All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- 1. Minefields - Search tag in interface com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ILcdMS2525bCoded
- Section
- M - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nitf.ELcdNITFBandRepresentation
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureRouteType
Microwave Landing System (IAP) (key = M).
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeEmissionBand
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRouteDesignatorLetter
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUpperAlpha
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistance
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistanceVertical
- M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLightingSystemType
- M_MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
- M_SEC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
- m00 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 0.
- m01 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 1.
- m02 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 2.
- m10 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 0.
- m11 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 1.
- m12 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 2.
- m20 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 0.
- m21 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 1.
- m22 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 2.
- m2525bType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15DataTypes
- MA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAltitudeAdjustment
- MA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeObstacleAssessmentSurface
- MA_1_NET - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEngageDevice
- MA_1A_HOOK_CABLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEngageDevice
- MAC - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Macadam (key = MAC).
- MACADAM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
- Mach - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdSpeedUnit
Constant defining speed relative the speed of sound (at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and at sea level).
- MACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
- MAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeBearing
- MAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNorthReference
- MAG_BRG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeCourse
- MAG_TRACK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeCourse
- MAGENTA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeColour
- MAGNETIC - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.util.TLcdBearingType
Bearing compared to the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The magnetic bearing of the localizer beam, towards the localizer antenna.
- MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The magnetic bearing of the localizer beam, towards the localizer antenna.
- MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegCourseType
Magnetic bearing (key = MBRG).
- MAGNETIC_BEARING_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.runway.TLcdAIXM51RunwayDirectionTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.ILcdRunwayDirectionFeature
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
- MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
- MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
- MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
- MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
- MAGNETIC_NORTH_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.magneticnorth.TLcyMagneticNorthAddOn
- MAGNETIC_TRACK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegCourseType
Magnetic Track (key = MT).
- MAGNETIC_TRACK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.ILcdARINCAerodromeFeature
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
- MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCAerodromeDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
- MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCHeliportDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
- MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.sector.ILcdARINCMinimumSectorAltitudeFeature
A single character (M or T) indicating whether the Minimum Sector Altitude data is with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
- MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.sector.TLcdARINCMinimumSectorAltitudeDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether the Minimum Sector Altitude data is with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.ILcdAerodromeFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNDBFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMTACANFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMVORFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCAerodromeCommunicationDataProperties
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCMarkerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCNDBFeature
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCWayPointFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North derived with a computer model that takes into consideration the location and the date.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North derived with a computer model that takes into consideration the location and the date.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFGlidePathFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFLocalizerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFMarkerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFNavaidFeature
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFWayPointFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFGlidePathDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFILSDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFVORDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTGlidePathDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTILSDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTVORDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_CHANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_CHANGE_RATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
The annual rate of change of the magnetic variation.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
The date on which the magnetic variation had this value.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
The date on which the magnetic variation had this value.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNDBFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMTACANFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMVORFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
- MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - magneticNorthMap(ILcdMagneticNorthMap) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.swing.navigationcontrols.TLspNavigationControlsBuilder
Lets the compass point to the magnetic north instead of true north, using the given magnetic north map.
- MagneticNorthShapeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdMagneticNorthDataTypes
Contains information about the shape contained in a Magnetic North domain object.
- MagneticNorthType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdMagneticNorthDataTypes
Represents the model element data type for Magnetic North models.
- MAGNIFIER_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method, representing the magnifier controller for the view. - MAGNIFIER_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class
Constant for an
to magnify a small area of anILcdGXYView
The ID for the
TLcyLspMapComponentFactory.createActiveSettable(int, ALcyProperties)
method, representing an active settable for activating the magnifier controller on anILspView
Constant for an active settable to enable the magnifier controller on an
. - MAH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAltitudeAdjustment
- Mahe_1971_to_WGS84_Mahe_Island - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Mahe 1971 to WGS84 Mahe Island .
- MAHF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureFixRole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
Configures the dataPreparator and starts the data preparing process.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
Configures the data preparator and starts the data preparing process.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.TLcyMain
Creates a new TLcyMain instance and invokes setActive( true ).
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.TLcdLicenseServer
The server's main method.
- main(String[], String...) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.TLcyMain
Convenience method to make it easy to programmatically append additional arguments to the main method.
- MAIN_GXYVIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintableComponentFactory
The id for creating the gxyview of the current map component.
- MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdColorMapCustomizer
Constant that represents the main panel, containing the color bar and the arrows.
- MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.gui.ALcyDrawingToolBarFactory
The only panel of the drawing toolbar containing all the default components, actions and active settables which are included in the drawing config file.
- MAIN_VIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory
The id for creating the view of the current map component.
- MAINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApronElement
- MAINTENANCE_AND_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceInformation
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAINTENANCE_NOTE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceInformation
Data property that maps to the
element. - Main workflow - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.manipulation.TLspCreateController
- Section
- MAJOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the arc.
- MAJOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the ellipse.
- MAJOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the arc.
- MAJOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the ellipse.
- MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis (at the rotation angle).
- MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis (at the rotation angle).
- MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the major axis of the arc is touched.
- MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the major axis of the ellipse is touched.
- MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis at the rotation angle (at the rotation angle + 180 degrees).
- MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis at the rotation angle (at the rotation angle + 180 degrees).
- MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the major axis of the arc is touched.
- MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the major axis of the ellipse is touched.
- Makassar_Jakarta_to_Makassar_Indonesia_south_west_Sulawesi - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Makassar Jakarta to Makassar Indonesia south west Sulawesi .
- MAKE_OVERVIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- make2DEditableBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint[], ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Static method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYBounds
- make2DEditableBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint[], ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Static method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatBounds
- makeColor(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdColor
Returns a Color based on the given RGB integer.
- makeCompatible(Buffer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.opengl.binding.TLcdGLNIOBufferFactory
- makeDefaultValueInvisible(ILcdModel, TLcdColorMap) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdColorModelFactory
Creates a new
based on the given input color map that ensures that the default raster value is invisible. - makeIndexedModel() - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Creates a
by callingTLcdSHPModelDecoder.makeVectorModel()
and then converts it toILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel
. - makeModelDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.luciad.format.pol.TLcdPOLModelDecoder
Creates a display name for the model descriptor based on the data source name.
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference.TLcyGeodeticReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReference
Creates a model point that is compatible with this model reference.
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdCartesianReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeocentricReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeodeticReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeoidReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGridReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdTopocentricReference
- makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdXYModelReference
- makeNewInstanceForGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYNewControllerModel
Delegates the creation of a new
to be initialized with Mouse interactions on aGXYView and after inserted in aGXYLayer. - makeNewInstanceForGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ILcdGXYNewControllerModel
When calling this method, a
asks to get a new instance of theObject
to initialize with Mouse interactions. - makeTransparentColor(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdColor
Returns a Color based on the given ARGB integer.
- makeVectorModel() - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Creates a
, sets a model reference, adds all the SHP Objects in theTLcdVectorModel
and closes the inputStream. - Making a layer paint itself asynchronously - Search tag in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.ILcdGXYAsynchronousLayerWrapper
- Section
- Making use of it - Search tag in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYLayerFactory
- Section
- Malongo_1987_to_Mhast_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Malongo 1987 to Mhast Angola Cabinda .
- Malongo_1987_to_WGS84_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Malongo 1987 to WGS84 Angola Cabinda .
- MALS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
- MALSR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
- MANAGED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeObstacleArea
- MANAGING_ORGANISATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.aerialrefuelling.TLcdAIXM51AerialRefuellingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MANDATORY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.ELcdISO19115ObligationCode
- MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFlightRestriction
- MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115ObligationCode
Element is always required.
- MANDATORY_RVR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the
element. - mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.lidar.lightspeed.TLspLIDARLayerBuilder
Set a list of attributes that should always be loaded, regardless of what is necessary for styling and filtering.
- mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
- mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Set a list of attributes that should always be loaded, regardless of what is necessary for styling and filtering.
- mandatoryOrientation(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
- mandatoryOrientation(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Indicates that orientation information should always be loaded, regardless of styling and filtering.
- ManifestType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
- Manoca_to_WGS84_Cameroon - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Manoca to WGS84 Cameroon .
- ManoeuvringAreaAvailabilityPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- ManoeuvringAreaAvailabilityType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- ManoeuvringAreaUsagePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- ManoeuvringAreaUsageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- Manual - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.xml.bind.xlink.ILcdXLinkExpression.Actuate
Indicates that this expression should be resolved only when the application explicitly invokes resolve.
- Manual filter configuration - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.TLfnVectorCoverageMetadata
- Section
- map(TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a
with the type as key type. - map(TLcdDataTypeBuilder) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a
with the type of the given type builder as key type. - map(ILcdExpression<I>, ILcdExpression<T>[], ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that maps an index onto an expression.
- map(ILcdExpression<I>, T[], T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that maps an index onto a value.
- map(String) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a
with the type with the given name as key type. - MAP - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataProperty.CollectionType
Values for properties of this CollectionType must implement
. - MAP - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureDistance
- MAP - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MAP_2D_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MAP_3D_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MAP_BACKGROUND_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MAP_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleLocation
A map scale ratio at the center of the current view extents.
- MAP_COLOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
- MAP_COMBO_BOX_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view.TLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
- MAP_COMPONENT_ADDED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a
was added. - MAP_COMPONENT_ADDED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a
was added. - MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format.TLcyDrawingFormat
Key used for the mapcomponent property in the ALcyProperties object used in the
method. - MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.lightspeed.TLcyLspDrawingFormat
Key used for the map component property in the
object used in theTLcyLspDrawingToolBarFactory#createGUI
method. - MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
A constant that is used to retrieve a map component from a
instance. - MAP_COMPONENT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property, containing the map component.
- MAP_COMPONENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a
was removed. - MAP_COMPONENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a
was removed. - MAP_DIGITAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Map represented in raster or vector form.
- MAP_EXTENTS_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintPreviewFactory
The id for the panel containing navigation actions affecting what part of the map is printed.
- MAP_FORMAT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.format.ALfnFormat
of the default format responsible for MAP data - MAP_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
- MAP_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
- MAP_HARDCOPY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Map printed on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user.
- MAP_HELP_ID - Static variable in class
The help id for the map.
- MAP_LAYER_CONTROL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
The ID for
method representing the layer control component. - MAP_LAYER_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MAP_MENU - Static variable in class
The map menu.
- MAP_OVERVIEW_HELP_ID - Static variable in class
The help ID for map overviews.
- MAP_PANE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.lucy.gui.ILcyApplicationPaneFactory
Application pane type for maps.
- MAP_ROTATION_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
- MAP_SCALE_LABEL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
Constant for a
to choose the scale of anILcdGXYView
. - MAP_SCALE_RANGE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.TLspLayerStateEvent.Type
Type indicating that a layer's map scale range property has changed.
