around icons and movement direction arrows. See MilSymStyle.haloColor and MilSymStyle.haloWidth for more information.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-3478, RIA-3479
Fixed issues when drawing a GeoBuffer shape that is based on a closed shape where its points are overlapping or can be removed. An error could be thrown or the browser could freeze in an endless loop when performing contour simplification on such shapes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where parseWellKnownText would sometimes not parse the geographic reference parameters correctly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

You can now construct WMSTileSetModel and WMSImageModel instances with URLs that contain request parameters. Before this fix, the models could generate incorrect GetMap and GetFeatureInfo request URLs because the implementation assumed URLs without request parameters.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the ReferenceProvider would not parse correctly some parameters of Krovak WKT parameters.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with showing balloons for frequently updated objects. In such cases errors could be thrown when referencing internal undefined objects.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the ReferenceProvider would not parse correctly Krovak_(North_Orientated) projections.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where the selection rectangle of a symbology icon changed wrongly when the icon properties were altered in such a way that a new icon needed to get fetched from the icon server.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where moving symbology icons and their label started flickering (also visible when editing the position of the icon).

Bug fixPanoramic

Fixed an issue where in certain situations a cube outline was visible when using ProjectionTarget.CLOSEST_SURFACE.

Bug fixPanoramic

RIA-3348, RIA-3430
Fixed an issue where layers above a panorama layer were taken into account when using ProjectionTarget.CLOSEST_SURFACE, even though they shouldn't be.

Bug fixPanoramic

Fixed an issue where in certain situations some flickering could be noticed when transitioning between panoramas when using ProjectionTarget.CLOSEST_SURFACE,



You can control now whether or not text should be draped on top of the terrain using TextStyle.draped API.


TextStyle.occlusionMode now allows to paint text in 3D in front of other 3D data even if the drawn text would be normally obscured.


RIA-3399, RIA-1252, RIA-992
The Polyline and Polygon shapes are refactored to improve the performance for data loading and visualization. Decoding GeoJSON, KML and GML formats is now faster by at least 20%
ShapeFactory allows now to create Polyline and Polygon shapes without creating an array of individual Point geometries. The example below shows a new preferred way to create a polyline or polygon.

      const polyline = createPolyline(reference, [[0,0], [5,2]]);
      const polygon = createPolygon(reference, [[0,0,1000], [5,2,1000], [0,4,1000]]);


ReferenceProvider now has support for WKT and EPSG references that use the Krovak projection. The following EPSG codes that use this projection are now supported:
  • EPSG:2065
  • EPSG:5221
  • EPSG:5513
  • EPSG:5514
  • EPSG:8352
  • EPSG:8353

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Tactical graphics with a crossing in their axis of advance now have their crossover point between the first two points of the symbol, as specified by the standard. This affects the following symbols:
  • MIL-STD-2525b: G*G*OLAV--****X - Friendly Aviation
  • MIL-STD-2525b: G*G*OLAA--****X - Friendly Airborne
  • MIL-STD-2525c: G*G*OLAV--****X - Aviation
  • MIL-STD-2525c: G*G*OLAA--****X - Airborne
  • MIL-STD-2525d: 10002500001514010000 - Friendly Airborne/Aviation
  • APP-6A: G*C*MOLAF-***** - Friendly Aviation
  • APP-6A: G*C*MOLAA-***** - Friendly Airborne
  • APP-6B: G*C*MOLAF-***** - Friendly Aviation
  • APP-6B: G*C*MOLAA-***** - Friendly Airborne
  • APP-6C: 10002500001513000000 - Airborne/Aviation Axis Of Advance
  • APP-6D: 10002500001514010000 - Friendly Airborne/Aviation

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Changed the editing behaviour of the 'Rectangular Target' symbol to more closely match the symbol definition in the military standards: the symbol is now defined by a center point and the "length", "width", and "attitude" text modifiers. Creating such a symbol programmatically with two or more points will revert back to the legacy visualization and editing behaviour, where the points define the start and end point of the buffer axis. The following symbols are affected by this change:
  • MIL-STD 2525b: 2.X. - Rectangular Target
  • MIL-STD 2525c: 2.X. - Rectangular Target
  • APP-6C: 10002500002306000000 - Rectangular Target

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Improved creation and editing of Weapon/Sensor Range Fan symbols to better match the symbol definition in the military standards. Creation now follows the next steps:
  1. Indicate the origin point A
  2. Indicate a point B on the minor radius of the first sector
  3. Indicate a point C on the left side of the first sector
  4. Indicate a point D on the right side of the first sector Note: the major radius is defined by the point (C or D) that is furthest away from B.
  5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 for the subsequent sectors.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Support was added for rounding of the corners of tactical graphics. The default behaviour will still be to apply no rounding. To activate rounding, you'll need to adjust your MilitarySymbologyPainter and add a style-property cornerSmoothness with a value between 0 (no rounding) and 1 (very smooth rounding).

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Support was added for the following symbologies:
  1. MIL-STD-2525d
  2. APP-6D
In SymbologyNode, the method createTemplate was deprecated in favor of createTemplates because it's possible that multiple geometries are supported for a symbol.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a circular dependency between RIA's internal Quaternion and Vector3 modules.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with drawing rasterized text (GeoCanvas.drawText()) on a hardware-accelerated map, where the same text is drawn in place of requested ones. This situation can happen when there are many draw text requests for a single geometry.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with the creation of OGC FilterFactory.sub filter with a negative FilterFactory.literal value.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

Icon caching in the Military Symbology Painter now also discriminates on affiliation colors. Military symbols in a single layer are now rendered correctly when different features use different affiliation color schemes and when affiliation color schemes are adjusted at runtime.

Bug fixPanoramic

Fixed an issue where FusionPanoramaModel did not properly pass the credentials and requestHeaders constructor options to the base PanoramaModel.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when an Uncaught ReferenceError is thrown when rendering axis on a vertical view map. This problem can occur when an application is built in the production mode with specific configuration.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-787, RIA-3405
The WebSocketNotifier no longer uses emit() on the delegate Store to signal changes, but updates the delegate Store instead. The emit() method was an internal method and was removed. This broke the Tracks and the COP sample.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where point count constraints, set by CreateController.setPointCount were ignored when creating a military symbology feature.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in WebGL maps with a cartesian reference when using geoCanvas.drawIcon3D would cause an error and the 3D icon was not visualized.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue that could cause warnings to be logged when using TileSet3DLayer's styling expressions capabilities.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when switching a line from draped to non-draped. The line would disappear.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error is thrown when attempting to insert null to MemoryStore. This situation can happen when a layer uses LoadSpatially strategy with different scale levels on a 3D map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a NotImplementedError was thrown when right-clicking on a shape that is being edited.



Improved behavior for launching query requests on model changes (FeatureModel emits ModelChanged events). Now the LoadingStrategy does not trigger query requests when model changes and the layer does not use ClusteringTransformer.


Some HSPC datasets could present misaligned attributes per WebGL standards, preventing their visualization. In such cases, data is now realigned to offer a reliable visualization of the data.


MemoryStore can now be created with spatial index allowing to run spatial queries on stored features. For more information please consult MemoryStoreConstructorOptions.spatialIndex API.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using a 3D mesh icon for two features, where one feature has elevation 0 and the other does not. This caused internal state errors resulting in errors on the browser console.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved throughput of feature updates in cases where the features are distributed over many layers. This improvement is most noticeable on Windows+Chrome.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WMS Capabilities parsing will no longer fail if Exception formats are missing in the GetCapabilities response. Although the XML Exception tag is mandatory, some servers may omit it. WMSCapabilities.exceptionFormats() will return an empty array in that case.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

If the GetFeatureInfo operation is missing from GetCapabilities response, the WMSCapabilities.operations array no longer contains an invalid null entry.



The default scrollwheel zoom implementation is now more performant on 3D maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with CreateController when creating shapes with a limited point count (as is the case for some tactical graphics). The controller would deactivate before it handled a SINGLE_CLICK_CONFIRMED event. This event would 'leak' into the default map event handling, triggering a selection on the newly created shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where errors were thrown when a 3D map has a width or height of 0 pixels.



HSPCTilesModelDescriptor now exposes the data type of a property when available. Using this information, it is possible to estimate what is the effective range of a property and style accordingly.


It is now possible to change how a quality factor given to a TileSet3DLayer behaves in the distance. Using the newly introduced attribute TileSet3DLayer.qualityFactorDistanceFalloff, a multiplier over the quality factor can be applied at specified distances. This can help in finding the balance between performances and visual quality, for instance by having a higher factor in the foreground than in the background.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The following symbols are now supported:
  • MIL-STD-2525b: Wind Plot - WAS-WP----P----
  • MIL-STD-2525c: Wind Plot - WAS-WP----P----
  • APP-6A: Wind Barb - W*A*W-----*****
  • APP-6B: Wind Barb - W*A*W-----*****
  • APP-6C: Wind Barb - 10004500001126000000

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a ProgrammingError not defined error occurs when the WMS service doesn't have the specified layer. Now an error indicating that the layer doesn't exist in the service will be thrown.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with fitting (MapNavigator.fit) on near-worldwide bounds. The map would fit on a location near lon-lat [0,0], zoomed in too much. Now, it correctly shows the entire globe.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in which data attributes were not correctly parsed from HSPC datasets prior to version 8. This caused issues when trying to use expressions with such data, leading to attributes that could not be found while effectively there.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the Rich Client API where GetCapabilities documents could not be parsed if the service URL contained a question mark.


New featurePanoramic

You can now visualize panoramas in LuciadRIA. To do this, you call GeoCanvas.drawPanorama in FeaturePainter.paintBody after assigning a PanoramaModel to FeatureLayer.panoramaModel. If you want to visualize panorama data processed by LuciadFusion, you should use FusionPanoramaModel. LuciadRIA can visualize panoramas in a cubemap image format, or in equirectangular format. The panoramic imagery can be multileveled as well (in both formats). Please refer to the API documentation for details. The "Panorama" sample also demonstrates how you can use the RIA panorama API. Note that you'll need a license for the LuciadRIA "Panoramics" optional module for this API to work.


The default styling of editing handles was changed to a non-draped circle icon. If you prefer the old EditController handle icons, you can still set that style using:

      const editController = new EditController(layer, feature, {
        handleIconStyle: {
          image: IconFactory.rectangle({ // from samples/common (@luciad/ria-sample-common/IconFactory)
            stroke: "rgb(0,0,0)",
            strokeWidth: 1,
            fill: "rgb(255,255,255)",
            width: 10,
            height: 10
          width: "10px",
          height: "10px",
          zOrder: 10


You can now schedule the automatic data reloads in a FeatureLayer using LoadingStrategy API. The new LoadingStrategy.refresh property accepts the following values:
  • number - the loading strategy refreshes every n milliseconds.
  • Date object - the loading strategy will refresh at that time.
  • null - the loading strategy never refreshes.
This API can be used to implement a KML layer, created based on KMLNetworkLinkFeature, that reloads data according to KMLLink object.


HSPCTilesModelDescriptor now exposes more information about its metadata properties. Properties now have a role that describes their type. It is now possible to detect if a model exposes colors or intensity for instance. This can be useful for styling and filtering.


It is now possible to decode KMZ files with LuciadRIA. Both KMLModel and KMLCodec accept KMZ files.


KMLCodec is introduced which can be used with existing Store implementations. For example, you can now connect to a WFS service that returns KML using the KMLCodec in combination with the WFSFeatureStore.


LuciadRIA can now parse version 2.3 KML files with the following:
  • Placemark items
  • Network links
  • Container elements
  • Ground overlays
  • KMZ data can now be parsed.
For more information on these new features have a look at the documentation on KMLCodec and KMLModel. A KML sample was also added to demonstrate how the new API can be used to create a tree view UI component.
See also the how-to article on visualization of KML data.


Draco compressed pnts datasets are now detected, with a proper warning logged to notify they are not supported yet.


It is now possible to obtain the bounds of a tile in a RasterTileSetModel. This may come in handy if you have to pass the tile bounds in tile requests.


FeaturePainter implements the Evented interface and exposes the "Invalidate", "InvalidateById" and "InvalidateAll" events that are emitted when corresponding invalidation methods are called.


You can now have transparent objects in a TileSet3DLayer, for example based on an OGC 3D Tiles mesh dataset. The transparency can originate from transparent pixels in an rgba texture, transparent colors in a vertex attribute, or transparent colors from a color expression.

Since painting with transparency can have a performance impact, it is disabled by default. You can enable it with the new flag transparency on TileSet3DLayer. When disabled, any transparent surfaces will just be opaque.


Use the LoadingStrategy.shouldUpdate API to decide if an existing feature should be replaced by a feature that comes from a processed query cursor. You can implement a custom shouldUpdate predicate to control how changes to features should be handled by LuciadRIA. This API is extended now to include the LoadEverything strategy too. Please note that LoadSpatially already exposes this API since releases 2018.1.


It is now possible to displace terrain geometry by setting a RasterStyle.displacementExpression on the RasterTileSetLayer.rasterStyle of an elevation layer. This can for example be used to flatten the terrain in an area where you want to place a 3D mesh of a building.


It is now possible to add an outline to a TileSet3DLayer by using TileSet3DLayer.outlineStyle. Additionally it is now also possible to make your TileSet3DLayer visible when it is obscured by another layer, for example underground pipes beneath another mesh. To enable this you need to set an OcclusionStyle via TileSet3DLayer.occlusionStyle. With OcclusionStyle.bodyColorExpression you can control the color of the occluded part of the layer. An outline can also be configured for the occluded part of the layer using OcclusionStyle.outlineStyle.
Building in a 3D tiles layer with an outline and occlusion style.
Building in a 3D tiles layer with an outline and occlusion style.


Improved TypeScript definition for Decoration.alignment property. The property accepts now only expected string literals: "left", "center" or "right".


The Icon3DStyle now accepts both glTF version 1.0 and 2.0. Additionally it's now possible to use binary glTF as well.


Labels drawn on borders of a Cartesian map are positioned by default as follows:
  • PointLabelPosition.SOUTH for labels drawn on the bottom border
  • PointLabelPosition.WEST for labels drawn on the left border


Cartesian references which can be created with ReferenceProvider.createCartesianReference can now be used as the world reference on a WebGLMap. This allows you to visualize non-georeferenced data on a WebGLMap, e.g. timeline, image defined in CRS:1, etc.

The use of a WebGLMap with a Cartesian reference is demonstrated in the timeline, vertical view and image viewer sample.

A WebGLMap with a Cartesian reference has the following limitations:

  • For raster data the reference of the data and the map must be equal, e.g. both must use CRS:1.
  • World sized styling is not supported.
Timeline on a WebGLMap with a Cartesian reference
A WebGLMap with a Cartesian reference can be used to create this timeline for example.


The type of Feature.properties is FeatureProperties instead of object. Now it's no longer needed to cast Feature.properties to a specific type in order to prevent typing issues when accessing an arbitrary property.


The atmosphere effect of GraphicsEffects was enhanced. The atmosphere can now more accurately visualize time of day. See LightScatteringAtmosphere for more details.


The model accessor of RasterTileSetLayer is now more precisely typed with RasterTileSetModel | null instead of Model | null.


