A ModelDescriptor for HSPC data.



interface HSPCTilesModelDescriptor {
    description: string;
    hasNormalData: boolean;
    name: string;
    properties?: {
        [propertyName: string]: {
            role?: string;
            type?: string;
    source: string;
    type: string;
    version?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


description: string

A human readable description for the model.

hasNormalData: boolean

Indicates whether the dataset contains normal vectors. If true, the point cloud can be displayed using normal orientation. see Orienting points for more details.



name: string

A human readable name for the model.

properties?: {
    [propertyName: string]: {
        role?: string;
        type?: string;

An optional set of properties.

For HSPC versions 8 and up, these properties can be used for expression-based styling.

Entries for which the role is known will exhibit the "role" property. Currently exposed roles are :

  • "color" : color [vec4]
  • "normal" : Normal vector (facing direction of points) [vec3]
  • "intensity" : intensity [number]
  • "classification" : classification [number]
  • "custom" : can be anything. If 3 custom values have "normal" in their property name, or if the property names are "Nx", "Ny" or "Nz", they will be identified as a normal vector.

When available, the data type will also be listed. Possible types are :

  • "float32" : A 32-bit float
  • "float64" : a 64-bit double
  • "int32" : a 32-bit signed int
  • "int16" : a 16-bit signed int
  • "int8" : a 8-bit signed char
  • "uint32" : a 32-bit unsigned int
  • "uint16" : a 16-bit unsigned int
  • "uint8" : a 8-bit unsigned char

These will give a hint about the possible range of values for a given attribute. For instance, uint8 data will only be in range 0-255, helping in designing an effective styling range.

Example of what a descriptor can look like:

"properties" : {
"colorRGB" : {
"role" : "color"
"I" : {
"role" : "intensity",
"type" : "float32"
"C" : {
"role" : "classification",
"type" : "uint8"

Type declaration

  • [propertyName: string]: {
        role?: string;
        type?: string;
    • Optional role?: string
    • Optional type?: string
source: string

The source from which this model was created.

type: string

A String containing a type constant. This value provides an indication of what kind of data a model contains

version?: string

An optional property containing version information.