Describes a layer offered by a WMS server. All defined properties are read-only.





  • get abstract(): string
  • Description of the WMS layer.

    Returns string

  • get cascaded(): number
  • Indicates how many times the layer has been "cascaded" - obtained from an originating server and then included in the service metadata of a different server.

    Returns number

  • get fixedHeight(): number
  • If the value is 0, the WMS can produce map of arbitrary height. Otherwise, the value indicates a fixed map height that is used by the WMS server.

    Returns number

  • get fixedWidth(): number
  • If the value is 0, the WMS server can produce maps of arbitrary width. Otherwise, the value indicates a fixed map width that is used by the WMS server.

    Returns number

  • get keywords(): string[]
  • List of keywords that describe the WMS layer.

    Returns string[]

  • get maxScaleDenominator(): string | number
  • Maximum scale denominator for which it is appropriate to display this layer.

    Returns string | number

  • get minScaleDenominator(): string | number
  • Minimum scale denominator for which it is appropriate to display this layer.

    Returns string | number

  • get name(): string
  • Name that uniquely defines the WMS layer.

    Returns string

  • get noSubsets(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the WMS server can only return maps for the entire bounding box of the WMS layer.

    Returns boolean

  • get opaque(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the WMS layer represents opaque data.

    Returns boolean

  • get queryable(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the server supports the GetFeatureInfo operation on the layer.

    Returns boolean

  • get supportedReferences(): string[]
  • List of supported geographical references of the WMS layer.

    Returns string[]

  • get title(): string
  • Human-readable title of the WMS layer.

    Returns string


  • Returns the bounding box of this layer defined in the given reference. If the bounding box defined in this reference is not explicitly listed in the capabilities, the first encountered bounding box defined in a supported reference (i.e., supported in ReferenceProvider is used and transformed to the given reference. If no bounding box information in a supported reference can be found, null is returned.


    • reference: CoordinateReference

      the geographic reference in which the returned bounds needs to be defined

    Returns null | Bounds

    the bounds