The center point of the circle defining teh sector. This field is read-only. To move the shape to a new position, use move2DToCoordinates or move2DToPoint.
coordinateThe coordinate type this shape. This property is read only. An Error will be thrown when trying to assign to this property.
The radius of this sector, in meters. This field is mutable.
The spatial reference of this shape. This property is read only. An Error will be thrown when trying to assign to this property.
The start angle. It is defined as an azimuth: degrees, clockwise, starting up/north. This field is mutable.
The angle over which the shape extends, in degrees, positive clockwise. This field is mutable.
Determines whether a given point is inside this shape. This method checks containment only in two dimensions: on the (x,y)-axis or the (lon,lat)-axis (depending on the spatial reference of the shape).
when the given point is contained in this shape
Please use contains2DPoint instead.
Determines whether the given point is inside this shape. This method checks containment only in two dimensions: on the (x,y)-axis or the (lon,lat)-axis (depending on the spatial reference of the shape).
when the given point is contained in this shape
Determines whether the given point is inside this shape. This method checks containment only in two dimensions: on the (x,y)-axis or the (lon,lat)-axis (depending on the spatial reference of the shape).
The point for which containment must be checked.
when the given point is contained in this shape
InvalidReferenceError when a point has another spatial reference
copyIndicates whether this shape is equal to another.
if both shapes are equal, false
Moves the center point to another location. The passed x and y coordinates are expressed in the reference. The passed coordinates will become the coordinates of the center point.
the x coordinate of the point.
the y coordinate of the point.
Moves this center point to another location. The center point will be moved to the location of the passed point. The reference of the passed point must match the reference of the shape.
the point to move the center point to.
InvalidReferenceError when the reference of the Point parameter does not correspond with the reference of this shape.
A sector is a Shape that represents a general circular sector in the 2D space.
The sector is defined by: