Class TLcdGML32DataTypes


public class TLcdGML32DataTypes extends Object
This class provides access to the data model and the types of

Refer to the package javadoc for more information about this domain model.

The data model and its types are typically used to:

  • introspect the data structures (types, properties) of the domain model in a generic way
  • create Java instances for XML types which don't have a dedicated Java class equivalent
  • configure an XML decoder for decoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedDecoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • configure an XML encoder for encoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • set up transformations between data models

This mapping has been automatically generated based on the XML schema net/opengis/gml/3.2.1/gml.xsd.

The display names of the entities in this data model can be customized by creating a resource bundle with base name com/luciad/format/gml32/model/TLcdGML32DataTypes. See TLcdResourceBundleDataModelDisplayNameProvider for more details on the required structure of the resource bundle.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • PointArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PointArrayPropertyType
    • UomSymbol

      public static final TLcdDataType UomSymbol
    • DirectionVectorType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectionVectorType
    • domainOfValidity

      public static final TLcdDataType domainOfValidity
    • LinearCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType LinearCSType
    • AbstractMemberType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractMemberType
    • CompositeValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompositeValueType
    • ArcMinutesType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcMinutesType
    • KnotType

      public static final TLcdDataType KnotType
    • GeodeticDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodeticDatumType
    • TimeInstantPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeInstantPropertyType
    • QuantityExtentType

      public static final TLcdDataType QuantityExtentType
    • TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType
    • AbstractRingType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractRingType
    • MeasureListType

      public static final TLcdDataType MeasureListType
    • GeometricComplexPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeometricComplexPropertyType
    • TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationType
    • DefinitionType

      public static final TLcdDataType DefinitionType
    • NilReasonEnumeration

      public static final TLcdDataType NilReasonEnumeration
    • CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyType
    • TemporalCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalCRSPropertyType
    • CalDate

      public static final TLcdDataType CalDate
    • ScaleType

      public static final TLcdDataType ScaleType
    • TimeReferenceSystemType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeReferenceSystemType
    • CompoundCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompoundCRSPropertyType
    • AbstractCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCRSType
    • AbstractFeatureType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractFeatureType
    • DirectedObservationType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedObservationType
    • SignType

      public static final TLcdDataType SignType
    • TopoSurfacePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoSurfacePropertyType
    • SphericalCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType SphericalCSType
    • ResultType

      public static final TLcdDataType ResultType
    • CompoundCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompoundCRSType
    • AbstractCoordinateOperationType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCoordinateOperationType
    • MultiSurfacePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiSurfacePropertyType
    • ObliqueCartesianCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType ObliqueCartesianCSType
    • TopoSolidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoSolidPropertyType
    • Count

      public static final TLcdDataType Count
    • ShellPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ShellPropertyType
    • PointGrid_rows

      public static final TLcdDataType PointGrid_rows
    • MultiGeometryPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiGeometryPropertyType
    • AngleType

      public static final TLcdDataType AngleType
    • MetaDataPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MetaDataPropertyType
    • RectangleType

      public static final TLcdDataType RectangleType
    • CompositeSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompositeSurfaceType
    • BaseUnitType

      public static final TLcdDataType BaseUnitType
    • ConcatenatedOperationType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConcatenatedOperationType
    • SecondDefiningParameter

      public static final TLcdDataType SecondDefiningParameter
    • TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType
    • TimeCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCSType
    • DynamicFeatureType

      public static final TLcdDataType DynamicFeatureType
    • TimeTopologyComplexType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeTopologyComplexType
    • MultiCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiCurveType
    • AbstractMetadataPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractMetadataPropertyType
    • TimePositionType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimePositionType
    • NilReasonEnumeration_0

      public static final TLcdDataType NilReasonEnumeration_0
    • NilReasonEnumeration_1

      public static final TLcdDataType NilReasonEnumeration_1
    • DynamicFeatureCollectionType

      public static final TLcdDataType DynamicFeatureCollectionType
    • CoordinateSystemAxisType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoordinateSystemAxisType
    • MultiSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiSurfaceType
    • CylindricalCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CylindricalCSPropertyType
    • PriorityLocationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PriorityLocationPropertyType
    • CartesianCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CartesianCSPropertyType
    • TopoSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoSurfaceType
    • TimeNodeType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeNodeType
    • MultiGeometryType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiGeometryType
    • CylindricalCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType CylindricalCSType
    • UserDefinedCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType UserDefinedCSType
    • SphereType

