heightDefines the height of the tile data in pixels.
Must be set when data is an ArrayBuffer
containing raw
pixel values. In other cases this property is ignored.
mimeDefines the mime type for the data set luciad.model.tileset.TileData#data.
Must be set when data is an ArrayBuffer
containing an encoded image.
It may not be set when the ArrayBuffer
contains uncompressed raw bit values.
pixelDefines the pixel format of a raw image.
This property must be set when data is an ArrayBuffer
containing raw
pixel values. In other cases this property is ignored.
widthDefines the width of the tile data in pixels.
Must be set when data is an ArrayBuffer
containing raw
pixel values. In other cases this property is ignored.
The data for a tile can be either an
or anImage
. It is mandatory to set this property to a valid value.