Creates a WMS TileSet Model. By default, the model will define a quad tree tile pyramid based on the model bounds, and will use this structure to request images from the WMS server.
It is possible to configure the WMSTileSetModel
tile structure by passing
constructor parameters to the WMSTileSetModel
, tileHeight
, level0Rows
, level0Columns
. If you define at least one of these parameters, the bounds of the model may be adapted
to match the aspect ratio of the tile pyramid.
the options to create this WMSTileSetModel with.
ProgrammingError if any of the following cases occurs:
and bounds
are both passed in the options
and the references do not
and sldBody
are specified in the options
.The background color the WMS server must use when generating the WMS images. Note that this option is only considered by the server when the transparent property is false. The backgroundColor is a string that must be formatted as "0xRRGGBB", where RGB values are represented as hexadecimal numbers. If you try to assign a string that does not adhere to this format an exception will be thrown.
The base URL used to request tiles. This is equivalent to getMapRoot.
The coordinate type of geometries in this model
Indicates whether or not credentials should be included with HTTP requests.
Set this to true if the server requires credentials, like HTTP basic authentication headers or cookies.
You should disable credentials if the server is configured to allow cross-origin requests from all domains (Acces-Control-Allow-Origin=*
If the server allows CORS requests from all domains, the browser will block all requests where credentials=true
Once set, all subsequent HTTP requests will use the newly set value.
The default value is false
Returns the data type of this RasterTileSetModel.
Dimension parameters to send along with WMS GetMap
and GetFeatureInfo
Typical dimensions are TIME
The object literal can contain simple key/value pairs. Dimension names will be prefixed with "DIM_" in the
WMS requests, if this is not already the case. The dimension names TIME
will never be prefixed. Accepted values are strings, numbers, booleans.
A ProgrammingError will be thrown if values of another type are used.
Values must not be URL encoded. Assigning other values than object literals to dimensions
throw a ProgrammingError.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
The example below configures a WMSTileSet model to request temperature data on the 1st of july 2016, at ground level.
wmsTileSetModel.dimensions = {
TIME: "2016-07-01T12:00:00.000Z",
Root URI of the GetFeatureInfo
request interface
Root URI of the getMap
request interface.
Indicates that this RasterTileSetModel models a sparse tile tree. Please refer to RasterTileSetModelConstructorOptions.isSparseTileSet for details.
The WMS layers, specified as an array of strings. Each string is a layer name identifier.
These layers are not the same as a luciad.view.Layer
. They are the layers exposed
by the WMS server and which are listed in the capabilities document of the WMS server.
This layers array must be considered as an immutable property. This means that to add or to remove layers, you will need to reassign this property again. Directly removing elements from the array, or directly adding elements to the array, without resetting the property will have no effect.
The order of the layers in the array corresponds to the rendering order of the layers by the WMS server.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
The number of available detail levels. Level 0 is the coarsest level.
An object containing metadata about this model
An object containing metadata about this model
The WMS layers that will be queried. These are the layers that will be used in the GetFeatureInfo
requests performed by the getFeatureInfo method.
The query layers are specified as an array of strings. Each string is a layer name identifier.
This queryLayers array must be considered as an immutable property. This means that to add or to remove layers, you will need to reassign this property again. Directly removing elements from the array, or directly adding elements to the array, without resetting the property will have no effect.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
Reports whether this model supports GetFeatureInfo requests. This is only true if the protocol version is '1.3.0' or later, and if the queryLayers property was filled in when constructing this model.
The reference in which this model is defined
Headers to send with every HTTP request.
An object literal that represents the headers to send with every HTTP request. The property names represent HTTP header names, the property values represent the HTTP header values. This property can be set dynamically (post-construction). Once set, all subsequent HTTP requests will use the newly set headers.
Note that when custom headers are being sent to a server on another domain, the server will have to properly
respond to pre-flight CORS requests (a HTTP OPTION request sent by the browser before doing the actual request).
The server has to indicate that the header can be used in the actual request, by including it in
the pre-flight's Access-Control-Allow-Headers
response header.
The default value is null
Custom request parameters to send along with WMS GetMap
and GetFeatureInfo
The object literal can contain simple key/value pairs. If you try to configure request parameters that
are part of the WMS standard, a ProgrammingError will be thrown. For
example, adding a "layers" request parameter is not allowed. Accepted values are strings, numbers and booleans.
A ProgrammingError will be thrown if values of another type are used.
Values must not be URL encoded.
Assignments of other values than object literals to requestParameters
will throw an Error. Clearing
the parameters can be done by assigning null
or an empty object literal to
. Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the
visualization on the map.
Returns the sampling mode of this RasterTileSetModel.
A url to a Styled Layer Descriptor that must be passed when making a request. This corresponds to the SLD request parameter in the GetMap request. If you assign to this value, the value of the sldBody property, if any, will be reset to null.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
the Styled Layer Descriptor to pass when making a request. This corresponds to the SLD_BODY
request parameter in the GetMap
request. The SLD must not be URL encoded.
