The Map is the main view component that displays a number of layers.

To create a default 2D map, simply do:

map = new Map("map");

To create a hardware-accelerated 2D map, use WebGLMap:

map = new WebGLMap("map");

To create a hardware-accelerated 3D map, use WebGLMap with reference EPSG:4978:

map = new WebGLMap("map", { reference: getReference("EPSG:4978") });




  • Creates a new map.


    • node: string | HTMLElement

      either the DOM node in the web-page which will hold the map or that node's id. The container for a map is typically a DIV-element.

    • Optional mapConfig: MapConstructorOptions

      the map configuration.

    Returns Map


  • get cameraAnimationKey(): string
  • The key used to animate the camera on the map.

    Returns string

  • get controller(): null | Controller
  • Returns null | Controller

  • set controller(controller): void
  • The currently active controller of the map. A controller defines how user input is interpreted. If no controller is explicitly configured on the map, a number of defaults apply. See the Controller documentation for more details about these defaults.

    map.controller = new BasicCreateController("point");


    Returns void

  • get domNode(): HTMLElement
  • The DOM node in which the map is contained. This is the same node which was passed by ID at map construction.

    Returns HTMLElement

  • get dotsPerCentimeter(): number
  • The number of virtual pixels ("dots") on the screen per centimeter, as determined by the Map. This value usually varies depending on the device, OS-settings and browser.

    Returns number

  • get dotsPerInch(): number
  • The number of virtual pixels ("dots") on the screen per inch, as determined by the Map. This value usually varies depending on the device, OS-settings and browser.

    Returns number

  • get effects(): GraphicsEffects
  • The graphics effects that are applied on this map. Have a look at GraphicsEffects for a list of effects that are available.

    You should directly assign properties of the effects fields.

    Any effect that has complex parameters (using an object literal) can be disabled by setting its value to null. For simple effects that have boolean toggles, you can turn the effect off by setting the boolean value to false.:

        map.effects.light = null;
    map.effects.atmosphere = false;

    Returns GraphicsEffects

  • get globeColor(): null | string
  • A CSS color string to indicate the desired color of the globe if no imagery layers are present.

       map.globeColor = "#aabbcc";  // or "rgba(110, 120, 130, 1.0)"

    The default color for the globe is light-grey ("rgba(204, 204, 204, 1.0)")

    This only has an effect on 3D maps. On 2D maps, there is no globe.

    There are three distinct values that you can use, each with their specific behaviour.

    • rgba(red, green, blue, alpha), where alpha is non-zero or #RRGGBB
      the globe is painted fully opaque with the given color in the absence of raster layers.
    • rgba(red, green, blue, 0)
      the globe is painted fully transparent in the absence of raster layers.
      The value of red, green and blue is ignored, "rgba(0,0,0,0)" has the same effect as "rgba(255,255,255,0)". The globe still allows you to drape 2D shapes and images on top of it.
    • null
      no globe is painted.
      This also disables 2D vector and raster painting. Only data that does not need draping will be rendered on the map.

    Returns null | string

  • set globeColor(globeColor): void
  • Parameters

    • globeColor: null | string

    Returns void

  • get hoveredObjects(): HoveredObjectInfo[]
  • The set of objects which are currently displayed as "hovered" (i.e. a cursor is hovering over them).

    Returns HoveredObjectInfo[]



  • get layerTree(): LayerTree
  • The layer tree that contains all of the layers in this map. This property is immutable.

    Returns LayerTree

  • get mapBounds(): Bounds
  • Returns the current bounds of the map as a rectangle in the map's reference.

    Returns Bounds


    Please use getMapBounds instead.

  • get mapScale(): [number, number]
  • Returns the scale values of this map view as an array of two Numbers (scale along the X-axes and the Y-axes, in that order). This is a read-only property.

    In the case when the unit of measure is a length (like distance, altitude, easting,....), the scale is the ratio between the distance, as it is measured on the screen of the device, to the distance in the real world. This corresponds with paper map scales. For instance to obtain a 1:10000 map display the scale should be set to 1 / 10000.

