A LightScatteringAtmosphere allows you to apply an atmosphere effect on a 3D WebGLMap that approximates the behavior of light in the atmosphere.

The sky adapts to the lighting set on the GraphicsEffects of the map. This will result in blue skies during the day and yellowish to reddish hues at dawn and dusk. The terrain can also be made to look brighter when viewed from higher altitudes.

Lighting must be enabled to use this effect.

  map.effects.atmosphere = new LightScatteringAtmosphere();




  • LightScatteringAtmosphere



  • get affectsTerrain(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the atmosphere also affects the color of the terrain..

    Returns boolean


  • set affectsTerrain(affectsTerrain): void
  • Parameters

    • affectsTerrain: boolean

    Returns void

  • get brightness(): number
  • The brightness of the sunlight.

    Values should be a positive floating point number, generally between 2 and 6. Other values are accepted, but not recommended.

    Returns number


  • set brightness(brightness): void
  • Parameters

    • brightness: number

    Returns void

  • get mieScatteringFactor(): number
  • This factor allows you to increase or decrease the effect of Mie scattering in the atmosphere. Mie scattering is the scattering of light by aerosols (dust, pollen, smoke, microscopic water droplets, etc.). On a hazy day, Mie scattering causes the sky to look a bit gray and causes the sun to have a large white halo around it.

    Values should be a positive floating point number, generally between 1 and 3. Other values are accepted, but not recommended.

    Returns number


  • set mieScatteringFactor(mieScatteringFactor): void
  • Parameters

    • mieScatteringFactor: number

    Returns void

  • get rayleighScatteringFactor(): number
  • This factor allows you to increase or decrease the effect of Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere. Rayleigh scattering is the scattering of sunlight by air molecules. It is the reason for the blue color of the daytime and twilight sky, and the yellowish to reddish hue of the low sun.

    Values should be a positive floating point number, generally between 1 and 3. Other values are accepted, but not recommended.

    Returns number


  • set rayleighScatteringFactor(rayleighScatteringFactor): void
  • Parameters

    • rayleighScatteringFactor: number

    Returns void