A transformation between two coordinate reference systems. May not be instantiated with the constructor. Instead use the factory methods in the TransformationFactory module to create instances of this class.

Hierarchy (view full)



  • get inverseTransformation(): Transformation
  • Returns a transformation that does the inverse transformation, so from target to source coordinates.

    Returns Transformation



  • Transforms a point from the input reference to the output reference.


    • aInputPoint: Point

      the point to transform specified in the input reference

    • OptionalaOutputPointSFCT: Point

      the output point; if not specified a new point will be created

    Returns Point

    a point containing the transformed coordinate. If aOutputPointSFCT was present in the parameters, aOutputPointSFCT will be returned

    OutOfBoundsError if the input point is not defined in the output reference

  • Transforms a bounding box from the input reference to the output reference.


    • aInputBounds: Bounds

      the bounding box to transform specified in the input reference

    • OptionalaOutputBoundsSFCT: Bounds

      the output bounds; if not specified a new bounds will be created

    Returns Bounds

    the transformed Bounds. If aOutputBoundsSFCT was present in the parameters, aOutputBoundsSFCT will be returned

    OutOfBoundsError if the input bounds is not defined in the output reference