    In the case when the unit of measure is of a different type (for example, time or temperature), the scale is the ratio of 1cm on the screen per units of measure. For example, such a scale might express something like 1cm equals 5 hours.

    Note that since web browsers do not provide unambiguous information on the correct screen resolution (which is commonly expressed in dpi (dots per inch)), the distance of 1cm on a device's display is an approximation. To retrieve the conversion factor used by LuciadRIA, you can use the dotsPerCentimeter property of the Map.

    Returns [number, number]

  • get mapToViewTransformation(): Transformation
  • The transformation that can be used to transform coordinates specified in the Map's reference to view coordinates (pixels). See viewToMapTransformation for the inverse transformation.

    In a 3D map, this transformation will throw OutOfBoundsError when the world coordinate is not visible in the current view. This happens when the world coordinate is obscured by terrain or on the back-facing side of the globe.

    In a 2D map that has Map.wrapAroundWorld set to true, this transformation will return a pixel in view if it exists. If this point is visible on multiple maps, the pixel corresponding to the center most map will be returned.
    For more information, check Things to consider when using wrapAroundWorld.

    Returns Transformation

  • get maxMapScale(): number | [number, number]
  • The maximum scale value of the map. A user can not zoom in further than this value. The value is an array of 2 positive numbers: the first for the scale along the horizontal axis, the second for the scale along the vertical axis. These values may also be set with a single number value for convenience.

    The default value of the horizontal and vertical components is Infinity, meaning there is no upper scale limit in both dimensions.

    An error will be thrown when attempting to set an invalid value (e.g. the maxMapScale is smaller than the minMapScale).

    Note that this value may conflict with the minimum scale which is implied by the bounds constraint (Map.restrictNavigationToBounds). When this value is smaller than that minimum-scale (which depends on the width/height of those bounds as well as the width/height of the view), the scale of the bounds-restriction will have precedence over this one.

    This value may conflict with the scale implied by the navigation restriction Map.getBoundsNavigationRestriction. Because the map will be zoomed in so no data outside the restriction is shown, that scale value may be larger than this value. If that is the case, the scale value of the restriction will take precedence. Note that in such a case, it is impossible to zoom the map.

    Returns number | [number, number]


    See constraints to configure scale constraints.

  • set maxMapScale(maxScale): void
  • Parameters

    • maxScale: number | [number, number]

    Returns void

  • get minMapScale(): number | [number, number]
  • The minimum scale value of the map. A user can not zoom out further than this value. The value is an array of 2 positive numbers: the first for the scale along the horizontal axis, the second for the scale along the vertical axis. These values may also be set with a single number value for convenience.

    The default value of the horizontal and vertical components is 0, meaning there is no lower scale limit in both dimensions.

    An error will be thrown when attempting to set an invalid value (e.g. the minMapScale is larger than the maxMapScale).

    map.minMapScale = 1/200000;
    map.maxMapScale = 1/50000;

    Returns number | [number, number]


    See constraints to configure scale constraints.

  • set minMapScale(minScale): void
  • Parameters

    • minScale: number | [number, number]

    Returns void

  • get selectedObjects(): SelectedObjectInfo[]
  • The selected objects of the map. This is an array of Objects where each Object contains the layer and the selected objects as properties. The name of those properties is layer and selected respectively.

    Performing an action on each selected object of a certain layer can for example be achieved as shown below.

      var map = ...;
    var selection = map.selectedObjects;
    var i, j;
    var layer, selectedObjects,selectedObject;
    for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ){
    layer = selection[i].layer;
    if ( isSearchedLayer( layer ) ){
    selectedObjects = selection[i].selected;//array of the selected objects for layer
    for ( j = 0; j < selectedObjects.length; j++ ){
    selectedObject = selectedObjects[j];
    //do something with the selected object

    Returns SelectedObjectInfo[]

  • get totalSize(): [number, number]
  • The size of the view - including the border - as an array with two Numbers, representing the width and height in pixels.

    Returns [number, number]

  • get viewSize(): [number, number]
  • The size of the view - excluding the border - as an array with two Numbers, representing the width and height in pixels. This is the size of the area where the data (not the axes) is rendered.