LuciadRIA now supports HSPC version 12.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed the type definition of BasicFeaturePainter.setStyle and BasicFeaturePainter.getStyle. It no longer takes a complete PaintState object, but rather just an object literal with a selected property (no need to specify a level, which isn't used by BasicFeaturePainter).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed the ordering of multiple icons at the exact same 3D location. The painting now follows the regular ordering based on layer and z-order.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved the performance of feature updates through model changes on a WebGLMap. This is particularly noticeable when regularly updating thousands of track positions. Such scenarios had regressed compared to LuciadRIA 2019 and LuciadRIA 2018. Now its performance has improved by up to 50% compared to previous releases.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The ContextMenuManager in the samples now only consumes click events on the document.body node when the context menu is being displayed. This makes the ContextMenuManager compatible with UI frameworks like React. Before this change, React components would not respond to click events.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

The caching for symbols retrieved from the SymbologyServer is now optimised to make sure that for each symbol only a single request is sent to the server.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

HSPCTilesModelDescriptor now exposes the properties as an object. Before 2020.1, they were exposed as an array of strings encoding their names. The format is now aligned on the one given in the OGC3DTilesModelDescriptor. If you were reading the property array, you will need to change the logic to loop on the members of this new object.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The KMLLayer.painter now respects the visibility flag when drawing KML features. Prior to 2020.1 release, KML features were always visible disregarding the visibility. The previous behavior can be restored by forcing the visibility value to "true".
      layer.workingSet.on("QueryFinished", () => {
        layer.workingSet.get().forEach(kmlFeature => kmlFeature.properties.visibility = true);
An alternative solution is to create a user interface to control visibility of KML features. The "KML" sample demonstrates how to create such a UI component.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Codec.decode can now also return a Promise<Cursor>. If you are using this you will need to do a type check first.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The RasterStyle interface was moved to its own module. Since this is a type only import, only TypeScript projects are affected by this change. In your TypeScript code you will need to update the import to import {RasterStyle} from "@luciad/ria/view/style/RasterStyle"

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The ES modules version of LuciadRIA no longer has out-of-the-box support for Internet Explorer 11. This makes the LuciadRIA modules smaller in size and it results in more performance on modern browsers. If you do still need Internet Explorer 11 support, you can use the AMD version of LuciadRIA. Alternatively, you can transpile LuciadRIA's ES modules down to ES5 with IE11 support, using a transpiler like Babel. The "Supporting Internet Explorer 11" how-to article explains how you can do this. Note that LuciadRIA samples will no longer run on Internet Explorer 11 out-of-the-box.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

Functions that had Promise<number> | Promise<string> in their return type, now return Promise<number | string>. As a result you might need to change some casting in your TypeScript code. This change affects functions on WorkingSet and FeatureModel.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

The way inheritance is implemented in the constructor of ES5 classes, has changed. If you subclassed a RIA class in ES5, like this:
      function SubClass() {
        SuperClass.call(this, arg1, arg2);
        this._field = arg1;

      SubClass.prototype = Object.create(SuperClass.prototype);
      SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;

You'll have to change the implementation of the constructor, like this:

    function SubClass() {
      var _this = Reflect.construct(SuperClass, [arg1, arg2], this.constructor);
      _this._field = arg1;
      return _this;

    SubClass.prototype = Object.create(SuperClass.prototype);
    SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;

Note that Reflect.construct is not available on Internet Explorer. If you're targeting Internet Explorer, you will have to make sure that a polyfill for Reflect.construct is available.

If you're using ES6 classes, no changes are necessary.

Upgrade considerationLuciadRIA

LayerTreeVisitor has been converted to an interface, thus you can no longer extend from it. The default implementation had no functional use, thus removing the inheritance from your code does not change any functionality.



Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where icons and atmosphere could flicker when there were two active WebGLMap maps in a single application.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where the GoogleLayer would start flickering when zooming in on areas where no imagery is available at high zoom levels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue which prevented you from zooming out in some cases when scale snapping was enabled on the MapNavigator. Also, adding a RasterTileSetLayer to a map with scale snapping enabled will now work.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an error was thrown if a controller was invalidated or deactivated after the map has been destroyed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a KML feature with altitudeMode element set to relativeToGround was drawn on the surface of the ground. This situation happened when the lowest Z-coordinate of all shape's points was equal to 0.



Fixed an issue where the longitude passed into LonLatPointFormatformat method would not be taken into account.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue that could lead to badly interpreted attributes from 3D tiles datasets, preventing styling expressions from working correctly.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with HSPC data URL creation which could present patterns like "//". This could cause problems to retrieve the data depending on a server's security settings.



Introduced GARSPointFormat to convert points with WGS84 lon lat coordinates into GARS coordinate strings and the other way around.


MGRSPointFormat now supports parsing MGRS coordinates into points with WGS84 lon lat coordinates.


Now supporting OGC 3D Tiles' B3DM files with misaligned buffers in memory. This can help with older datasets having unaligned buffers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a potential crash scenario within 3D Tiles, caused by any failure to retrieve geometry from data files.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with drawing a multi-line text on a WebGLMap. The rasterized text was clipped at the bottom for specific TextStyle definitions.



LuciadRIA now tries to find an offset which is a quad-tree in the specified TileMatrixSet when WMTSTileSetModel was created with a tile matrix set which is not entirely quad-tree.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected a regression where normals within 3D tiles could be incorrectly transformed. This could lead to badly lit surfaces.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed performance issue on canvas map with drawing closed shapes with frequently rescaled images as fill patterns.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with creating a complex stroke's icon pattern (PatternFactory.icon), where the IconPatternOptions.credentials property was disregarded.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in 3D WebGLMap, where a vector layer in combination with a raster layer would sometimes not display the layers in the correct order. This would happen on maps without a global imagery base-layer.



LuciadRIA now supports HSPC version 12.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with drawing repeated labels along a path where the user defined OnPathLabelRepeatOptions.minimumGap option was disregarded.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The method signature of the canAddChild method in the LayerTree class has been revised, the type of the positionReference parameter has been changed to LayerTreeNode.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the type definition of WMSTileSetModel.getTileURL. The return type did not include null.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the type definition of requestHeaders in various places of the API. The type definition did not include null.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using two WebGLMaps in a single page: textures of one map would be used in the other map, causing warning messages and visual glitches.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a documentation issue in Map.viewToMapTransformation. This getter is shorthand for getViewTransformation(LocationMode.TERRAIN), not getViewToMapTransformation(LocationMode.CLOSEST_SURFACE).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a memory leak in ClusteringTransformer when layer's query provider is invalidated and the underlying store returns a cursor with features that have different IDs on each query() request.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression in TileSet3DLayer that could potentially lead to badly transformed tile bounds. Also fixed an issue that could lead to tiles being visualized incorrectly in the world.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where PerspectiveCamera.copyAndSet only took into account the options.eye argument if it had a different reference from the camera.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a case where large polygons (> 5x5 degrees) were missing a part of their fill in a 3D view. It was caused by floating point rounding errors, so didn't happen very often. For polygons that did have the problem, the part of fill was missing both for draped and non-draped cases.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with automatic icons displacement in 3D: it should only be calculated based on non-draped icons. This could cause icons to be displaced far off their anchor point when combining draped and non-draped icons.

Bug fixDefense Symbology

In MilitarySymbologyPainter, the typing of the MilitarySymbologyPainterConstructorOptions was corrected in accordance with the documentation.


Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue on IE11 where hatch fill patterns on tactical graphics were missing.


Bug fixDefense Symbology

Fixed an issue where labels of a military symbol were not drawn by default, but only after the symbol had been selected.




`FeatureLayer` now processes a limited amount of model updates before the next frame, rather that after. This reduces visual jitter when you adjust camera based on a changing `Feature`, for example when following a moving airplane.

If you do more changes than can be processed before the next frame, the rest will be done asynchronously and be visible in later frames only. The amount that can be processed is dependent on the changes and your browser performance.


The array-like accessors [0], [1], [2] and length have been removed from Point. These had been deprecated and removed from the API but still showed up on Point objects which could make debugging with certain tools more difficult.


Microsoft Edge Chromium (also known as Microsoft Edge Anaheim) was added to the list of supported browsers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where switching painting a line with begin marker to a line with end marker didn't appear on screen.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix an issue where MapNavigator.constraints could not be disabled in some cases (e.g. when disabling it through assignment of an object literal: map.mapNavigator.constraints.above = {terrain: false};).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Addressed an issue on a non-WebGL map with drawing closed shapes styled with repeated image patterns. Patterns based on ImageIconStyle could be incorrectly used in some situations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem on a software-rendered map with drawing complex polygons where the inner shapes have the same winding orientation as the outer shape. In such a situation a complex polygon was drawn with the fill style covering inner shapes.



Narrowed the type of TileSet3DLayer's model to OGC3DTilesModel | HSPCTilesModel instead of the generic Model.


Added an interface for the ReferenceProvider.createCartesianReference options called CreateCartesianReferenceOptions.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Prevented TileSet3DLayer from accessing the map after it has been destroyed. This could occur in some rare cases where the map would be destroyed while a new layer is being created.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue that broke the complex stroking API in Microsoft Edge Anaheim.



Prevented error from being thrown because asynchronous operations are completing after the WebGL canvas has been destroyed.


Updated all samples using sunlight to use UTC time instead of timezone-dependant time. This fixes the issue of the geolocate sample being dark when viewed in locations that were far away from the Marseille dataset. Note that this change only affects sample code.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The referenceName property in WMTSCapabilitiesTileMatrixSet that was accidentally deleted in version 2020.0 has been added again.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with drawing grid's parallel lines on 2D maps when map's reference contains the origin of longitude different than 0.



Deprecated Layer.getModelBoundsVisibleOnMap. Instead, Map.mapBounds should be used.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue for TileSet3DLayer where Layer.getModelBoundsVisibleOnMap would always return null.



The dataType and samplingMode properties have been added to WMSTileSetModel and WMTSTileSetModel. These properties can be used to add custom elevation data, served through WMS or WMTS protocols.


Transformed `AxisConfiguration` from a type to an interface.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Addressed an issue where a WMTS layer couldn't be added to the map if ContactInfo values were empty in the GetCapabilities response.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug in TileSet3DLayer: errors could occur when setting an expression on layers with a geo-location transformation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a 2020.0 regression where Point.move3D would not move the point's z coordinate if the z argument === 0.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The factor and targetScale property of the MapNavigatorZoomOptions interface can also be of type [number, number].

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec parses now correctly a GML MultiGeometry shape with multiple inner geometries. Before the fix, the resulting LuciadRIA ComplexPolygon shape contained only a single Polygon shape that corresponded to the first inner GML geometry.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a type issue in Map.restoreState. The animate option was missing a boolean union type, so you could not use map.restoreState(savedState, {animate: true}); in TypeScript.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when SEPainterFactory throws errors if the symbology encoding data contains a filter definition of type and or or.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Options of Affine3DTransformation's createIdentityTransformation are no longer mandatory.


Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where WMTSTileSetModel.createFromCapabilities() threw a TypeError with message "Object doesn't support property or method parseFloat" on Internet Explorer 11.



Labels on 3D maps are drawn with the culling effect, which means that labels positioned close the horizon are not drawn.


The WMTSTileSetModel can now also include dimension request parameters in tile requests. You can configure the dimensions at construction time by setting the dimensions construction parameter, or at runtime by modifying the dimension property on the WMTSTileSetModel instance. Please refer to the reference documentation for more details.


WMS Capabilities information now contains information about user-defined symbolization. Refer to the API reference documentation of the userDefinedSymbolization property of the WMSCapabilities class for more information.


Features are now decoded lazily in incremental way when processing query cursors. That way handling big data sets is smoother, especially when using the spatial loading strategy.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where WFSFeatureStore.createFromCapability's error handling. An undefined variable error was thrown instead of the intended error.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when a feature layer is never reported as ready by whenReady(), if the layer's query provider uses QueryProvider.QUERY_NONE. In such a situation the query status of layer's workingSet was QueryStatus.QUERY_PENDING and now it is promoted to QueryStatus.QUERY_FINISHED.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Removed polyfill of HTML DOM children property. The polyfill was used for no longer supported browser Internet Explorer 9.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue on WebGLMap where labels created by a controller flicker. This situation happened when label's position changed on controller's interaction with the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with resolving image urls for balloon's contents on a KML Layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a memory leak issue when using drawText for many features that update regularly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with drawing grid's parallel lines on 2D maps when LonLatGrid is configured with a deltaLon value for which the expression: 180 modulo deltaLon evaluates to a non-0 value. In such cases grid's parallel lines were partially drawn on 2D maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed performance regression when drawing labels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in tessellation of extruded shapes. In some cases, the outline didn't match the fill, and either or both could be missing a small part.


New featureLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA is now shipped as a set of ES6 modules, packaged as npm packages. You can find the npm packages in the packages/es6 directory of the release.

Once you've installed the packages into an npm registry, you can use install and use them like any other npm package:

LuciadRIA installation using npm
Use npm install to install LuciadRIA packages

The packages include Typescript definition files with documentation for all the public API.


Added an option to TileSet3DLayer constructor to allow the offsetTerrain to be specified with a desired offset in meters. Have a look at the constructor option in TileSet3DLayerConstructorOptions for more information.


You can now instruct LuciadRIA to load a license file by providing a choice of URL locations using License.loadLicenseFromUrls API.


It is now possible to perform GetFeatureInfo requests on WMS server versions 1.3.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.0 and 1.0.0. Previously GetFeatureInfo requests were only supported for WMS version 1.3.0.


The LuciadRIA release now has improved support for integrating it in a TypeScript project. The 'luciad.d.ts' file has been removed, instead now each module has it's own definition file. These new definition files are derived directly from TypeScript code, as a result they are more robust than the previous 'luciad.d.ts' file. See the how-to article on TypeScript to get started.


Added various options to manipulate the behavior of TileSet3DLayer. You can now set a TileLoadingStrategy that influences how tiles are loaded. It is also possible to change the duration of the tile fading-in and fading-out animation, or to turn it off entirely, using TileSet3DLayer.fadingTime. You can also now specify whether a 3D dataset is part of the terrain, using TileSet3DLayer.isPartOfTerrain. For more details, please consult the relevant API documentation.


When styling mesh data of TileSet3DLayers with MeshStyle, you can now use a default color expression. This is for example useful if you want to create a color expression that is in some way based on the texture color. See MeshStyle for more details.


We have added a referenceType property on ths CoordinateReference class. That property, as its name indicates represents the type of reference it is. Its value is one of the values in the ReferenceType enum.


You can now also configure the ambient and diffuse color of the lights. See LightEffect for more details.


We have added support for the HSPC point cloud format. You can use a HSPCTilesModel to create a model, and visualize the result of that using TileSet3DLayer.


