Represents a vector data object with a shape. It may include application specific properties.

Type Parameters

  • TShape extends Shape | null = Shape | null

    Represents the type of feature's shape. Default type is inferred from the 'shape' passed to the constructor.

  • TProperties extends FeatureProperties = FeatureProperties

    Represents the type of feature's properties. Default type is inferred from the 'properties' passed to the constructor. If the 'properties' is not provided the type is defaulted to FeatureProperties.

      // Creates a type-guarded Feature with the Point shape and specific properties
    const leuvenCity = new Feature(point, {name: 'Leuven'});
    // TypeScript infers the shape and properties type from the constructor inputs
    const {x, y} = leuvenCity.shape;
    console.log(`city: ${}`);

    // Let TypeScript know the types explicitly
    interface CityProps {name: string, population: number}
    const anotherCity = new Feature<Point, CityProps>(point, {name: 'Brussels', population: 2_100_000}); += 20_000;

Hierarchy (view full)






  • get id(): FeatureId
  • The unique identifier of the Feature. This unique id must uniquely identify the Feature within the context of a model, ie.within the context of a luciad.model.feature.FeatureModel.

    Returns FeatureId

  • set id(value): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get properties(): TProperties
  • The properties of the data object. This is optional and may be left undefined. Usually, this object is a key/value pair object.

    Returns TProperties

  • set properties(value): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get shape(): TShape
  • The shape of the feature

    Returns TShape

  • set shape(shape): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void
