A LookAt represents the position of a camera. This allows you to reason about the camera in terms of a point that the camera is looking at, together with a yaw (angle from north direction), pitch (angle wrt. horizon) and roll.

These properties also have meaning in a 3D cartesian reference, even though such a reference is not georeferenced: The xy-plane takes on the role of the (local) Earth ground plane and the z axis points up.

A LookAt is defined by the following properties:

  • ref: The point that the camera is looking at, in the camera's worldReference.
  • distance: The distance between ref and the camera's position
  • yaw: The angle wrt. the north direction (aka. "heading"). A value of 0 points the camera towards the North pole. The angle increases in clockwise direction. For 3D cartesian references, the y-direction serves as the north direction.
  • pitch: The angle wrt. the horizon (aka. "tilt"). A value of 0 points the camera towards the horizon (i.e. horizontally). -90 points the camera straight down towards the ground and +90 points the camera straight up, towards the sky. For 3D cartesian references, -90 points the camera in the negative z direction and +90 points it in the positive z direction.
  • roll: A rotation around the camera's forward direction (aka "bank"). Negative angles bank the view left; positive angles bank the view right.
// look at western Europe, facing the south, with the camera slightly pitched towards the ground
map.camera = map.camera.lookAt({
ref: {x: 3932563, y: 137328, z: 5002803},
distance: 50e3,
yaw: 180,
pitch: -35,
roll: 0
interface LookAt {
    distance: number;
    pitch: number;
    ref: Vector3;
    roll: number;
    yaw: number;


distance: number

The distance between ref and the camera's position. The distance is defined in the unit of the world reference. For a geocentric reference, this unit is usually 1 meter.

pitch: number

The angle with respect to the horizon (aka "tilt"). A value of 0 points the camera towards the horizon (i.e. horizontally). -90 points the camera straight down towards the ground and +90 points the camera straight up, towards the sky.

ref: Vector3

The point that the camera is looking at. The coordinates are defined in the camera's worldReference.

roll: number

A rotation around the camera's forward direction (aka "bank"). Negative angles bank the view left; positive angles bank the view right.

yaw: number

The angle with respect to the north direction (aka "heading"). A value of 0 points the camera towards the North pole. The angle increases in clockwise direction (90 points east).