Constructor options for WMSTileSetModel

interface WMSTileSetModelConstructorOptions {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    bounds?: Bounds;
    credentials?: boolean;
    dataType?: RasterDataType;
    dimensions?: any;
    getFeatureInfoRoot?: string;
    getMapRoot: string;
    imageFormat?: string;
    infoFormat?: string;
    layers: string[];
    level0Columns?: number;
    level0Rows?: number;
    levelCount?: number;
    queryLayers?: string[];
    reference?: CoordinateReference;
    requestHeaders?: null | HttpRequestHeaders;
    requestParameters?: any;
    samplingMode?: RasterSamplingMode;
    sld?: string;
    sldBody?: string;
    styles?: string[];
    subdomains?: string[];
    swapAxes?: string[];
    tileHeight?: number;
    tileWidth?: number;
    transparent?: boolean;
    version?: WMSVersion;

Hierarchy (view full)


backgroundColor?: string

A string that represents the required background color when images are requested from the server (only applicable when transparent is false). The color format is "0xRRGGBB", where RGB values are represented as hexadecimal numbers. If a string is passed that does not adhere to this format an exception will be thrown.

bounds?: Bounds

The extent of the WMS model. This parameter has two purposes:

  1. the bounds defines the extent for which there is data available on the WMS server. For example, if there is only data available for an area covering the northern hemisphere, when panning around the southern hemisphere, LuciadRIA will not make requests to the server to retrieve image data. If you do not know the WMS extent, you must specify reference instead.
  2. the reference of this bounds is the reference which will be used to request images from the server. By convention, this model's reference is equal to the reference of this bounds parameter. It is also important to ensure that the reference of this bounds is supported by the WMS server. If you specify bounds you must not specify reference.
credentials?: boolean

Whether credentials should be included with every HTTP request.

dataType?: RasterDataType

Configures the model's RasterDataType.

The ELEVATION raster data type will only have an effect in a 3D map, and acts as a way of representing 3D terrain visually. The ELEVATION dataType will not be visualized as a colorized heightmap as it only affects the 3D height values of the surface of the earth.

The default is IMAGE.



dimensions?: any

Dimension parameters to send along with WMS GetMap and GetFeatureInfo requests. Typical dimensions are TIME and ELEVATION. The object literal can contain simple key/value pairs. Accepted values are strings, numbers, booleans. Values must not be URL encoded.


getFeatureInfoRoot?: string

Root URI of the getFeatureInfo request interface. If absent, getMapRoot will be used.



getMapRoot: string

Root URI of the getMap request interface.

imageFormat?: string

The image format of the images to retrieve from the WMS server.


infoFormat?: string

The default MIME-type for GetFeatureInfo requests. This can be overridden in the params of getFeatureInfoUrl. "application/json" is used as default.

layers: string[]

The WMS layers that will be requested from the WMS service.

level0Columns?: number

The number of tile columns at the coarsest level. level0Columns will be computed automatically if not defined at construction time. If you do define level0Columns, you must also define level0Rows.

level0Rows?: number

The number of tile rows at the coarsest level. level0Rows will be computed automatically if not defined. if you define level0Rows, you must also define level0Columns.

levelCount?: number

The number of levels contained in this tileset. levelCount is 22 by default.

queryLayers?: string[]

The WMS layers that will be queried for feature info from the WMS service. If this is missing or an empty array, this model will not be queryable. See WMSTileSetLayer.getFeatureInfo for how to make feature info requests.

The spatial reference in which this model is defined. You must only specify this parameter if you do not know the extent of the WMS coverage; in that case the world bounds will be assumed. If you specify bounds, you can omit this parameter.

requestHeaders?: null | HttpRequestHeaders

An object literal that represents headers (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set (and not empty), an XHR with the specified headers will be performed instead of creating an Image.

requestParameters?: any

Custom request parameters to send along with WMS GetMap and GetFeatureInfo request. The object literal can contain simple key/value pairs (strings, numbers, booleans). Values must not be URL encoded.

samplingMode?: RasterSamplingMode

Configures the model's RasterSamplingMode, corresponding to the setting representation of the underlying raster data.


For elevation, samplingMode POINT is recommended for performance and accuracy.



sld?: string

A URL to a Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) that must be used to make a request. This parameter conflicts with sldBody, only one of these two parameters can be used at construction time.

sldBody?: string

A Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) XML Document that must be used to make a request. The value must not be URL-encoded. This parameter conflicts with the sld parameter, only one of these two parameters can be used at construction time.

styles?: string[]

The styles to apply on the image when making a request. Each style corresponds to a layer. Defaults to an empty array, meaning that no style names are configured for the requested layers.

subdomains?: string[]

When specified, WMSTileSetModel.getTileURL will replace the {s} pattern in getMapRoot with values from subdomains. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using subdomains avoids hitting this limit.

swapAxes?: string[]

Indicates whether this model should swap the axis ordering of coordinates for the specified reference identifier(s) in WMS requests. If undefined, the axis ordering dictated by the model reference is respected. For each specified reference, the order will be reversed. This is for example needed to get an EPSG:4326 BBOX value that is encoded in longitude-latitude order instead of latitude-longitude.

tileHeight?: number

The height of each individual tile in pixels. TileHeight will be computed automatically if not defined at construction time. If you define tileHeight you must also define tileWidth.

tileWidth?: number

The width of each individual tile in pixels. TileWidth will be computed automatically if not defined. If you define tileWidth, you must also define tileHeight.

transparent?: boolean

Indicates if the images should be generated transparent or not.


version?: WMSVersion

Version of the WMS Server.

