LuciadRIA supports the styling of feature data with the OpenGIS Symbology Encoding (SE) specification version 1.1.0 (OGC 05-077r4). It doesn’t support CoverageStyle encodings. This article gives an overview of the supported features with detailed information for each supported symbolizer type.

Supported features

  • FeatureTypeStyle: describes the styling for a feature type. You can create a FeatureTypeStyle with multiple Rules.

  • Rules: styling Rules contain one or more symbolizers, OGC Filters, and scale range limitations. The z-order increases for each consecutive rule and for each consecutive symbolizer inside the rule.

  • Symbolizers: define the styling options for specific features, such as points, lines, polygons, or text. LuciadRIA ignores styling options that aren’t available in its SEPainter. You can define OGC Filter expressions in a symbolizer where the OGC specification allows it. For example, you can use them to size icons that represent cities differently based on the number of city inhabitants. You can find more information about the supported features for each symbolizer in this article.

  • uom: Unit-Of-Measure (UOM). The Symbology Encoding painter respects the uom unit-of-measure attribute in all symbolizers. It allows you to define the size of lines, icons, or text in meters or feet instead of pixels. In the absence of the uom attribute, the default unit-of-measure is pixels. See the individual symbolizer sections in this article to learn about possible limitations.


In a PointSymbolizer, you use 'Graphic' elements to style point features. You can combine multiple Graphic elements in a single point symbolizer.

pointsymbolizer multiple
Figure 1. Multiple images to style a single point feature (at the little black dot)

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FeatureTypeStyle version="1.1.0" xmlns="">
<PointSymbolizer uom="">
<InlineContent encoding="base64">
<SvgParameter name="fill">#0000ff</SvgParameter>


You can define ExternalGraphic instances with OnlineResource and InlineContent elements. This corresponds to the way you can paint icons with the drawIcon() method of the FeaturePainter. It’s possible to map ExternalGraphic instances to icon images by specifying an IconProvider in the SEPainterCreateOptions. To learn how to use the IconProvider, see Map ExternalGraphics to distinct icon images.

LuciadRIA supports Mark with WellKnownName elements that contain well-known shape names. The allowed values include square, circle, triangle, star, cross, x, pentagon and hexagon. If you use an unrecognized name, the value is defaulted to square.

Although a Mark has Stroke and Fill parameters, you can only use them for simple strokes and fills without GraphicStroke or GraphicFill.

All web formats that can be rendered on an HTML5 canvas are supported, including SVG graphics.

For InlineContent elements, LuciadRIA supports both base64 and XML encodings for SVG graphics. For other formats though, it supports only the base64 encoding.

Graphic parameters

It’s possible to configure:

  • The Size, Rotation and Opacity of the Graphic.

  • The AnchorPoint for a Graphic. The AnchorPoint has two values AnchorPointX and AnchorPointY. Both are numbers between 0 and 1, defaulting to 0.5, indicating which image position is anchored to the point styled with this Graphic.

  • The Displacement for a Graphic. Displacement has two values DisplacementX and DisplacementY. Both are numbers indicating the offset of the image anchor compared to the point styled with this Graphic.

Unit-of-measure — UOM

You can define a unit-of-measure for your PointSymbolizer. LuciadRIA interprets both the Size and Displacement parameters in line with your specification of the unit-of-measure, so that you can draw world-sized icons.


The Stroke parameter defines the general styling of the stroke of the line symbolizer.


You can define a Stroke through a set of SVGParameters that shape the base stroke: stroke for the color, stroke-opacity, stroke-width, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linejoin, and stroke-linecap.

For the line join, LuciadRIA supports the values round, miter or bevel. For the line cap, it supports the values round, square, or butt.

In an SLD styling file for a line geometry, you can use the boolean SVG parameters marker-start and marker-end to place an arrow head respectively at the start point and end point of a line. With this approach, you cannot customize the type of the arrow head itself; the style of the arrow head is based on the SLD stroke properties defined in the encompassing LineSymbolizer.

stroke with end markers
Figure 2. A line feature styled with a line symbolizer using both marker-start and marker-end.

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<FeatureTypeStyle xmlns=""
<Title>San Diego To Los Angeles</Title>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#ff0000</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">3</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-opacity">0.7</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="marker-start">true</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="marker-end">true</SvgParameter>

If you do need to customize the arrow head type, you can place and rotate any Graphic correctly using pre-defined functions StartPoint, StartAngle, EndPoint and EndAngle.


You can combine the base stroke with a GraphicStroke. If the Graphic for this GraphicStroke has a user-defined AnchorPoint or a Displacement, LuciadRIA alters the position of the Graphic inside the stroke.

It’s possible to position graphics of the GraphicStroke inside gaps of a dashed base stroke through the InitialGap and Gap properties.

linesymbolizer combined stroke graphicstroke
Figure 3. A line feature styled with a line symbolizer combining a dashed base stroke and a graphic stroke.

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FeatureTypeStyle version="1.1.0" xmlns="">
<LineSymbolizer uom="">
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#ffff00</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">10</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-dasharray">15 5 15 20</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#00ff00</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#ff0000</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">1</SvgParameter>


You can also define a Stroke through a GraphicFill. If you do so, LuciadRIA ignores all other parameters. A GraphicFill can be used to create a stippled line.

Calculating the outline of the stroke that needs to get filled is computationally expensive. That’s why it isn’t updated in real-time if the zoom factor of the map changes.

linesymbolizer graphicfill
Figure 4. A line feature styled with a stippled line.

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FeatureTypeStyle version="1.1.0" xmlns="">
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#00000000</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">0.5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#17afe0</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">20</SvgParameter>


You can define a PerpendicularOffset for a line symbolizer. You can use the offset to style a road with sidewalks, for instance.

linesymbolizer perpendicularoffset
Figure 5. A line feature styled as a road with sidewalks.

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FeatureTypeStyle version="1.1.0" xmlns="">
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#93622a</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">50</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-linejoin">round</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#ffaf64</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-linejoin">round</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#ffaf64</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-linejoin">round</SvgParameter>

Unit-of-measure — UOM

It’s possible to define a unit-of-measure for your line symbolizer. LuciadRIA interprets all size-related parameters, such as the width of your line or the size or the graphic inside the GraphicStroke.


You define the general styling of the stroke of the polygon symbolizer through the Stroke parameter. All properties for Stroke inside the line symbolizer also apply here.

To define the general styling of the optional fill of the polygon symbolizer, use the Fill parameter.

polygonsymbolizer multiple
Figure 6. A polygon feature styled with multiple polygon symbolizers, one for the base shape, a displaced one for the shadow, and an offset one for the smaller shape.

Check this code to create the preceding image:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<FeatureTypeStyle xmlns=""
<Title>Park areas</Title>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#000000</SvgParameter>
<OnlineResource xlink:href="/sampledata/img/leaf.png"/>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#009f51</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">4</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-dasharray">10 10 5 5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#f2c164</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#000000</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#009f51</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill-opacity">0.5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke">#009f51</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="stroke-width">5</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="font-family">Tahoma</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="font-weight">bold</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="font-size">9</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#dddddd</SvgParameter>
<SvgParameter name="fill">#007f31</SvgParameter>


You can define a Fill through a set of SVGParameters that specify the color of a basic fill: fill for the color and fill-opacity.


It’s also possible to define a Fill through a GraphicFill. If you do so, LuciadRIA ignores all other SVGParameters. You can use all possible graphics, including Mark, to create the fill pattern.

You can adjust the Size, Rotation and Opacity of the Graphic used to create the pattern.

Adapting the AnchorPoint or the Displacement of a Graphic doesn’t influence the fill pattern created with that Graphic.


It’s possible to define a PerpendicularOffset for a polygon symbolizer.

In a WebGL environment, calculating the offset polygon is computationally expensive if the polygon symbolizer has a Fill. That’s why it isn’t updated in real-time while the zoom factor of the map changes.


You can define a Displacement for a polygon symbolizer. Use this property to get a shadow effect beneath your shapes.

Unit-of-measure — UOM

It’s possible to define a unit-of-measure for your polygon symbolizer. LuciadRIA interprets all size-related parameters, such as the width of your line or the size or the graphic inside the GraphicFill, correctly.


In a TextSymbolizer, you use labels to style text features. Use label to specify the text content of the label.

LuciadRIA supports all Font parameters: family, style, size, and weight.

You can fill a text with a color of choice. The text can also have a halo with a certain radius. Although both the TextSymbolizer and the Halo have a Fill parameter, you can only use them for simple fills without GraphicFill.


For labelPlacement, use either a PointPlacement to label features relative to the focus point of its Shape, or a LinePlacement to indicate that labels must follow the outline of the Shape.

  • PointPlacement: the rotation, AnchorPoint and Displacement properties are supported.

  • LinePlacement:

    • If you express the unit-of-measure in meters or feet, LuciadRIA forces the isAligned setting to true.

    • If you set the isRepeated property to true, LuciadIRA repeats the label along the path, taking into account the values for the Gap and InitialGap properties.

    • The generalizeLine property isn’t supported.

Vendor options

LuciadRIA supports the VendorOption named "conflictResolution" in TextSymbolizers. Setting this option to false disables decluttering for those labels. For example:

Adding the conflict resolution vendor option to your text symbolizer
<VendorOption name="conflictResolution">false</VendorOption>

If you disabled decluttering with the SEPainterCreateOptions, you can also use this flag to enable it again for specific TextSymbolizers.

Label decluttering only works for text that is actually added to the scene as a label. For world-sized text this is never the case. When using LinePlacement, world-sized text is rendered as a complex stroke line. When using PointPlacement world-sized text is converted into an icon.

LuciadRIA also supports label boxes in TextSymbolizers. To draw a box around a label, you make use of two vendor options named "graphic-resize" and "graphic-margin".

For more information about label boxes, see How to draw a box around labels.

Unit-of-measure — UOM

It’s possible to define a unit-of-measure for your text symbolizer. LuciadRIA correctly interprets all size-related parameters, such as the height of your font, the radius of your halo, or the size of your label box.

For a TextSymbolizer with a unit-of-measure in meters or feet, LuciadRIA renders the text as bodies instead of labels. This means that the text might appear underneath other layers. LuciadRIA also doesn’t reposition or declutter it. In addition, it forces the isAligned setting to true. isAligned=false isn’t supported for TextSymbolizers with a unit-of-measure in meters or feet.