Returns the duration of this animation in milliseconds. The duration of this animation should be a strictly positive finite value.
Called by AnimationManager when this animation is added to the manager and needs to starts playing.
Can be overridden by Animation implementations (no need to call parent implementation).
You can use this to perform initialization.
Called by AnimationManager when this animation is removed from the manager and needs to stops playing.
Can be overridden by Animation implementations (no need to call parent implementation).
You can use this to perform cleanup.
Updates the animation to a new time. Must be overridden by Animation implementations (no need to call parent implementation).
the current fraction of the animation. A fraction of 0 indicates the start of the animation, while a fraction of 1 indicates the end of the animation.
An animation that can be run using the AnimationManager.
Subclasses need to implement update. Subclasses may override onStart and onStop to perform initialization and cleanup.