A tileset model that can access a tile server that implements the Bing Maps tile URL convention.

Hierarchy (view full)




  • get baseURL(): string
  • The base URL configures the location of the tile server. Please refer to getTileURL for details on how the base URL is used to obtain tiles.

    Returns string

  • set baseURL(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get bounds(): null | Bounds
  • The Bounds by which the geometry of this Bounded object is bounded or null if the bounds is not defined.

    Returns null | Bounds

  • get coordinateType(): CoordinateType
  • The coordinate type of geometries in this model

    Returns CoordinateType

  • get credentials(): boolean
  • Indicates whether or not credentials should be included with HTTP requests.

    Set this to true if the server requires credentials, like HTTP basic authentication headers or cookies. You should disable credentials if the server is configured to allow cross-origin requests from all domains (Acces-Control-Allow-Origin=*). If the server allows CORS requests from all domains, the browser will block all requests where credentials=true.

    Once set, all subsequent HTTP requests will use the newly set value.

    The default value is false.

    Returns boolean

  • set credentials(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get dataType(): RasterDataType
  • Returns the data type of this RasterTileSetModel.

    Returns RasterDataType

  • get levelCount(): number
  • The number of available detail levels. Level 0 is the coarsest level.

    Returns number

  • get modelDescriptor(): ModelDescriptor
  • An object containing metadata about this model

    Returns ModelDescriptor

  • set modelDescriptor(modelDescriptor): void
  • An object containing metadata about this model


    Returns void

  • get requestHeaders(): null | HttpRequestHeaders
  • Headers to send with every HTTP request.

    An object literal that represents the headers to send with every HTTP request. The property names represent HTTP header names, the property values represent the HTTP header values. This property can be set dynamically (post-construction). Once set, all subsequent HTTP requests will use the newly set headers.

    Note that when custom headers are being sent to a server on another domain, the server will have to properly respond to pre-flight CORS requests (a HTTP OPTION request sent by the browser before doing the actual request). The server has to indicate that the header can be used in the actual request, by including it in the pre-flight's Access-Control-Allow-Headers response header.

    The default value is null.

    Returns null | HttpRequestHeaders

  • set requestHeaders(value): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get requestParameters(): null | HttpRequestParameters
  • Custom request parameters to send along with tile request. The object literal can contain simple key/value pairs. Accepted values are strings, numbers and booleans. A ProgrammingError will be thrown if values of another type are used. Values must not be URL encoded.

    Assignments of other values than object literals to requestParameters will throw an Error. Clearing the parameters can be done by assigning null or an empty object literal to requestParameters. In order to trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map, can call invalidate.

    Returns null | HttpRequestParameters



  • set requestParameters(value): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get subdomains(): string[]
  • getTileURL will replace the {s} pattern in baseURL with values from subdomains. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using subdomains avoids hitting this limit.

    The subdomains array cannot be empty if the model's baseURL contains the {s} subdomain hook.

    Returns string[]

  • set subdomains(val): void
  • Parameters

    • val: string[]

    Returns void


  • Returns a list of attribution strings that should be displayed when using the specified subset of this tile set.


    Returns string[]

    a (possibly empty) list of attribution strings

  • Returns the bounds of the tile set at the specified detail level.


    • level: number

      the requested detail level.

    Returns null | Bounds

    the bounds of the raster data at the specified detail level. It returns null if the level does not exist.



  • Loads a tile from the tileset.


    • tile: TileCoordinate

      the coordinate of the tile

    • onSuccess: ((tile, image) => void)

      the callback function that should be invoked when the tile was successfully loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an Image object.

    • onError: ((tile, error?) => void)

      the callback function that should be invoked when the tile could not be loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an optional Error object.

        • (tile, error?): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • abortSignal: null | AbortSignal

      an AbortSignal that signals when a tile request is cancelled

    Returns void

  • Returns a URL referring to a graphical logo of the copyright owner of this data. If a logo is not available this method will return null.

    Returns null | string

    a URL referring to a graphical logo or null.

  • Returns the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level. The pixel density is the number of raster elements per spatial unit , i.e. (tile pixel width) / (tile spatial width) and (tile pixel height) / (tile spatial height area), where the tile spatial dimensions are in the tilesets reference.


    • level: number

      the requested detail level

    Returns null | number[]

    the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level. It returns null if the level does not exist.

  • Returns the bounds of a given tile in the tile set. The bounds are calculated based on the model bounds and the model's tileset structure.


    • tile: TileCoordinate

      The tile coordinate for which you want to calculate the bounds

    Returns Bounds

    The bounds of the requested tile coordinate in the model's reference.



  • Returns the number of columns in the tile grid at the given level. Each level should have twice the number of columns of the previous one.


    • level: number

      the level to be queried

    Returns null | number

    the number of tile columns on the specified level

  • Loads a tile from the tileset. The default implementation of this method calls the getImage method.

    The following code snippet illustrates how this method can be overridden.

    model.getTileData = function(tile, onSuccess, onError) {
    fetch(url).then(function(response) {
    response.arrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {
    onSuccess(tile, {
    data: arrayBuffer,
    mimeType: "image/jpeg"


    • tile: TileCoordinate

      the coordinate of the tile

    • onSuccess: ((tile, data) => void)

      the callback function that should be invoked when the tile was successfully loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and a TileData object.

    • onError: ((tile, error) => void)

      the callback function that should be invoked when the tile could not be loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an optional Error object.

        • (tile, error): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • abortSignal: null | AbortSignal

      an AbortSignal that signals when a tile request is cancelled.

    Returns void

  • Returns the height, in pixels, of the tiles at the specified detail level. All tiles are assumed to have the same resolution.


    • level: number

      the requested detail level

    Returns null | number

    the height of the tiles at the specified detail level

  • Returns the number of rows in the tile grid at the given level. Each level should have twice the number of rows of the previous one.


    • level: number

      the level to be queried

    Returns null | number

    the number of tile rows on the specified level

  • Returns the URL for a specific tile. The default implementation of this method returns baseURL, replacing the strings {x}, {y} and {z} with the values of tile.x, tile.y and tile.level respectively.

    It is not uncommon that the tile rows are seem to be reversed in the visualisation. This means that the Y-axis in the tile coordinate system of the tile service is reversed with respect to the tile coordinate system used by LuciadRIA. You can use the {-y} placeholder in the baseURL to compensate for this.

    If the baseURL contains the {s} subdomains hook, getTileURL() will replace the hook with one of the values of subdomains.


    • baseURL: string

      the base URL that was passed to the constructor.

    • tile: TileCoordinate

      the coordinate of the tile

    Returns null | string

    the resolved URL for the specified tile or null if the requested tile does not exist.

  • Returns the width, in pixels, of the tiles at the specified detail level. All tiles are assumed to have the same resolution.


    • level: number

      the requested detail level

    Returns null | number

    the width of the tiles at the specified detail level

  • Signals that the underlying data for the tiled images has changed. If this model is added to a map using a RasterTileSetLayer, calling this method will thus trigger a refresh of the visualization.

    Returns void


"AttributionChanged" event

"Invalidated" event

  • on("Invalidated", callback: (() => void)) : Handle
  • Parameters

    • event: "Invalidated"
    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Handle


    Invalidation.on Invalidated