LuciadRIA API has been converted to ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) modules. In this context, the following changes were made.
  • The LuciadRIA API is now distributed as ES6 modules. For backward compatibility, the AMD version of the API is still included. In order to run LuciadRIA on a browser that does not support ES6 module loading, the code has to be bundled. For the LuciadRIA samples this is done using webpack, as demonstrated in samples/common/webpack.config.
  • LuciadRIA folder structure has been changed to match npm style. LuciadRIA classes are located under the packages folder. AMD classes can be found in the packages/amd folder and ES6 classes can be found in the packages/es6 folder. LuciadRIA, Defense Symbology and Advanced GIS Engine modules are stored in their own directories separetely.
  • The samples have also been converted to the ES6 module structure. A ready-to-run version is already included in the release and can be accessed by running the startSampleServer.[sh|bat] script. If you want to make changes to the samples, you can modify the source code and run the webpack dev server to inspect your changes. See the developer guide for more information the samples.


You can now make a selection in a TileSet3DLayer if the underlying dataset contains metadata. For styling, MeshStyle now supports a selected color expression. This convenience expression will be used when a part of a TileSet3DLayer is selected. Have a look at the documentation of the TileSet3DLayer class, or the RIA developer guide for more information.


You can now instruct the GMLCodec how it should react when an unsupported geometry type is detected in the decoding data. For more information please consult GMLCodec constructor API.


Improvement in GMLCodec to detect the number of coordinate values used in a position. The optional srsDimension attribute used on top level geometry element can be now correctly interpreted (default placement is posList element).


TileSet3DLayer now supports setting manually the time tiles will take to fade in / out when appearing / disappearing. More information can be found by taking a look at TileSet3DLayer#fadingTime.


Improved documentation about what to do when TileSet3DLayer's dataset is too detailed.


In some cases, the GPU memory used by a TileSet3DLayer could temporarily exceed the maximum memory configured on a WebGLMap. While usually harmless, this could cause your browser to crash or stop the webpage. This has been resolved. Note that if your TileSet3DLayer needs more memory than allowed, it will automatically reduce quality, and log this on the browser console. See WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint for more information on how to configure your map's memory settings. See TileSet3DLayer.qualityFactor to adjust amount of detail that is loaded pro-actively.


IconStyle and ShapeStyle now allow shapes to be painted in 3D in front of other 3D data if they are normally obscured. A new property occlusionMode allows you to configure this:
  • Mode OcclusionMode.VISIBLE_ONLY shows only the part of a shape that is not obscured by other 3D data. This is the default.
  • Mode OcclusionMode.ALWAYS_VISIBLE shows the entire shape even if behind by other 3D data. The shape will appear in front of other objects.
  • Mode OcclusionMode.OCCLUDED_ONLY shows only the part of the shape that is behind other 3D data. You typically use this to display obscured shapes in combination with another style that uses "VISIBLE" mode.
See IconStyle.occlusionMode or ShapeStyle.occlusionMode for details and limitations.


Added new LocationMode to Map.getViewToMapTransformation(). The new mode is LocationMode.ELLIPSOID, and it allows you to transform a position in view coordinates onto the ellipsoid of the map reference, at an optionally specified height offset. This functionality is useful for creating controllers that require event handling on a fixed-height plane, such as dragging an editing handle perpendicular to the globe. Note that this new LocationMode only has effect in on a 3D map. In a 2D map, there is no height information on the map, so all LocationMode values will return the same result.


The ParameterizedPointPainter now supports labels. To do so, implement paintLabel in your painter in the same way as for other FeaturePainters. Note that the labels are evaluated and drawn using the normal cpu-based algorithms.


Added new cartesian reference with identifier "LUCIAD:XYZ". This cartesian reference is 3D, with its axes defined in meters. The X-axis points to the east, the Y-axis points to the north, and the Z-axis points upward. The cartesian reference is not georeferenced, meaning that it can not be positioned on the globe by itself. To position a model with the "LUCIAD:XYZ" reference on the globe, have a look at Affine3DTransformation.


You can now override a RasterTileSetModel's getTileData method to submit compressed (png) or raw images in ArrayBuffers next to HTML5 Image objects. For more information please refer to the RasterTileSetModel, PixelFormat and TileData API documentations.


OGC3DTilesModel now uses the LUCIAD:XYZ reference for datasets that are not georeferenced. In order to visualize these datasets, you will have to apply an Affine3DTransformation on the resulting TileSet3DLayer. On top of this, both the TileSet3DLayer and OGC3DTilesModel now have a box3d property that contains a tight-fitting non-axis aligned box around the dataset. On a model level, this will be in the reference of the dataset, which is potentially LUCIAD:XYZ. On a layer level, this will be the output reference of the layer transformation (See Affine3DTransformation).


Added new geolocation sample that lets you position unreferenced TileSet3DLayer layers on the map. The sample uses a GeoLocationController in combination with an Affine3DTransformation to apply a runtime transformation on the TileSet3DLayer it is controlling.


WFSFeatureStore auto-detects the Codec object to use based on constructor's outputFormat property if codec is not provided.


Added Affine3DTransformation to the API. This transformation encapsulates an affine transformation that can be used to position, scale and rotate a TileSet3DLayer.


LuciadRIA now supports anti-aliasing. For more details, see map.effects.antiAliasing.


LuciadRIA now supports the eye-dome lighting (EDL) technique to improve depth perception in 3D data sets. For more details, see map.effects.eyeDomeLighting and luciad/view/EyeDomeLightingEffect. See also the section "Configuring WebGL Map effects" in the LuciadRIA Developer's Guide.


When styling mesh data of TileSet3DLayers with MeshStyle, it is now possible to configure a visibility expression and displacement expression. With visibility expressions you can make (parts of) your mesh visible or invisible based on available attributes and parameters. The displacement expression allows you to translate (parts of) the mesh. See TileSet3DLayer.meshStyle and MeshStyle for details and limitations.


3D Tiles meshes now use the color given in their material, provided it's a B3DM with an internal GlTF version 2. The used data is given through pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor in the material linked to a Primitive.


Improved documentation to specify that color expressions in TileSet3DLayer have their alpha disregarded (no transparency possible).


Improved some of the custom camera controls in the camera sample. The OrbitController and FirstPersonController now both use map.cameraAnimationKey as a the key for animations. This allows for better interactions with any other animations in the map. Both of the controllers now also use performance instead of Date for more accurate animations. The FirstPersonController has also been enhanced in how it handles key presses: It now treats each of the 6 directions as a separate values. This prevents the problem of sticky keys when rapidly navigating around the map. We have also enhanced the effect of holding down shift to accelerate the camera.


Added basic support for underground visualization. You can use map.mapNavigator.constraints = { above: { terrain: false, mesh: false } }; to allow navigation to go under the terrain. You can also use map.camera yourself to do your own navigation underground. Note that there are various technical limitations, in particular:
  • Draped content will not show up properly when underground.
  • Some imagery tiles can be missing underground, near the "horizon".
  • When disabling or re-enabling the above terrain constraint, the bottom-most layer will reload its data.
See also release note on transparent terrain below.


Added support for transparent terrain on a WebGLMap in 3D for the bottom-most RasterTileSetLayer. You can use myRasterTileSetLayer.rasterStyle = {alpha: 0.5};. Before, the bottom-most imagery layer could not be made transparent in 3D. Note that there are still various technical limitations, in particular:
  • When zoomed out, the back of the globe may be visible through the front.
  • When switching the fully opaque to transparent or back, the layer will reload its data.
See also release note on underground visualization above.


Invalidating a RasterTileSetModel on a WebGLMap no longer clears the layer map before loading new tiles. Instead the map keeps rendering the old tiles until the new tiles are loaded. This was already the case for non-WebGL Maps, but now it is also the case for WebGLMap.


Reduced some aliasing artifacts caused by the ambient occlusion graphical effect.


You can now set HTTP headers and credentials that will be sent with every HTTP request to WMTS service, using WMTSTileSetModel constructor's options: requestHeaders and credentials. Also, the style and format options are optional now. Form more information please consult WMTSTileSetModel API.


WFSFeatureStore can be instantiated with an optional geometryName, which refers to the property that should be used along with the BBOX spatial filter to retrieve a feature's geometry.


The visual style of the ambient occlusion graphical effect has been modified to emphasize corners and other areas where light can get trapped.


It is possible to request images from a WMTS service using WMTSTileSetModel API. Previously the WMTSTileSetModel module was a sample code and now it is exposed in the API.


The following improvements have been made to the Symbology Encoding painter.
  • The painter supports the following elements for TextSymbolizer: IsAligned, IsRepeated, Gap, InitialGap, PerpendicularOffset.
  • It now supports Rotation, AnchorPoint and Opacity for Graphic elements.
  • Support for GraphicStroke elements has been added.
  • The painter can handle the uom attribute from LineSymbolizer and PolygonSymbolizer elements to draw lines in world size units.
  • It now supports Mark, Size, Rotation and Opacity for Graphic elements used in a GraphicFill element.
  • Added support for the SVG format, SVG images can now be used with both InlineContent and OnlineResource elements.


To make connecting to OGC services (WFS, WMS, WMTS) and the LuciadFusion LTS service easier, LuciadRIA now includes capabilities parsing. You can access the list of offered data sets in a capabilities response from the service, and automatically detect all settings (version, tile dimensions, encoding formats, and more) for the creation of a model or store. The functionality to access the capabilities is available in the new classes WFSCapabilities, WMSCapabilities, WMTSCapabilities and LTSCapabilities in the package luciad.model.capabilities. To expedite the creation of a model / store for these web services, the following convenience methods have been added to WFSFeatureStore, WMSImageModel, WMSTileSetModel, WMTSTileSetModel and FusionTileSetModel:
  • A createFromCapabilities method accepting the capabilities and the name of the desired data set
  • A createFromURL method accepting the service URL and the name of the desired data set


You can now implement and schedule your own animations via the new Animation and AnimationManager. Animations can be used for various use case e.g. camera animations, moving objects, etc. For more information see the JSDoc of Animation and AnimationManager.


Improved performance and stability of 3D Tiles (TileSet3DLayer) in various ways:
  • Loading times have been improved by using tight-fitting oriented bounds for tile selection. This means less tiles will be downloaded.
  • Framerate while loading has been improved by removing and optimizing some cpu-intensive operations. This also improves loading latencies.
  • Overall memory consumption was significantly reduced.
  • TileSet3DLayer follows the map's allowed memory usage (see WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint, and other release note below), resulting in caching that adapts to the dataset, as well as avoiding crashes.


The EPSG:4979 coordinate reference is now supported. Use the ReferenceProvider#getReference method to retrieve the reference.


It is now possible to customize the default coordinate axis order policy applied by the GML, GeoJson, WFS and WMS components. The classes GMLCodec, GeoJsonCodec, WFSFeatureStore, WMSImageModel and WMSTileSetModel can be instantiated with a swapAxes option that dictates for which references the default coordinate axis order should be swapped.


LoadSpatially loading strategy uses the multi-scale approach on 3D maps when user defines on the layer a minimum scale or a maximum scale at which the layer should render features (minimumScale and maximumScale options of the FeatureLayer constructor). For more information please refer to the LoadSpatially API documentation.


ShapeList#contains2DCoordinates no longer throws an error and instead returns false for an empty ShapeList


You can now change the size, rotation and opacity of images used as fill for shapes. For more information see the JSdoc for FillStyle.


You can now toggle and configure built-in camera constraints using MapNavigator.constraints. Consult the JSdoc of MapNavigatorConstraints for more information.


You can use new Camera API to manipulate the map's camera. Consult the JSdoc of the luciad.view.camera package, and Map.camera for more information.


You can now create sun lights which cast shadows for 3D WebGLMaps. See luciad/view/Map#effects and luciad/view/LightEffect for more details. The shadows are cast from all 3D content, on all 3D content.


The raster tile loading for WebGLMap has been improved. Previously imagery and/or elevation tiles would be loaded incrementally (i.e. from low detail to the detail required for the current map scale). Because of this incremental loading, it could take some time before the view stabilized and the required raster detail level was shown on the map. To improve this the WebGLMap will now request the required tiles for the current map scale first. This results in the view stabilizing and displaying the required imagery/elevation for the current map scale more quickly. Note that if elevation data is being loaded from a slow server, you might see small gaps between tiles. These automatically go away when the elevation data is fully loaded.


WebGLMap now automatically limits the amount of memory used by its internal data structures, both CPU/RAM usage as well as GPU/video RAM usage. By default, this limit is 500 MB CPU and 1GB GPU, but you can configure this limit yourself, see WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint or WebGLMap constructor. These hints only apply to internal data managed by the WebGLMap, not to any user data present in the application. For more information and notes, see the documentation of WebGLMap.maxMemoryUsageHint.


PatternFactory.icon offers to create a complex stroke's icon pattern with additional properties: rotation, opacity and size.


The scale indicator in the sample code has been enabled again, but only on 2D maps, as it makes no sense for 3D maps.


Invalidating a RasterTileSetModel on a non-WebGL accelerated map no longer clears the layer map before loading new tiles. Instead the map keeps rendering the old tiles until the new tiles are loaded.


LuciadRIA allows drawing lines expressed in world size units (e.g. meters, feet) using LineStyle.uom API. The following style properties are taken into account when drawing world-size lines: line width, dash pattern, dash pattern offset and line marker's size and width.


LayerTreeNode#whenReady now resolves to the LayerTreeNode instead of to undefined


LuciadRIA now exposes information on axes ordering through CoordinateReference.axisInformation. This information can be used to determine the order in which to decode and encode coordinates, for example when implementing a Codec.


Added support to change the opacity of icons for both 2D and 3D maps. You can now change the opacity value of an icon through the IconStyle.opacity property.


Ignoring url parameters in 3d tiles metadata content.url field to help with server requests.


Missing geometric error parsing in 3d tiles now defaulting to a node's parent's one instead of 0. This should fix the loading of some tilesets.


Improved memory consumption for 3d Tiles with textures.


LuciadRIA now offers ambient occlusion and depth of field graphical effects on 3D WebGL maps. See Map.effects, GraphicEffects.ambientOcclusion and GraphicEffects.depthOfField for details. When enabled, they are applied on all the data on the map.


LuciadRIA now allows styling mesh data of TileSet3DLayers with MeshStyle. This can be used for example to override the color of OGC 3DTiles meshes. Currently, color styling expressions are limited to either a fixed color, the color in the mesh texture, or an expression based on the vertex position. Additionally, you can use MeshStyle to enable lighting on your data, based on the lighting configured on your map through Map.effects.light. The lighting uses the normal vectors present in your data. If the data has no normals, local derivatives are used instead. See TileSet3DLayer.meshStyle and MeshStyle for details and limitations.


Added support to change the color of the globe for a 3D WebGL map. This new property can be set with Map.globeColor.


It is now possible to control the order of drawing airspace features by using AirspaceStyle.zOrder property.


Non-indexed meshes now supported in 3d tiles B3DM files.


Added SVG image support for both 2D and 3D maps, SVG images can now be used with IconStyle and FillStyle.


You can now set HTTP headers / credentials that RIA will send with every AJAX request, by using the requestHeaders and credentials properties on UrlTileSetModel, WMSImageModel, GoogleImageModel, UrlStore, WFSFeatureStore and OGC3DTilesModel. For more information, consult the JSdoc.


Enhancements when drawing labels: - repeat labels along a path (OnPathLabelStyle.repeat), - place labels away from a line (OnPathLabelStyle.perpendicularOffset)


Documented that BasicCreateController does not support creation of complex polygons, shape lists and extruded shapes. Also introduced runtime checks for these cases.


