To drape content on 3D Tiles, you need to:

  1. Configure a TileSet3DLayer with an OGC3DTilesModel for draping. The meshes inside such a draping-ready TileSet3DLayer become drape targets.

  2. Set up draping content, such as a RasterLayer or a FeatureLayer, for draping on 3D Tiles mesh data.

Configuring a TileSet3DLayer for draping

To set up a mesh in a 3D TileSet layer for draping, set the isDrapeTarget setting on the TileSet3DLayer to true, as illustrated in Program: Configuring your 3D TileSet layer for draped content.

Program: Configuring your 3D TileSet layer for draped content.
const ogc3dTilesLayer = new TileSet3DLayer(model, {
isDrapeTarget: true

This means that the 3D Tiles mesh data in the layer can now receive content that you set up for draping.

Setting up the draping content

Select the drape targets for draping content

To drape content on a 3D Tiles mesh, you must specify an appropriate DrapeTarget for the draped content. Your options are:

  • TERRAIN: drapes the content on terrain only.

    Figure 1. Shape draped with DrapeTarget.TERRAIN
  • MESH: drapes content only on meshes that are drape targets.

    Figure 2. Shape draped with DrapeTarget.MESH
  • ALL: combines the draping effect of TERRAIN and MESH.

    Figure 3. Shape draped with DrapeTarget.ALL
  • NOT_DRAPED: doesn’t drape the content.

You can also assign a boolean value to ShapeStyle.draped. Here, true translates to TERRAIN and false to NOT_DRAPED. draped exists for backwards compatibility only, and we recommend using the DrapeTarget API instead.

While you’re working with draping on 3D Tiles, you might notice stretched textures on near-vertical slopes of your mesh. To prevent such a stretch effect, you can limit the slope of the mesh to a draping range using TileSet3DLayer.drapeSlopeAngle. LuciadRIA then only drapes content on slopes with an angle between 0° and the angle you have set.

without drape slope angle
Figure 4. Without drapeSlopeAngle
With drape slope angle
Figure 5. With drapeSlopeAngle set to 60°

Set the drape targets for draping content

Drape vector data on 3D Tiles

When you’re creating your own FeaturePainter, you must use a style with the drapeTarget property. LuciadRIA passes that style to the GeoCanvas draw call in your FeaturePainter.paintBody method.

Drape shapes and icons

To drape icons and shapes, set the drapeTarget property of their corresponding style to the desired DrapeTarget. These properties are IconStyle.drapeTarget and ShapeStyle.drapeTarget. Program: Draping a shape on 3D Tiles mesh data illustrates this for a ShapeStyle.

Program: Draping a shape on 3D Tiles mesh data.
const painter = new FeaturePainter();
painter.paintBody = function(geocanvas, feature, shape, layer, map, paintState) {
geocanvas.drawShape(shape, {
stroke: {
color: "rgb(255, 164, 0)"
drapeTarget: DrapeTarget.MESH
Drape KML data

KML data can contain features that need to be draped. To specify the target for draping these features, you can use the drapeTarget property when you’re creating a KMLLayer. This example illustrates the creation of a KML layer in which draped content is draped both on terrain and 3D Tiles mesh data:

Program: Specifying that draped KML content must be draped both on terrain and 3D Tiles mesh data.
const layer = new KMLLayer(model, {
drapeTarget: DrapeTarget.ALL
Drape SLD-styled data

To drape data styled with OGC SLD, set the drapeTarget property when you’re creating an SEPainter using SEPainterFactory:

Program: Specifying that data styled with OGC SLD must be draped on 3D Tiles mesh data.
//Use one of the factory methods available in SEPainterFactory to create a painter that drapes the data
const seURL = "";
createPainterFromURL(seURL, {
drapeTarget: DrapeTarget.MESH
}).then(function(painter) {
map.layerTree.addChild(new FeatureLayer(model, {
painter: painter
Drape military symbols

To drape military symbols, set the MilSymStyle.drapeTarget property when you’re creating a MilitarySymbologyPainter:

Program: Specifying that military symbols must be draped on 3D Tiles mesh data.
const symbologyDrapingPainter = new MilitarySymbologyPainter(MIL_STD_2525b, {
//This is shorthand for a function that returns
codeFunction: "code",
style: function(feature: Feature): MilSymStyle {
//We use the default style in combination with a draped property to drape all symbols on 3D tiles mesh data.
return {
drapeTarget: DrapeTarget.MESH

Drape raster data on 3D Tiles

To drape raster data, set the RasterStyle.drapeTarget property on the style of a raster layer:

Program: Specifying that a raster layer must be draped on 3D Tiles mesh data.
rasterLayer.rasterStyle.drapeTarget = DrapeTarget.ALL;

Due to a technical limitation, you can’t drape the bottom-most RasterLayer in the layer tree on 3D Tiles mesh data. See Why isn’t my data being draped on OGC 3D Tiles? for details.