    Returns [number, number]

  • get viewToMapTransformation(): Transformation
  • The transformation that can be used to transform coordinates specified in view coordinates (pixels) to the map reference. See mapToViewTransformation for the inverse transformation.

    In a 3D map, this transformation will return a world point on the terrain at the input view coordinate. If the view coordinate does not hit the terrain, the transformation will throw OutOfBoundsError.

    In a 2D map, the world point will never contain elevation.

    This is a shorthand for (LocationMode.TERRAIN)

    If you are working with a Map.wrapAroundWorld map, and you're transforming the map point to a model reference afterward, make sure you enable CreateTransformationOptions.normalizeWrapAround on the map to model transformation you will create.

    Returns Transformation

  • get wrapAroundWorld(): boolean
  • Whether the map should be wrapped around the dateline on maps with a cylindrical projection (e.g. Equidistant cylindrical projection and Mercator projection).

    This is forced to false if the map has a reference that does not use a cylindrical projection. Only cylindrical projections that have a central meridian at 0 degrees can be wrapped around.

    Returns boolean




  • Clear the current set of hovered objects. See hoverObjects for more information.

    Returns void



  • Clear the current selection.

    Returns void

  • This method must be called if the map is to be removed from the web page. This method cleans up the DOM and unregisters DOM event handlers.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • event: string
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns void

  • Retrieve the bounds to which the navigation is restricted. You should not modify this object while it is set on the map.

    Returns null | Bounds

    the navigation restriction bounds.

  • Returns all bounds of the map in the reference of your choosing

    • if wrapAroundWorld is false this will always return a list with a single bounds element.
    • if wrapAroundWorld is true and the map visualizes the world across the dateline, this will return a bounds left of that dateline and a bounds right of the dateline.
    An empty list will be returned if the bounds cannot be calculated. That is if no part of the map (viewBounds) is visible in the specified reference. For more information, check Things to consider when using wrapAroundWorld.


    Returns Bounds[]



  • Creates a Transformation object that is used to transform a view position to a corresponding world (map) position in 3D scenes, based on a mechanism that is defined by LocationMode parameter.

    In 3D space there are multiple interpretations possible for a given view point expressed in pixel coordinates. Possible options are:

    • LocationMode.CLOSEST_SURFACE - This transformation yields a world point position corresponding to the visible object at the view location closest to the viewer (camera eye point). The closest 3D object can be represented by 3D meshes, point clouds, extruded shapes, 3D icons or the terrain.
    • LocationMode.TERRAIN - This transformation yields a world point position on the terrain.
    • LocationMode.ELLIPSOID - This transformation yields a world point position on the ellipsoid.

    For 3D cartesian world references, the z = 0 plane takes on the role of terrain and ellipsoid. So for the corresponding location modes, the transformation yields a world point position on the z = 0 plane.

    Note: In 2D space the LocationMode parameter is disregarded and the returned Transformation object is same as the one obtained by viewToMapTransformation.

    If the view coordinate does not represent a point on an object or terrain, then OutOfBoundsError will be thrown.

    View point in 3D scene View to map transformation results in context of the locationMode property
    The first image shows the view point that was used for the transformations. The second image shows from a different perspective the transformation results, points that were created by the Transformation object with different locationMode properties.


    Returns Transformation



  • Hides the currently shown balloon, if any.

    Returns void

  • Updates the set of objects which are displayed as "hovered" (i.e. a cursor is hovering over them). Note that this method probably should not be called except from a custom Controller which is reacting to a cursor. If you try to hover an object that is not available in the layer, a ProgrammingError will be thrown. Objects that do not pass the layer's filter (if any) will not be hovered.


    • hovered: PickInfo[]

      a list of objects organized by layer

    Returns void



  • refreshes the map unconditionally.

    Returns void



  • Determine whether a particular object on a layer is displayed as "hovered" (i.e. a cursor is hovering over it).


    • layer: Layer

      The layer on which the object is sitting

    • object: WithIdentifier

      The object whose hover status is to be determined

    Returns boolean

    true if the object is hovered



  • Determines whether a view coordinate is inside one of the map borders or not. See the Map constructor to define a border.