LuciadRIA now offers AirspacePainter API. It allows you to use an inner border, outer border and outline style to draw closed shapes that represent airspaces.


ShapeProvider exposes methods from the Evented object. You can emit custom events and register event listeners.


The timeout for loading AMD modules in RIA samples has been disabled. This timeout caused issues when opening a RIA sample on a slow connection.


MapNavigator.fit now does tighter fits on large geodetic bounds in 3D.


OGC 3D Tiles parsing is more robust, by having an improved behaviour when parsing GlTF scenes.


OGC 3D Tiles parsing is more robust, by enabling GlTF accessors to have optional byteOffset field.


OGC 3D Tiles have a better lighting integration for meshes, helping visualization of small details when textures are missing.


You can now use images as fill for shapes on a WebGLMap. For more information, see the JSdoc for FillStyle.image and FillStyle.url.


3D tiles can now handle the "ADD" refinement set in tileset.json files.


Improved 3d tiles parsing and rendering to be able to handle multi-mesh GlTF files.


Point cloud visualisation : added a security when deducing point size for rendering. This should improve visualization with datasets having a geometric error not related to the actual point density.


Fixed a shape discretization issue when a vertical view map contains layers with various but compatible Cartesian references.


Improved tile selection in 3D for very large low level tiles. This solves some of the blurry tiles that would sometimes occur when panning to some specific camera angles.


LoadSpatially on 3D maps now uses the multi-scale approach to load features for each visible scale level zone as defined in QueryProvider. This improvement limits the memory usage and reduces the visual clutter for less detailed zones.


Use the LoadSpatially.shouldUpdate API to decide if an existing feature should be replaced by a feature that comes from a processed query cursor. You can implement a custom shouldUpdate predicate to control how changes to features should be handled by LuciadRIA.


GlTF parsing in B3DM for 3D Tiles will not require a 'scene' field in its json content anymore.


LuciadRIA now exposes a 'Complex Stroke' API. Using this API, you can stroke a line with repeated patterns and decorations. For example, a waved line with an arrow at the end and some text in the middle of the line. For more information, see the JSdoc for the modules in luciad/view/style/complexstroke, most notably ComplexStrokedLineStyle and PatternFactory.


3D Tiles parser is more lenient in some cases when parsing metadata.


You can now draw begin- and endMarker lines on a WebGLMap. For more information, see the JSdoc for LineStyle.beginMarker and LineStyle.endMarker.


You can now draw dashed lines on a WebGLMap. For more information, see the JSdoc for LineStyle.dash and LineStyle.dashOffset.


CreateController will no longer deactivate when the user clicks outside of the Map's projection bounds.


The ECDIS WMS sample (samples/ecdis/S52DisplaySettingsPanel.js) now has UI options to set the ship's beam and air draft. These settings affect the visualization of the safety of fixed bridges in InlandECDIS (IENC) datasets.


You can now limit the point count for editing, just like you can limit it for creation. For more information, seeEditController.setPointCount.


Improved tileset tree traversal to make it more robust and precise.


Added a warning to notify when glTF data have misaligned accessors.


The whenReady promise is resolved a soon as QueryStatus.QUERY_ERROR is reported for the underlying feature layer.


Terrain is now only pushed downward if needed, when encountering a 3D tiles dataset.


Improved flexibility for decoding OGC 3D Tiles metadata : now content.url and content.uri are both supported.


Improved the messages for license errors.


KMLModel now supports DOMStrings with object URLs created with URL.createObjectURL().


Symbology Encoding painter (created by SEPainterFactory) supports now symbology encoding definition containing Mark element with WellKnownName symbols. The following values for WellKnownName symbols are supported: square, circle, triangle, star, cross, x, pentagon and hexagon. Other values are defaulted to square.


It is now also possible to invalidate() a RasterImageModel.


When using FeatureLayers with LayerTypeDYNAMIC on a WebGLMap, the background processing will be optimized for better throughput of updates. Changes will appear on the screen faster. Painting performance (frames per second) may decrease in this case. For more information, see API documentation of LayerType.


Map will now fire ControllerChanged events whenever a new controller becomes active on the Map.


LuciadRIA now supports creation and editing of Bounds shapes.


The 'double-click-to-fit' behavior of the sample LayerTreeControl is now restricted to just the label of the layer. This avoids issues with the fit being triggered at undesired moments, for example when rapidly toggling visibility.


GeoCanvas#drawText is now also supported by WebGL maps


LuciadRIA now includes an OGC3DTilesModel and TileSet3DLayer for displaying mesh data and point clouds Example:
      .then(function(model, { label: "My dataset" }) { return new TileSet3DLayer(model); })
      .then(function(layer) { map.layerTree.addChild(layer); });


GeoCanvas.drawText is now also supported on hardware-accelerated maps.


findLayerById, findLayerGroupById and findLayerTreeNodeById methods now can be used on all layer tree nodes, instead of only the layer tree.


Added Geodesy.calculate3D method to calculate a distance in a 3D Cartesian space.


Added Ellipse.interpolate() method to calculate points on an ellipse using parameterization.


luciad/shape/Point is no longer a subtype of Array


LabelCanvas now also allows HTMLElement as first parameter for its drawLabel, drawLabelInPath & drawLabelOnPath methods.


Geodesy's function interpolate now supports negative distances. This result in the computation on the corresponding positive distance with the opposite azimuth.


3D maps now have a field of stars in the background. It can be disabled by setting the starfield effect to false. See GraphicsEffects.starfield or Map.effects for more details.


The sample TimeSlider now performs fits without any margin, and with allowWarpXYAxis set to true. This allows for more accurate timeline fits that change the X/Y scale ratio of the TimeSlider.


luciad/symbology/canvas/ModifierStroke now supports an alignment option for the start and end of the line.


Added support for "CRS:1" in ReferenceProvider. This reference is not georeferenced and projects coordinates directly to on-screen pixel values, using an affine cartesian transformation. It allows you to visualize regular images on a map, using the same API, controllers and functionality as a georeferenced map. The new image viewer sample demonstrates this functionality.


You can select a feature by clicking on its label or on its painted shape.


The Map API (pickAt, pickAtRectangle, pickClosestObject, and pickClosestObjectRectangle) allows you to retrieve features at a particular location that overlaps with one of the paint representations of the object:
  • The object body
  • The object label. This option is inactive by default.


Non-WebGLMaps can now be rotated just like 2D WebGLMaps. Note that rotation will still be disabled in the following cases (both for Non-WebGLMaps and WebGLMaps):
  • A navigation restriction is set on the Map (with Map#restrictNavigationToBounds)
  • Axes are configured on the Map
  • There is a GoogleLayer present on the Map


GeoJsonCodec can now handle features with null value for the geometry property.


WorkingSet now always emits the clear event when the loading strategy query has changed.


The LayerTreeControl in RIA sample code now allows the user to collapse layer groups by clicking on the folder icon.


RIA-1948, RIA-531
MemoryStore now has a clear method that allows you to remove all features from the store at once


Fixed an issue when using an HTML5 Image object in IconStyle in a WebGLMap. If the image was already loaded, it wasn't applied to the icon.


Enhanced ExpressionFactory.map to support a larger number of icons. This makes it easier to create icon animations using the ParameterizedPointPainter.


The in-path labeling algorithm by default attempts alternative locations when a label threatens to go off-screen. You can deactivate this behavior by setting the InPathLabelStyle.inView property to false.


When using webpack, you no longer need to set the {node: { fs: 'empty' }} flag in order to make packing work with WebGLMaps.


The terrain sample has been renamed to terrain services sample. The functionality of this sample has been extended to make use of two web services. The first service provides retrieval of the height at a given location. The second service provides a line of sight calculation providing you information on what objects you may see in your surroundings. By default the samples services are used. Customers having LuciadFusion Advanced or LuciadFusion Pro have access to the sample code for the server part of these web services.


Controllers can now draw labels by implementing the Controller#onDrawLabel method. See the Controller JSdoc for more details and the updated Ruler sample for a usage example (cfr. RulerController#onDrawLabel).


ClusteringTransformer: changing between clustering transformers on a FeatureLayer now no longer causes a model query, if not necessary.


LayerTree nodes now have a readonly map property


LuciadRIA now attempts alternative locations when placing labels along a line, which increases the chance that on-path labels will stay visible.


LuciadRIA now supports shapes of type Sector


It is now possible to change the label of a layer or layer group


The Position parameter of LayerGroup#MoveChild() is now optional and defaults to "top" when not present


The Position parameter of LayerGroup#MoveChild() is now optional and defaults to "top" when not present


You can now prevent labels being drawn outside of bounds of painted shapes by configuring the restrictToBounds property in the InPathLabelStyle object literal.


LayerGroup#moveChild now also supports moving layers between different layer groups


LayerGroup#addChild falls back to LayerGroup#moveChild whenever the layerTreeNode already has a parent


LuciadRIA can now parse WKT strings that represent projected coordinate systems that use an azimuthal equidistant projection.


ShapeProvider supports invalidating shapes for individual features using invalidate or invalidateById methods. Invalidating an individual feature guarantees that the object will be repainted with a new shape during the next map render.


ShapeProvider#invalidate() (without arguments) is deprecated and replaced by ShapeProvider#invalidateAll(), which is optimized for better performance.


Possibility to decorate the left border with icons and labels on the vertical view. The left border decorations are painted only when PaintRepresentation.LEFTBORDERBODY and PaintRepresentation.LEFTBORDERBODY are enabled on layers used on the vertical views. By default these paint representations are disabled.


MapNavigator#lookFrom and Map#restoreState now have animated versions. See the JSDoc for details.


GeoJsonCodec#decode can handle object.content that is represented as a JavaScript object.


LuciadRIA is now shipped with a TypeScript declaration file for the LuciadRIA API. This allows you to use LuciadRIA in a TypeScript declaration and hawe the TypeScript compiler check the valid use of the API.


The baseURL property of URLTileSetModel is now a writable property. Assigning a new value to it will invalidate the UrlTileSetModel, which will refresh the visualization.


A URLTileSetModel can now rotate between multiple subdomains when retrieving tiles from a tile service. You can do so by using the {s} subdomain hook in the baseURL and setting the subdomains property of the model.


UrlStore andWFSFeatureStorenow accept new optional constructor parameterswithCredentialsandrequestHeaders`. They are added to each HTTP request (XmlHttpRequest) to the server. That way the server can authenticate the user and respond accordingly.


You can now compensate for Tile Services whose Y axis for tile coordinates is reversed with respect to the Y axis direction used in LuciadRIA. If tile rows appeare to be visualized incorrectly, you can correct this by using the {-y} placeholder in the baseURL, the model will automatically calculate the correct value for the y coordinate. Before this, you had to override the getTileURL() method of the UrlTileSetModel to calculate the correct y-coordinate value.


The getTileURL() method from UrlTileSetModel now replaces all occurrences of {x}, {y} and {z} in the base URL instead of only the first occurrence.


LuciadRIA now provides API to set the License text programmatically. If you don't call this API, the license will still be retrieved from the default location, i.e. luciad/license/luciadria_development.txt and luciad/license/luciadria_deployment.txt See luciad/util/License for more information on how to use the API.


Because LuciadRIA does not depend on dojo, the dojo library has been moved to samples/lib.


Elevation is now supported on RasterTileSetModel. Introduced new RasterDataType and RasterSamplingMode enumerations to identify whether a tileset is image or elevation, and whether it should be area or point sampled. This enhancement lets you add elevation tilesets to LuciadRIA without using FusionTileSetModel. As an example, it can be used to connect to a WMTS service that serve elevation. Elevation RasterTileSetModel instances are limited to Quad-tree like structures served as 32-bit floating point TIFF files, or 16-bit unsigned integers. For more information on custom elevation tilesets, please consult the developer guide.


Use the browser native implementation of ES6 map if it exists, or otherwise a polyfill map.


Map#restoreState will now work for states that were saved on a Map with another reference.


Introduced the ParameterizedPointPainter and associated classes for WebGL accelerated views. The ParameterizedPointPainter enables GPU based filtering and expressive styling of points, as well as visualizing density plots (heatmap). See the "Timeline" sample for an example.


The QueryError event is emitted on the WorkingSet whenever an error occurs while processing a Cursor.


Any errors that may occur while querying a store are reported in the browser's log.


Context menu items created by the EditController and CreateController now have a 'id' property. You can use this id in Map.onShowContextMenu to change the way these context menu items are presented (for example, change the label to a different language). See the JSdoc of ContextMenu.Identifier for more information.


The atmosphere on 3D maps can now be toggled off by setting map.effects.atmosphere to false. For more information, read the JSdoc of GraphicsEffects.atmosphere.


The GeoJsonCodec now always generates IDs (UUID) for features that have no ID, if you do not explicitly configure generateIDs. As before, if you configure the GeoJsonCodec with generateIDs set to true, it will override existing IDs. If generateIDs is set to false, no IDs will be generated, but an error will be thrown if a Feature without an ID is encountered.


WebGL maps now support non-world-covering tilesets. Previously you were limited to only using tilesets with references that covered the entire world, but this restriction has been lifted.


The performance of feature visualization has been improved on Internet Explorer 10.


It is now possible to calculate the area of a polygon by using the area method on Geodesy.


RIA-965, RIA-1663
It is now possible to configure the tiling structure and the amount of scale levels on a WMSTileSetModel. You can do this by passing tileWidth, tileHeight, level0Columns, level0Rows and levelCount to the WMSTileSetModel constructor. These settings allow you to adjust the tile structure, for example to make it match the TileGrid configured on a GeoWebCache server.


For convenience, the filter predicate function can be passed to the constructor of FeatureLayer.


Controller now exposes an Invalidated event, indicating that the Controller's appearance has changed and its onDraw method should be called in the next rendering pass.


On WebGLMap, labels for small polyline of 2 points could be not displayed sometimes, now it has been fixed.


In non-hardware accelerated rendering, the position of labels drawn by drawLabelInPath can be recalculated to remain in the view if its shape is partially visible. This can be activated by using an InPathLabelStyle with its new property "inView" set to true.


In non-hardware accelerated rendering, the position of labels drawn by drawLabelInPath has been improved. The label will also avoid to be drawn in a hole in case of a complex polygon.


LuciadRIA now supports basic OGC Filter specification 2.0 for creation filter expressions. Filter expressions can be used to encode query requests to OGC WFS 2.0 services, as well to build predicate functions for filtering features on the client side. Please refer to the FilterFactory documentation for details.


In some cases, feature layers were not refreshed when they were made visible after navigation while they were invisible. This affected feature layers using LoadSpatially and also feature layers using ClusteringTransformer.


ClusteringTransformer : in a 3D view, the features at the back of the globe will now also be clustered, to prevent that unclustered features are temporarily visible when panning to the other side of the globe.


You can specify the labeling placement order for decluttering by submitting an array of the label positions instead of a bitwise-OR of them. It only impacts OnPathLabelStyle and PointLabelStyle.


Improved memory clean up when calling map.destroy() on a non-WebGLMap.


The default zooming behavior now supports 'precision zooming'. Hold the SHIFT key while zooming with the scroll wheel to zoom slowly. Note that precision zooming works better when scale snapping ( MapNavigator.defaults.snapToScaleLevels) is disabled.