If you assign to this value, the value of the sldBody property, if any, will be reset to null.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
The named styles to apply on the server when making a request. The style names in the array apply to the
respective layers. Specifying a style name for a layer is
optional; if you do not wish to specify a style name for a particular layer, you can omit the entry for that
layer or pass an empty string in the styles
array. The STYLES
request parameter is
mandatory in a WMS request, but can be empty in case no styles
are defined.
Assigning to this property will automatically trigger a refresh of the visualization on the map.
getTileURL will replace the {s}
pattern in baseURL
values from subdomains
. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different
subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using
avoids hitting this limit.
The subdomains
array cannot be empty if the model's baseURL contains the {s}
subdomain hook.
Indicates whether the WMSTileSetModel will request transparent tiles from the server or not.
Loads a tile from the tileset.
the coordinate of the tile
the callback function that should be invoked when the tile was successfully loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an Image object.
the callback function that should be invoked when the tile could not be loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an optional Error object.
error: anyan AbortSignal that signals when a tile request is cancelled
Returns the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level. The pixel density is the number of raster elements per spatial unit , i.e. (tile pixel width) / (tile spatial width) and (tile pixel height) / (tile spatial height area), where the tile spatial dimensions are in the tilesets reference.
the requested detail level
the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level.
It returns null
if the level does not exist.
Returns the bounds of a given tile in the tile set. The bounds are calculated based on the model bounds and the model's tileset structure.
The tile coordinate for which you want to calculate the bounds
The bounds of the requested tile coordinate in the model's reference.
Loads a tile from the tileset. The default implementation of this method calls the getImage method.
The following code snippet illustrates how this method can be overridden.
model.getTileData = function(tile, onSuccess, onError) {
fetch(url).then(function(response) {
response.arrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {
onSuccess(tile, {
data: arrayBuffer,
mimeType: "image/jpeg"
the coordinate of the tile
the callback function that should be invoked when the tile was successfully loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and a TileData object.
the callback function that should be invoked when the tile could not be loaded The function will receive two arguments, the tile coordinate that was passed to this function and an optional Error object.
an AbortSignal that signals when a tile request is cancelled.
Returns the URL for a specific tile. The default implementation of this method returns baseURL
replacing the strings {x}
, {y}
and {z}
with the values of
, tile.y
and tile.level
It is not uncommon that the tile rows are seem to be reversed in the visualisation. This means that the
Y-axis in the tile coordinate system of the tile service is reversed with respect to the tile coordinate
system used by LuciadRIA. You can use the {-y}
placeholder in the baseURL to compensate for this.
If the baseURL contains the {s}
subdomains hook, getTileURL()
will replace the hook
with one of the values of subdomains.
the base URL that was passed to the constructor.
the coordinate of the tile
the resolved URL for the specified tile or null
if the requested tile does not exist.
Signals that the underlying data for the tiled images has changed. If this model is added to a map using a RasterTileSetLayer, calling this method will thus trigger a refresh of the visualization.
createCreates a tileset model for the given layers and options. This is the recommended method to create a model based on information provided by WMSCapabilities. This is the recommended method to create a model based on a given WMS server URL and layer name(s).
WMS capabilities
An array of object literals that defines the desired WMS layers and (optionally) their layer styles.
Each object literal has a mandatory layer
property which must contain a
WMSCapabilitiesLayer, and an optional style
of type String
options: WMSTileSetModelCreateOptionsThe options for the WMS model
a WMSTileSetModel
for the given parameters.
ProgrammingError if any of the following cases occurs:
or the reference of the bounds
passed in the options
are not supported by the WMS server's capabilities.
and bounds
are both passed in the options
and the
references do not match.
and sldBody
are specified in the options
createCreates a tileset model for the given layers and options. This is the recommended method to create a model based on a given WMS server URL and layer names. This is the recommended method to create a model based on a given WMS server URL and layer name(s).
The URL of the WMS server.
An array of object literals that defines the desired WMS layers and optionally their layer styles.
Each object literal has a mandatory layer
property and an optional style
both of type String
options: WMSTileSetModelCreateOptionsThe options for the WMS model.
a WMSTileSetModel
for the given parameters.
The promise is rejected if the model creation fails.
An event indicating that this RasterTileSetModel is invalidated. Invalidated means that the underlying data for the tiled images has changed This event fires when invalidate is called. "Invalidated"
...args: any[]Optional
context: any
A tileset model that can access an OGC WMS server. Because this model requests a map as a collection of individual tiles, certain visualization artifacts may occur. For example, text may appear cut-off at the border, or there may be slight pixellation effects when a tile is stretched or compressed to fit the screen. To avoid these artifacts, please use a WMSImageModel instead. A
is generally preferred over aWMSImageModel
when the imagery shows continuous data, such as orthophotography or elevation. Use aWMSImageModel
when the imagery contains text or rasterized vector data.Typically, you don't need to call the constructor yourself. Instead, use the factory methods createFromURL or createFromCapabilities to create an instance of this model. The following example demonstrates how to set up a
to retrieve WMS image data for a given service url and layer name:If you want to access the WMS server capabilities and explore the service metadata and available data sets, you must create a WMSCapabilities instance first. You can also use that instance to create a
afterwards:Supported versions
LuciadRIA supports consuming WMS services that support version 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 of the OGC WMS specification.