Class TLcyMapDataFlavor


public class TLcyMapDataFlavor extends Object
Class representing data flavor constants for working with drag and drop operations of ILcdGXYView's, ILcdGXYLayer's and ILcdModel's.

DropTargetListeners and DragGestureListeners must support GXY_VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR, GXY_LAYER_DATA_FLAVOR and/or MODEL_DATA_FLAVOR data flavors when they want to drag and drop ILcdGXYView's, ILcdGXYLayer's and ILcdModel's.

A Lightspeed variant (see TLcyLspMapDataFlavor) of this class is available as well.

  • Field Details


      public static final DataFlavor LAYERS_DATA_FLAVOR

      DataFlavor that represents multiple ILcdLayers. The transfer data for this constant will be an array of ILcdLayers. It is not guaranteed that all layers will be of the same class, only that they all implement ILcdLayer.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. LAYER_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents ILcdView's. The transfer data for this constant will be an ILcdView. It is not guaranteed that this is an instance of ILcdGXYView. Use GXY_VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR for that particular case.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor GXY_VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents ILcdGXYView's. The transfer data for this constant will be a ILcdGXYView.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. GXY_VIEW_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor GXY_LAYER_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents a single ILcdGXYLayer. The transfer data for this constant will be a ILcdGXYLayer.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. GXY_LAYER_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor MODEL_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents a single ILcdModel. The transfer data for this constant will be a ILcdModel.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. MODEL_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor MODELS_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents multiple ILcdModels. The transfer data for this constant will be an array of ILcdModels.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. MODELS_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor GXY_LAYERS_DATA_FLAVOR
      DataFlavor that represents multiple ILcdGXYLayers. The transfer data for this constant will be an array of ILcdGXYLayers.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. GXY_LAYERS_DATA_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.


      public static final DataFlavor GENERAL_SHAPE_FLAVOR

      This data flavor represents data as general shapes. Export your objects to this flavor if you want other addons to be able to import those shapes.

      The transfer data for this DataFlavor is an All elements in this subset list are guaranteed/required to be implementations of the interfaces found in the com.luciad.shape packages.

      Note that you can consult the transfer data associated with TLcyDataTransferManager.TRANSFERABLES_LIST for more details, if that DataFlavor is supported.

      Note that one should never rely on the properties (e.g. GENERAL_SHAPE_FLAVOR.getMimeType()) of this constant as they might change in a future version of Lucy. Instead one should always compare directly with this constant.