Constructor options for TileSet3DLayer.



attributes?: string[]

List of attributes that can be used in the meshStyle expressions. These attributes must be present in the source data set. For OGC 3D Tiles only attributes from the binary batch table are currently supported.



drapeSlopeAngle?: number

In the case where this mesh is draped, you might want to limit the slopes of the mesh that will receive draping data. By default, any slope of your mesh will be draped. From flat surfaces (0°) to vertical walls (90°). By setting the drapeSlopeAngle parameter you can limit the slope you allow draping data to be draped on. Only slopes between 0° and the angle set will be draped. The value has to be given in degrees and has to be between 0° and 90°.



fadingTime?: number

The time tiles will take to fade in / out when changing their visibility, in milliseconds. Setting this to 0 disables fading of tiles. They appear as soon as they are available. Default is 200ms.



id?: string

The layer's ID. this should be unique within the map. If this parameter is omitted, an ID will be generated automatically.

idProperty?: string

The property that should be used to identify individual 3D models in the tileset. Selection is only possible if the tileset provides relevant metadata, and the configured ID property is available in the metadata of the downloaded content.



isDrapeTarget?: boolean

If set to true, draped content that is set to be draped on meshes will get draped on the mesh in this layer. Default is false.

Note that you can reduce "smearing" of draped content by using drapeSlopeAngle.

isPartOfTerrain?: boolean

If set to false, this mesh will not be considered part of terrain. This has implications on mapToViewTransformations that are set to mode TERRAIN. Default is true.



label?: string

The layer's label. This should be human readable as it is typically used in layer controls. If this parameter is omitted the layer's label will correspond with the layer ID.

layerType?: LayerType

Configures the layer's LayerType. Value must be one of luciad.view.LayerType.BASE, luciad.view.LayerType.STATIC or luciad.view.LayerType.DYNAMIC. This determines the way the map will render the layer and can influence rendering performance. The default is STATIC.

loadingStrategy?: TileLoadingStrategy

Sets the tile loading strategy to be used by this layer. Have a look at TileLoadingStrategy for more details.

Default is HSPC.



maxScale?: number

The maximum scale at which this layer should render. If the map is being shown at a higher scale, the layer will not be rendered. This parameter can be omitted if no maximum scale is desired.

meshStyle?: MeshStyle

The styling of the layer's mesh.

minScale?: number

The minimum scale at which this layer should render. If the map is being shown at a lower scale, this layer will not be rendered. This parameter can be omitted if no minimum scale is desired.

occlusionStyle?: null | OcclusionStyle



offsetTerrain?: boolean | {
    enabled?: boolean;
    offset?: number;
    precise?: boolean;

If set to true, the terrain elevation will be offset to avoid unwanted intersections with this layer. False will leave terrain elevation at its original values.

Alternatively you can also set an object literal with some options:

  • enabled: true to enable, false to disable
  • precise: true to enable a precise mode that more accurately matches the dataset. Note that this will use more CPU and memory.(default is false)
  • offset: A number that indicates how many meters the terrain should be offset by when it intersects with this 3D mesh. Default is 20 meters, meaning the terrain will be pushed 20 meters lower than this mesh to avoid intersections.

The default is false.

Type declaration

  • Optional enabled?: boolean
  • Optional offset?: number
  • Optional precise?: boolean
outlineStyle?: null | OutlineStyle



Set of parameters to balance the quality and performance of the layer.



pointCloudStyle?: PointCloudStyle

The styling of the layer's point cloud.

An optional set of property names with a mandatory default value.

Each property name indicates a value that can be used for expression-based styling. These properties are not set on the model, but on the layer, thus allowing the same model to have different properties exposed on different layers, and thus allowing different styling on different layers.

Note that a property set on the layer can override a property (with the same name) that is already present in the model.

Note that only numbers can be used as default values and update values.

The key of the property is the name of the property. The value contains a default value. The default value will be used as long as no other values are pushed to the layer.

  const ogc3dTilesLayer = new TileSet3DLayer(model, {
selectable: true,
idProperty: "ObjectId",
properties: {
"Temperature": {
default: -100,
"Maintenance": {
default: 0,

For more information about plugging in properties: Howto: plugging in properties from external data sources



qualityFactor?: number

This floating point value determines the detail and general quality of the loaded tiles, providing a trade off between visual quality and performance.

  • A value of 1.0 indicates that it is up to the dataset to determine the quality.
  • A higher value (such as 1.2) will load more tiles.
  • A lower value (such as 0.5) will load less tiles.

It is generally recommended to keep this close to default, as high numbers might result in drastically reduced performance. A low number will improve performance, making it a good consideration for mobile devices.

Default is 1.0. The valid range is any positive, non-zero number.

qualityFactorDistanceFalloff?: QualityFactorFalloffOptions

Information on how the quality factor should be treated over the distance. By default, the quality factor is treated as constant over the whole distance. This corresponds to a farQualityFactorMultiplier equal to 1.



selectable?: boolean

Whether the layer is selectable. This means that, if possible, individual 3D models from the data can be selected. This will only be possible if the idProperty option is set.



selectedOcclusionStyle?: null | OcclusionStyle



selectedOutlineStyle?: null | OutlineStyle



textureCompression?: boolean

Configure whether to use GPU-compressed textures or not for tiled mesh data.

This can greatly reduce the amount of GPU memory needed, improve performance and stability.

Enable when displaying meshes with large textures, such as reality capture reconstructions. Disable when displaying meshes with lookup textures, such as CAD models.

If your environment does not support GPU texture compression, this flag has no effect. Use the "Device Support" sample to check if texture compression is supported by your device.

Default is enabled.



transformation?: Affine3DTransformation

The affine 3D transformation to position, rotate and scale this dataset.



transparency?: boolean



visible?: boolean

Configure the layer visibility. This can be changed afterwards with RasterTileSetLayer#visible.