A manager of Undoables.

You can undoables that you can undo or redo.

You can wire a keyboard shortcut, like CTRL+Z to undo, as follows:

// wire CTRL+Z to undo and CTRL+Y to redo. For Mac users, wire CMD+Z to undo and CMD+SHIFT+Z to redo.
window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (document.activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
// input/text field has focus, undo/redo should affect the text and not the map
// ctrl+z or cmd+z (mac) to undo
const isMac = window.navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") >= 0;
const isUndoKey = isMac ? (e.key === "z" && (e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey)) : (e.key === "z" && e.ctrlKey);
if (isUndoKey) {
// ctrl+y or cmd+shift+z (mac) to redo
const isRedoKey = isMac ? (e.key === "z" && e.metaKey && e.shiftKey) : (e.key === "y" && e.ctrlKey);
if (isRedoKey) {

You usually create undoables in response to an event from the API, and then add them to an UndoManager. You can find a list of common events in Undoable.

This example shows how to create Undoables in LuciadRIA:

* Adds sample undo/redo support to an EditController.
* @param editController The EditController to add sample undo/redo support to
* @param undoManager The UndoManager to add the undoable to
export const addEditUndoSupport = (editController: EditController, undoManager: UndoManager = SAMPLE_UNDO_MANAGER): Handle => {
let lastShape = editController.feature.shape ? editController.feature.shape.copy() : null;
const editHandle = editController.on("EditShape", ({shape, status}) => {
if (status === EditShapeStatus.FINISHED) {
const label = `edit ${shapeToString(shape)}`;
const newShape = shape ? shape.copy() : null;
addChangeShapeUndoable(editController.map!, editController.layer, editController.feature, lastShape, newShape, label, undoManager);
lastShape = newShape ? newShape.copy() : null;
const restartHandle = editController.on("Restarted", () => {
if (!ChangeShapeUndoable.isRestartFromUndoable) {
// restart from outside undo/redo, track the change
const shape = editController.feature.shape;
const label = `restart ${shapeToString(shape)}`;
const newShape = shape ? shape.copy() : null;
addChangeShapeUndoable(editController.map!, editController.layer, editController.feature, lastShape, newShape, label, undoManager);
lastShape = newShape ? newShape.copy() : null;
lastShape = editController.feature.shape ? editController.feature.shape.copy() : null;
const deactivateHandle = editController.on("Deactivated", () => {
return {
remove: () => {

You can find the full source, and more examples, in toolbox/ria/core/util/SampleUndoSupport.ts.

See the Adding undo/redo support to your application guide for more information on how to work with undo/redo in LuciadRIA.






  • Creates a new UndoManager instance


    • Optional limit: number

      The maximum amount of Undoable this manager should track on its undoStack. Defaults to 10.

    Returns UndoManager


  • get limit(): number
  • Returns the current limit of the UndoManager

    Returns number

  • set limit(limit): void
  • Sets the limit of the UndoManager.

    This limits the size of the undoStack. If the size of the undoStack exceeds the limit, the oldest Undoables on the stack are removed.

    If the new limit is lower than the old limit, the oldest items on the undoStack will be discarded, without applying them.


    • limit: number

      The new limit. Must be strictly positive.

    Returns void

  • get redoStack(): Undoable[]
  • Returns a copy of the redo stack. The upcoming undoable is the last element in the array.

    You can use this stack to show one or more upcoming undoables, for example in a drop-down box of a redo button.

    Returns Undoable[]

  • get undoStack(): Undoable[]
  • Returns a copy of the undo stack. The upcoming undoable is the last element in the array.

    You can use this stack to show one or more upcoming undoables, for example in a drop-down box of an undo button.

    Returns Undoable[]


  • Indicates if this UndoManager can redo.

    An UndoManager can redo when there is at least 1 Undoable on the redoStack.

    Returns boolean

  • Indicates if this UndoManager can undo.

    An UndoManager can undo when there is at least 1 Undoable on the undoStack.

    Returns boolean

  • Resets the UndoManager. This empties the Undoables;

    Returns void


"UndoStackChanged" event

  • on("UndoStackChanged", callback: (() => void)) : Handle
  • An event that fires whenever the undoStack of this UndoManager changes. UndoStackChanged


    • event: "UndoStackChanged"
    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Handle

"RedoStackChanged" event

  • on("RedoStackChanged", callback: (() => void)) : Handle
  • An event that fires whenever the redoStack of this UndoManager changes. RedoStackChanged


    • event: "RedoStackChanged"
    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Handle

"LimitChanged" event

  • on("LimitChanged", callback: (() => void)) : Handle
  • An event that fires whenever the limit of this UndoManager changes. LimitChanged


    • event: "LimitChanged"
    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Handle