Scale snapping for MapNavigator operations is now configurable through the MapNavigator.defaults.snapToScaleLevels property. It can also be configured for individual calls to MapNavigator.zoom and MapNavigator.fit. If you value smooth zooming over pixel-perfect raster scale levels, you should disable scale snapping. For backwards compatibility, the initial value of MapNavigator.defaults.snapToScaleLevels is true. See the MapNavigator JSdoc for more information.


Improved support for MacBook touchpad and Apple Magic Mouse zooming.


LuciadRIA now has a file (samples/projection/resources/epsgcoordref.txt) that contains all the references from the EPSG database that can be parsed by using the ReferenceProvider.parseWellKnownText method. Now you can pick the references that you need for your application from this file, as shown in the projection sample.


Improved DOM compatibility by replacing new Image() instances with document.createElement('img').


RIA-1447, RIA-1317
It is now possible to add custom references to the ReferenceProvider by using the ReferenceProvider.addReference method. Once a reference is added, it can be retrieved by using the ReferenceProvider.getReference method with the same identifier. ReferenceProvider.isValidReference will return true for that identifier. Additionally, creating above-terrain references from custom references previously added to the ReferenceProvider is now also possible. See the ReferenceProvider.getHeightAboveTerrainReference documentation. This used to be limited to the references available by default in the ReferenceProvider. Note that this also permits using custom references in GMLCodec and GeoJsonCodec without knowing your references up-front.


GestureEvents now have a 'viewPoint' property. This property is similar to 'viewPosition', but it is a Point instead of an Array. This makes it easier to transform the locations of GestureEvents to different references. Before, you would have to construct a Point using the coordinates of the 'viewPosition' array. Now you can just use 'viewPoint' and directly pass it to Transformation.transform.


ClusteringTransformer: the performance of the clustering algorithm has been improved.


You can now double click with the right mouse button to zoom out on the map, just like you already could double click with the left mouse button to zoom in on the map.


RIA will now detect and discard Bing Maps tiles that contain no imagery.


The MapNavigator API has been overhauled. All previously existing methods have been reduced to 4 new ones: pan, zoom, rotate and fit. You can configure each operation to your needs by passing an options object. All existing functions on MapNavigator are deprecated. Their deprecation notes show how you can replace them with the new functions. Please refer to the API documentation for details.


It is possible to configure SLD, SLD_BODY and dimension (for example, TIME and ELEVATION) request parameters on WMSImageModels and WMSTileSetModels. The STYLES property is now also exposed and writable on both models. Before, you could only configure STYLES at construction time. These parameters will be sent with each GetMap and GetFeatureInfo request.


It is now possible to to add arbitrary request parameters to WMS GetFeatureInfo and GetMap requests, both for WMSTileSetModels and WMSImageModels. You can do this by assigning an object literal to the model's requestParameters property, or by passing requestParameters at construction time.


The new "Multispectral Analysis" sample shows two multi-spectral raster datasets that you can visually compare by instantly cross-fading layers. It also demonstrates how to use WMS with an SLD/SE RasterSymbolizer.


The new "Timeline" sample demonstrates how to use a non-georeferenced LuciadRIA Map to display time-based data. See the TimeSlider.js file for a re-usable component.


The WMS, WMTS, WFS, Fusion, Bing, KML and GML samples have been replaced with the single "Data Formats" sample. See the various "DataLoader" files for snippets on how to load data for a certain format.


It is now possible to create 3D icons in LuciadRIA by using the GeoCanvas#drawIcon3D method. Icon3DStyle allows you to set the 3D Mesh that will be used for your icon, as well as its scale, rotation, translation and orientation. A 3D icon can be created in two ways:
  • By decoding a glTF file. LuciadRIA includes support for single-texture based glTF files (Note that custom shaders, animations and skins are not supported). You can decode a glTF file by specifying its path in the Icon3DStyle class.
  • By creating a custom 3D Mesh using the MeshFactory class.
The 3D icons sample demonstrates how to create different types of 3D Meshes. It also provides some custom code to generate basic 3D primitives such as spheres, domes and cones.


The rasterStyle.alpha of a RasterTileSetLayer is now also applied in a WebGLMap.


You can now enable lighting on a WebGLMap. You have three options:
  • a light based on your camera (this is the default)
  • a sun light based on a specific time
  • no lighting
See luciad/view/Map#effects and luciad/view/LightEffect for details.


Calling Map.selectObject for a feature that is contained in a cluster will now take that feature out of the cluster and select it.


Transformations efficiency has been improved by reusing existing OutOfBoundsException exceptions instead of creating new ones for failed transformations.


LuciadRIA now has a sample that shows what features of a WebGLMap are supported on your device and browser. The report gives you an overview of supported features, unsupported features and limitations of a WebGLMap due to the capabilities of your device and browser. See "samples/devicesupport/index.html". You can include the report when you submit a support question.


GridLayer can now also be used in a luciad/view/WebGLMap. The styling is similar as in luciad/view/Map except that the stroke for labels defined in TextStyle is ignored.


IconStyle now has a 'heading' property, which can be used to rotate icons based on an azimuth (a compass direction). This feature is available for both luciad/view/WebGLMap and luciad/view/Map.


RIA-1369, RIA-789
You can now use GridLayer in all supported projections.


The clustering sample now demonstrates how you can wrap a regular FeaturePainter that is not aware of clustering with a FeaturePainter that handles the clustered features.


The Geodesy interpolate method now takes the z-coordinate into account. In case of interpolation between two points, the z-coordinate is interpolated linearly. In the case where a point is calculated given an input point, distance and azimuth, the z-coordinate is copied from the input point.


LuciadRIA now no longer depends on an external dojo deployment. This means that: - when developing applications with LuciadRIA, you no longer have to configure the module loader with the location of the dojo toolkit as it is no longer needed. - when using modules from the luciad namespace, the global dojo object will no longer be registered on the global window object. - users have greater flexibility in their choice of build-tools. Due to dojo specific features in the dojo modules, it was not always possible to use Javascript minification tools other than the dojo deployment tools. While the luciad developer api is no longer dependent on an external dojo deployment, the samples that are shipped with the release continue to rely on the dojo release that is included with the release. That is because the samples continue to rely on many of the utility functionality from dojo and many of the UI-components from dijit.


LuciadRIA WebGLMap now supports all references supported by a non-WebGLMap. See the ReferenceProvider documentation for more details, or the Geodetic References chapter of the Developer's Guide.


Added support for decoding GML 3.1 and GML 3.2 geometry that conform to Simple Feature level SF-0. A GMLCodec has been added to the API that can easily be used in combination with a WFSFeatureStore or a UrlStore, to load data from a WFS service or a specific url respectively.


The luciad/view/feature/FeaturePainter#invalidateById method has now been added. This method allows users to invalidate the visualization of a Feature by its identifier. This is useful in situations where a user does not have a reference to the actual Feature-instance, but does have access to the identifier value.


The code First Sample of LuciadRIA has been reduced to the bare minimum that is necessary to start a LuciadRIA application.


When using a luciad/view/Map, it is possible to use an SVG icon for the luciad/view/style/IconStyle#image property.


WFS sample: the smaller cities, shown when zoomed in enough, are now painted with a smaller icon to distinguish them from the large cities that are always shown.


Vertical View sample: the vertical view is no longer completely rebuilt when selecting the same trajectory again.


The following redundant methods have been deprecated:
  • Shape:
    • contains2D(x, y) in favor of contains2DCoordinates(x, y)
    • contains2D(point) in favor of contains2DPoint(point)
  • Bounds:
    • contains2D(bounds) in favor of contains2DBounds(bounds)
    • contains3D(point) in favor of contains3DPoint(point)
    • contains3D(bounds) in favor of contains3DBounds(bounds)


KML now supports IconStyle.hotSpot, meaning that KML placemarks with icons will have anchorpoints attached to them.


The default settings for the LonLatGrid constructor now provide a grid that adjust to your zoom level. Previously you had to specify this switch behavior yourself.


The BasicCreateController provides now sensible default values for the minimum number of points that should be created for polygons (3) and polylines (2).


It is now possible to introduce clustering to help reduce the clutter when there are many objects in a LuciadRIA view. You can configure a FeatureLayer to use a ClusteringTransformer, which will aggregate model elements that are close together into a cluster.

For more information, please refer to the LuciadRIA Developer's Guide chapter "Clustering".


The TreeLayerControl now always emits events when you change the selected layer. Previously only clicking exactly on the text label caused the events to be emitted. Now you can also click on the icon or whitespace next to the label.


LuciadRIA now has support for WebGL hardware-accelerated 3D and 2D maps. You can configure your current application for WebGL using luciad/view/WebGLMap instead of luciad/view/Map (otherwise identical). To enable 3D, use luciad.view.WebGLMap with constructor option { reference: ReferenceProvider.getReference("EPSG:4978") }. For more information, please refer to the LuciadRIA Developer's Guide chapter "Working with WebGL 2D or 3D maps".


LuciadRIA now supported "above-terrain" vertical references. This is useful for modeling 2D data that is located on the ground instead of ellipsoid or geoid, or for 3D data measured relative the ground. See luciad.reference.ReferenceProvidergetHeightAboveTerrainReference function documentation for more details.


When using the LoadSpatially strategy, the FeatureLayer will no longer query the model when zooming in. This is because the features that were retrieved for the previous extent cover completely the area of the new extent.


LuciadRIA now officially supports Microsoft Edge.


Selection is now more accurate on touch devices.


It is now possible to use LuciadRIA on heterogeneous devices that have both a mouse and a touch screen.


Introduced the TrajectoryPainter for WebGL accelerated views. The TrajectoryPainter enables GPU based styling of trajectory lines, with time filtering and highlighting. See the "Trajectories" sample for an example.


Introduced the ParameterizedLinePainter for WebGL accelerated views. The ParameterizedLinePainter enables GPU based filtering and styling of lines, with per-point styling, as well as visualizing density plots (heatmap). See the "Parameterized Lines" sample for an example.


On WebGL maps, each painter can now enable density maps (heatmaps) using the FeaturePainter.density property. See the "Tracks" sample for an example.


Configuring the WFSFeatureStore's reference and the FeatureModel's reference has now been made more transparent:
  • When a FeatureModel is constructed without explicitly setting the reference, it will borrow the reference from the WFSFeatureStore.
  • When the reference of the FeatureModel is not identical to the reference of its WFSFeatureStore, a warning will be logged to the console explaining this discrepancy. It is a restriction of the WFSFeatureStore that its reference is identical to the reference of the FeatureModel it is added to.


LuciadRIA now has support for performing boolean operations on shapes. This functionality is part of the new optional component 'Geometry'.


When editing a ShapeList, using the handle to translate a sub-shape will also translate all the other sub-shapes.


Improved the performance and precision of several projections:
  • Albers Equal Area Conic
  • Azimuthal Equidistant
  • Cassini
  • Dutch Stereographic
  • Eckert IV and VI
  • Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
  • Lambert Conformal
  • Mollweide
  • Oblique Mercator
  • Orthographic
  • Polyconic
  • Spherical Oblique Mercator
  • Stereographic
  • Swiss Oblique Mercator
  • Transverse Mercator


It is now possible to calculate the shortest distance from a point to a line or line segment by using the shortestDistanceToLine method on Geodesy.


LuciadRIA now has support for extruded shapes. Extruded shapes are 3D volumes created by extruding a 2D line or area with a minimum and maximum height. You can create an extruded shape using ShapeFactory.createExtrudedShape. The "Create and Edit" sample allows you to create an extruded shape based on a base shape using a context menu item.


It is now possible style a GoogleLayer. Styling adheres to the [Styled Maps](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling) specification of the Google Maps JavaScript API.


The WMS layers now sends the PIXELSIZE parameter when making requests to a WMS server. If the WMS server supports it, it can take the clients pixel size into account when determining scale ranges. The LuciadLightspeed WMS server supports this PIXELSIZE parameter. This way, the scale calculations in the RIA application and on the server can match.


luciad/geodesy/GeodesyFactory#createCartesianReference now also accepts non-spatial references (created with luciad/reference/ReferenceProvider.createCartesianReference()) when creating Geodesy instances. Note that an Error will be thrown if you try to create a non-cartesian Geodesy instance with such a reference.


The warning messages about a license that will expire soon are no longer shown in an alert box. Instead, this warning is now only printed on the console.


You can now create references based on Well-Known Text strings. This means you can now support more references than those supported by ReferenceProvider.getReference(). See ReferenceProvider.parseWellKnownText for more details


The slider in the Selection sample will now smoothly filter the data, while the user is dragging. Previously, the data was only filtered when the user released the slider.


When a navigation restriction is set on the map with Map#restrictNavigationToBounds, and the user tries to pan the map outside the extent, the map shows visual feedback to show it has reached the edge or edges of the restriction. This feedback is a grey bulb that expands from one or more of the edges, getting larger the more the user tries to pan in the wrong direction.


Added support for WMS GetFeatureInfo requests. You can get feature information on a certain view location by calling getFeatureInfo on WMSImageLayer or WMSTileSetLayer. Calling this method will perform a GetFeatureInfo request that matches what is painted in the view. luciad.view.image.WMSImageLayer and luciad.view.tileset.WMSTileSetLayer are new classes. If you do not need GetFeatureInfo requests, you can keep using the regular RasterImageLayer and RasterTileSetLayer.


Added the EPSG:2319, EPSG:2320, EPSG:2321, EPSG:2322, EPSG:2323, EPSG:2324 and EPSG:2325 spatial references to the ReferenceProvider.


It is now possible to convert any given point to a MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) coordinate using luciad.shape.format.MGRSPointFormat.


Added the 'Number' unit of measure. This quantity kind of this unit is 'Dimensionless'. Use this unit if the values do not represent a physical quantity.


The following spatial references are now supported: EPSG:5253, EPSG:5254, EPSG:5255, EPSG:5256, EPSG:5257, EPSG:5258, EPSG:5259, SR-ORG:7869, SR-ORG:7870, SR-ORG:7871, SR-ORG:7872.


It is now possible to configure a background color for a WMSTileSetModel


FeatureModel now has a bounds property. This property corresponds to the bounds of the entire dataset. This property is optional. This FeatureModel's bounds does not necessarily correspond to the bounds of the the data that is visualized in the FeatureLayer. This is because the layer may have queried only a subset of the data from the model. Instead, use the FeatureLayer.workingSet.bounds property to retrieve the bounding box of all the data that is queried by the FeatureLayer.


It is now possible to change the styling of editing handle icons. See the "handleIconStyle" option in the EditController constructor.


It is now possible to modify the opacity of a RasterTileSetLayer and a RasterImageLayer by setting their rasterStyle property.


It is now possible to finish interactive shape editing or creation by single-clicking on the map background instead of double-clicking. This is demonstrated in the Create and Edit sample. See also documentation of CreateController or EditController.


The selection heuristics have been improved when using the Map's pickClosestObject method. It is now easier to select by touch or mouse the correct object from a collection of overlapping shapes or icons of varying sizes. This is because the new heuristics also take into account the distances from the edge and from the center of the bounding box of the object, to the pick position.


The findLayerTreeNodeById and the findLayerGroupById methods have been added to luciad.view.LayerTree.


