A single node in a HierarchicalSymbology. Typically the root is accessed from a HierarchicalSymbology.

You can retrieve a SymbologyNode by code using HierarchicalSymbology.getSymbologyNode.





  • get code(): string
  • An identifier uniquely defining a symbol, or null if the node does not represent a symbol.
    The same symbol may appear multiple times in a symbol hierarchy.

    Returns string

  • get folderOnly(): boolean
  • boolean attribute that represents whether or not a MilitarySymbol can be created from this SymbologyNode if folderOnly is true this SymbologyNode is merely a 'folder' in the hierarchy that contains children SymbologyNodes but which cannot be painted (ie has no visual representation) if folderOnly is false this SymbologyNode may or may not contain children SymbologyNodes but can always be painted (ie has a visual representation)

    Returns boolean



  • get id(): string
  • An identifier uniquely defining a symbol by its hierarchy code

    Returns string

  • get maximumPointCount(): number
  • The maximum number of points that a shape representing this node should have.
    If there is no restriction in the number of points or the node is represented by an icon, the value of this property will be -1. *

    Returns number

  • get minimumPointCount(): number
  • The minimum number of points that a shape representing this node should have.
    If the node is represented by an icon, the value of this property will be 0.

    Returns number

  • get name(): string
  • The name of the symbol. This property is read only.

    Returns string


  • Creates a suitable shape for this symbology node, at the given location and of the provided size. This method is primarily used in association with the CreateController, but it can be used as a convenience for programmatically creating shapes. The returned shape can be a point, polyline or polygon.

    If this node does not have a code (ie. the node sits high in the hierarchy, grouping several nodes), then the return value is null.


    • reference: CoordinateReference

      the coordinate reference of the shape

    • x: number

      x coordinate where the template will be created

    • y: number

      y coordinate where the template will be created

    • size: number

      the approximate size of the final template. This is applied to the coordinates in the shape's reference system. In other words, the width and height of the geometry will be around 1 model unit (e.g. degree, meter), depending on the shape.

    Returns null | Shape

    A shape that can represent the given military code.


  • Creates a suitable shape for this symbology node, at the given location and of the provided size. This method is primarily used in association with the CreateController, but it can be used as a convenience for programmatically creating shapes. The returned shape can be a point, polyline or polygon.

    If this node does not have a code (ie. the node sits high in the hierarchy, grouping several nodes), then the return value is null.


    • reference: CoordinateReference

      the coordinate reference of the shape

    • x: number

      x coordinate where the template will be created

    • y: number

      y coordinate where the template will be created

    • size: number

      the approximate size of the final template. This is applied to the coordinates in the shape's reference system. In other words, the width and height of the geometry will be around 1 model unit (e.g. degree, meter), depending on the shape.

    Returns null | Shape[]

    A list of templates that can represent the given military code, usually of length 1 for a graphics symbol.



  • Checks whether a shape of the given type is suitable for this symbology node. Note that the fact that the type of shape is supported does not mean that it is suitable for this symbol, as the minPointCount and maxPointCount properties should be also taken into account.


    • shapeType: ShapeType

      the type of the shape that is intended to be used as geometry for this symbol

    Returns boolean

    true if a shape of the type passed as parameter is suitable for this symbology node, false otherwise.