- MAP_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
The properties passed to this factory should contain the map type as well.
- mapBoundaryEdge(E, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified boundary edge from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
- mapBounds(ILcdBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the area of interest, specified in the map reference of the map to be returned.
- MAPCANVAS16 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon
insteadILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.GRID_ICON);
- MAPCANVAS32 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon
insteadILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.GRID_ICON);
- mapChanged(TLcdMapEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface com.luciad.util.collections.ILcdMapListener
This method gets called when a change in a map occurs.
- mapDataModel(TLcdDataModel, TLcdDataModel...) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps a source data model on one or more target data models.
- mapEdge(E, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified edge from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
- mapGraph(ILcdGraph<N, E>, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified graph (partition or boundary graph) from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
- MapItemType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSEDataTypes
- mapManagerChanged(TLcyGenericMapManagerEvent<? extends S, ? extends T>) - Method in interface
This method will be invoked whenever the
changes. - mapManagerChanged(TLcyMapManagerEvent) - Method in interface
This method will be invoked whenever the
changes. - mapMatrixValue(short, double, TLcdCoverageFillMode) - Method in interface com.luciad.tea.ILcdMatrixRasterValueMapper
Returns a raster value that is the result of a comparison between the given matrix value and the current raster value for a raster pixel.
- mapNode(N, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified node from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
- MAPPED_INTEGER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXDataTypes
Indicates a primitive ASTERIX mapped integer type.
- mappedInterval(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.util.TLcdLookupTable.Builder
Sets the the interval of values that should be mapped on the table data.
- mappedInterval(ILcdInterval) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.util.TLcdLookupTable.Builder
Sets the the interval of values that should be mapped on the table data.
- Mapping Java class hierarchies onto XML substitution groups - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
- Section
- MappingRuleType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- Mapping XML substitution groups onto Java class hierarchies - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
- Section
- mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedPolynomialProjection
Applies the inverse of the polynomial transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
- mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedProjectiveProjection
Applies the inverse of the projective transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
- mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedRationalProjection
Applies the inverse of the rational transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
- mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedPolynomialProjection
Applies the polynomial transformation to the source point to obtain the target point.
- mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedProjectiveProjection
Applies the projective transformation to the source point, to obtain the target point.
- mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedRationalProjection
Applies the rational transformation to the source point, to obtain the target point.
- mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, TLcdDataProperty) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property on the target property.
- mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, TLcdDataProperty, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property on the given target property.
- mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, ILcdDataPropertyTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property using the given transformation on the target object.
- mapProperty(String, ILcdDataPropertyTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property using the given transformation on the target object.
- mapProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the source property with the given name on the target property with the given name.
- mapProperty(String, String, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the source property with the given name on the target property with the given name.
- mapReference(ILcdXYWorldReference) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the reference in which the map content should be returned.
- mapRotation(Double) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the rotation to use for the map.
- mapScaleProvider(ILspMapScaleProvider) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.lightspeed.TLspWMSLayerBuilder
Sets the map scale provider of the layer.
- mapScaleRange(TLcdDimensionInterval<TLcdMapScale>) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.raster.TLspRasterLayerBuilder
Sets the scale range of the layer in unitless map scale ratios.
- mapStyle(ELcdBingMapsMapStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder
Sets the map style property.
- MAPT - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegIAPFixRole
MAPF: Missed Approach Point.
- MAPT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureFixRole
- mapTargetProperty(TLcdDataProperty, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given target property using the given transformation.
- mapTargetProperty(String, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given target property using the given transformation.
- mapType(TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the given source type on a type with the same name in the target data models.
- mapType(TLcdDataType, TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the source type on the target type (and vice versa) using a
. - mapType(TLcdDataType, TLcdDataType, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the source type on the target type using the given transformation.
- MAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNDBUsage
- MAR_BCN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeGroundLighting
- MARINE_BEACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.type.TLcdNDBType
Marine beacon (key = M).
- MARINERS_OTHER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s52.ILcdS52Style
- MARINERS_STANDARD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s52.ILcdS52Style
- mark() - Method in interface com.luciad.view.opengl.binding.ILcdGLBuffer
- mark(int) - Method in class
Marks the current position in this input stream.
- MARKED_APRON_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_DEICING_AREA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51DeicingAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_ELEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_GUIDANCE_LINE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_PROTECTION_AREA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_RUNWAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_STAND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51StandMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_TAXI_HOLD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiHoldingPositionMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_TAXIWAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKED_TOUCH_DOWN_LIFT_OFF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
type for Marker. - Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.TLcdAIXMDataTypes
AIXM type for Marker.
- Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for Marker.
- Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for Marker.
- Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for Marker.
- MARKER_POSITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NavaidComponent
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.ILcdMarkerFeature
The type of this marker.
- MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
- MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
- MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
- MarkerBeaconPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkerBeaconTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkerBeaconTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkerBeaconType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MARKERS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMarking
- MARKERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.TLcdILS
The Markers property of the ILS type.
- MarkerType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Primitive type for MarkerType.
- markForReplication() - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource
Calling this method indicates that this resource should be replicated.
- MARKING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayFeature
A textual description of the runway marking.
- MARKING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDataProperties
A textual description of the runway marking.
- MARKING_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.obstacle.TLcdAIXMObstacleDataProperties
Description of the visual marking.
- MARKING_FIRST_COLOUR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51DeicingAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51StandMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiHoldingPositionMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_PATTERN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the
element. - MARKING_SECOND_COLOUR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the
element. - MarkingBuoyPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingBuoyTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingBuoyTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingBuoyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingElementPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingElementType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MarkingPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- markSupported() - Method in class
Tests if the data stream supports the
methods. - MarkType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSEDataTypes
- marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.ILcdXMLMarshaller
Marshals (serializes) the specified Java object or content tree to an XML element via the specified
. - marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.ILcdXMLDatatypeMarshaller
Converts a Java class instance to a lexical representation of the corresponding XML value.
- marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in class com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.TLcdXMLMarshallerAdapter
- Marshalling - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind
- Section
- Marshalling - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
- Section
- marshalType(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.ILcdXMLTypeMarshaller
Partially marshals (serializes) he specified Java object or content tree to an XML element via the specified
. - MASK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Height of the median filter.
- MASK_MASK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating the edge should be masked (not rendered).
- MASK_NOT_APPLICABLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating that a mask is not applicable for the edge.
- MASK_SHOW - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating the edge should be rendered normally.
- MASK_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Width of the median filter.
- MASKCHARACTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.TLcdMS2525bCode2HierarchyMap
Mask character to denote that the character at this position should not be taken into account.
- MASONRY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMaterial
- Massawa_to_WGS84_Ethiopia_Eritrea - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Massawa to WGS84 Ethiopia Eritrea .
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSpecialNavigationStation
- MASTER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s57.ILcdS57Relationship
- MASTER_TRANSPARENCY_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdColorMapCustomizer
Constant that represents the panel containing the master transparency slider, see
. - matches(ILcdIntersectionMatrix) - Method in interface com.luciad.geometry.topology.ILcdIntersectionMatrixPattern
Checks whether the topological relationship defined by this matrix pattern holds for the given intersection matrix.
- Mathematical comparison checks - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.evaluator.TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator
- Section
- MATRIX - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdPixelTransformOp
The matrix to apply to the input pixel values.
- MATRIX_CODES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A matrix with codes.
- MATRIX_VALUES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A matrix with values.
- MATS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Landing mat portable system, usually made of aluminium (key = MAT).
- MATS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
- max(ALcdBasicImage) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
Calls ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder.binaryOp(com.luciad.imaging.ALcdBasicImage, com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation) with the given image and the MAX operation.
- max(ALcdBasicImage, ALcdBasicImage) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp
Take the maximum of two images.
- max(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
- max(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
- max(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
- MAX - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation
Take the maximum value of the input images.
- MAX_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LatLonAltBox
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_CPU_USAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MAX_FADE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_HEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.util.TLcdKML22ImagePyramid
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Tin
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Tin
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_LINES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAX_LOD_PIXELS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Deprecated.Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
- MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
- MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.shape.TLspShapePaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
- MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspViewPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
- MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Deprecated.Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
- MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
- MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.shape.TLspShapePaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
- MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspViewPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
- MAX_RADIUS_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the maximum arc segment of the arc band.
- MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at maximum radius and the end angle.
- MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at maximum radius and the end angle.
- MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the end angle and the maximum radius of the arc band.
- MAX_RADIUS_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's maximum radius.
- MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at maximum radius and the start angle.
- MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at maximum radius and the start angle.
- MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the start angle and the maximum radius of the arc band.
- MAX_RECORDS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.csw.model.TLcdCSWGetRecordsRequest
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAX_SESSION_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_SNIPPET_LINES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_SPEED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.taxiway.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_TYRE_PRESSURE_PCN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51SurfaceCharacteristics
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.content.TLcdISO19115Band
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's maximum vertical angle.
- MAX_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name for a viewshed's maximum vertical angle.
- MAX_WIDTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.util.TLcdKML22ImagePyramid
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAX_ZOOMED_IN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed in map scale (1:0 ≈ the maximum double value)
- MAX_ZOOMED_OUT - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed out map scale (1:inf == 0)
- maxFeatureCount(int) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetFeatureInfoParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum number of features returned when doing a query.
- maxHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the maximum height of the rectangle, relative to the base line.
- maximalEdgeLength(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum edge length for non-straight outlines of the
to build. - maximalFillEdgeLength(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum edge length for fills of the
to build. - MAXIMUM - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.TLfnEngineFactory.TileCombiningStrategy
This strategy takes the maximum of 4 values.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
Deprecated.The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each GRIB sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBTileDecoder
Deprecated.The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DHM sample cell.
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdCoverageFillMode
Constant indicating the coverage should be filled with values that are the maximum of all computed samples for that point.
- MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The maximum allowed altitude for the route segment.
- MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The maximum allowed altitude for the route segment.
- MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the maximum altitude.
- MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum altitude.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
- MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
- MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYLabelPainterAdapter
Maximum number of available locations.
- MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYOffsetIconPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
- MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYMultiFontLabelPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
- MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYStampLabelPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
- MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_ELEVATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdElevationUtil
- MAXIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspBoundsEditor.HandleIdentifier
Control point that modifies the maximum height.
- MAXIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspExtrudedShapeEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the handle that edits the maximum extrusion height.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
- MAXIMUM_OCCURRENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115ExtendedElementInformation
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.extent.TLcdISO19115VerticalExtent
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSRange
Data property that maps to the
element. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdOverlayLayout
- maxLevel(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.TLfnVectorCoverageMetadata.Builder
Deprecated.Sets the maximum level (most detailed level).
