Specifies the location of KML files, image files, or model files that must be retrieved from the network.




  • KMLLink


href: null | string

Specifies a URL to the resource location.

httpQuery: null | string

Specifies any additional query parameters not related to the geographic view.

  • [clientVersion] is replaced with the version of the client.
  • [kmlVersion] is replaced with the version of the requested KML.
  • [clientName] is replaced with the name of the client.
  • [language] is replaced with the language preference of the client.
refreshInterval: number

When KMLLink.refreshMode is set to KMLRefreshMode.ON_INTERVAL, this indicates to the number of seconds to wait between refreshes (Default: 4.0).

refreshMode: KMLRefreshMode

Specifies a time-based refresh mode (Default: KMLRefreshMode.

viewBoundScale: number

Scales bounding-box parameters, where a value greater than 1 specifies a larger geographic area than the current view, a value less than 1 specifies a smaller geographic area, and 1 specifies the current geographic area (Default: 1.0).

viewFormat: null | string

Specifies the format of a query string related to view parameters that is appended to the KMLLink.href before the resource is fetched. The following query parameters may be used:

  • [lookatLon] and [lookatLat] are replaced with the LookAt's longitude and latitude values.
  • [lookatRange], [lookatTilt], and [lookatHeading] are replaced with the LookAt's range, tilt, and heading values.
  • [lookatTerrainLon], [lookatTerrainLat], and [lookatTerrainAlt] are replaced with the point on the terrain (in decimal degrees/meters) that LookAt is viewing.
  • [cameraLon], [cameraLat], and [cameraAlt] are replaced with the decimal degrees/meters of the eyepoint for the camera.
  • [horizFov] and [vertFov] are replaced with the camera's horizontal and vertical fields of view.
  • [horizPixels] and [vertPixels] are replaced with the size (in pixels) of the geographic view.
  • [terrainEnabled] is replaced with a 1 or 0 (indicating true or false, respectively) to show whether the map is rendering terrain.
  • [bboxWest], [bboxSouth], [bboxEast], and [bboxNorth] are replaced with bounding box limits matching the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) bounding box specification.
viewRefreshMode: KMLViewRefreshMode

Specifies how the link is refreshed when the geographic view changes (Default: KMLViewRefreshMode.NEVER).

viewRefreshTime: number

When viewRefreshMode is set to KMLViewRefreshMode.ON_STOP, this value specifies the number of seconds to wait after camera movement stops before the geographic view is refreshed (Default: 4.0).