Configuration options for LoadSpatially constructor.



interface LoadSpatiallyStrategyConstructorOptions {
    queryProvider?: QueryProvider;
    refresh?: null | number | Date;
    singleQueryLevel?: boolean;

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queryProvider?: QueryProvider

Query provider object.

refresh?: null | number | Date

An optional delay that invalidates features on a loop. For more information, see LoadingStrategy.refresh.



singleQueryLevel?: boolean

In a 3D scene when the visible extent of the Map covers areas of different scale levels, as defined by QueryProvider.getQueryLevelScales, the LoadSpatially strategy will trigger by default a query request for each scale level.

On the other hand, by setting this property to true, the LoadSpatially strategy on a 3D map will trigger a single request for the entire visible area, with a query object that is associated with a scale level that matches the current map scale.