- MAXRADIUS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Maximum radius of an arcband ( non SVG ).
- maxScaleDenominator(double) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDRule.Builder
Sets the maximum scale denominator necessary for which the rule still applies.
- maxScaleDenominator(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnAssetMetadata.Builder
Sets the denominator of the maximum scale at which this asset should be used.
- maxSubpathLength() - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdAWTPath
- maxSubpathLength() - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGeneralPath
- maxValue(Number) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdBandMeasurementSemanticsBuilder
Set the maximum allowed value, can be
. - maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in class
- maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdVVTerrainProfileModel
- maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.vertical.ILcdVVModel
- MBZ - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Mandatory Broadcast Zone ( key = MBZ )
- MD_11 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLandingAreaAircraftType
- MD_AggregateInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_AggregateInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Band_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Band_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_BrowseGraphic_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_BrowseGraphic_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_CellGeometryCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ClassificationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Constraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Constraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ContentInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_CoverageContentTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_CoverageDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_CoverageDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DataIdentification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DataIdentification_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DatatypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DigitalTransferOptions_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DigitalTransferOptions_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Dimension_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Dimension_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DimensionNameTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Distribution_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Distribution_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_DistributionUnits_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Distributor_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Distributor_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ExtendedElementInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ExtendedElementInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Format_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Format_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_GeometricObjects_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_GeometricObjects_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Georectified_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Georectified_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Georeferenceable_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Georeferenceable_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Identification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Identifier_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Identifier_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ImageDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ImageDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ImagingConditionCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Keywords_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Keywords_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_KeywordTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_LegalConstraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_LegalConstraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MaintenanceInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Medium_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Medium_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MediumFormatCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MediumNameCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Metadata_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Metadata_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ObligationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ObligationCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_PixelOrientationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_PixelOrientationCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ProgressCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_RangeDimension_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_RangeDimension_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ReferenceSystem_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_RepresentativeFraction_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_RepresentativeFraction_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Resolution_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Resolution_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_RestrictionCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ScopeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ScopeDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ScopeDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_SecurityConstraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_SecurityConstraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ServiceIdentification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_ServiceIdentification_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_SpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_StandardOrderProcess_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_StandardOrderProcess_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_TopicCategoryCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_TopicCategoryCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_TopologyLevelCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Usage_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_Usage_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
- MD80 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLandingAreaAircraftType
- MDA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMinimumAltitude
- MDH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMinimumHeight
- MDH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Month,day,hour.
- MEANING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSUnNamedDomain
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEASURE_CARTESIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the Cartesian distance between points in the world reference of the view.
- MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality.TLcdISO19115Element
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEASURE_GEODETIC - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the geodesic (shortest) distance between points.
- MEASURE_GEODETIC - Static variable in class
Geodetic measure mode.
- MEASURE_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MEASURE_IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality.TLcdISO19115Element
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEASURE_PROJECTION_PLANE - Static variable in class
Projection plane measure mode.
- Measure_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- MEASURE_RHUMB - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the shortest rhumbline distance between points.
- MEASURE_RHUMBLINE - Static variable in class
Rhumbline measure mode.
- MeasureListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MeasureListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MEASUREMENT_POINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51ApproachAltitudeTable
Data property that maps to the
element. - measurementChanged(EventObject) - Method in interface
Invoked whenever the measurement is changed.
- MeasureOrNilReasonListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MeasureOrNullListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- measuresRetrieved(TLcdISO19103Measure[]) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.measure.TLcdGXYViewMeasureProvider.Callback
This method is called by the
method when it has completed retrieving measures. - MeasureType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MeasureType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MEASURING_SYSTEM_AIRCRAFT_MARKINGS_HOLIDAYS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRuleProcedureTitle
- median(int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
Corresponds to TLcdMedianOp.median(com.luciad.imaging.ALcdImage, int, int), but the input image is passed in via the operator chain.
- median(ALcdImage, int, int) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Applies a median filter to the given image.
- MEDIAN_FILTER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Input data type of the operator.
- MEDIAN_POINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the location of the point with index ( ( getPointCount() - 1 ) / 2 ).
- mediate() - Method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder
Starts the actual mediation between the two action bars with the specified settings of this object.
- mediate(ILcyActionBar, ILcyActionBar) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Deprecated.The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the
class - mediate(ILcyActionBar, ILcyActionBar, boolean) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Deprecated.The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the
class - mediate(ILcyActionBar, String, boolean, TLcyActionBarManager) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Deprecated.The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the
class - mediate(ILcyActionBar, String, Object, TLcyActionBarManager) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Deprecated.The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the
class - mediateAcceleratorKeys(ILcyActionBar, JComponent) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Mediates the accelerator keys between the
and theJComponent
. - MEDIATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
- MEDIC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodePassengerService
- MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.radarvideo.TLspRadarVideoStyle.AntialiasingHint
Medium antialiasing, medium performance impact.
- MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
- MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeWakeTurbulence
- MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
- MEDIUM_FORMAT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution.TLcdISO19115Medium
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEDIUM_GOOD - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
- MEDIUM_NOTE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution.TLcdISO19115Medium
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEDIUM_POOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
- MediumDotted - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.ELcdNVGFillPattern
- MEETS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31RelatedTime.RelativePosition
- MEETS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32RelatedTime.RelativePosition
- MEETS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.capabilities.TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities
temporal operator name - MEETS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator
The end time of the property is equal to the expression begin time.
- MEM - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Membrane - pastic or other fiber material (key = MEM).
- MEMBER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeOrganisationHierarchy
- MEMBER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Bag
Data property that maps to the
element. - MemberName_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- MemberName_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- MEMBERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Array
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEMBERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Bag
Data property that maps to the
element. - MEMBRANE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
- Memory-mapped files - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
- Section
- memoryMode(TLcdLOSOptions.MemoryMode) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdLOSOptions.Builder
Set the memory mode for the LOS Options
- MEMPHIS_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MEMPHIS_TRACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MENU_BAR_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
The ID for
method representing the menubar component. - MER - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.geodesy.TLcdDefaultAISGeodeticDatumProvider
Similar to
, but for mercator projection. - MERCATOR_PROJECTION_ACTIVE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class
Similar to
, but for mercator projection. - Merchich_to_WGS84_Morocco - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Merchich to WGS84 Morocco .
- merge(TLcdValidationResult) - Method in class com.luciad.util.TLcdValidationResult
Merges this validation result with another validation result.
- MERGE_GROUP_KEY - Static variable in class
Key used to store the merge group property.
- MERGE_KEY - Static variable in class
Key used to store the merge property.
- mergeLabelInfoList(TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList) - Method in class com.luciad.view.labeling.algorithm.TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList
This method merges the given
into this object. - mergePaintBlocksSFCT(ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager.PaintBlock, ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager.PaintBlock) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.manager.ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager
Merge the layers of
. - mergeUniqueFeatures(TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessage) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.util.TLcdAIXM51MessageUtil
Looks up feature instances in
that have the samegml:identifier
and merges them into a single new feature, with the samegml:identifier
. - MERIDIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.ILspLonLatGridLine.Category
- MERIDIAN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspLonLatGridStyler
- MERIDIAN_DOMAIN_OBJECT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format.TLcyDrawingFormat
Unique ID of the domain object supplier, capable of handling meridians.
- MERIDIAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Code
The name by which this prime meridian is identified.
- meridionalArcDistance(double) - Method in interface com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
- meridionalArcDistance(double) - Method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
- meridionalArcDistance(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
- meridionalArcDistance(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
- MESH - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelMetadata.DataCategory
The data contains raw 3D meshes.
- MESH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCTermDataTypes
- meshCompression(ELcdOGC3DTilesMeshCompressionType) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Sets the mesh compression algorithm to use in the OGC 3D Tiles encoding.
- message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.dialogs.TLcdDialogManager
- message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in interface com.luciad.gui.ILcdDialogManager
- message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdDialogManagerSW
- message(String, int, Object, Component) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdUserDialog
Pops up a window with an informational message.
- message(String, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.dialogs.TLcdDialogManager
- MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.service.ELcdISO19119OperationModel
- MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdStatusEvent
Indicates that the event contains a message.
- MESSAGE_DATE_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header date.
- MESSAGE_FACILITY_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header facility.
- MESSAGE_METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessageBase
Data property that maps to the
element. - MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the
element. - MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header sequence number.
- MESSAGE_TYPE_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message type.
- messageDigestAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnCoverageMetadata.Builder
Sets a message digest algorithm on the coverage, to be used for corruption checking on the server.
- MessageMetadataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MET - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
- MET_BY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31RelatedTime.RelativePosition
- MET_BY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32RelatedTime.RelativePosition
- MET_BY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator
The begin time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression.
- META_CLASS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115DatatypeCode
Class whose instances are classes.
- META_DATA_PROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractGML
Data property that maps to the
element. - META_DATA_PROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractGML
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_CONSTRAINTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_EXTENSION_INFO_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_FILENAME - Static variable in class
Defines the name of the (optional) file which contains the asset metadata of a tile repository.
- METADATA_MAINTENANCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51FeatureMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51FeatureTimeSliceMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51MessageMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Model
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15DataObject
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Composite
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Content
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Group
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20SymbolizedContent
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Model
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSOperation
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSBasicIdentification
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDatasetDescriptionSummaryBase
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSReference
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSUnNamedDomain
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_STANDARD_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the
element. - METADATA_STANDARD_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the
element. - Metadata decoding - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
- Section
- Metadata discovery - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.metadata.xml.TLcdISO19139MetadataDecoder
- Section
- metadataMapper(ILcd3DTilesProcessorMetadataMapper) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Adds a metadata provider to this builder.
- MetaDataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MetaDataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MetadataType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DataTypes
- MetadataType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
- MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata, TLcdModelMetadata.Source) - Constructor for class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource
Creates a new
instance for the given metadata and source file. - MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata, List<TLcdModelMetadata.Source>) - Constructor for class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource
Creates a new
instance for the given metadata and source file(s). - METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Metal - Steel, Aluminium (key = MET).
- METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
- METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMaterial
- METAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeServiceInformation
- METBY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.capabilities.TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities
temporal operator name - METEOROLOGICAL_GEOGRAPHICAL_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile.TLcdCSWInspireProfile.GEMETKeyword
Weather conditions and their measurements; precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, wind speed and direction.
- MeteorologyPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MeteorologyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- METER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYIconPainter.ScalingMode
The icon size is defined as
* ( original icon size in pixels ) * 1 meter/pixel. - METER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- METERPERSECOND - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- metersToArcDegrees(double, double) - Static method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdSphereUtil
Converts the given distance in meters into a distance in arc degrees, using the given sphere radius.
- METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Code
The name by which this operation method is identified.
- metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDLineSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
- metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDPointSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
- metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDPolygonSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
- METRE - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAltitudeUnit
Altitude unit for meters.
- METRE_AMSL - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAltitudeUnit
Deprecated.This constant is an alias for
. It has been renamed because the "AMSL" qualifier is inappropriate here. - METRE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdDistanceUnit
Distance unit for meters.
- MGI_Ferro_to_MGI_Austria - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for MGI Ferro to MGI Austria .
- MGI_to_WGS84_MEAN - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for MGI to WGS84 MEAN .
- MGRS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.text.mgrs.TLcdMGRSFormat.FormatType
MGRS format type.
- MGRS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- MH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.type.TLcdRadioClass
Non-directional radio beacon (homing), powerless than 50 Watts.
- Mhast_to_WGS84_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Mhast to WGS84 Angola Cabinda .
- MHZ - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomFrequency
- MHZ_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.util.TLcdFrequencyUnit
- MI - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistance
- MI2MTR_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
US Survey miles to meters.
- MIAMI_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayClinePointFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayClinePointDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.geoborder.ILcdAIXMGeoborderFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.geoborder.TLcdAIXMGeoborderDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMILSFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNavaidFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMWayPointFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMDMEDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMILSDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMMarkerDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMWayPointDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.obstacle.TLcdAIXMObstacleDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.ILcdAIXMProcedureFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.TLcdAIXMProcedureDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMATSRouteFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMATSRouteDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRunwayPointRole
- MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRVRReading
- MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.ELcdNVGVerticalAlignment
Middle text alignment element.
- MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.type.TLcdPositionType
Middle position (key = M).
- MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodePositionInILS
- MIDDLE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Horizontal alignment for text ( part of style attribute ).
- MIDDLE_BOTH_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to both the start and the end of the line
- MIDDLE_MARKER - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.type.TLcdMarkerType
Middle marker.
- MIDDLE_OF_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen on the arc, at half of its length.
- MIDDLE_OF_ARCBAND - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arcband itself.
- MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Enum constant in enum class
The pin connects to the label at the middle of the label bounds.
- MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arcband's bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arc's bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircleBy3PointsPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCirclePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircularArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arc's bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeRingPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the buffer's bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYShapeListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYSurfacePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by
. - MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS_ON_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class
The pin connects to the label at the middle of the label bounds.
- MIDDLE_OF_BUFFER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the buffer's middle segment.
- MIDDLE_OF_CHORD - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the chord determined by the start and end points.
- MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
- MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircleBy3PointsPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
- MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircularArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
- MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve.
- MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
- MIDDLE_TO_BEGIN_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to the start of the line
- MIDDLE_TO_END_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to the end of the line
- middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
Deprecated.Adds a middle mouse button filter.
- middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
Adds a middle mouse button filter.
- middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
Adds a middle mouse button filter.
- MIF_FORMAT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.format.ALfnFormat
of the default format responsible for MIF data - MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Military Training/Exercise Area.
- MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMilitaryOperations
- MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMilitaryStatus
- MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
- MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Military Frequency ( key = MIL )
- MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAngleUnit
Constant defining the angle in angular mils as defined by NATO (1/6400 of a circle).
- MIL_STD_2525b - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525b symbology standard.
- MIL_STD_2525c - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525c symbology standard.
- MIL_STD_2525d - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525d symbology standard.
- MILE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- MILE_US_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdDistanceUnit
Distance unit for miles (US).
- MILEAGE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.sector.ILcdDAFIFSectorFeature
The limit mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
- MILEAGE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.sector.TLcdDAFIFTSectorDataProperties
The limit mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
- MILEAGE_START - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.sector.ILcdDAFIFSectorFeature
The start mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
- MILEAGE_START - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.sector.TLcdDAFIFTSectorDataProperties
The start mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdAerodromeOperationsType
Military operations only.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.route.type.TLcdATSRouteSegmentType
- MILITARY - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.type.TLcdRouteOperationsType
Military (key = M).
- MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApronElement
- MILITARY_HEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.organisation.TLcdAIXM51OrganisationAuthorityTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.organisation.TLcdAIXM51UnitTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.shared.aircraftandflight.TLcdAIXM51FlightCharacteristic
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_SYMBOL_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MILITARY_TRAINING_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_USE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MILITARY_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the
element. - militarySymbolStyle(TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.app6a.view.lightspeed.TLspAPP6ASymbolStyle.Builder
Sets the
containing the styling settings. - militarySymbolStyle(TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bSymbolStyle.Builder
Sets the
containing the styling settings. - MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
type for MilitaryTrainingRoute. - MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRoute.
- MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRoute.
- MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint. - MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint.
- MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint.
- MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment. - MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment.
- MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment.
- MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceActivityType
Military operations (key = MILOPS).
- MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAirspaceActivity
- MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
- MILOVRN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
- MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31File
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32File
Data property that maps to the
element. - MimeFileType_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MimeFileType_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MimeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.atom.model.TLcdAtomDataTypes
- MimeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
- min(ALcdBasicImage) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
Calls ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder.binaryOp(com.luciad.imaging.ALcdBasicImage, com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation) with the given image and the MIN operation.
- min(ALcdBasicImage, ALcdBasicImage) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp
Take the minimum of two images.
- min(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
- min(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
- min(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
- MIN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation
Take the minimum value of the input images.
- MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDuration
- MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Minute (of time).
- MIN_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LatLonAltBox
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIN_BOUNDS_SIZE_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCVendorSpecificFunctions
The "minBoundsSize" function evaluates a minimum size filter on geometries, excluding point geometries.
- MIN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_TRESHOLD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
The cockpit height over the threshold given the type of VASIS as specified in the
feature. - MIN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_TRESHOLD_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
The unit of measurement for the cockpit height over the threshold.
- MIN_FADE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIN_LOD_PIXELS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIN_RADIUS_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the minimum arc segment of the arc band.
- MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at minimum radius and the end angle.
- MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at minimum radius and the end angle.
- MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the end angle and the minimum radius of the arc band.
- MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at minimum radius and the start angle.
- MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at minimum radius and the start angle.
- MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the start angle and the minimum radius of the arc band.
- MIN_REFRESH_PERIOD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIN_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.content.TLcdISO19115Band
Data property that maps to the
element. - MIN_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's minimum vertical angle.
- MIN_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name for a viewshed's minimum vertical angle.
- MIN1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MIN10 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MIN2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MIN30 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MIN5 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- minBoundsSize(double, double) - Static method in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCFilterFactory
Creates a condition that passes objects that have a minimum bounds size.
- MINERAL_RESOURCES - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile.TLcdCSWInspireProfile.GEMETKeyword
Mineral resources (including metal ores, industrial minerals) where relevant including depth/height information on the extent of the resource.
- minHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the minimum height of the rectangle, relative to the base line.
- MINIMAL_DISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.TLcdProcedureGeometryCalculator.CFBehavior
The length of the calculated procedure leg will be minimal.
- MINIMAL_MOVEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.gxy.labeling.TLcdGXYContinuousLabelingAlgorithm.LabelMovementBehavior
Use this to avoid moving labels as much as possible.
- MINIMAL_MOVEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.labeling.TLspContinuousLabelingAlgorithm.LabelMovementBehavior
Use this to avoid moving labels as much as possible.
- MinimaPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MinimaType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
Deprecated.The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each GRIB sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBTileDecoder
Deprecated.The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DHM sample cell.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdCoverageFillMode
Constant indicating the coverage should be filled with values that are the minimum of all computed samples for that point.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1 - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The MEA or MFA if the altitude is the same for both directions of flight.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The MEA or MFA if the altitude is the same for both directions of flight.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2 - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
Empty if the MEA/MFA is the same for both directions of flight.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
Empty if the MEA/MFA is the same for both directions of flight.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.shared.surfaceassessment.TLcdAIXM51Obstruction
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
- MINIMUM_BARO_VNAV_TEMPERATURE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.procedureoverview.TLcdAIXM51FinalLegTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_CEILING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51NavigationAreaTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_ELEVATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdElevationUtil
- MINIMUM_ENROUTE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_ENROUTE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.runway.TLcdAIXM51VisualGlideSlopeIndicatorTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspBoundsEditor.HandleIdentifier
Control point that modifies the minimum height.
- MINIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspExtrudedShapeEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the handle that edits the minimum extrusion height.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
The numerical value of the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
- MINIMUM_OBSTACLE_CLEARANCE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.procedureoverview.TLcdAIXM51DepartureLegTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_OBSTACLE_CLEARANCE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.luciad.text.TLcdDurationFormat
This pattern only displays the items with a value above 0.
d {d } h {h } m {m } s.f {s}
- MINIMUM_RECEPTION_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.pointreference.TLcdAIXM51AngleIndicationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_RECEPTION_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.pointreference.TLcdAIXM51DistanceIndicationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_SET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51ApproachCondition
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.extent.TLcdISO19115VerticalExtent
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSRange
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51NavigationAreaTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdOverlayLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdListLayout
- minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed.TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder
Deprecated.Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
- minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.density.TLspDensityLayerBuilder
Deprecated.Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
- minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
- minimumPixelSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum icon pixel size.
- minimumPixelSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum icon pixel size.
- minimumPixelSize(ILcdExpression<Integer>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the minimum icon pixel size.
- minimumPoints(int) - Method in class com.luciad.model.transformation.clustering.TLcdClusteringTransformer.Builder.ClassificationSpecificBuilder
Sets the minimum number of points required to form a cluster.
- MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
type for MinimumSectorAltitude. - MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for MinimumSectorAltitude.
- MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MinimumSectorAltitude.
- minimumSize() - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.TLcdOutputFrame
Deprecated.Defines the minimum size of the dialog box.
- MINIMUN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The cockpit height over the threshold given the type of VASIS as specified in the
feature. - MINIMUN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the cockpit height over the threshold.
- Minna_to_WGS84_Cameroon - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Minna to WGS84 Cameroon .
- Minna_to_WGS84_Nigeria - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Minna to WGS84 Nigeria .
- MINNEAPOLIS_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MINNEAPOLIS_TRACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MINOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the arc.
- MINOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the minor radius corner of the ellipse.
- MINOR_AXIS_BEARING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCMarkerFeature
The true bearing of the minor axis of the marker beacon.
- MINOR_AXIS_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The true bearing of the minor axis of the marker beacon.
- MINOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the arc.
- MINOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the minor radius opposite corner of the ellipse.
- MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle + 90 degrees).
- MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle + 90 degrees).
- MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the minor axis of the arc is touched.
- MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the minor axis of the ellipse is touched.
- MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle - 90 degrees).
- MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle - 90 degrees).
- MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the minor axis of the arc is touched.
- MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the minor axis of the ellipse is touched.
- minorRadius(double) - Method in class
Sets the minor radius of the arc, in pixels.
