Class TLfnReplicationResource


public final class TLfnReplicationResource extends Object

This class represents the in-memory preview of the replication for a single resource.

Consult the class javadoc of TLfnReplication for more information.

  • Method Details

    • unmarkForReplication

      public void unmarkForReplication()

      Calling this method indicates that this resource should not be replicated. This means the metadata and data of this resource on the slave will remain unaffected when performing replication.

    • markForReplication

      public void markForReplication()

      Calling this method indicates that this resource should be replicated. This means that the metadata and data of this resource on the slave will match the metadata and data of this resource on the master after performing replication.

      You can check whether the resource will be replicated or not by calling isMarkedForReplication(). You can investigate the result of the replication by calling getProjectedSlaveMetadata().

    • setAreaOfInterest

      public void setAreaOfInterest(TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterest aAreaOfInterest)

      Limits the replicated data for this resource to a certain geographic region. When a non-null area is specified, only the data overlapping with this region will be transferred from the master to the slave tile store.

      Warning: it is not possible to set a non-null area for vector coverages. Calling this method for a vector coverage with a non-null value will result in an exception.

      aAreaOfInterest - The area of interest. Use null when the whole dataset must be replicated.
    • isMarkedForReplication

      public boolean isMarkedForReplication()

      Returns true when the resource will be replicated, false otherwise.

      true when the resource will be replicated, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getMasterMetadata

      public ALfnResourceMetadata getMasterMetadata()

      Returns the metadata of this resource as it is on the master tile store.

      Note that this method does not perform a query to the tile store. All queries are done the moment the TLfnReplication instance is created. The returned metadata reflects the state of the resource as it was at that specific moment.

      the metadata of this resource as it is on the master tile store. This can be null when the resource is deleted on the master tile store and only present on the slave.
    • getSlaveMetadata

      public ALfnResourceMetadata getSlaveMetadata()

      Returns the metadata of this resource as it is on the slave tile store.

      Note that this method does not perform a query to the tile store. All queries are done the moment the TLfnReplication instance is created. The returned metadata reflects the state of the resource as it was at that specific moment.

      the metadata of this resource as it is on the slave tile store. This can be null when the resource is only present on the master.
    • getProjectedSlaveMetadata

      public ALfnResourceMetadata getProjectedSlaveMetadata()

      Returns the metadata of this resource as it will be on the slave tile store when actually performing the replication. It is a preview of the result of actually performing the replication.

      the metadata of this resource as it will be on the slave tile store when actually performing the replication. This can be null when the resource will be removed on the slave tile store
    • getStatus

      public TLfnReplicationResource.Status getStatus()

      Returns the replication status of this resource.

      the replication status of this resource.
    • getID

      public String getID()

      Returns the id of this resource.

      the id of this resource.
    • getAreaOfInterest

      public TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterest getAreaOfInterest()

      Returns the geographic region to which the replication of the data will be limited. When this is a non-null area, only the data overlapping with this region will be transferred from the master to the slave tile store.

      the area of interest. Will be null when the whole dataset must be replicated.