It is possible now to configure the paintRepresentation visibility of a LayerGroup in a LayerTree


Two new events have been added to the Map. ShowBalloon and HideBalloon. These fire when a balloon opens and closes respectively.


If the requestReference parameter of the WMSTileSetModel is used, a warning message will be logged to the console. This parameter was incorrectly documented in the API doc, and should not be used.


It is now possible to add raster layers to a map, when the layer's model reference is not identical to the reference of the map. This is only possible when coordinates of the spatial reference system of the model can be converted to coordinates of the spatial reference system of the map by multiplying them with with a scaling factor. For example, this is useful if you have a LuciadRIA map configured with the EPSG:32663 reference (which uses an equidistant projection, and has a unit of measure in meters), but you would like to connect to the WMS server with the more commonly available OGC CRS:84 reference. In such a scenario, the WMSTileSetModel or the WMSImageModel may be configured with a bounds expressed in coordinates of the CRS:84 reference.


It is now possible to request WMS images that cover the entire Map using a WMSImageModel. The size of this image matches the pixelsize of the map. This avoids certain visual effects, such as pixelized text or cut-off labels, that can occur when tiles are stretched or compressed using the existing WMSTileSetModel.


It is now possible to visualize an object with an icon or an label on the border of the map using the optional FeaturePainter#paintBorderBody and FeaturePainter#paintBorderLabel methods. It is also possible to connect an object in a border with its position on the map using the optional IconStyle#stem line-style property.


It is now possible to create, visualize and edit various additional shapes using the luciad.shape.ShapeFactory.
  • Circles: see luciad.shape.Circle. Circles are defined by center point and radius (luciad.shape.CircleByCenterPoint) or by three points on the circumference (luciad.shape.CircleBy3Points).
  • Ellipses: see luciad.shape.Ellipse. Ellipses are defined by center point, major axis length, minor axis length and major axis rotation azimuthal angle.
  • Circular arcs: see luciad.shape.CircularArc. Circular Arcs are defined by center point and radius (luciad.shape.CircularArcByCenterPoint), by start, intermediate and end points (luciad.shape.CircularArcBy3Points), or by two points and bulge (luciad.shape.CircularArcByBulge).
  • Elliptical arcs: see luciad.shape.Arc. Elliptical arcs are defined by an ellipse, a start azimuthal angle and an arc azimuthal angle.
  • Arc bands: see luciad.shape.ArcBand. Arc bands are sectors, defined by a center point, a minimum and maximum range, a start azimuthal angle and an arc azimuthal angle.
  • GeoBuffers: see luciad.shape.GeoBuffer. They are defined by a base shape, which can be a polyline or polygon, and a width.
The Create and Edit sample illustrates the new shapes. You can interactively create these shapes using the luciad.view.controller.CreateController and luciad.view.controller.BasicCreateController, and edit them using luciad.view.controller.EditController. The sample also shows how you can exchange these shapes with a web service using a custom JSON codec. Note that the new shapes are not covered by the GeoJSON standard and require a custom Codec.


AirspaceShapeProvider now covers more edge cases and can handle any number of airspace-trajectory intersection points


The following spatial references are now supported: EPSG:23035, EPSG:23036, EPSG:23037, EPSG:23038, EPSG:2206, EPSG:2207, EPSG:2207, EPSG:2208, EPSG:2209, EPSG:2210, EPSG:2211, EPSG:2212.


KML now throws error messages and console warnings when KML files do not contain any Placemark features.


It is now possible to invalidate a RasterTileSetModel using the "invalidate" method. This will signal that the underlying image tiles have changed. If this model is added to a map using a RasterTileSetLayer, calling this method will thus trigger a refresh of the visualization.


It is now possible to configure the layers of a WMSTileSetModel using the "layers" properties of the model.


Calling 'Polygon.insertPoint()' or 'Polyline.insertPoint()' now no longer copies the given point. This means that you now have more control over what is inside a polygon or a polyline. To make sure your points are not altered after an 'insertPoint()' call, make sure you copy them before you call 'insertPoint()'. Note that this does not affect previous usage of this method.


We now support a PointLabelStyle with an offset that is an array instead of a number. This allows more precise labeling control in view space.


We now support snapping for both creation and editing of shapes. Snapping is automatic if you edit near an existing point. Hold down the Ctrl modifier key to temporarily disable snapping. To make sure a FeatureLayer is not a snap target, set the FeatureLayer#isSnapTarget property to false.


Support for KML has been added. You can load KML data using a luciad/model/kml/KMLModel, which can be visualized in a luciad/view/kml/KMLLayer. Please refer to the reference documentation for the list of supported features and limitations.


It is now possible to insert and delete vertices when editing a polyline or polygon. Adding vertices can be done by activating the control point in the middle of a line segment of the shape. Deleting vertices is done by long pressing a vertex, holding the ctrl-key while clicking the vertex, or by selecting the delete option from the context menu.


When setting a FeatureLayer's query property, the data in the layer's workingSet will not be cleared until the new model data has been loaded. This helps to avoid a "flicker" of the layer data on the map between the time the query property is set, and the time the result of the model has been retrieved.


When the map is configured with a border, labels are now correctly positioned.


When trying to paint labels for a feature which has no bodies, no TypeError should be thrown. The label will just be invisible in that case.


The parameter of MapNavigator#panTo is now a "bounded" and not limited to be a point anymore.


Now the CreateController for polylines and polygones adds a point on the double click that terminates the creation operation. A preview of the next point is also shown when you move the mouse.


The painting order respects labels' priorities in a non-decluttered way.


It is now possible to add Google image data to the map. To do this, construct a RasterImageLayer with a GoogleImageModel and add it to the map. Please review Google's terms of conditions carefully to determine if your application can use the Google Maps image service.


It is now possible to add a Google Map widget inside a LuciadRIA map as a Layer. This requires you to also include the Google Map Javascript API (v3) on the page by importing it with a script tag.


The map now emits an "idle" event. This event is fired when the map comes to rest, for example after a user has stopped panning.


Adding rotation support to icons


You can now select multiple objects by pressing the "Shift" key while selecting objects.


luciad/view/Map#selectObjects() now allows adding and removing objects to and from the current selection.


A function has been added to the TileSetScaleUtil to return the level of a RasterTileSetLayer's model which best correspond to the scale of the map.


WMS Sample: Hitting enter in the Layer text field makes the same query as clicking on the 'Show WMS layer' button.


It is now possible to retrieve the current status of a query from a FeatureLayer's WorkingSet using the queryStatus property.


It is now possible to create new LayerGroups. This enables you to organize layers in the map's layerTree using multiple levels. Previously, layers could only be organized in a flat list.


The EPSG:3306 coordinate reference is now supported. Use the ReferenceProvider#getReference method to retrieve the reference.


It is now possible to mix default selection styling into an existing painter using the addSelection() method on FeaturePainterUtil.


Renamed StrokeStyle literal to LineStyle literal for consistency reasons.


Reduced poleward latitude limits of Mercator projection to avoid large empty polar areas on maps.


Added support for CRS:83 (NAD 83) to the ReferenceProvider.


When a bounds with a geodetic reference is wider than 360 degrees, the longitude (the "x" property) will no longer be snapped to the dateline (-180 degree). Removing this side-effect avoids having to perform some redundant normalization. Functionally, this has no impact on any of the other public API of LuciadRIA.


To set the dimensions and position of a luciad.shape.Bounds object more efficiently, you can now use the new setTo2D and setTo3D methods.


Improved documentation on the dependency on the dojo toolkit has been added to the Developer's Guide.


The .painter property of a FeatureLayer is now no longer read-only. It is thus possible to set the painter of a FeatureLayer after the construction of the layer.


It is now possible to use a pin to connect a label to an anchor point on the map. Use a new optional "pin" property on the luciad.view.style.PointLabelStyle to do so. See luciad.view.style.PinStyle and luciad.view.style.PinEndPosition for more details about the styling and placement properties of the pin.


HTML and CSS can now be used to specify the contents and styling of a label. Using these technologies, it is possible to create labels with multiple lines of text, enable rich styling options for halos, colors and fonts, or embed external resources, like images, in the label. See the luciad.view.style.LabelCanvas for details on how to place HTML on the map.


Support for generating a LuciadRIA FeaturePainter based on an OGC Symbology Encoding has been added. Please refer to the Developer's Guide for details on supported styling and limitations.


It is now possible to configure a client-side feature filter on a layer. This filter determines what features in the layer's WorkingSet will be visualized. This filter can be a simple javascript function or an OGC filter created with luciad.ogc.filter.FilterFactory.


It is now possible to set a minimum and maximum scale on the map. When set, it is impossible to zoom in further than the maximum scale or zoom out further than the minimum scale.


It is now possible to constrain the navigation on the map to a bounds. When set, it is impossible for a user to pan or zoom the map beyond this area.


It is now possible to draw a shape of type BOUNDS on the map by using the drawShape method of a luciad.view.style.GeoCanvas.


The methods of the luciad.view.MapNavigator which trigger animations now return a promise (luciad/util/Promise) for the completion of the animation. This promise resolves when the animation has completed. The promise is rejected when the animation is interrupted.


Support for dashed line styles has been added. These can be configured with the dash and dashOffset properties in luciad/view/style/LineStyle.


Added documentation to the Developer's Guide: prerequisites for running Jetty server included in a LuciadRIA release.


LuciadRIA now supports the visualization of non-georeferenced data in a chart. A vertical view sample is provided to illustrate the power of this enhancement. Please refer to the Developer's Guide to configure a non-georeferenced view.


There have been several improvements in LuciadRIA for dealing with large datasets.
  • To avoid long running scripts and improve responsiveness of the application, the FeatureLayer will process the results of a model query in small batches.
  • Developers can now also enable incremental rendering by setting the FeatureLayer.options.incrementalRenderering flag to true. This way the visual representations of Features is processed in small batches, and drawn to the screen in small increments.
  • The Developer's Guide now includes a chapter on how to create applications when dealing with large datasets. This includes information on web caching strategies, as well as Javascript and LuciadRIA tips and tricks to improve performance.


An example of how to display a WMTS Layer on a Map is added to the samples under samples/model/tileset/WMTS.


WorkingSet, FeatureModel and Store now support registration of listeners that only receive events related to objects that match a query filter.


In the WFSFeatureStore, it is now possible to filter properties from a feature when querying the model. This corresponds to adding the 'propertyName' parameter in a WFS getFeature request.


The set of features loaded by a FeatureLayer can now be accessed via the workingSet property of the layer.


The contains2D method has been added to the Shape class.


TileSetModels can now be instantiated when the pixel-density of the width and height of its tiles are different. For example; the pixel width and the pixel height of a tile which measures 90 degrees longitude by 90 degrees latitude must now not be the same.


In a FeatureLayer, it is now possible to control the order in which Features are visualized on a Map. A developer can specify this order by setting the zOrder parameters on the style objects which are accepted by the GeoCanvas paint methods.


Improved context menu documentation.


Clients can now subscribe to new events via the workingSet property of a FeatureLayer to get notified about the status of a query. These events include the QuerySuccess and QueryError events. The first notifies the client when the layer was successful in querying the model. The second notifies the client when an error occurred during querying the model.


The fit() method on the MapNavigator no longer throws an exception if you call it with a bounds with zero width and height. Instead it assumes you will be fitting on a point and adapts the scale accordingly.


It is now possible to add a Longitude-Latitude grid to your Map. Use a luciad.view.grid.LonLatGrid to define your longitude and latitude grid. Then, add it to the map using a luciad.view.grid.GridLayer.


Samples have been refactored. Samples are now divided into two groups: one set of samples for desktop and tablet computers, and another for small screen mobile devices. All samples can be found under %MyProjectInstallation%/samples. The small-screen mobile samples are grouped under %MyProjectInstallation%/samples/mobile.


It is now possible to format longitudes and latitudes to a text string. Create a luciad.shape.format.LonLatPointFormat to define a format. You can define your own custom patterns. Then, transform the longitudes and latitudes to a string using the .format() method.


The luciad.ogc.filter.FilterFactory now allows to create OGC functions.


It is now possible to use fill patterns as fill for shapes by passing a luciad.view.style.FillStyle instance as fill in the GeoCanvas#drawShape method. For convenience, the luciad.view.style.HatchedImageBuilder class has been introduced which allows to create hatched pattern images programmatically.


Added mapBounds property to luciad.view.Map. This property reflects the map's extent in the maps' reference.


Hibernate logging in sample server is significantly reduced. All logging is now configurable through samples/resources/jetty-logging.properties.


halo and haloWidth are now available when defining text styles. Please refer to the documentation of the drawText method in luciad/view/style/GeoCanvas.


LuciadRIA now supports querying and visualizing feature data from an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS). A new class luciad/model/feature/WFSFeatureModel allows to retrieve feature data in the GeoJSON format from an OGC WFS 1.0/1.1. Data queries can be formulated using the OGC Filter specification, enabling users to perform a fine-grained selection of the required data. A new module luciad/ogc/filter has been added to support the creation of these OGC Filter queries. See the "WFS sample" for a demonstration of the new functionality.


LuciadRIA now supports decluttered labeling. This allows you to easily visualize textual information on a map while maintaining readability. You can define labeling-strategies by implementing the paintLabel method from a luciad/view/feature/FeaturePainter. See the "Labeling sample" for a demonstration of the new functionality.


The rendering performance of raster and vector data has been improved significantly. The raster tile loading is now much smoother and vector features are rendered up to 3 times faster.


Improved pickAt documentation.


Tiles painting improvements: enhancements in the detection of the appropriate level of detail.


General optimizations in discretization and shape code.


Small optimizations to polygon rendering.


LuciadRIA is a new Luciad product providing an easy-to-use, object-oriented JavaScript API designed to build geospatial situational awareness applications targeted to run in a browser.

ImprovementAdvanced GIS Engine

LuciadRIA now has support for performing boolean operations on shapes. In order to do so, you can use a ConstructiveGeometry object. ConstructiveGeometryFactory allows you to create ConstructiveGeometry objects performing boolean operations using a cartesian, spherical or ellipsoidal topology.

The following operations are supported:

  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Difference

ImprovementDefense Symbology

WebGLMap now supports tactical graphics.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

For improved packability, you can now load your symbology by importing luciad/symbology/military/<SymbologyName> as a module, instead of through the SymbologyProvider. Loading a symbology with the SymbologyProvider has been deprecated.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

We now display the T modifier label for all symbols.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

It is now possible to set the affiliation of a symbol with all the affiliation values defined in the standard. The affiliation values for some symbols are limited by the symbology standards and if you want to stick to the standard (e.g. a listing in a GUI) you can still invoke the luciad/symbology/military/MilitarySymbol#possibleValues method to obtain the available affiliation values for a specific symbol.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The readability of the Military Symbology sample code has been enhanced by moving the clustering related code to the SymbologyClusteringManager class.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

It is now possible to load a luciad/symbology/Symbology without using the AMD-plugin method. Instead, you can now just call luciad/symbology/Symbology#getSymbology to retrieve a Symbology for a given code.

The advantage of loading symbologies with this approach is that it does not rely on the AMD-plugin API. This API is generally well supported when using build-tools from the AMD ecosystem, but may not be well supported with other toolchains or JS module systems.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Military symbols now show movement direction arrows.