- MINRADIUS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Minimum radius of an arcband ( non SVG ).
- minScaleDenominator(double) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDRule.Builder
Sets the minimum scale denominator necessary for the rule to apply.
- minScaleDenominator(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnAssetMetadata.Builder
Sets the denominator of the minimum scale at which this asset should be used.
- MINUS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31Sign
- MINUS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.ELcdGML32Sign
- MINUS_X_MINUS_Y - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31IncrementOrder
- MINUS16 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon
insteadILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.REMOVE_ITEM_ICON);
- MINUTE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31TimeUnit
- MINUTE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32TimeUnit
- MINUTES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DMSAngle
Data property that maps to the
element. - minValue(Number) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdBandMeasurementSemanticsBuilder
Set the minimum allowed value, can be
. - minZ(int, int, int) - Method in class
- minZ(int, int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdVVTerrainProfileModel
- minZ(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.vertical.ILcdVVModel
- MIRL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLightingSystemType
- MISC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Miscellaneous (key = MISC)
- MISSED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
- MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegRouteType
Missed approach.
- MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Missed Approach
- MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeHoldingUse
- MISSED_INSTRUCTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51InstrumentApproachProcedureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MISSED_P - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
- MISSED_S - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
- MissedApproachGroupPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MissedApproachGroupType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MissedApproachLegPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MissedApproachLegTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MissedApproachLegTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MissedApproachLegType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
- MISSILES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceActivityType
Flight of guided missiles (key = MISSILES).
- MISSILES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAirspaceActivity
- MISSING - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.ELcdGML2Null
- MISSING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31NullEnumeration
- MISSING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32NilReasonEnumeration
- MISSING_DIMENSION_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.wms.server.TLcdWMSServiceException
The value of a sample dimension is missing and no default value is set.
- MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.TLcdCSWServiceException
- MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.TLcdWFSServiceException
- MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE_STR - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.TLcdCSWServiceException
- MissingTargetType(TLcdDataType) - Constructor for class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMappingValidator.MissingTargetType
- MISSION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.identification.TLcdISO19115InitiativeTypeCode
Specific operation of a data collection system.
- MISSION_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
- MITER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdStrokeLineStyleBuilder.Join
Joins line segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
- mix(ILcdExpression<R>, ILcdExpression<R>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that calculates an interpolated or extrapolated result between
based on the given fraction. - mix(R, R, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that calculates an interpolated or extrapolated result between
based on the given fraction. - MIX - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Mix (key = MIX).
- MIXED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.service.TLcdISO19119CouplingTypeCode
Denotes a service that is both loosely and tightly coupled.
- MIXED - Static variable in interface com.luciad.lucy.model.ILcyModelContentType
- MIXED - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomController
- MIXED_DATA_STRUCTURES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
Mixed data structures.
- MIXED_OR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
A generic shape type for use when the coverage has heterogenous or unknown contents.
- mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, float[], R[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
- mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, TLcdColorMap) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that behaves as a
color map
. - mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, R[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
- MKR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
- ML_AffineCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_AffineCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_BaseUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_BaseUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CartesianCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CartesianCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CodeDefinition_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CodeDefinition_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CodeListDictionary_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CodeListDictionary_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CompoundCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CompoundCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ConcatenatedOperation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ConcatenatedOperation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ConventionalUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ConventionalUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Conversion_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Conversion_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CoordinateSystemAxis_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CoordinateSystemAxis_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CylindricalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_CylindricalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_DerivedCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_DerivedCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_DerivedUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_DerivedUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Ellipsoid_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Ellipsoid_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EllipsoidalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EllipsoidalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EngineeringCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EngineeringCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EngineeringDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_EngineeringDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_GeodeticCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_GeodeticCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_GeodeticDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_GeodeticDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ImageCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ImageCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ImageDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ImageDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_LinearCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_LinearCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationMethod_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationMethod_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationParameter_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationParameter_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationParameterGroup_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_OperationParameterGroup_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PassThroughOperation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PassThroughOperation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PolarCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PolarCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PrimeMeridian_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_PrimeMeridian_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ProjectedCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_ProjectedCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_SphericalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_SphericalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TemporalCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TemporalCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TemporalDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TemporalDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TimeCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_TimeCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Transformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_Transformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_UnitDefinition_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_UnitDefinition_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_UserDefinedCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_UserDefinedCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- ML_VerticalDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproach
- MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFinalGuidance
- MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
- MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavigationEquipment
- MLS_A_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS), Type A Approach
- MLS_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS) Approach
- MLS_B_C_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS), Type B and C Approach
- MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.type.TLcdNavaidType
- MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproach
- MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFinalGuidance
- MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
- MLS_PRECISION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachGuidance
- MM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureDistance
- MM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDepth
- MM_HG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- MNPSA - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Area.
- MNPSA_P - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Part of MNPSA.
- MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOBILROTARY_HYDRAULIC_WATER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_M21 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAAS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_I - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_II - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_III - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_IV - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_IX - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_VI - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_VII - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_VIII - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- MOBILROTARY_MAG_X - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
- mod(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
- mod(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
- mod(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
- MODE - Static variable in class
Constant for mode property.
- MODE_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_3A - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_4 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_5 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_C - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Mode C defined areas.
- MODE_C - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.service.TLcdAIXM51RadioCommunicationChannelTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MODE_S - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.aixm.view.lightspeed.TLspAIXMLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.arinc.view.lightspeed.TLspARINCLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.bufr.lightspeed.TLspBUFRLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.lightspeed.TLspDAFIFLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.lightspeed.TLspGRIBLayerBuilder
Deprecated.Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.view.lightspeed.TLspKML22LayerBuilder
Sets a model for the layer to be built.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.view.lightspeed.TLspMBTilesVectorLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.lightspeed.TLspNetCDFLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.lightspeed.TLspNVGLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s52.lightspeed.TLspS52LayerBuilder
Sets the model the layer should be created for.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lightspeed.TLsp3DTileLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.vpf.lightspeed.TLspVPFLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed.TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdRasterImageBuilder
Set the fallback model to derive unavailable parameters from.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.lidar.lightspeed.TLspLIDARLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.radarvideo.TLspRadarVideoLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.app6a.view.lightspeed.TLspAPP6ALayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.view.lightspeed.TLspMilitarySymbologyLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.lightspeed.hypsometry.TLspHypsometricShadingLayerBuilder
Sets the elevation model that will be used for the hypsometric computations.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.ALspLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.density.TLspDensityLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.imageprojection.TLspImageProjectionLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.raster.TLspRasterLayerBuilder
Sets the model.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.cgrs.TLspCGRSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.cgrs.TLspCGRSGridOverlayLabelBuilder
The model containing a CGRSGrid.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.gars.TLspGARSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.mgrs.TLspMGRSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspGeorefGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspLonLatGridLayerBuilder
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspXYGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.lightspeed.TLspWMSLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
- MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115ScopeCode
Information applies to a copy or imitation of an existing or hypothetical object.
- MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.vertical.TLcdVVJPanel
This property change will be thrown When a new
is set to thisTLcdVVJPanel
When theILcdVVModel
throws a change event - MODEL_ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum class
Mode indicating that the texture coordinates correspond to the object's model coordinates.
- MODEL_ADDED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoaderEvent
ID used to describe the addition of a DAFIF model.
- MODEL_ADDED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainerEvent
Part of the event ID when an object has been added to the container.
- MODEL_ALASKA_WATERS_REGIONAL__WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_ANALYSIS_PRODUCT_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_AVIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_BACKUP_FROM_PREVIOUS_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_BIAS_CORRECTED_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_CAC_ENSEMBLE_FORECASTS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_COASTAL_OCEAN_CIRCULATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_CONTENT_TREE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
The ID for KML content tree, used by the TLcyKML22GUIFactory.createTree(int, method.
- MODEL_CONTENT_TREE_CELL_RENDERER - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
The ID for the cell renderer of the KML content tree, used by the TLcyKML22GUIFactory.createTreeCellRenderer(int, method.
- MODEL_CONTENT_TREE_MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
The ID for the model of the KML content tree, used by the TLcyKML22GUIFactory.createTreeModel(int, ALcyProperties) method.
- MODEL_CPC_MANUAL_FORECAST_PRODUCT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_CURRENT_ICING_POTENTIAL_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_DATA_FLAVOR - Static variable in class
that represents a singleILcdModel
. - MODEL_DIGITAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Multi-dimensional digital representation of a feature, process, etc.
- MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class
The display name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
- MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.ALcyTEABackEnd
Model display property name for the back-end properties arguments.
- MODEL_DOWNSCALED_GFS_FROM_ETA_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_EASTERN_NORTH_PACIFIC_REGIONAL__WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_EPA_AIR_QUALITY_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_ETA - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_ETA_GENERIC_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_FOG_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_FORECAST_PRODUCT_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_FORECASTER_GENERATED_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GLOBAL_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GLOBAL_OCEAN_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GLOBAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_FINAL_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GLOBAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GLOBAL_WIND_WAVE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GULF_OF_ALASKA_WIND_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_GULF_OF_MEXICO_WIND_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_HARDCOPY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
3-dimensional, physical model.
- MODEL_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Deprecated.Name of the property corresponding to the height of the bounds of the model to decode.
- MODEL_ICE_CONCENTRATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_LAKE_ICE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_LAND_DATA_ASSIMILATION_AND_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_LFM_FOURTH_ORDER_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_LIMITED_AREA_FINE_MESH_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_LIST_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view.TLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
for this ID returnsnull
. - MODEL_MERGE_FROM_RUC_ETA_SPECTRAL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_MESO_ETA - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NATIONAL_CONVECTIVE_WEATHER_DIAGNOSTIC_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NCEP_ARL_TRANSPORT_AND_DISPERSION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NCEP_OPC_AUTOMATED_PRODUCT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NDFD_PRODUCT_GENERATED_BY_NCEP_HPC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NESTED_GRID_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NON_HYDROSTATIC_MESO - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NORTH_AMERICAN_REGIONAL_REANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NORTH_ATLANTIC_HURRICANE_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NORTH_PACIFIC_HURRICANE_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NWS_FLASH_FLOOD_GUIDANCE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NWS_RIVER_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_NWW3_OCEAN_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_OBJECT_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML223DModel
Data property that maps to the
element. - MODEL_OZONE_ANALYSIS_FROM_NIMBUS_7_OBSERVATIONS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_OZONE_ANALYSIS_FROM_TIROS_OBSERVATIONS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_PRODUCED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelProducerEvent
- MODEL_PRODUCTS_FROM_NCEP_SREF_PROCESSING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51RadarSystemTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MODEL_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_QUASI_LAGRANGIAN_HURRICANE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_REFERENCE_CLASS - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Deprecated.Name of the property corresponding to the
class to be instantiated and initialized for the decoded model. - MODEL_REFERENCE_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference.TLcyModelReferenceAddOn
- MODEL_REFERENCE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.ALcyTEABackEnd
Model reference property name for the back-end properties arguments.
