Interface ILcdGXYLayerList

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdLayer, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcdSelection<Object>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdGXYLayerList, TLcdS52GXYCatalogueLayerList, TLcdS52GXYLevelLayerList

public interface ILcdGXYLayerList extends ILcdGXYLayer
Use ILcdLayerTreeNode instead
An ordered collection of ILcdGXYLayer objects, called subGXYLayers, which is an ILcdGXYLayer implementation. It can be added to an ILcdGXYView, enabling grouping a number of ILcdGXYLayer objects into themes. As the layer list is regarded as an ILcdGXYLayer by the view, some restrictions apply to the layers that can be added:
  • All the models in the sublayers need to have the same model reference.
  • As a consequence, the ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation should be identical for all sublayers.
  • All sublayers will be rendered with the same ILcdGXYPen.

Layer properties should not be set on the sublayers, they should be set on the layer list. The view has no knowledge of the sublayers and thus it is possible that settings on the sublayers are ignored. For example:

  1. Set the layer list labeled.
  2. Set one sub layer not labeled.
If the view implementation is such that the view requests all elements in a layers model and requests a label painter for every one of those elements, the objects in the sublayer will be labeled, regardless of the value of the labeled property on the sublayer.

When adding a sublayer to the layer list, a filter may be passed enabling the layer list to determine whether an object is in the sublayers model. Methods retrieving a property based on an Object parameter may use this filter to retrieve the property from the sublayer that contains the object passed. As such a method may be called frequently, for example getGXYPainter(Object), the implementation of such a filter can have a considerable impact on the performance of the layer list.

  • Method Details

    • getSubGXYLayerCount

      int getSubGXYLayerCount()
      Returns the number of sublayers in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
      the number of sublayers in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
    • addSubGXYLayer

      void addSubGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Adds the given ILcdGXYLayer as a sublayer to this ILcdGXYLayerList.
      aSubGXYLayer - the ILcdGXYLayer to add to the list.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      IllegalArgumentException - will be thrown if this ILcdGXYLayerList contains at least one ILcdGXYLayer and the ILcdModelXYWorldTransfo class are different.
    • insertSubGXYLayerAt

      void insertSubGXYLayerAt(int aIndex, ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Inserts the given ILcdGXYLayer as a sublayer at the given index.
      aIndex - the index of the location in the list where this layer should be placed.
      aSubGXYLayer - the ILcdGXYLayer to insert into the list.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      IllegalArgumentException - will be thrown if this ILcdGXYLayerList contains at least one ILcdGXYLayer and the ILcdModelXYWorldTransfo class are different.
    • addSubGXYLayer

      void addSubGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, ILcdFilter aObjectInLayerFilter, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Adds the given ILcdGXYLayer as a sublayer, accompanied by a filter to determine whether an object is in the sublayers model or not.
      aSubGXYLayer - the ILcdGXYLayer to add to the list.
      aObjectInLayerFilter - the ILcdFilter used to determine if an object is contained in this layer.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      IllegalArgumentException - will be thrown if this ILcdGXYLayerList contains at least one ILcdGXYLayer and the ILcdModelXYWorldTransfo class are different.
    • insertSubGXYLayerAt

      void insertSubGXYLayerAt(int aIndex, ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, ILcdFilter aObjectInLayerFilter, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Inserts the given ILcdGXYLayer as a sublayer at the given index, accompanied by a filter to determine whether an object is in the sublayers model or not.
      aIndex - the index of the location in the list where this layer should be placed.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer.
      aObjectInLayerFilter - the ILcdFilter used to determine if an object is contained in this layer.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      IllegalArgumentException - will be thrown if this ILcdGXYLayerList contains at least one ILcdGXYLayer and the ILcdModelXYWorldTransfo class are different.
    • getSubGXYLayer

      ILcdGXYLayer getSubGXYLayer(int aIndex)
      Returns the sublayer at the location with the given index in the list.
      aIndex - the index of the location in the list.
      the ILcdGXYLayer at the location with the given index.
    • indexOf

      int indexOf(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer) throws NoSuchElementException
      Gets the index of the given sublayer.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer to find the index of.
      the index of the given sublayer.
      NoSuchElementException - when the given sublayer is not in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
    • moveSubGXYLayerAt

      void moveSubGXYLayerAt(int aIndex, ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws NoSuchElementException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
      Moves the sublayer to the location in the list with the given index.
      aIndex - the index of the new location in the ILcdGXYLayerList.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer to move.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      NoSuchElementException - when the given sublayer is not in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - when the given index is negative or not smaller than the number of sublayers.
    • removeSubGXYLayer

      void removeSubGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer, boolean aIsAdjusting) throws NoSuchElementException
      Removes the sublayer from this list.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
      NoSuchElementException - when the given sublayer is not in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
    • removeAllSubGXYLayers

      void removeAllSubGXYLayers(boolean aIsAdjusting)
      Removes all sublayers from this list.
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made immediately after this.
    • containsSubGXYLayer

      boolean containsSubGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer)
      Checks whether the sublayer is in this ILcdGXYLayerList.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer.
      true if the sublayer is in this ILcdGXYLayerList, false otherwise.
    • getObjectInLayerFilter

      ILcdFilter getObjectInLayerFilter(ILcdGXYLayer aSubGXYLayer)
      Returns the filter used to find objects in the given sublayer.
      aSubGXYLayer - the sublayer for which all elements in its model should pass the filter.
      the ILcdFilter that selects the elements in the given sublayer.
    • setGXYPen

      void setGXYPen(ILcdGXYPen aGXYPen)
      Sets the ILcdGXYPen to be used for the rendering operations for all sub layers.
      aGXYPen - the ILcdGXYPen to be used for the rendering operations for all sub layers.