The following modifiers affect the arrows:

  • "movementDirection": a number indicating the heading of the object. Must be an azimuth: degrees, clock-wise, 0 is north.
  • "speedLabel": a string expressing the movement speed, for example "17 km/h" or "11 kn". Affects the length of the arrow. Only relevant for APP-6C and MIL-STD-2525C.

Ground units will have an arrow starting from a vertical stem.

The length of the arrow is determined by the existing style property "iconSize" in combination with the "speedLabel" modifier if available. The line-width of the arrow is determined by the existing style properties "lineWidth".

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Military symbols can now be painted in a 3D map without draping on terrain. This is mostly used for icon symbols to get orient them towards the viewer instead of flat on the ground.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The deploy script of the Symbology Service servlet can now also create an obfuscated version of the Symbology Service. This makes it possible to use deployment licenses requiring obfuscation.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

It is now possible to configure the MilitarySymbologyPainter to include cookies as part of CORS requests to the symbology service.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

The Symbol.AffiliationColorEnabled property is now available, and enabled by default.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

Support for the military standard APP-6C has been added. It is now possible to create and visualize MilitarySymbol instances using the new 20-digit SIDC codes. luciad.symbology.SymbologyProvider also exposes the new domain hierarchy.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

It is now possible to use a Polygon, CircularArc, Arc, ArcBand, Circle, Ellipse, GeoBuffer, ComplexPolygon or ShapeList as geometry for a line-shaped or area-shaped tactical symbol. The supportsShapeType method in SymbologyNode can be used to check whether a shape type is suitable for a symbol.

ImprovementDefense Symbology

There is now visualization support for all APP-6 (A/B) and MIL-STD-2525 (B/C) objects, including tactical line-based symbols. In addition, interactive creation and editing is also supported for all symbols.

Relevant components are located in the luciad.symbology namespace. Important modules are:

  • luciad.symbology.SymbologyProvider: an AMD plugin which allows you to load a particular symbology standard
  • luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbologyPainter: a configurable painter for military symbols.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WFSFeatureStore.createFromCapabilities() and WFSFeatureStore.createFromURL() now take into account options.methods. Before this fix, only methods returned in the server's capabilities response were used.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed WMTSTileSetModel.createFromCapabilities() and WMTSTileSetModel.createFromURL() so that these methods will now create a model with a bounds that corresponds with the TileMatrixSet defined in the server's capabilities response. If the TileMatrixSet does not explicitly define the bounds, one will be deduced from the TileMatrices in the set. Before this fix, it was possible that image data was positioned incorrectly on the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where adding a world covering WMSTileSetModel in a WebMercator reference resulted in missing terrain data near the dateline.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the touch controls were not working in desktop versions of Chrome (version 70 and later).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with duplicated dependency in `WFSFeatureStore` that prevents executing the babelify utility on LuciadRIA code.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-2929, RIA-2970
The logic to skip drawing complex stroke's decorations is now the same both on a Map and on a WebGLMap. A non-gap decoration is skipped when:
  • it goes outside the beginning or the end of the line (unless the decoration is placed at the beginning or at the end of the line)
  • it overlaps with a previous decoration
Before the fix, decorations in such cases on a software-rendered maps were drawn being shifted along the line.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with drawing a label pin when the pin style is defined with endPosition set to PinEndPosition.MIDDLE_BORDER. Before, the label pins were showing up and disappearing erratically when labels were repainted.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The labelStyle.priority is now respected when drawing labels for selected features. Before the fix, the priority property was disregarded by the de-cluttering mechanism when drawing labels for selected features. In such situations the order of calling label commands determined the visibility of labels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed situations where shadows could be cast by terrain on objects underneath it, even when it would be displaced and visually not occluding. This was for instance possible with TileSet3DLayer, combined with the offsetTerrain flag.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the builder script couldn't be run due to usage of the browser specific window variable in MapLoader in the samples.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed the handling of an empty WMTS layer style identifier in WMTSTileSetModel.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Handle case when WMS 1.3.0 service use incorrect XML property for reference (SRS instead of CRS)

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed parsing bounds with swap axis in WMSCapabilities for WMS 1.3.0

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where GML data is incorrectly decoded when LinearRing, LineString or LineStringSegment geometry is defined with gml:pos elements.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed TileSet3DLayer not logging its warning when memory budget does not allow it to fully load a dataset at its requested quality factor.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the contains2D functions on a lon-lat geo buffer. When using a polyline with more than 4 points as base shape, testing a point that is within the bounds of the buffer, but not within the buffer itself caused an error. This is now resolved.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when layer's loading strategy rejects to reload features after zooming in and out on a map so that strategy's scale levels change back and forth, and one of the scale levels defines the query object with QueryProvider.QUERY_NONE.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue for OGC 3D Tiles datasets where the nodes had multiple primitives per mesh, it would occasionally cause a misaligned low-level buffer to be generated, causing missing tiles in the dataset.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

KML polygon outlines are now painted on the same level as the polygon's area. Previously outlines were sometimes painted above other polygons.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

When performing a WMS GetFeatureInfo operation, the SLD, SLD_BODY, STYLES and dimensions parameters are now also present in the request. This ensures that GetFeatureInfo requests match the GetMap requests performed by the Map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue of drawing on-path and in-path labels on WebGL maps from a controller ( Controller.onDrawLabel() API). Before the fix the on-path and in-path labels were not repainted where the underlying geometry has changed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue with PerspectiveCamera.lookFrom where the camera's direction was not correctly determined when lookFrom.eye was different from the camera's worldReference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added the CassiniSoldner projection which allows Ellipsoidal computation for Cassini projections.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue with shadows not disappearing when you made a layer invisible.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec decodes now the gml:MultiPoint geometry to a LuciadRIA ShapeList containing Points.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem when a selected feature was losing its selection representation on a WebGLMap. This situation used to happen in certain map configurations when after panning a selected feature got invisible and then visible again.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for excessive memory usage when drawing shapes filled with an image pattern, that is frequently resized. Before the fix image patterns of various sizes were cached without pruning.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The depth-of-field graphical effect is now also applied to partially transparent objects.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where point clouds could be painted with very small points if other layers were added behind them.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where shapes that were painted "above terrain" would not be updated entirely when a TileSet3DLayer was set invisible. In practice, they were updated correctly, but one additional repaint frame was needed to get the results on screen.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Reduced memory usage for each FeatureLayer on a WebGLMap, even if empty. This effect is noticeable when adding many (100+) layers on your map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using terrain offset in combination with 3D tiles data (see TileSet3DLayer option offsetTerrain). There was a regression in 2019.0 that caused gaps would appear at the edges of the offset area. Note that you can still have gaps at the edge of your screen if you navigate very close to the offset terrain.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

View-sized lines no longer cast a shadow. The reason is because their width depends on the camera position, casting a shadow did not make sense.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem where in-path labels (LabelCanvas.drawLabelInPath API) were not drawn on a hardware-accelerated map if the shape's body was painted without a fill style.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when displaying polygons that are vertical (i.e. exactly perpendicular to the ellipsoid). Such polygons had triangle-shaped artifacts and holes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem of drawing a complex polygon that contains a single shape crossing the date line.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with encoding the wildCard and escapeChar attributes of the OGC is like filter (created by FilterFactory.like API) in WFS requests.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem with a predicate function created by FilterFactory.toFeaturePredicate API, that is based on an OGC IsLikeOperator filter (created by FilterFactory.like) where the predicate function disregards the filter's matchCase attribute.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes an instance where TransformationFactory.createTransformation threw an error

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Performance of the clustering functionality has been improved by avoiding to re-cluster features when panning in a 3D view or when the map scale has not changed significantly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where RIA would call the constructor of LayerTreeNode subclasses with invalid arguments.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem in the clustering functionality when it is not possible to override the default noClustering parameter by a class specific configuration. This situation happens when a ClusteringTransformer is defined with defaultParameters.noClustering set to true.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where it was difficult to select lines that overlap with polygons on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-1399, RIA-1637, RIA-2530
Fixed issue where large icons could not be used in WebGL view. The icons are resized according to the size specified by the user or the maximum supported size before they are drawn on the map. Additionally, a message that states this is logged in the browser's console.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The "Projection" sample no longer needs the "swapAxes" flag on the WMS models for the "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area" and "Transverse Mercator" projections. Both LuciadRIA and LuciadFusion apply to correct axis ordering for these projections.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem in a software-rendered map when a complex stroke style, defined with decorations and a regular pattern of a relative length, is incorrectly drawn. In this case, decorations reduce the available space which would cause the regular pattern not to fit anymore.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a problem in canvas maps when a complex stroke's elliptical arc, defined with an ArcPattern, was drawn as a circle arc.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes incorrect z value of Shape#focusPoint for bounds and certain other shapes in 3D maps

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec will throw an error when the reference of decoded data is not recognized, instead of defaulting to the reference WGS:84. When such a situation happens, please register the unrecognized reference first, using ReferenceProvider.addReference(ReferenceProvider.parseWellKnownText(wkText, authorityName, authorityCode)).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Controller labels can be now de-conflicted together with other labels. When a controller draws labels with LabelStyle.group explicitly set to "DEFAULT" or a group that is used with other labels then the labels drawn by the controller are subject to the de-cluttering mechanism. By default controller labels are drawn on top of other labels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Labels drawn by a controller are now placed above drawings painted by the controller.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when the BBOX filter used for WFS spatial queries is out of accepted range. The problem used to happen when the view bounds crosses the anti meridian.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the map would flicker when you resize the browser in Edge.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a 3D WebGLMap resulted in a black screen when using an Intel HD GPU on a 4K monitor on Chrome.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The matchCase attribute of the "is like" filter expression created by FilterFactory.like is now properly encoded in query requests.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WKTReferenceParser didn't interpret the latitude origin for Cassini projections correctly. This also impacted ReferenceFactory for EPSG references EPSG:2314, EPSG:3068, EPSG:3140, EPSG:3377-3385, EPSG:4390-4398, EPSG:24500, EPSG:28191, EPSG:28193 and EPSG:30200.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes a problem with corrupted balloon's anchor when a feature does not exist in the layer's model.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes a bug in EllipsoidalGeodesy and SphericalGeodesy that would yield incorrect results when using the distance3D method.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes Methods of GeoJsonCodec missing in TypeScript def have been added

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes a bug that prevented luciad.transformation.LocationMode from being used in TypeScript

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixes TileSetAttributionProvider#getAttributionStrings being mentioned as TileSetAttributionProvider#getAttributionString in the Typescript def, making it impossible to use that method when using Typescript

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Restoring the tilt (pitch) of the camera in 3D WebGLMaps using right mouse drag didn't work well

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Correction in documentation code snippets related to 3D tiles layers construction.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem with performance of drawing partially visible complex stroke lines on canvas maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Partially visible lines with dash pattern are now drawn without visual artifacts when panning or zooming on canvas maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Balloons for features above terrain appear now in expected place.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

You can use FeaturePainterUtil to apply selection on lines with complex stroke style.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-1636, RIA-1411
You can now configure outsideTimeRangeWeight on TrajectoryPainter. This option configures the weight in the density map of parts of lines that are outside of the configured time window. The default is 0.01, resulting in the same visualization as before. Setting this option to 0 completely removes parts outside of the time window from the density.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when query requests are called twice on adding a layer to a map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error in the documentation of BasicCreateController.onObjectCreated. It did not indicate that it might return a Promise<Boolean> as well as a Boolean.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when KML data is incorrectly decoded above terrain.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved the accuracy of the curvature of the top and bottom plane of large extruded shapes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

In some cases, parts of the outline of polygons was missing in 3D. This is now resolved.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the AirspaceShapeProvider returned a faulty result when the trajectory ended on the border of an airspace

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with devices that support touch events. On these devices, a larger interaction radius would also be used when editing with the mouse. Now, the larger interaction radius is only used for touch events.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The accuracy of the top and bottom of extruded shapes along the earth's curvature was increased. This avoids some intersection with terrain. Note that extruded shapes can still intersect with terrain because of low-quality terrain, or because the bottom is actually lower than the terrain itself.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Releasing handlers to ShapeProvider when FeatureLayer is removed from a map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the label de-cluttering algorithm when the padding property defined in a label style was not correctly used. The padding is used to apply an invisible border around labels so that de-cluttering algorithm has more chances to reject neighboring labels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-2467, RIA-2917
Fixed an issue with fitting on bounds that have (near) 0 width/height, when using a WebGLMap. This issue was a regression, introduced by improvement RIA-2276.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using elevation data defined in feet instead of meters. In some cases, combining this elevation with an imagery tileset resulting in wrong elevation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when incorrect level-of-detail bounds is computed in certain situations for spatial queries when a layer uses LoadSpatially strategy on 3D maps with multiple scale levels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when draping content defined in a non-WGS84 geodetic datum and ellipsoid. Floating draped content could happen when you had a combination of layers (elevation, imagery or vector) specified in a WGS84 and non-WGS84 geodetic datum.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where EPSG:3996 would be misrepresented.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when painting selected lines painted with TrajectoryPainter. These selected lines didn't apply the head and trail highlighting effect. Instead it used to paint the line with a single solid color.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with memory leak when destroying a map. FeatureLayer releases now its underlying WorkingSet object.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

EditController and CreateController now draw labels for features being created and edited.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when feature layers with different references based on a Well Known Text are incorrectly displayed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with MapNavigator.rotate. It would throw an error if the 3D globe was not under the top-left pixel of the map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with alignment of multi-line text drawn by geoCanvas.drawText in WebGL maps. The TextStyle.textAnchor property controls how every element of a multi-line text is horizontally aligned.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in WebGL maps when a multi-line text drawn by geoCanvas.drawText overlap each other.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when painting a feature with 3 or more icons. In that case, you could get errors resulting in obsolete icons stuck on the screen, or icons not showing up.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where the lon/lat boundaries calculation of some projections (Dutch stereographic, stereographic and Albers equal-area conic projections) failed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where NodeJS imports (require('fs'), require('path') and require('crypto')) are included when importing a WebGLMap. While these require calls were never evaluated, module bundlers would complain about them (as they can not resolve these modules).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in 3D maps where labels created by a controller jump between possible positions.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

type: Removed the zOrder setting from ParameterizedPointPainter and ParameterizedPointStyle. These were accidentally made public, but didn't have any effect. They can't have effect because of how the technical implementation works.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The wave pattern with a relative width is now correctly painted in canvas maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where bounds larger than 180 degrees wide were painted incorrectly on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The arrow pattern is now correctly painted in canvas maps when a complex stroke style object contains different colors for line and fill properties.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where errors were thrown when editing geometry with many co-located points.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where, in some cases, creating a bounds with clicks would not stop immediately when releasing the mouse button.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issues with creating and editing geodetic bounds across the dateline.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The map's scale now takes into account projection's unit of measure into account.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a case where editing of military symbols with hatch patterns, icons and labels on a WebGLMap would result in an inconsistent state.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed additive refinement not properly loading data in some cases, for OGC 3d tiles.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a regression with certain glTF files where you would get an error message stating that setPosition is undefined.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an problem when painting multiple icons for a single feature in a WebGLMap. In some cases, this resulted in an error, and possibly some discrepancies on the screen: missing icons or too many.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed the parsing of color information in KML files. Previously, certain colors would be parsed as numbers instead of strings, causing certain placemarks to be the wrong color. All colors are now properly parsed as strings instead.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

classList polyfill has been re-added to the sample code, because classList support is only partial in IE11, and this caused the LayerControl in IE11 to behave incorrectly in 2018.0+