- MODEL_REGIONAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoaderEvent
ID used to describe the removal of a DAFIF model.
- MODEL_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainerEvent
Part of the event ID when an object has been deleted from the container.
- MODEL_RIVER_FORECAST_CENTER_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_ESTIMATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_RIVER_FORECAST_CENTER_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_RUC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_RUC_FROM_FSL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_RUC_SURFACE_ANALYSIS_SCALE_40KM_40N - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_RUC_SURFACE_ANALYSIS_SCALE_60KM_40N - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SATELLITE_DERIVED_PRECIPITATION_AND_TEMPERATURES - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SEA_ICE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SEA_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SIMPLE_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML223DModel
Data property that maps to the
element. - MODEL_SNOW_COVER_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SPECTRAL_STATISTICAL_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_FINAL_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_SPECTRAL_STATISTICAL_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_T126_L42_GLOBAL_SPECTRAL_FROM_MRF_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_T170_L42_GLOBAL_SPECTRAL_FROM_MRF_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class
- MODEL_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class
The type name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
- MODEL_ULTRA_VIOLET_INDEX - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_VALUE_ADDED_POST_PROCESSED_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_126_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_126_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_EXT_OF_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_EXT_OF_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_T62_GDAS_OF_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRALFROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_80_TRIANGULAR_18_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WAVE_80_TRIANGULAR_18_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WESTERN_NORTH_ATLANTIC_REGIONAL_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Deprecated.Name of the property corresponding to the width of the bounds of the model to decode.
- MODEL_WRF_GENERIC_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WSR_88D_STAGE_2_PRECIPITATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- MODEL_WSR_88D_STAGE_3_PRECIPITATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms model bounds into world bounds.
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeocentric2Grid
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Grid
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeoid2Grid
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Grid
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdTopocentric2Grid
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
Transforms model bounds into world bounds.
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdCompositeModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Geocentric
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Geocentric
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelChanged(TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.ALcdWeakModelListener
Notifies this model listener that a model has changed.
- modelChanged(TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelListener
Notifies this model listener that a model has changed.
- modelChangedImpl(T, TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.ALcdWeakModelListener
This method is called each time a
is received by this listener, and the short-living object to modify passed in the constructor of this listener is not yet GC-ed. - modelContainerStateChanged(TLcdModelContainerEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainerListener
Notify this
that the state of anILcdModelContainer
has changed. - modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
- modelCount() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainer
Returns the number of
objects contained in thisILcdModelContainer
. - modelCount() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelTreeNode
Returns the number of child models of this model node.
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
- modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
- modelDecoder(ILcdWFSModelDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the WFS model decoder that will be used to decode the response from the WFS server
- modelDecoder(String, ILcdWFSModelDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the WFS model decoder that will be used to decode the response from the WFS server when this response is in the specified output format.
- Model decoders - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.raster
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModel
- Section
- modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYPen
Calculates the model distance between the two given points expressed in AWT coordinates.
- modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYPen
- modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
- modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
- modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
- Model elements - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model elements - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model encoders - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.raster
- Section
- Model implementations - Search tag in package com.luciad.model
- Section
- Model information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
- Section
- Model information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model interfaces - Search tag in package com.luciad.model
- Section
- Model organization - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
- Section
- Model organization - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- modelPoint2ScanPoint(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileGenerator
Utility method to transform a point from the model reference of the current layer to the current scan reference.
- modelPoint2viewAWTPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, Point) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYViewModelTransformation
Converts a
in model coordinates to a Point in view coordinates. - modelPoint2viewAWTPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, Point) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewModelTransformation
- modelPoint2viewXYPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYViewModelTransformation
- modelPoint2viewXYPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewModelTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYWorldTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeocentric2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeoid2Grid
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Grid
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Deprecated.Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdTopocentric2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdCompositeModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Geocentric
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Geocentric
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYZWorldTransformation
- modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
- MODELPOINTATMOUSELOCATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileViewJPanel
Represents the property that is thrown when the mark point has changed.
- modelPointDistance2D(ILcdPoint, ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileGenerator
Returns distance between two model points in the reference used for scanning.
- modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Deprecated.Updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
- modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Deprecated.Updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
- modelPointSFCT(MouseEvent, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Deprecated.Calls the method
TLcdTerrainProfileUtil.modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint)
and updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified mouse event point. - modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelProducerListener
Notifies this ILcdModelProducerListener of a produced model.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelProducerEventMulticaster
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewCanvas
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanel
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanelLightWeight
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPanel
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPlanarImage
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
- modelQueryConfiguration(TLcdModelQueryConfiguration) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
Sets the model query configuration which defines the filters that the layer will use when querying the model during the paint operation.
- modelReference(ILcdModelReference) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelMetadata.Builder
Sets the model reference to use.
- modelReference(ILcdModelReference) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspXYGridOverlayLabelBuilder
The model reference in which the overlay label displays its coordinates.
- Model reference - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference - Search tag in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModel
- Section
- modelReferenceDecoder(ILcdModelReferenceDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Set a model reference decoder that returns a reference for a given filepath.
- Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
- Section
- Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
- Section
- modelReferenceParser(ILcdModelReferenceParser) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the reference parser that will be used by the proxy model.
- ModelReferenceWithSource(ILcdModelReference) - Constructor for class com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReferenceDecoder.ModelReferenceWithSource
Creates a new model reference with an empty source, indicating that it is unknown or does not exist.
- ModelReferenceWithSource(ILcdModelReference, TLcdModelMetadata.Source) - Constructor for class com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReferenceDecoder.ModelReferenceWithSource
Creates a new model reference with source.
- modelRemovedExternally(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoader
Signals that the given model has been removed by an external cause and that the current status of all DAFIF loaders should be updated.
- modelRemovedExternally(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFTypeLoader
Signals that the given model has been removed by an external cause and that the current status of the loader should be updated.
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
- models() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainer
Returns an
of theILcdModel
objects contained in thisILcdModelContainer
. - models() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelTreeNode
Returns an
of the child models of thisILcdModelTreeNode
. - models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
- models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdTiled2DBoundsIndexedModel
Deprecated.Returns an enumeration of all the submodels contained in this model.
- MODELS_DATA_FLAVOR - Static variable in class
that represents multipleILcdModel
s. - MODELS_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name of the models which will be used to calculate the viewshed.
- Model structure - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
- Section
- Model structure - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
- Section
- ModelType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DataTypes
- MODELTYPE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Model type, "svg".
- Model types - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
- Section
- Model types - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
- Section
- modelXYZWorldTransformation(ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets a custom
to be used by the shape discretizer. - modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetZTransformation
Takes into account the value of a raster beneath the model point.
- modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelZWorldTransformation
Transforms a specified model z value to a world z value.
- modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdLinearModelZWorldTransformation
- MODERATE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXClearAirTurbulenceDegree
- MODERATE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXCloudTurbulenceDegree
Moderate degree of in-cloud turbulence.
- MODERATE_ICING - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXCloudAirframeIcingDegree
Moderate icing.
- MODERATE_OCCASIONAL_SEVERE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXClearAirTurbulenceDegree
Moderate to occasional severe.
- modes(TLspShapeDiscretizationMode...) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the modes of the
to build. - modes(Collection<TLspShapeDiscretizationMode>) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the modes of the
to build. - modeToString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFLayer
- modeToString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYLayer
Utility method that provides a human readable form of the layer mode.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory
The id for creating the header text component which can be altered by the user in the UI.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintableComponentFactory
The id for creating the header text component which can be altered by the user in the UI.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_FIELD_VISIBLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the value of the 'header text field'.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_FIELD_VISIBLE_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Default value for the property
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which controls the text to use as 'header text'.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_SELECTED_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the value of the 'header text' checkbox.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_SELECTED_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Default value for the property
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Default value for the property
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VISIBLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the visibility of the 'header text' checkbox.
- MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VISIBLE_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Default value for the property
- MODIFIED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
- MODIFIED_AIRY - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
- MODIFIED_EVEREST - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
- MODIFIED_FISCHER - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
- MODIFIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.csw.model.TLcdCSWSummaryRecord
Data property that maps to the
element. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15MapObject
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Composite
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20SymbolizedContent
Data property that maps to the
attribute. - ModifiersType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20DataTypes
- MODIFY_VIEW_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
Not used.
- Modifying - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
- Section
- Modifying a composite ring - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeRingPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableArc - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableArcBand - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableBounds - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYBoundsPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableCircle - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCirclePainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableEllipse - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditablePointList - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableShape - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYIconPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcd2DEditableText - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYTextPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcdCompositeCurve - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcdShapeList - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYShapeListPainter
- Section
- Modifying an ILcdSurface - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYSurfacePainter
- Section
- modPoint(ILcdExpression<ILcdPoint>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
- MODULATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
- MODULATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCAerodromeCommunicationDataProperties
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
- MODULATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
- modulationColor(ILcdExpression<Color>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the modulation color to apply to the icons.
- modulationColor(ILcdExpression<Color>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the modulation color to apply to the icons.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the layer.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the 3D icon.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the 3D mesh.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the stroke.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the icon.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets a fixed modulation color to apply to all icons.
- modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the raster.
- MOGAS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFuel
- MOLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- MON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeDay
- MONCTON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MONITORED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NavaidEquipmentMonitoring
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MONOCHROME_RASTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A monochrome raster.
- MONOCOLOUR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMarking
- MONOPULSE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - Monte_Mario_Rome_to_Monte_Mario_Italy - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Monte Mario Rome to Monte Mario Italy .
- Monte_Mario_to_WGS84_Sardinia - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Monte Mario to WGS84 Sardinia .
- MONTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32TimeUnit
- MONTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
- MONTHLY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Data is updated each month.
- MONTREAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
- MONUMENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructure
- MORA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for MORA.
- MORE_RECENT_ON_MASTER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource.Status
The resource is present on both the master and the slave tile store, but the version on the master is more recent compared to the one on the slave.
- MORE_RECENT_ON_SLAVE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource.Status
The resource is present on both the master and the slave tile store, but the version on the slave is more recent compared to the one on the slave.
- MORE_ZOOMED_IN_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is larger than the second scale.
- MORE_ZOOMED_IN_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is larger than or equal to the second scale.
- MORE_ZOOMED_OUT_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is smaller than the second scale.
- MORE_ZOOMED_OUT_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is smaller than or equal to the second scale.
- More examples - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.TLcdModelQueryConfiguration
- Section
- More information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
- Section
- More information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
- Section
- morph(T) - Method in interface com.luciad.util.enumeration.ILcdMorphingFunction
Transforms a given object and returns the result.