    • border: Border

      the border for which you want to verify the given coordinate

    • x: number

      the x coordinate

    • y: number

      the y coordinate

    Returns boolean

    true if the coordinate is located in the map's border, false otherwise

  • Determine whether a particular object on a layer is selected.


    • layer: Layer

      The layer on which the object is sitting

    • object: WithIdentifier

      The object whose selection status is to be determined

    Returns boolean

    true if the object is selected

  • Override this when you wish to respond to click events on the map


    Returns boolean

  • Override this method to add view-wide content to the map's context menu.


    • contextMenu: ContextMenu

      the context menu

    • Optional contextMenuInfo: any

      The context menu info object. This object may contain arbitrary data. The default implementation expects a pickInfo object which will be passed to the appropriate onCreateContextMenu method.

    Returns void

  • Override this method to display a populated context menu. Implementations of this method should provide the required glue code to display the context menu using UI toolkit dependent code.


    • position: number[]

      the page position at which to show the context menu. The position already compensates for the current scrolling offset of the document

    • contextMenu: ContextMenu

      the context menu

    Returns void

  • Retrieves all touched Features in an array of PickInfo objects. The type of the underlying layer determines the content of the array:

    • For FeatureLayer, the method returns the touched Features directly from the model
    • For TileSet3DLayer, the method returns an array of proxy features with metadata about the touched 3D geometry. For more information and edge cases, consult the developer guide.

    A pick info object is a JavaScript object with two properties: the objects that were touched, and the layer these objects reside in. One pickinfo object for each layer with a touched object will be added to the result.


    • x: number

      an x location (view space, in pixels)

    • y: number

      an y location (view coordinates, in pixels)

    • aSensitivity: number

      the maximum distance (in pixels) between a touched object and [x,y].

    • Optional paintRepresentations: PaintRepresentation[]

      an array of PaintRepresentation that indicates by what paint representation features can be picked: by their bodies (BODY), and/or by their labels (LABEL). When omitted features are picked by their bodies only.

    Returns PickInfo[]

    a list of pick info objects. Layers without touched objects are not in the list.

  • Retrieves all touched Features in an array of pick info objects: a pick info object is a JavaScript object with two properties: the objects that were touched, and the layer these objects reside in. One pickinfo object for each layer with a touched object will be added to the result.


    • x: number

      a x location (view-space, in pixels, the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle)

    • y: number

      a y location (view-space, in pixels, the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle)

    • width: number

      the width of the rectangle in which the objects must lie (in pixels) width will be clamped to 1 if it's smaller than 1.

    • height: number

      the height of the rectangle in which the objects must lie (in pixels) height will be clamped to 1 if it's smaller than 1.

    • Optional paintRepresentations: PaintRepresentation[]

      an array of PaintRepresentation that indicates by what paint representation features can be picked: by their bodies (BODY), and/or by their labels (LABEL). When omitted features are picked by their bodies only.

    Returns PickInfo[]

    a list of pick info objects. Layers without touched objects are not in the list.

  • Retrieves the first touched Feature. The return value of the result is null if no object is touched, or a PickInfo object, with two properties: the objects that were touched (in this case it will be an array with a single element), and the layer that object resides in.

    The closest object is picked by checking distances between the input location and feature shapes, or their labels if the paintRepresentations parameter includes the LABEL.


    • x: number

      an x location (view space, in pixels)

    • y: number

      an y location (view space, in pixels)

    • sensitivity: number

      the maximum distance (in pixels) between a touched object and [x,y].

    • Optional paintRepresentations: PaintRepresentation[]

      an array of PaintRepresentation that indicates by what paint representation features can be picked: by their bodies (BODY), and/or by their labels (LABEL). When omitted features are picked by their bodies only.

    Returns null | PickInfo

    a pick info object containing the first touched object, or null.

  • Retrieves the first touched Feature. The return value of the result is null if no object is touched, or a PickInfo object, with two properties: the objects that were touched (in this case it will be an array with a single element), and the layer that object resides in.

    The closest object is picked by checking distances between the input location and feature shapes, or their labels if the paintRepresentations parameter includes the LABEL.


