A utility class that can provide tileset attribution information for all tilesets that are visible in a map.




  • Disposes this tileset attribution provider. Once this method has been called this instance will no longer produce attribution change events.

    Returns void

  • Returns the current list of attribution logos. The returned list may be empty.

    Returns string[]

    the current list of attribution logos

  • Returns the current list of attribution strings. The returned list may be empty.

    Returns string[]

    the current list of attribution strings

  • Returns the current list of layer attributions. The returned list may be empty.

    Returns LayerAttribution[]

    the current list of layer attributions



  • Event fired when the attribution logos change.


    • event: "AttributionLogosChanged"

      the 'AttributionLogosChanged' event

    • callback: ((logos) => void)

      the callback to be invoked when the attribution logos change. The callback gets the 'logos' parameter, which is an array of strings containing the updated list of logo URLs

        • (logos): void
        • Parameters

          • logos: string[]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle

  • Event fired when the attribution strings change.


    • event: "AttributionStringsChanged"

      the 'AttributionStringsChanged' event

    • callback: ((strings) => void)

      the callback to be invoked when the attribution strings change. The callback gets the 'strings' parameter, which is an array of strings containing the updated list of attribution strings

        • (strings): void
        • Parameters

          • strings: string[]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle

  • Event fired when the layer attributions change


    • event: "LayerAttributionsChanged"

      the 'LayerAttributionsChanged' event

    • callback: ((attributions) => void)

      the callback to be invoked when the layer attributions change. The callback gets the 'attributions' parameter, which is an array of LayerAttribution containing the updated list of layer attributions

    • Optional context: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle

