A RasterImageLayer that adds support for GetFeatureInfo requests to the underlying WMS server. You can use the getFeatureInfo method to request additional information about features at a given view location.

Note that this can only work if the underlying WMSImageModel is queryable.

WMSImageLayer is not supported in a WebGLMap.


Hierarchy (view full)



  • get children(): LayerTreeNode[]
  • The list of direct children of the node. The children are ordered according to the painting order (the bottom layer is the first element in the array). Note that also the nodes that are not visible will be included.

    Returns LayerTreeNode[]

  • get editable(): boolean
  • Denotes whether the layer can be edited

    Returns boolean

  • set editable(editable): void
  • Parameters

    • editable: boolean

    Returns void

  • get id(): string
  • The node's ID (immutable). This ID was configured at construction time and is unique over the whole layer tree. If no ID was given, a UUID will have been generated automatically.

    Returns string

  • get label(): string
  • The node's label. This label was configured at construction time. If no label was given, the label will correspond to the layer's ID.

    Returns string

  • set label(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get map(): null | Map
  • The map this note is attached to, or null. This property will be null if this node is not attached to a map.

    Returns null | Map

  • get parent(): null | LayerGroup
  • The parent of this node or null. This property will be null if this node has not been added as the child of another node yet.

    Returns null | LayerGroup

  • get queryable(): boolean
  • Reports whether you can perform getFeatureInfo queries on this layer. This depends on the WMS Image Model: if that is queryable, this layer is queryable.

    Returns boolean

  • get rasterStyle(): RasterStyle
  • The raster style for this layer.

    Returns RasterStyle

  • set rasterStyle(style): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get scaleRange(): Interval
  • The scale range of this layer.

    Returns Interval

  • get supportedPaintRepresentations(): PaintRepresentation[]
  • Denotes what PaintRepresentations are available for this layer. This usually depends on the type of layer or the painter configuration on the layer

    Returns PaintRepresentation[]

  • get type(): LayerType
  • The LayerType of this layer. The layer type is used by the Map to optimize rendering. It is an optional parameter of the layer constructor.

    Returns LayerType

  • get visible(): boolean
  • Denotes whether the node is visible. This can be considered to be the master visibility switch: Setting this to false makes the layer entirely invisible. If it is true, the visible paint representations will be visible.

    This property does not reflect whether this node's parent is visible as well, If this is desired, use visibleInTree instead.

    Returns boolean

  • set visible(visible): void
  • Parameters

    • visible: boolean

    Returns void

  • get visibleInTree(): boolean
  • Denotes whether this layer is visible on the map. This method will only return true if this layer and every parent layer up to the root of the layer tree is visible.

    If visibleInTree is set to true, this will ensure that every parent LayerTreeNode up to the of the tree is configured to be visible as well.

    Returns boolean

  • set visibleInTree(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Returns the layer with the given ID if that layer is this node or one of its children. Note that the layer's ID does not correspond with the layer's label.


    • id: string

      The id of the layer that you want to retrieve.

    Returns Layer

    the requested layer or undefined if it is not present in the tree

  • Returns the layer group with the given ID if that layer is this node or one of its children.


    • id: string

      The id of the layer group that you want to retrieve.

    Returns LayerGroup

    the requested layer group or undefined if it is not present in the tree


  • Returns the layer tree node with the given ID if that layer is this node or one of its children. This may be a layer-group or a layer.


    • id: string

      The id of the layerTreeNode that you want to retrieve.

    Returns LayerTreeNode

    the requested layerTreeNode or undefined if it is not present in the tree


  • Requests feature info at the specified view location. The layers to visualize and the layers to query are specified in the model that was passed in when the layer was constructed.

    The GetFeatureInfo requests to the WMS server will match the GetMap requests for the visualization.

    This layer can only be called if:

    • The WMS model of this layer is queryable
    • The layer was already added to a Map

    The object passed to the success callback of the promise has the following structure:

    • A property 'text': The text contained in the response. The content of this text depends on the info format you requested and on the implementation of the server. For instance, if your requested info format was "application/json", the server could respond by:
      • sending a list of properties about the feature, encoded in JSON format.
      • OR, by sending the geometry of the feature in GeoJSON format.
    • A property 'status': the HTTP status of the response
    • A method 'getHeader(name)': a method to retrieve a specific HTTP header of the response. The 'name' parameter should be the name of the header you want to retrieve

    If an error occurs, the error callback will be called with an object with the following structure:

    • A property 'message': the text contained in the error.
    • A property 'response': the full response object of the error. It has the same structure as the object passed directly to the success callback of the Promise (see above).
    var infoPromise = layer.getFeatureInfo(10, 10, {featureCount: 5});
    function(response) {
    var contentType = response.getHeader("Content-Type");
    if (!contentType || contentType.indexOf("application/json") === -1) {
    // we can only handle GeoJson responses.
    var json = response.text;
    //do something with the returned content
    function(error) {
    console.log("Error when getting feature information. HTTP status: " + error.response.status);
    alert("Could not get feature information: " + error.message);


    • viewX: number

      The x-coordinate in view reference for which to request feature information.