    • x: number

      an x location (view space, in pixels, the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle)

    • y: number

      an y location (view space, in pixels, the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle)

    • width: number

      the width of the rectangle in which the first touched object must lie (in pixels) width will be clamped to 1 if it's smaller than 1.

    • height: number

      the height of the rectangle in which the first touched object must lie (in pixels) height will be clamped to 1 if it's smaller than 1.

    • Optional paintRepresentations: PaintRepresentation[]

      an array of PaintRepresentation that indicates by what paint representation features can be picked: by their bodies (BODY), and/or by their labels (LABEL). When omitted features are picked by their bodies only.

    Returns null | PickInfo

    a pick info object containing the first touched object, or null.

  • This method can be called when the size of the map's container has changed. The map will automatically refit itself to the size of the Map container at that time.

    The map listens by default to window resize events to resize automatically. However, if the map container is resized by JavaScript, for example by a JavaScript SplitContainer component that divides the web page in two parts that can be resized, there is no way to detect this resizing of the map container automatically. In that case this method can be called by the application developer

    Returns void

  • Restores the state of the map based on a state object that has been returned by the saveState method.

    It is possible to restore the state of a map with a reference that's different from this map's reference. Note that this is only true if a matching camera position can be found.

    For example, it is not possible to restore a map state that's looking at Australia if this map has a Polar Stereographic North reference (because the southern hemisphere is not defined in that projection). In that case, an Error is thrown.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that will be resolved after the restoreState operation has finished.

  • Specify a bounds which identifies the area beyond which the map cannot zoom or pan. When set, a user will not be able to zoom or pan to an area that falls outside this bounds. The default value is null.

    While the bounds can be specified in any spatial reference, the constraints will be evaluated on a bounds in the spatial reference of the map. For example, if the map's reference is in a Mercator grid reference, but the bounds constraint is specified in a geodetic reference, this bounds will be first converted to a bounds in a Mercator grid reference.
    In general, this transformation of the bounds to the map's reference may make the bounds larger. For example, a rectangle in longitude-latitude, will not be a rectangle in a reference with a Polar projection, so the area needs to be distorted somewhat. For high accuracy, it is thus best to use specify the bounds in the reference of the Map.
    See also Transformation for more information about transforming coordinates between reference systems.

    Visual feedback will be shown when the user hits the edges of the constraint during panning. Note that the style of this feedback cannot be modified.

    When calling this method and the center of the view is not inside this bounds, the map will fit on this bounds.

    To cancel the constraint, call this method with null.

    On a 3D map, the constraint is ignored.

    On a 2D map, rotation is not possible when there is a constraint.


    Returns void


    See constraints to configure bounds constraints.

  • Returns the current state of the map, so that it can be restored at a later time. Currently this state encompasses a snapshot of the mapToViewTransformation configuration. The returned state object does not have a fixed layout, so accessing properties of the state is not allowed.

    The state of the map does not include the state of the individual layers, nor any of the the navigation or scale restrictions.

    If you're using a custom map reference, this reference needs to have an identifier when saving the map state. When restoring the saved state, ensure the reference can be retrieved from the ReferenceProvider, using the reference identifier.

    Returns unknown

    the current map state

  • Selects a number of objects, passed to this method as an array of PickInfo objects. A PickInfo object is a JavaScript object with two properties: the objects property is an array of the objects that must be selected, the layer property indicates what the layer is these objects are supposed to be in. If you try to select an object that is not available in the layer, a ProgrammingError will be thrown.
    Note: You can select features only on a layer that is marked as selectable. Also, objects that do not pass the layer's filter will not be selected either.


    Returns void

  • Places a balloon on the map. All parameters except the object parameter are optional. If the contentProvider option is present it will be used to generate the balloon content. If not, the balloonContentProvider of the layer will be used to generate the balloon content, provided the layer is configured with one. In all other cases, a string representation of the object will be used as the balloon's content.

    The balloon can be styled using the following CSS selectors:

    • .luciad .lcdBalloon: The balloon's container element. This element is absolutely positioned by LuciadRIA.
    • .luciad .lcdBalloon .lcdFrame: A container that wraps the header and the content.
    • .luciad .lcdBalloon .lcdHeader: The header of the balloon. Contains the close button.
    • .luciad .lcdBalloon .lcdClose: The close button of the balloon.
    • .luciad .lcdBalloon .lcdContent: The main content of the balloon.

