Class TLcdNVG15DataTypes


public class TLcdNVG15DataTypes extends Object
This class provides access to the data model and the types of

Refer to the package javadoc for more information about this domain model.

The data model and its types are typically used to:

  • introspect the data structures (types, properties) of the domain model in a generic way
  • create Java instances for XML types which don't have a dedicated Java class equivalent
  • configure an XML decoder for decoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedDecoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • configure an XML encoder for encoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • set up transformations between data models

This mapping has been automatically generated based on the XML schema schema/

The display names of the entities in this data model can be customized by creating a resource bundle with base name com/luciad/format/nvg/nvg15/model/TLcdNVG15DataTypes. See TLcdResourceBundleDataModelDisplayNameProvider for more details on the required structure of the resource bundle.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ExtendedDataType

      public static final TLcdDataType ExtendedDataType
    • SchemaType

      public static final TLcdDataType SchemaType
    • arcbandType

      public static final TLcdDataType arcbandType
    • compositeType

      public static final TLcdDataType compositeType
    • polylineType

      public static final TLcdDataType polylineType
    • SymbolCodeTypeOld

      public static final TLcdDataType SymbolCodeTypeOld
    • NvgMapObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType NvgMapObjectType
    • LongLatType

      public static final TLcdDataType LongLatType
    • latitudeType

      public static final TLcdDataType latitudeType
    • distanceType

      public static final TLcdDataType distanceType
    • SimpleFieldType

      public static final TLcdDataType SimpleFieldType
    • arcType

      public static final TLcdDataType arcType
    • m2525bType

      public static final TLcdDataType m2525bType
    • nvgType

      public static final TLcdDataType nvgType
    • longitudeType

      public static final TLcdDataType longitudeType
    • multipointType

      public static final TLcdDataType multipointType
    • ListOfLongLatType

      public static final TLcdDataType ListOfLongLatType
    • rotationAngleType

      public static final TLcdDataType rotationAngleType
    • directionAngleType

      public static final TLcdDataType directionAngleType
    • NvgBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType NvgBaseType
    • KeyTypeAttribute

      public static final TLcdDataType KeyTypeAttribute
    • ellipseType

      public static final TLcdDataType ellipseType
    • SimpleDataType

      public static final TLcdDataType SimpleDataType
    • polygonType

      public static final TLcdDataType polygonType
    • circleType

      public static final TLcdDataType circleType
    • NvgDataObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType NvgDataObjectType
    • iconSymbolType

      public static final TLcdDataType iconSymbolType
    • versionType

      public static final TLcdDataType versionType
    • directionType

      public static final TLcdDataType directionType
    • pointType

      public static final TLcdDataType pointType
    • app6aType

      public static final TLcdDataType app6aType
    • IdentifierType

      public static final TLcdDataType IdentifierType
    • textType

      public static final TLcdDataType textType
    • corridorType

      public static final TLcdDataType corridorType
    • groupType

      public static final TLcdDataType groupType
    • anchorType

      public static final TLcdDataType anchorType
    • arrowType

      public static final TLcdDataType arrowType
    • SymbolCodeType

      public static final TLcdDataType SymbolCodeType
    • speedType

      public static final TLcdDataType speedType
    • legType

      public static final TLcdDataType legType
    • NonnullDistanceType

      public static final TLcdDataType NonnullDistanceType
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Returns the data model for
      the data model