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem with maxFeatures parameter in WFSFeatureStore when WFS version is "2.0.0" or greater. LuciadRIA now sends the WFS GetFeature request with COUNT parameter when a user wants to limit the number of features returned from WFS service. For more details, please consult WFSFeatureStore.query and WFSFeatureStore.spatialQuery API.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Preventing from executing multiple parallel WFS requests when a map uses LoadSpatially strategy.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Extruded shapes with a line as base shape (polyline, arc or circular arc) were not filled, even when using a fill style. This is now resolved. The sides of extruded lines are now filled. The top and bottom of the extruded line is not filled of-course.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-2286, RIA-2039
In some cases, extruded shapes with a line as base shape (polyline, arc or circular arc) could become closed when they were big (larger than 2 degrees). This is now resolved. Extruded lines are never closed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Default type for model descriptor of image & tileset models should always be RasterDataType.IMAGE. This wasn't the case and has been changed by this fix

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem with measuring label text size when font changes.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in WebGLMap when using icons with offsets larger than 128, or anchors larger than 256. The offsets and anchors were clamped to these ranges. Now, they can be much larger.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The outlines of extruded shapes with no fill are now properly painted in 3D. Before, only the base shape was painted in this case.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where an Error was thrown when the user clicked outside of the Map's projection bounds while creating a Bounds shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Using subdomains in a WMSTileSetModel now works as expected. Before this fix, the WMSTileSetModel constructor would throw an error when you tried to specify a getMapRoot with a subdomain pattern.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed TypeScript definition & documentation for Pointlabelstyle, PinStyle & TextStyle:
  • widths for TextStyle & PinStyle are now defined as number instead of string in docs & Typescript def, in correspondence with other numeric widths in LuciadRIA
  • Typescript def now requires position property to be a valid PointLabelPosition or array of PointLabelPositions
  • docs not also mention position property should be a valid PointLabelPosition or array of PointLabelPositions
  • docs now correctly mention PointLabelPosition.NORTH & PointLabelPosition.SOUTH instead of PointLabelPosition.ABOVE & PointLabelPosition.BELOW

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a faulty AMD module import resulting from RIA-2238

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed TypeScript definition for Layer.getModelBoundsVisibleOnMap(). It should be a function returning a Bounds, not a property of type Bounds.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Documentation & TypeScript declaration for Store#remove previously mention String, Number or a Promise to String / Number as possible return values while actual implementations returned Boolean or Promise to Boolean. Documentation & TypeScript declaration have been changed to correspond with implementations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where image tiles were not always refined when zooming in. This issue showed up when using a Web Mercator tileset in WebGL.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed TypeScript definition for RasterTileSetModel.getImage. The onError callback takes 2 arguments, not one.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added Typescript missing definitions for UrlTileSetModel.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved stability and flexibility of 3d tiles metadata decoding capability's detection. It now accounts for empty lines / spaces / tabulations before the json body.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with multitouch gestures on devices that support force touch (aka 3D touch). You had to apply a lot of pressure before the gesture was recognized.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GMLCodec has been added to Typescript definition file.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the TypeScript definition for Controller.onKeyEvent. This function accepts a KeyEvent, not a GestureEvent.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with freezing application for a while when model's Store does not return a feature id in reaction to CRUD operations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with getting duplicated features when KMLModel is re-queried.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem with rendering features drawn by ParameterizedLinePainter when the shapes reference is the same as the map reference.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Use the default color for drawing lines when LineStyle.color property is set to null.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Improved support and performance for 3D tiles dataset, mainly ones having tiles with large triangle count.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Errors that are related to HTTP request that may occur when creating OGC3DTilesModel are reported now in the rejected promise as RequestError object.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed problem with setting PointCloudStyle.scalingMode. Now it is possible to use ScalingMode.PIXEL_SIZE mode for point cloud data visualization.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added TypeScript definition for FeaturePainter.invalidateById.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with setting a style for Circular Arc and Circle shapes in BasicFeaturePainter.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Vertical alignment of DrawText now works correctly for multiline texts in WebGL maps

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed TypeScript definition: The subdomains option for UrlTileSetModel's constructor is now correctly marked as optional.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in WebGL maps of showing on-path labels associated with relatively short geometries.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Symbology Encoding painter supports Rotation parameter when drawing image symbols.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected an issue where LuciadRIA threw an error when invalidating a RasterImageModel or when altering a property of WMSImageModel.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Double-clicking on a layer in the LayerTreeControl outside of the label has been re-enabled. Double-clicking is now disabled only for the "visibility" & "more actions" buttons. This prevents the fit being accidentally triggered when clicking these buttons while still allowing a fit by double-clicking anywhere else on the layer.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added TypeScript definition for ShapeType.SECTOR.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added documentation on ContextMenu.items for items that are separators. Also updated the TypeScript definition for ContextMenuItem.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added TypeScript definitions for static functions on luciad/util/Promise.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added Controller.onDrawLabel to RIA's TypeScript definition.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed green atmosphere painting when using a WebGLMap with Firefox 51 or later.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-1822, RIA-1837
Fixed an issue when labels were not rendered for geometries that were close or over the horizon in 3D views.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where features were not rendered correctly in Webmercator with non-0 central meridian.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using a polar stereographic projection with a true scale latitude almost on the pole as world reference wouldn't work.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The point visibility check is improved for 3D scenes. In certain cases Map.mapToViewTransformation.transform() could throw OutOfBoundsError for a visible 3D point.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where bounds could not be created using ShapeFactory.createShape, and by extension the BasicCreateController.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

In the ECDIS Sample, changes to Shallow Contour, Safety Contour and Deep Contour in the UI are now propagated to the SLD that is sent to the server. At startup, the correct buttons are now made active.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where artifacts (holes) were visible on edges between adjacent raster tiles.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with License#loadLicenseFromUrl. This method of loading the license broke by changes introduced for RIA-2005 (in 2017.1.03).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in the API documentation for MapNavigator.zoom. Values for factor larger than 1 cause the map to be zoomed in instead of zoomed out.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added the subdomains option to UrlTileSetModel's constructor in the LuciadRIA TypeScript declaration file.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added the dataType and samplingMode properties to RasterTileSetModel in the LuciadRIA TypeScript declaration file.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error in the LuciadRIA TypeScript definition: LayerTreeNode did not implement luciad.util.Evented.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a typo in the LuciadRIA TypeScript definition: MapNavigator#rotate takes a targetRotation option instead of a targetLocation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WKTReferenceParser didn't parse references using the azimuthal equidistantprojection correctly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected version declaration for GML namespace when used for WFS requests with OGC filters.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with RasterTileSetLayer: for maps with a stretched aspect ratio (width >= 3 * height), tile selection was incorrect in some cases.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in WebGL maps when an error is thrown when anchor position is not provided due to excessive label size.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

WFS requests for versions 2.0.x do not contain the xmlns:ogc namespace declaration anymore. WFS servers may reject such requests due to unexpected namespace.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when drawing a label for a shape that is an empty ShapeList.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when selecting objects that were "above terrain". It was sometimes not possible to select such objects in 3D.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a WMSImageLayer would jitter slightly while panning slowly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

RIA-2015, RIA-1998
Fixed an issue with selecting lines painted with TrajectoryPainter or ParameterizedLinePainter using a range (for example a time range). It was sometimes not possible to select these lines when clicking on the line close to the end of that range.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with License.loadLicenseFromUrl: it incorrectly returned a Dojo Promise (without a .catch function) instead of A+ Promise.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with RasterImageLayer where, when panning erratically, the image might be rendered at the wrong location.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the sample GetFeatureInfoController: it would keep showing the 'loading' cursor when no feature was clicked.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue in LuciadRIA's TypeScript definition: Ellipse did not extend Shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The product version in package.json has been fixed; leading zeros in the patch number are now removed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The startSampleServer scripts now also work on Java 9.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

ShapeProvider.invalidateAll does not trigger any more the model query reprocess.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Balloon functionality takes into account the position of provided shape when clicking on a feature.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Grid is no longer rendered incorrectly in Webmercator with non-0 central meridian.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

ClusteringTransformer no longer throws an error when a model is updated and that model or its store always returns a Promise from its query method.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug when using TrajectoryPainter or ParameterizedLinePainter when changing a feature's properties. In that case, the styling did not reflect the property change.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a bug where the BingMapsTileSetModel did not always load the adequate tile for the zoom level the map was showing. Because of that, a less detailed tile was shown in arbitrary locations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Typescript definition: LayerTreeNode's typing declaration now indicates that it implements Evented

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Typescript definition: Fixed module declaration of luciad/view/input/GestureEvent

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The CreateController now correctly shows the snap icon for the initial point.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The 'snap-to-scale-level' that happens whenever a layer is added to the map, now respects map.mapNavigator.defaults.snapToScaleLevels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GetFeatureInfo requests using the FeatureInfoController (sample code) can now handle mime types that include charset information.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fix for misplacing labels when FeaturePainter draws more than a single shape for a feature.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

For hardware-accelerated maps the FeaturePainter.drawLabel function passes shape parameter provided by layer's ShapeProvider. That way the the meaning of the shape parameter is consistent for both the hardware-accelerated maps and canvas maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Resolved errors when re-using a ParameterizedLinePainter or TrajectoryPainter instance in multiple maps (for example, switching from a 2D map to a 3D map).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed errors in LuciadRIA's TypeScript definition that triggered when running a TypeScript compiler with the noImplicitAny option enabled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where drag events were not propagated to the map's controller if the controller ignored the first drag event.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed various minor issues with the Typescript definition (added missing modules, corrected signatures...).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where labels drawn by a Controller would jitter when drawn on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed issue when editing complex polygons with many points.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error when FeaturePainter#invalidateById is used on hardware-accelerated maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an error when ShapeProvider invalidation methods are used on hardware-accelerated maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

FeaturePainter#invalidateById method is exposed in the API documentation.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with not showing labels at the end of X axis on vertical maps.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed casing of some http-headers. This fixes the missing elevation bug in Chrome 60 and up.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Re-ordering of layers within the same layer group no longer causes all data to be reloaded or the "NodeAdded" and "NodeRemoved" events to be triggered

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Axis for vertical views are painted without blurry edges.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected the TypeScript method signatures for Map.pickAt() and Map.pickClosestObject().

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed errors when using WebGLMap with a map <div> that is not visible (width or height 0). While harmless, you could get errors while labeling or during selection in this case.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

GeoBuffer's bounds were not always covering its contour when using a geodetic reference. This was also preventing the GeoBuffer.contains2D method from working properly. GeoBuffer's bounds are now calculated correctly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Refreshing the left border decorations after resizing a vertical view.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

For some type and function combinations, an ifThenElse-expression inside another expression was not considered valid.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Bounds shapes with width greater than 180 degrees that stretch over the 180th meridian are drawn correctly now.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Making the GoogleLayer invisible now works correctly.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Corrected API documentation for GeoCanvas method signatures: drawIcon and drawText.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Geodetic bounds with a height of (approximately) 180 degrees were not always transformed correctly to a reference with a different geodetic datum.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The baseURL parameter is now correctly passed as an argument when getTileURL() is called on WMSTileSetModel. Before the fix, the parameter was undefined, making it harder to override the method.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

The ReferenceProvider now picks up the central meridian parameter when a web mercator reference is created by means of a WKT string.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

HandleEventResult#clearRequestFinish cleared the REQUESTDEACTIVATION flag instead of the REQUESTFINISH flag.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

For drawLabelInPath with "inView" set, labels for shapes outside of the view could end up without any labels when the their shapes are again visible. This has been fixed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Removed cursor: default; CSS property on LuciadRIA DOM elements. This allows you to override the cursor used on the Map.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the GestureEvent.modifier property was not properly set.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

For drawLabelInPath with "inView" set, labels for shapes outside of the view could end up on the Greenwich Meridian. This has been fixed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where non-animated versions of MapNavigator operations did not interrupt ongoing animations.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when using a combination of clustering, map destroys and model updates. Errors could occur when you used model updates on a layer with clustering on after its map was destroyed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where, sometimes, a pitch-related Error was thrown during fitting.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue when updating line shapes that were painted with a TrajectoryPainter or ParameterizedLinePainter. Changing the shape (for example inserting a point) and doing a model update (using FeatureModel.put) resulted in an error and no visual update of the shape.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where input on IE9 could be off by several pixels.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Resolved an issue in LoadEverything: on Internet Explorer, there could be an error after invalidating a layer through its QueryProvider.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with the equality filter definition in SLD file, where an expected value is a number. The equality filter definitions are properly evaluated by SE painters when the expected value is a number.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with not taking into account the matchCase parameter in filter definitions in SLD files. The matchCase parameter is now taken into account while evaluating features by painters created by SEPainterFactory (based on SLD files).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with filter definitions in SLD file, where the expected value is a string starting with a number value. The filter definitions in SLD files are properly evaluated by SE painters when the expected value is a string starting with a number value.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

ClusteringTransformer: selected objects no longer disappear when zooming in and out while the clustering transformer is configured to not cluster.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

LuciadRIA can now handle mercator projections with a true scale latitude (mercator variant B).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Mouse input no longer uses the PointerEvent API when available. This resolves issues with mouse input on RIA maps embedded in MFC components or legacy browsers.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Map.pickAt no longer returns duplicate results.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where 3D icons were not rendered by the FeaturePainter when using the CreateController.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where a balloon that was clicked open, would not be closed when the associated feature got filtered out.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue that would cause BingMaps to display camera icons when zoomed in on a WebGLMap.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with displaying large circles in 2D: circles larger than a hemisphere are now correctly filled. Before, the fill of such circles was inverted: the area inside the circle was empty, and the area outside the circle was filled.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with map.restoreState on 3D maps. The rotation of the restored camera state would deviate slightly from the saved camera state. This deviation was especially noticeable for zoomed-out heavily pitched camera positions.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Added new API whenReady on LayerTreeNode to wait until all processing is reflected on the screen. This includes:
  • Data loading (tiles, features) caused by navigation etc.
  • Feature processing caused by painter invalidations etc.
LayerTreeNode.whenReady returns a promise that resolves when all changes leading up this call are processed and the screen is up-to-date. This can be used to wait for specific changes to be processing completely. Notes that LayerGroup (including map.layerTree) is also a LayerTreeNode, so also has this API available. Example:
      map.mapNavigator.fit({bounds: somewhere});

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where calling MapNavigator.fit on a map with a GoogleLayer present, would cause the GoogleLayer to not render until the map was zoomed.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed a memory leak when using a RasterTileSetLayer in a WebGLMap with frequent model invalidations (for example, changing SLD on a WMSTileSetModel).

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue where calling map.saveState() on a 3D WebGLMap would throw an error.

Bug fixLuciadRIA

Fixed an issue with calling BasicFeaturePainter.setStyle when the painter is already attached to a layer.