- MORTON - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31SequenceRuleNames
- MORTON - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.ELcdGML32SequenceRuleEnumeration
- MOST_DETAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.measure.TLcdGXYViewMeasureProvider.DefaultSampleDensity
USe the most detailed measure data available.
- MOST_DETAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.measure.TLspViewMeasureProvider.DefaultSampleDensity
Use the most detailed measure data available.
- MOUNTAIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.obstacle.type.TLcdObstacleType
- MOUSE_LOCATION_ACTIVE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method, representing an active settable for showing the mouse location on the map. - MOUSE_LOCATION_ACTIVE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class
Constant for an active settable to toggle the on-map mouse location.
- MOUSE_LOCATION_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
The ID for
method representing the mouse location component. - MOUSE_LOCATION_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
Constant for a
containing the coordinates of the current mouse location over the view. - MOUSE_MODE_CLICK - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
Deprecated.replaced by
- MOUSE_MODE_DRAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when a mouse button has been clicked on the
component. - mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
Deprecated.This method doesn't perform any operation.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseListener
. - mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me is ignored. - mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.MouseEvent me is ignored.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
- mouseCursor(ILcdGXYView, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList, Point, Point, MouseEvent, int, int, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditControllerModel2
Returns the desired cursor for the given parameters.
- mouseCursor(Object, int, Graphics, MouseEvent, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList, ILcdGXYContext) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2
Returns the desired cursor for the given parameters, or
if no specific cursor is needed. - mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI.DefaultMouseMotionListener
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseMotionListener
. - mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse dragged events.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the mouse is dragged with the left-button pressed, a magnifier window is shown whose center is the location below the mouse.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Stores the location to zoom in to or to zoom out from.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me is ignored. - mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.MouseEvent me is ignored.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when the mouse enters the
component. - mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
Deprecated.This method doesn't perform any operation.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseListener
. - mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me is ignored. - mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.MouseEvent me is ignored.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
- mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
Deprecated.A filter that only allows mouse events to pass.
- mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse events to pass.
- mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse and scroll events to pass.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when the mouse exits the
component. - mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
Will perform a pan depending on the values of isDragging, isPanOnMouseDragExit and isPanOnMouseMoveExit properties
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
Deprecated.This method doesn't perform any operation.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseListener
. - mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
Deprecated.Only pans the view when an object is actively being created.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
Only pans the view when an object is actively being created.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me is ignored. - mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.MouseEvent me is ignored.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
- mouseModeAsString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
Deprecated.Replaced by
. - mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI.DefaultMouseMotionListener
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseMotionListener
. - mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
No operation
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse moved events.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Stores the location to zoom in to or to zoom out from.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated. - mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.The mouse movement causes the drawing of a line between the mouse click points on the screen and the drawing of the circle spanning the distance between the last mouse clicking point and the current position.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated. - mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.The mouse movement calculates and displays the new distances and calls a repaint on the view, forcing a paint of this controller.
- mouseMovedOrDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
Deprecated.Handles what should be done to visualize the creation of the object.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Deprecated.Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on the
component. - mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
Deprecated.This method doesn't perform any operation.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseListener
. - mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
Deprecated.This implementation calls super.mousePressed(), caches the mouse event (for future use in other mouseXXX methods) and sets the cursor.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse pressed events.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the left-button or right-button of the mouse is pressed, a magnifier window is shown whose center is the location below the mouse.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated. - mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.MouseEvent me is ignored.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated. - mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Deprecated.Makes a
visible with the set PropertyEditor. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Deprecated.This implementation opens a
with a choice among default Colors. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Deprecated.Makes a
visible with the set PropertyEditor. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Deprecated.Opens a
with a choice among default Colors. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
Deprecated.This method triggers the centering of the view on a raster (see description above).
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseListener
. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse released events.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the left-button of the mouse is released, the magnifier window disappears.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
Deprecated.Implements mouseReleased.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
me is ignored. - mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.A mouse release causes the last location to be added to the list of points that are going to be linked.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
Deprecated.A mouse release causes the last location to be added to the list of points that are going to be linked.
- mouseReleasedOld(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
- mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
Deprecated.A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
- mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
- mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to
for each addedILcdGXYController
that implementsMouseWheelListener
. - mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Zooms the map in or out or stores the total mouse wheel activity depending on whether the view should be repainted continuously or not.
- MOVABLE_ARM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeLoadingBridge
- move(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdVectorIcon
Deprecated.Move the icon over the given delta's.
- MOVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.datatransfer.ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler
This constant indicates that the
can only move the selection. - MOVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.operation.TLspEditOperationType
Indicates that an object or a part of an object was moved.
- MOVE_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer to the bottom of the list.
- MOVE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer one position down in the list.
- MOVE_DOWN_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MOVE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.operation.TLspEditOperationType
Indicates that the label of an object was moved.
- MOVE_LAYER_BOTTOM_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move layers to the bottom of the view. - MOVE_LAYER_BOTTOM_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move the selected layers to the bottom. - MOVE_LAYER_DOWN_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move layers one position towards the bottom of the view. - MOVE_LAYER_DOWN_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move the selected layers down. - MOVE_LAYER_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
Not used.
- MOVE_LAYER_TOP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move layers to the top of the view. - MOVE_LAYER_TOP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move the selected layers to the top. - MOVE_LAYER_UP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move layers one position towards the top of the view. - MOVE_LAYER_UP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the
method that represents the action to move the selected layers up. - MOVE_LEFT_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MOVE_RIGHT_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MOVE_TOP - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer to the top of the list.
- MOVE_UP - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer one position up in the list.
- MOVE_UP_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISArcBand
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByCenterPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByCenterPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Text
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20CircularRing
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20EllipticRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20RectangularRing
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Point
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointM
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableLine
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePolypoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableShape
Translates this shape so that its focus point ends up at the specified position.
- move2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableBounds
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableShape
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditableFeaturedPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatArc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatArcBand
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBounds
Moves the bounds.
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBuffer
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatEllipse
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatFloatBounds
Moves the rectangle.
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatFloatPoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatGeoBuffer
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatPoint
Sets the longitude and latitude of this
. - move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYArc
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYBounds
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircle
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYEllipse
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatBounds
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYGeoBuffer
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYText
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZ3DArcBand
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableBounds
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePolypoint
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdExtrudeShape
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeight3DArcBand
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBuffer
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
- move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISArcBand
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByCenterPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByCenterPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Text
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20CircularRing
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20EllipticRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20RectangularRing
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointM
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableBounds
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableShape
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableBounds
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableShape
Moves this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditableFeaturedPoint
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
- move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Coordinates
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Coordinates
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPositionList
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Coordinates
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPositionList
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Coordinates
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableLine
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePolypoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditablePointList
Moves the specified point of this
to the given point in the 2D space. - move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointList
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointListLonLatFloatArray
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointListXYFloatArray
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBuffer
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatPolygon
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatRhumbPolygon
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatLine
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYPolygon
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePolypoint
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcd3DEditablePointList
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBuffer
- move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatLine
- move2DPoint(ILcd2DEditablePointList, int, double, double, int, ILcdGXYContext) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Moves the point at the given index in the specified
to the given point in the 2D space. - move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXPlot
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Node
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableLine
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableShape
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditableBounds
Moves this
to the given point in the 3D space. - move3D(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditableShape
Moves this
to the given point in the 3D space. - move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdExtrudeShape
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBounds
Moves the bounds.
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightPoint
Sets the longitude and latitude of this
. - move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZBounds
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatBounds
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatPoint
- move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZPoint
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableBounds
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableLine
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePoint
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableShape
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditableBounds
Moves this
to the given point in the 3D space. - move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditableShape
Moves this
to the given point in the 3D space. - move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
- move3D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Coordinates
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Coordinates
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPositionList
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Coordinates
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPositionList
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Coordinates
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableLine
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePolypoint
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditablePointList
Moves the specified point of this
to the given point in the 3D space. - move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcd3DEditablePointList
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBuffer
- move3DPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatLine
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISArcBand
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Moves the specified corner point to a new location.
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableArcBand
Moves the specified corner point to a new location.
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatArcBand
- moveCornerPoint2D(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYArcBand
- MOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.input.touch.TLcdTouchPoint.State
Type indicating an existing touch point is moved.
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircularArcBy3Points
Moves the end point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircularArcByBulge
Moves the end point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircularArcBy3Points
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircularArcByBulge
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircularArcBy3Points
- moveEndPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircularArcByBulge
- moveFirstIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
- moveFirstIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
- moveFirstIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircleBy3Points
Moves the first intermediate point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveFirstIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircleBy3Points
- moveFirstIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircleBy3Points
- moveImageLayer(int, TLcdEarthCompositeImageTileSet.ImageLayer) - Method in class
Moves the specified image layer to the specified index.
- moveIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
- moveIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
- moveIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircularArcBy3Points
Moves the intermediate point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircularArcBy3Points
- moveIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircularArcBy3Points
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.lightspeed.TLcdGXYLspAsynchronousLayerTreeNodeWrapper
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.TLcdGXYAsynchronousEditableLabelsLayerTreeNodeWrapper
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.TLcdGXYAsynchronousLayerTreeNodeWrapper
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYLayerTreeNode
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewCanvas
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanel
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanelLightWeight
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPanel
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPlanarImage
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.ILcdLayered
Moves the given layer (which is already in
) to the existing index aIndex. - moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.ALspAWTView
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.integration.gxy.TLspGXYLayerTreeNodeAdapter
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.TLspLayerTreeNode
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspExternalView
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspFXView
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspOffscreenView
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdIndependentOrderTreeLayeredSupport
Move the layer
to the indexaIndex
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdLayeredSupport
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdLayerTreeNodeSupport
- moveLayerAt(int, ILcdLayer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdTreeLayeredSupport
Tries to move the layer
to indexaIndex
, without affecting the tree structure, in a best effort approach. - moveLayerAt(ALcdWMSLayer, int) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.server.model.TLcdWMSCapabilities
Moves a root layer to a different position in the list.
- moveLayerAt(ALcdWMSLayer, int) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.server.model.TLcdWMSLayer
Moves a child layer to a different position in the list.
- moveLayerBottom(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in interface
Moves the given layer to the bottom of the view, but respects the layer ordering.
- moveLayerBottom(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in class
- moveLayerDown(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in interface
Moves the given layer downwards.
- moveLayerDown(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in class
- moveLayerTop(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in interface
Moves the given layer to the top of the view, but respects the layer ordering.
- moveLayerTop(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in class
- moveLayerUp(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in interface
Moves the given layer upwards.
