Style for raster layers.

For more information on how to style raster layers, see Learn how to visualize and style raster data using a RasterTileSetLayer.

interface RasterStyle {
    alpha?: number;
    brightness?: number;
    contrast?: number;
    displacementExpression?: null | Expression<Vector3>;
    drapeTarget?: DrapeTarget;
    fillStyle?: FillStyle;
    lineStyle?: LineStyle;
    modulationColor?: string;


alpha?: number

A number with an opacity value between 0 and 1. 0 is fully transparent t, 1 is fully opaque. By default, the value is 1.


brightness?: number

Sets the brightness.

The brightness is a value between 0 and 2. A value of 1 (the default) leaves the brightness unchanged. Values larger than 1 makes the colors brighter, while a value smaller than 1 makes the colors less bright. A value of 0 will make the raster black, while a value of 2 will make it fully white.

This is only supported on WebGL maps.





contrast?: number

Sets the contrast.

The contrast is a value between 0 and 2. A value of 1 (the default) leaves the contrast unchanged. A value larger than 1 enhances the contrast of dark colors by making them brighter, while a value smaller than 1 enhances the contrast of bright colors by making them darker.

This is only supported on WebGL maps.





displacementExpression?: null | Expression<Vector3>

An expression to displace terrain elevation data.

To create expressions, you must use the factory methods in the ExpressionFactory module. The expression must be well-formed and resolve to a point value.

If you want to update the styling very often, consider using parameters in your expressions. Changing the values of parameters is more efficient than replacing the whole expression.

  // Example of a displacement expression that pushes down everything inside a shape.
var _ = ExpressionFactory;
var shape = _.orientedBox(layer.orientedBox);
rasterStyle.displacementExpression = _.pushDown(shape);


null terrain elevation is not displaced by default.



drapeTarget?: DrapeTarget

Determines where the raster is draped on.

This setting is only relevant for 3D maps and is ignored for 2D maps.

Note that there is a technical limitation where you cannot drape the bottom-most imagery 3D Tiles meshes. To work around this limitation, you can add a dummy raster layer underneath the layer you want to drape on meshes. That dummy layer then becomes the bottom-most raster layer. For more information, see Why isn't my data being draped on OGC 3D tiles?.


{@link DrapeTarget.TERRAIN}




fillStyle?: FillStyle

The fill style used when the raster data extent is shown when zoomed out far.

When this property is undefined, a default red hatched area will be shown. This is to avoid that the raster on the map would be - unintentionally - invisible. Set this property to an empty object literal to turn off the fill.

This setting is only relevant for WebGL maps.



lineStyle?: LineStyle

The line style used when the raster data extent is shown when zoomed out far.

When this property is undefined, a default red outline will be shown. This is to avoid that the raster on the map would be - unintentionally - invisible. Set this property to an empty object literal to turn off the outline.

This setting is only relevant for WebGL maps.



modulationColor?: string

Sets the color that is modulated with the raster. For example using a raster with gray-scale colors and a red modulation color will result in a resulting painted raster with red hues.

Using a white color has no effect.

The alpha component of this color will be ignored. To control the opacity of the raster use alpha

This is only supported on WebGL maps.