      public static final TLcdDataType SphereType
    • PrimeMeridianPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PrimeMeridianPropertyType
    • AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType
    • TriangleType

      public static final TLcdDataType TriangleType
    • AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType
    • TimeCalendarPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCalendarPropertyType
    • TopoSolidType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoSolidType
    • MultiSolidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiSolidPropertyType
    • PointType

      public static final TLcdDataType PointType
    • PassThroughOperationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PassThroughOperationPropertyType
    • SurfaceInterpolationType

      public static final TLcdDataType SurfaceInterpolationType
    • CodeOrNilReasonListType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodeOrNilReasonListType
    • EnvelopeWithTimePeriodType

      public static final TLcdDataType EnvelopeWithTimePeriodType
    • SolidArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SolidArrayPropertyType
    • UnitOfMeasureType

      public static final TLcdDataType UnitOfMeasureType
    • NameList

      public static final TLcdDataType NameList
    • CoordinatesType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoordinatesType
    • TimeUnitType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeUnitType
    • TemporalCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalCRSType
    • PassThroughOperationType

      public static final TLcdDataType PassThroughOperationType
    • TemporalCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalCSPropertyType
    • formulaCitation

      public static final TLcdDataType formulaCitation
    • TopoVolumeType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoVolumeType
    • GeocentricCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeocentricCRSType
    • AbstractCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCurveType
    • ConcatenatedOperationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConcatenatedOperationPropertyType
    • AxisDirectionList

      public static final TLcdDataType AxisDirectionList
    • Boolean

      public static final TLcdDataType Boolean
    • DirectPositionType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectPositionType
    • DegreesType__direction

      public static final TLcdDataType DegreesType__direction
    • AbstractFeatureMemberType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractFeatureMemberType
    • DefinitionBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType DefinitionBaseType
    • ImageDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType ImageDatumType
    • TopoComplexPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoComplexPropertyType
    • BooleanPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType BooleanPropertyType
    • CurveInterpolationType

      public static final TLcdDataType CurveInterpolationType
    • GeodeticCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodeticCRSPropertyType
    • ParameterValueGroupType

      public static final TLcdDataType ParameterValueGroupType
    • stringOrNilReason

      public static final TLcdDataType stringOrNilReason
    • LengthType

      public static final TLcdDataType LengthType
    • ArcSecondsType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcSecondsType
    • EdgeType

      public static final TLcdDataType EdgeType
    • SolidType

      public static final TLcdDataType SolidType
    • TimeCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCSPropertyType
    • CubicSplineType

      public static final TLcdDataType CubicSplineType
    • RelatedTimeType

      public static final TLcdDataType RelatedTimeType
    • AbstractTimeComplexType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimeComplexType
    • CartesianCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType CartesianCSType
    • GeocentricCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeocentricCRSPropertyType
    • NodeType

      public static final TLcdDataType NodeType
    • RingPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType RingPropertyType
    • EllipsoidalCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType EllipsoidalCSType
    • AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType
    • OperationParameterPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationParameterPropertyType
    • DirectPositionListType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectPositionListType
    • GridType

      public static final TLcdDataType GridType
    • TopoPointPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoPointPropertyType
    • TimeOrdinalEraType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeOrdinalEraType
    • TemporalDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalDatumType
    • doubleOrNilReasonList

      public static final TLcdDataType doubleOrNilReasonList
    • GeometryArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeometryArrayPropertyType
    • AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType
    • VectorType

      public static final TLcdDataType VectorType
    • TinType_controlPoint

      public static final TLcdDataType TinType_controlPoint
    • TopoPrimitiveMemberType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoPrimitiveMemberType
    • SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType
    • TimeEdgeType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeEdgeType
    • GridLimitsType

      public static final TLcdDataType GridLimitsType
    • AbstractSurfacePatchType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractSurfacePatchType
    • coordinateOperationAccuracy

      public static final TLcdDataType coordinateOperationAccuracy
    • PointGrid_rows_Row