- moveLayerUp(ILcdGXYLayer) - Method in class
- moveLonLatBounds2D(double, double, boolean) - Method in class
Moves the bounds of the currently active area of interest of this
. - moveSecondIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
- moveSecondIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
- moveSecondIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircleBy3Points
Moves the second intermediate point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveSecondIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircleBy3Points
- moveSecondIntermediatePoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircleBy3Points
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircleBy3Points
Moves the start point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircularArcBy3Points
Moves the start point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableCircularArcByBulge
Moves the start point to the given point in the 2D space.
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircleBy3Points
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircularArcBy3Points
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircularArcByBulge
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircleBy3Points
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircularArcBy3Points
- moveStartPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircularArcByBulge
- moveStyledNamedLayer(TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper, int) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.ALcdWMSProxy
Moves the
from its current position to another specified index. - moveSubGXYLayerAt(int, ILcdGXYLayer, boolean) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYLayerList
Deprecated.Moves the sublayer to the location in the list with the given index.
- moveSubGXYLayerAt(int, ILcdGXYLayer, boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYLayerList
Deprecated.Moves the given
at the given index. - moveTo(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdAWTPath
Breaks the current line and moves to the AWT point
(aX, aY)
. - moveTo(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGeneralPath
Breaks the current line and moves to the world point
(aX, aY)
. - moveTo(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdAWTPath
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGeneralPath
- moveTo(double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
- moveTo(double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYPen
Moves the current position by setting its AWT coordinates to the given AWT point.
- moveTo(int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.visualinspection.TLspMagnifierController
Sets the magnifier center in view coordinates.
- moveTo(ILcdPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
- moveTo(ILcdPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYPen
Moves the current position by setting its model coordinates to the given model point.
- moveTo(ILcdPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
- moveTo(ILcdPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYPen
Moves the current position by setting its model coordinates to the given model point.
- MOVETO - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Instruction of path data.
- MOVIE_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MOVING_TARGET_INDICATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOVING_TARGET_INDICATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MOVING_TARGET_INDICATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MovingObjectStatusType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MovingObjectStatusType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- Moznet_to_WGS84_Mozambique - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Moznet to WGS84 Mozambique .
- MPA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomPressure
- MPH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
- MPH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Miles per hour.
- MPH - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdSpeedUnit
Constant defining speed as miles/hour.
- MPN14K - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodePAR
- Mporaloko_to_WGS84 - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Mporaloko to WGS84 .
- MPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Meters per second.
- MR_SID_FORMAT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.format.ALfnFormat
of the default format responsible for MrSID data - MS - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdSpeedUnit
Constant defining speed as meter/second.
- MS2525B - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.TLcdNVGSymbol
The name of the standard
. - ms2525bCoded(ILcdMS2525bCoded) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bSymbolStyle.Builder
Sets the MS2525 coded object containing the symbol properties.
- MS2525bCodedType - Static variable in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.TLcdMS2525bDataTypes
The data type used to describe an MIL-STD 2525b code.
- MS2525bObjectType - Static variable in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.TLcdMS2525bDataTypes
The main data type of every MIL-STD 2525b model element.
- ms2525bStyle(ILcdMS2525bStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bSymbolStyle.Builder
- MS2525C - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.TLcdNVGSymbol
The name of the standard
. - MS2525D - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.TLcdNVGSymbol
The name of the standard
. - MSA - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.sector.type.TLcdMinimumSectorAltitudeType
When the terminal procedure includes a conventional MSA circle.
- MSA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSafeAltitude
- MSA_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.sector.ILcdDAFIFSectorFeature
The type of terminal procedure altitude record.
- MSA_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.sector.TLcdDAFIFTSectorDataProperties
The type of terminal procedure altitude record.
- MSL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalReference
- MT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAltitudeAdjustment
- MTR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAirspace
- MTR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeDesignatedPoint
- MTR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Meter.
- MTR - Static variable in class
Constant for meters as unit of measure.
- MTR2CH_BEN - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Benoit's Chain.
- MTR2CH_SEAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Sear's Chain.
- MTR2CH_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to US Survey Chain.
- MTR2FT_CLA - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Clarke's feet.
- MTR2FT_IND_CLA - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Indian feet (Clarke).
- MTR2FT_SEAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Sear's feet.
- MTR2FT_STD - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Standard feet.
- MTR2FT_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to US Survey feet.
- MTR2FTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Fathom.
- MTR2GLM - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to German legal meters.
- MTR2LK_BEN - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Benoit's Link.
- MTR2LK_CLA - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Clarke's Link.
- MTR2LK_SEAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Sear's Link.
- MTR2LK_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to US Survey Link.
- MTR2MI_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to US Survey miles.
- MTR2NM - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Nautical miles.
- MTR2YD_IND - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Indian Yard.
- MTR2YD_SEAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
Meters to Sear's Yard.
- MUD - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMaterial
- mul(ILcdOGCExpression, ILcdOGCExpression) - Static method in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCFilterFactory
Creates an operator that corresponds to an arithmetic multiply operation between
. - mul(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that multiplies its parameters.
- mul(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that multiplies its parameters.
- mul(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that multiplies its parameters.
- MUL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Multi-com ( key = MUL )
- MULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Multi-com (key = MULT)
- MULTI_CENTER_LINE_OF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiLineStringProperty
- MULTI_CENTER_OF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPointProperty
- MULTI_COVERAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPolygonProperty
- MULTI_CURVE_COVERAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DiscreteCoverage
In a gml:MultiCurveCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of curves comprising a gml:MultiCurve.
- MULTI_CURVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiCurveProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_CURVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32MultiCurveProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_EDGE_OF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiLineStringProperty
- MULTI_EXTENT_OF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPolygonProperty
- MULTI_GEOMETRY_OBJECT_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22MultiGeometry
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22MultiGeometry
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_LINE_STRING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiLineStringProperty
- MULTI_LINE_STRING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiLineStringProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPointProperty
- MULTI_POINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDescriptor
Indicates a multi-point whose points exists of (x,y) values.
- MULTI_POINT_COVERAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DiscreteCoverage
In a gml:MultiPointCoverage the domain set is a gml:MultiPoint, that is a collection of arbitrarily distributed geometric points.
- MULTI_POINT_M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDescriptor
Indicates a multi-point whose points exists of (x,y) values and a measure value for each point.
- MULTI_POINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPointProperty
- MULTI_POINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiPointProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_POINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32MultiPointProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_POINT_Z - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDescriptor
Indicates a multi-point whose points exists of (x,y,z) values and a measure value for each point.
- MULTI_POLYGON_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPolygonProperty
- MULTI_POLYGON_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiPolygonProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_POSITION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2MultiPointProperty
- MULTI_SOLID_COVERAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DiscreteCoverage
In a gml:MultiSolidCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of solids comprising a gml:MultiSolid.
- MULTI_SOLID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiSolidProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_SOLID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32MultiSolidProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_SURFACE_COVERAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DiscreteCoverage
In a gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of surfaces comprising a gml:MultiSurface.
- MULTI_SURFACE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31MultiSurfaceProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTI_SURFACE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32MultiSurfaceProperty
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTIBAND_RASTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A multi band raster (RGB or YCbCr or other multi band imagery).
- MultiCurveCoverageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiCurveDomainType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiCurvePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiCurvePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiCurveType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiCurveType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiGeometryPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiGeometryPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiGeometryPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiGeometryType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiGeometryType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiGeometryType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DataTypes
- multilevelCoordinateAtSFCT(ILcdPoint, int, ILcdMultilevelGrid, ILcdGeoReference, ILcdEditableMultilevelGridCoordinate) - Static method in class
Finds the multilevel coordinate with the given number of levels specified that covers the point passed.
- multilevelCoordinateBoundsSFCT(ILcdMultilevelGridCoordinate, ILcdMultilevelGrid, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Static method in class
Moves a bounds, expressed with regard to the reference on which a coordinates grid is based, so that it coincides with the multilevel coordinate given.
- MultiLineStringPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiLineStringPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiLineStringType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiLineStringType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MULTIPLE_CODE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.airspace.ILcdARINCAirspaceFeature
A code used to indicate airspaces with the same designator but subdivided or differently divided by lateral and/or vertical detail.
- MULTIPLE_CODE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.airspace.TLcdARINCAirspaceDataProperties
A code used to indicate airspaces with the same designator but subdivided or differently divided by lateral and/or vertical detail.
- MULTIPLE_CODE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.airspace.TLcdARINCRestrictiveAirspaceDataProperties
A code used to indicate airspaces with the same designator but subdivided or differently divided by lateral and/or vertical detail.
- MULTIPLE_IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51InstrumentApproachProcedureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTIPLE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTIPLE_SHAPES_DECO_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the
method. - MULTIPLE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDescriptor
Constant to indicate that the described model contains VPF features of multiple types.
- Multiple labels - Search tag in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYMultiLabelPainter
- Section
- MULTIPLICITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Knot
Data property that maps to the
element. - MULTIPLICITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Knot
Data property that maps to the
element. - Multiplicity_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- Multiplicity_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- MultiplicityRange_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- MultiplicityRange_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
- multiply(ALcdBasicImage) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
Calls ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder.binaryOp(com.luciad.imaging.ALcdBasicImage, com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation) with the given image and the MULTIPLY operation.
- multiply(ALcdBasicImage, ALcdBasicImage) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp
Multiply two images.
- MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation
Multiply images with each other.
- MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.util.TLcdColorLookupTable.AlphaMode
The alpha from the input color and lookup table color are multiplied.
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCBinaryOperator
Arithmetic operation type that corresponds to the
element. - multiplyPoint(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<? extends Number>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that multiplies a point with a number.
- Multipoint - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Content.ShapeType
- MULTIPOINT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.mif.ILcdMIFShape
The identifier for the MULTIPOINT type.
- MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDescriptor
The identifier for the MULTIPOINT type.
- MultiPointCoverageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiPointDomainType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiPointPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiPointPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiPointPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- multipointType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15DataTypes
- MultiPointType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiPointType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiPointType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiPointType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20DataTypes
- MultiPolygonPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiPolygonPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiPolygonType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2DataTypes
- MultiPolygonType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSolidCoverageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSolidDomainType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSolidPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSolidPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiSolidType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSolidType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiSurfaceCoverageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSurfaceDomainType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSurfacePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSurfacePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MultiSurfaceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
- MultiSurfaceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
- MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class
The coverage represents multi-dimensional scalar values.
- MUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionDevice
- MW_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.util.TLcdPowerUnit
- MWO - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
- MX_Aggregate_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_Aggregate_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_DataFile_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_DataFile_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_DataSet_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_DataSet_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_File_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_ScopeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_SupportFile_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
- MX_SupportFile_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
for this ID returnsnull