The options which can be passed at construction time when creating a RasterTileSetModel.

interface RasterTileSetModelConstructorOptions {
    dataType?: RasterDataType;
    isSparseTileSet?: boolean;
    samplingMode?: RasterSamplingMode;
    structure: QuadTreeRasterTileSetStructure | TileMatrixSet2DRasterTileSetStructure;

Hierarchy (view full)


dataType?: RasterDataType

Configures the model's RasterDataType.

The ELEVATION raster data type will only have an effect in a 3D map, and acts as a way of representing 3D terrain visually. The ELEVATION dataType will not be visualized as a colorized heightmap as it only affects the 3D height values of the surface of the earth.

The default is IMAGE.



isSparseTileSet?: boolean

By default, LuciadRIA assumes that all tiles in a tile tree exist. If a missing tile is encountered, LuciadRIA assumes it has reached the bottom of the tile tree and will no longer attempt to load child tiles of the missing tile in the tree.

Consequently, if tiles are missing in the tile tree (which we refer to as a sparse tile set), the image data below the missing tile in the tile tree will not refine. To solve this issue, you can configure the isSparseTileSet flag to true. LuciadRIA will then always attempt to load child tiles, even if a parent is missing. The downside is that tile requests will be always be attempted even when the bottom of the tree has effectively been reached. Note that LuciadRIA will never request tiles outside beyond the RasterTileSet's levelCount.

The default is false.



samplingMode?: RasterSamplingMode

Configures the model's RasterSamplingMode, corresponding to the setting representation of the underlying raster data.


For elevation, samplingMode POINT is recommended for performance and accuracy.



The structure description for the raster tile set.