    • viewY: number

      The y-coordinate in view reference for which to request feature information.

    • Optionaloptions: WMSGetFeatureInfoOptions

      Additional options for the GetFeatureInfo request.

    Returns null | Promise<WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse>

    A promise to the feature info response, or null if the given view location is not inside the bounds of this WMS layer.


  • Returns the area of the map that is currently visible, expressed in model coordinates.

    Returns null | Bounds

    the visible bounds in model coordinates or null if nothing is visible

    Please use mapBounds instead.

  • Indicates whether the specified paint representation is supported for this layer. Not every LayerTreeNode may support all paint representations. E.g. raster layers may not b have a PaintRepresentation.LABEL paint representation.


    Returns boolean

    true when paintRepresentation is supported, false otherwise.

  • Indicates whether the specified paint representation is visible on the map. This method will only return true if this paint representation is visible for this layer and every parent layer up to the layer tree.


    Returns boolean

    true when paintRepresentation is supported and visible, false otherwise

  • Called when the map has detected a single click on an object that is contained by this layer. This method can be overridden to take action when the click is detected. The default implementation of this method simply returns false.


    Returns boolean

    true to indicate that the click was handled and default behavior should not occur; false otherwise

  • Called when the map is going to display a context menu for an object that is contained by this layer. This method can be overridden to populate the given context menu with additional items.


    • contextMenu: ContextMenu

      The context menu to populate

    • map: Map

      The map that is about to show a context menu

    • contextMenuInfo: any

      The object that was passed to the map when requesting the context menu. The context menu info object. This object may contain arbitrary data. The default implementation expects a pickInfo object which will be passed to the appropriate Layer's onCreateContextMenu method. A pickInfo object is JavaScript object with two properties: the objects that were touched (an array of Features) and the layer that object resides in.

    Returns void

  • Sets the visibility of a specific paint representation in a layer tree. If it set to true, this will ensure that the paint representation of every parent LayerTreeNode up to the roof of the tree is configured to be visible as well.


    Returns void

  • Accepts the given visitor on the children of this.


    • visitor: LayerTreeVisitor

      The visitor which will receive the callbacks for the children.

    • order: VisitOrder

      The order in which the children need to be traversed.

    Returns void

  • Wait until this layer or layer group is finished with all possible work related to any change that happened before this call.
    At that moment, the screen is up-to-date with all changes.


      map.mapNavigator.fit({ bounds: somewhere });





    This call can be used to have a reliable, programmatic way to wait for all work leading up to the call to be reflected on the screen.
    The returned promise will always resolve once, when the layer is ready. The promise is rejected when the layer does not become ready in 5 minutes.

    Examples (not exhaustive) of aspects this promise will wait for:

    • While loading image data when it displayed for the first time, or after navigating the view
    • While loading image data after changing raster model properties such as WMS style
    • While loading feature data when it displayed for the first time, enters its scale range, or after navigating the view
    • While loading feature data after invalidating the layer query provider
    • While processing features after invalidating the layer feature painter or shape provider, or changing the layer filter
    • While processing features after they were added, updated or removed to/in/from a model or workingSet

    NOTE: The promise gets resolved also when an error (QueryStatus.QUERY_ERROR) occurs while handling underlying query or when the node is invisible.

    A LayerTree will wait until all its children are ready.

    Returns Promise<LayerTreeNode>

    A promise that resolves to the LayerTreeNode when all current work is done


  • Fired when the visibility of a certain paint representation of the layer changes. See setPaintRepresentationVisible.


    • event: string

      the "PaintRepresentationVisibilityChanged" event.

    • callback: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    • Optionalcontext: any

      value to use as this when executing callback.

    Returns Handle

  • Event fired when the editability of the layer changes.


    • event: "EditableChanged"

      the 'EditableChanged' changed event.

    • callback: ((editable: boolean) => void)

      the callback to be invoked when the editability of the layer changes. The callback gets the 'editable' boolean parameter, which indicates whether or not the layer is editable.

        • (editable): void
        • Parameters

          • editable: boolean

          Returns void

    • Optionalcontext: any

      value to use as this when executing callback

    Returns Handle