The Location Mode constants identify how the Transformation object interprets a view position in 3D space. Location Mode is used in Map.getViewToMapTransformation.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members


Defines the view-to-map transformation mode that provides a corresponding world position on a closest surface for a given view point (pixel). This mode yields a world (map) point position on the closest surface that is a part of a 3D object (3D meshes, point clouds, an extruded shape, a 3D icon) or the terrain. This mode has an effect on 3D maps only.


Defines the view-to-map transformation mode that provides a corresponding world position on the ellipsoid of the map reference for a given view point (pixel). This mode has effect on 3D maps only. On 2D maps, this mode returns exactly the same result as the other location modes, due to the lack of height information. On 3D cartesian maps, this mode returns exactly the same result as the terrain mode.




Defines the view-to-map transformation mode that provides a corresponding world position on the terrain for a given view point (pixel). Terrain mode includes the elevation layer in the map, if one is available and visible. For 3D cartesian world references, this mode yields a corresponding world position on the z = 0 plane.