Class TLcyAreaOfInterestLayer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcdSelection<Object>, ILcdGXYEditableLabelsLayer, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdLayer, Serializable

public class TLcyAreaOfInterestLayer extends TLcdGXYLayer
Layer used to display the users area of interest. All actions that require a certain area to work on, can use this area.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String MODEL_TYPE_NAME
      The type name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
      See Also:

      public static final String MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME
      The display name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setActiveAreaOfInterest

      public void setActiveAreaOfInterest(ILcd2DEditableBounds aAreaOfInterest)
      Sets the active area of interest. This cannot be null. If a null value is passed as a parameter nothing will happen. When the ILcd2DEditableBounds instance passed as parameter is not yet present in the model of this layer, it will be added to the model

      Note that the type of the bounds passed as a parameter should correspond to the reference of the model of this Area of Interest layer.
      aAreaOfInterest - The ILcd2DEditableBounds to set as the active Area Of Interest
    • getActiveAreaOfInterest

      public ILcd2DEditableBounds getActiveAreaOfInterest()
      Returns the active area of interest. This is an actual reference to the active Area of Interest, which means you can adjust the dimensions of these bounds to adjust the active Area of Interest.
      The active area of interest.
    • getLonLatBounds

      public TLcdLonLatBounds getLonLatBounds()
      Returns the lon lat bounds of this area of interest layer. This means the active area of interest shall be transformed from the reference of the model to the WGS 84 geodetic reference. Note that the bounds returned by this method have no reference to the actual active Area of Interest. Making modifications to these bounds shall have no effect on the active Area of Interest.
      the lon lat bounds of this area of interest layer.
    • setLonLatBounds

      public void setLonLatBounds(TLcdLonLatBounds aLonLatBounds)
      Changes the lon lat bounds of the currently active TLcyAreaOfInterestObject of this TLcyAreaOfInterestLayer. These bounds are interpreted as WGS84 bounds and shall be transformed to the modelreference of this layer.
      aLonLatBounds - The lon lat bounds.
    • moveLonLatBounds2D

      public void moveLonLatBounds2D(double aX, double aY, boolean aUpdateModel)
      Moves the bounds of the currently active area of interest of this TLcyAreaOfInterestLayer. The coordinates aX and aY are interpreted as a WGS84 coordinates and will be transformed to the reference of the model of this layer.
      aX - The longitude.
      aY - The latitude.
      aUpdateModel - True if it should warn the model that an element has changed.
    • setLonLatBoundsHeight

      public void setLonLatBoundsHeight(double aHeight, boolean aUpdateModel)
      Sets the height of the currently active area of interest. This height is interpreted as the height in a WGS84 reference and shall be transformed according to the reference of the model of this layer.
      aHeight - The height of the bounds, in degrees.
      aUpdateModel - True if it should warn the model that an element has changed.
    • setLonLatBoundsWidth

      public void setLonLatBoundsWidth(double aWidth, boolean aUpdateModel)
      Sets the width of the currently active area of interest. This width is interpreted as the width in a WGS84 reference and shall be transformed according to the reference of the model of this layer.
      aWidth - The width of the bounds, in degrees.
      aUpdateModel - True if it should warn the model that an element has changed.