    See @luciad/samples-common-ui/sample-common-style.css for an example usage of these selectors.

    Only one balloon instance can be shown at the same time. Consider using labels if you want to show balloons for multiple objects at the same time. Labels support HTML so they can show the same contents as a balloon. An additional benefit is that labels can be decluttered.


    • options: ShowBalloonOptions

      An options object literal.

      //show balloon on the 1st selected object when the selection changes on the map.
      map.on("SelectionChanged", function(event) {
      var showBalloonObject = null, showBalloonLayer = null;
      for(var i = 0; i < event.selectionChanges.length; i++) {
      var selectionChange = event.selectionChanges[i];
      if (selectionChange.selected.length > 0) {
      showBalloonObject = selectionChange.selected[0];
      showBalloonLayer = selectionChange.layer;
      if (showBalloonObject) {
      panTo: true,
      layer: showBalloonLayer,
      object: showBalloonObject,
      contentProvider: function(o){
      return "You've selected object with id: " +;
      } else {

    Returns void

  • Call this method to show a context menu at the given position.


    • position: number[]

      the page position at which to show the context menu. The passed position should compensate for the current scrolling offset of the document

    • contextMenuInfo: any

      the context menu info object. This object will be passed to onCreateContextMenu

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating whether a context menu was shown. If no context menu was shown (because there are no items in the menu, cf. onCreateContextMenu), false is returned.


"idle" event

  • on("idle", callback: (() => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when the map comes to rest. For example, this event is fired after the user has finished panning or zooming the map.


    • event: "idle"

      The "idle" event type

    • callback: (() => void)

      the callback to be invoked when the map comes to rest.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle



"SelectionChanged" event

  • on("SelectionChanged", callback: ((selectionChangeEvent) => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when the selection of the map changes.


    • event: "SelectionChanged"

      The "SelectionChanged" event type

    • callback: ((selectionChangeEvent) => void)

      callback to be invoked when there is a selection change. The callback gets one parameter, 'selectionChangeEvent' which indicates what selection changes occurred.

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback.

    Returns Handle

"HoverChanged" event

  • on("HoverChanged", callback: ((hoverChangeEvent) => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when the hover of the map changes.


    • event: "HoverChanged"

      The "HoverChanged" event type

    • callback: ((hoverChangeEvent) => void)

      callback to be invoked when there is a hover change.

        • (hoverChangeEvent): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback.

    Returns Handle



"MapChange" event

  • on("MapChange", callback: (() => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when the map extent has changed, for instance by panning or zooming. Note that the MapChange event is fired only once per frame.


    • event: "MapChange"

      The "MapChange" event type

    • callback: (() => void)

      callback to be invoked when the map extent has changed.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle

"ShowBalloon" event

  • on("ShowBalloon", callback: (() => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when a balloon opens on the map.


    • event: "ShowBalloon"

      The "ShowBalloon" event type

    • callback: (() => void)

      callback to be invoked when a balloon opens on the map.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle



"HideBalloon" event

  • on("HideBalloon", callback: (() => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when a balloon closes on the map.


    • event: "HideBalloon"

      The "HideBalloon" event type

    • callback: (() => void)

      callback to be invoked when a balloon closes on the map.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle



"ControllerChanged" event

  • on("ControllerChanged", callback: ((newController, previousController) => void), context?: any) : Handle
  • Event hook that is called when Map.controller changes. Note that:

    • controller can be null.
    • Changing controllers is delayed when the currently active Controller returns a Promise from its Controller.onDeactivate. The ControllerChanged event will fire once deactivation is complete (ie. the deactivation promise resolves). Only then the new controller becomes active on the map.


    • event: "ControllerChanged"

      The "ControllerChanged" event type

    • callback: ((newController, previousController) => void)

      Callback to be invoked when the controller on the map changes. The callback gets 2 parameters, the first is 'newController', which is the new Controller active on the map. The second is the previous Controller that was active on the map.

        • (newController, previousController): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle

