Interface ILcd2DEditableBounds

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcd2DEditableShape, ILcdBounded, ILcdBounds, ILcdCloneable, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcd2DEditableBounds, ALcd3DEditableBounds, TLcdCGMRectangle, TLcdGML2Box, TLcdGML31Box, TLcdGML31Envelope, TLcdGML31EnvelopeWithTimePeriod, TLcdGML31Rectangle, TLcdGML32Envelope, TLcdGML32EnvelopeWithTimePeriod, TLcdGML32Rectangle, TLcdLonLatBounds, TLcdLonLatFloatBounds, TLcdLonLatHeightBounds, TLcdXYBounds, TLcdXYFloatBounds, TLcdXYZBounds, TLcdXYZFloatBounds

public interface ILcd2DEditableBounds extends ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableShape
An ILcd2DEditableBounds object is an ILcdBounds object that can be changed in two dimensions.
  • Method Details

    • move2D

      void move2D(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space. The focus point is used as the handle by which the shape is moved. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdShape and the ILcdPoint are considered. The third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds was undefined, it becomes defined after the move.

      Specified by:
      move2D in interface ILcd2DEditableShape
      aPoint - the ILcdPoint to move to.
      See Also:
    • move2D

      void move2D(double aX, double aY)
      Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space. The focus point is used as the handle by which the shape is moved. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdShape are considered. The third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds was undefined, it becomes defined after the move.

      Specified by:
      move2D in interface ILcd2DEditableShape
      aX - the x coordinate of the point.
      aY - the y coordinate of the point.
    • translate2D

      void translate2D(double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY)
      Translates this ILcd2DEditableShape from its current position over the given translation vector in the 2D space. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdShape are considered. The third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds was undefined, it becomes defined after the translation.

      Specified by:
      translate2D in interface ILcd2DEditableShape
      aDeltaX - the x coordinate of the translation vector.
      aDeltaY - the y coordinate of the translation vector.
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(double aWidth)
      Sets the width of the bounds (the extent along the x-axis).

      If this bounds was undefined, it becomes defined.

      aWidth - the new width.
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(double aHeight)
      Sets the height of the bounds (the extent along the y-axis).

      If this bounds was undefined, it becomes defined.

      aHeight - the new height.
    • setTo2DIntersection

      void setTo2DIntersection(ILcdBounds aBounds)
      Calculates the 2D intersection of this ILcd2DEditableBounds and a given ILcdBounds. The result contains at least all the points that are contained in both ILcdBounds objects. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdBounds objects are considered. This ILcd2DEditableBounds object is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, nothing changes. If the argument bounds is undefined, this bounds becomes undefined as well.

      aBounds - the other ILcdBounds operand for the intersection.
      See Also:
    • setTo2DIntersection

      void setTo2DIntersection(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight)
      Calculates the 2D intersection of this ILcd2DEditableBounds object and a given rectangle. The result contains at least all the points that are contained both in this ILcdBounds objects and in the rectangle. Only the first two dimensions of this ILcdBounds object are considered. It is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, nothing changes.

      aX - the x coordinate of the rectangle.
      aY - the y coordinate of the rectangle.
      aWidth - the width of the rectangle.
      aHeight - the height of the rectangle.
    • setTo2DUnion

      void setTo2DUnion(ILcdBounds aBounds)
      Calculates the 2D union of this ILcd2DEditableBounds and a given ILcdBounds. The result contains at least all the points that are contained in either of the ILcdBounds objects (and typically more). Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdBounds objects are considered. This ILcd2DEditableBounds object is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, it is set to the argument bounds. If the argument bounds is undefined, nothing happens.

      aBounds - the other ILcdBounds operand for the union.
      See Also:
    • setTo2DUnion

      void setTo2DUnion(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight)
      Calculates the 2D union of this ILcd2DEditableBounds object and a given rectangle. The result contains at least all the points that are contained in the ILcdBounds object and in the rectangle (and typically more). Only the first two dimensions of this ILcdBounds object are considered. It is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, it is set to the arguments.

      aX - the x coordinate of the rectangle.
      aY - the y coordinate of the rectangle.
      aWidth - the width of the rectangle.
      aHeight - the height of the rectangle.
    • setToIncludePoint2D

      void setToIncludePoint2D(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Calculates the 2D extension of this ILcd2DEditableBounds object that contains a given ILcdPoint. The result contains at least the given point and all the points that are contained in this ILcd2DEditableBounds (and typically more). Only the first two dimensions of this ILcdBounds object and the ILcdPoint are considered. This ILcdBounds object is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, it is set to the point.

      aPoint - the point that should be inside (or at the edge) after the extension of the bounds.
      See Also:
    • setToIncludePoint2D

      void setToIncludePoint2D(double aX, double aY)
      Calculates the 2D extension of this ILcd2DEditableBounds object that contains a given point. The result contains at least the given point and all the points that are contained in this ILcd2DEditableBounds (and typically more). Only the first two dimensions of this ILcdBounds object are considered. It is updated with the result. Its third dimension is left unchanged.

      If this bounds is undefined, it is set to the point.

      aX - the x coordinate of the point.
      aY - the y coordinate of the point.