      public static final TLcdDataType PointGrid_rows_Row
    • integerOrNilReasonList

      public static final TLcdDataType integerOrNilReasonList
    • ArcByBulgeType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcByBulgeType
    • AbstractRingPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractRingPropertyType
    • AbstractMetaDataType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractMetaDataType
    • MultiPointType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiPointType
    • ImageDatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ImageDatumPropertyType
    • TopoCurvePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoCurvePropertyType
    • TimePeriodPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimePeriodPropertyType
    • GeometryPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeometryPropertyType
    • GeneralConversionPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeneralConversionPropertyType
    • VerticalCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalCRSType
    • ValueArrayType

      public static final TLcdDataType ValueArrayType
    • CompositeCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompositeCurveType
    • CurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType CurveType
    • AbstractFeatureCollectionType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractFeatureCollectionType
    • TemporalDatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalDatumPropertyType
    • Quantity

      public static final TLcdDataType Quantity
    • FileType

      public static final TLcdDataType FileType
    • BoundedFeatureType

      public static final TLcdDataType BoundedFeatureType
    • MovingObjectStatusType

      public static final TLcdDataType MovingObjectStatusType
    • Category

      public static final TLcdDataType Category
    • VerticalCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalCSType
    • FeatureCollectionType

      public static final TLcdDataType FeatureCollectionType
    • TimeCoordinateSystemType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCoordinateSystemType
    • DirectedFacePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedFacePropertyType
    • AbstractCoverageType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCoverageType
    • AngleChoiceType

      public static final TLcdDataType AngleChoiceType
    • BagType

      public static final TLcdDataType BagType
    • SequenceRuleType

      public static final TLcdDataType SequenceRuleType
    • CodeWithAuthorityType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodeWithAuthorityType
    • DegreeValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType DegreeValueType
    • UomURI

      public static final TLcdDataType UomURI
    • CoverageFunctionType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoverageFunctionType
    • TransformationType

      public static final TLcdDataType TransformationType
    • AreaType

      public static final TLcdDataType AreaType
    • AbstractGeneralConversionType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralConversionType
    • AbstractCoordinateSystemType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCoordinateSystemType
    • AbstractTopoPrimitiveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTopoPrimitiveType
    • TimePeriodType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimePeriodType
    • AbstractSolidType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractSolidType
    • AbstractTimeSliceType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimeSliceType
    • OperationParameterGroupPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationParameterGroupPropertyType
    • AbstractTimePrimitiveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimePrimitiveType
    • MultiCurvePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiCurvePropertyType
    • PolarCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType PolarCSType
    • TimeIntervalLengthType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeIntervalLengthType
    • LinearRingType

      public static final TLcdDataType LinearRingType
    • AbstractGriddedSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGriddedSurfaceType
    • ObservationType

      public static final TLcdDataType ObservationType
    • LinearCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType LinearCSPropertyType
    • ConeType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConeType
    • BoundingShapeType

      public static final TLcdDataType BoundingShapeType
    • doubleList

      public static final TLcdDataType doubleList
    • ProcedurePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ProcedurePropertyType
    • ParameterValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType ParameterValueType
    • VerticalCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalCRSPropertyType
    • CountExtentType

      public static final TLcdDataType CountExtentType
    • OrientableCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType OrientableCurveType
    • TopoCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoCurveType
    • GeometricComplexType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeometricComplexType
    • GeodeticDatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodeticDatumPropertyType
    • NilReasonType

      public static final TLcdDataType NilReasonType
    • UnitDefinitionType

      public static final TLcdDataType UnitDefinitionType
    • integerList

      public static final TLcdDataType integerList
    • PrimeMeridianType

      public static final TLcdDataType PrimeMeridianType
    • LineStringSegmentType

      public static final TLcdDataType LineStringSegmentType
    • ShellType

      public static final TLcdDataType ShellType
    • CylinderType

      public static final TLcdDataType CylinderType
    • MeasureType

      public static final TLcdDataType MeasureType
    • GeneralTransformationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeneralTransformationPropertyType
    • SurfacePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SurfacePropertyType
    • ValuePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ValuePropertyType
    • CompassPointEnumeration

      public static final TLcdDataType CompassPointEnumeration
    • UserDefinedCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType UserDefinedCSPropertyType
    • TimeCalendarType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCalendarType
    • GeographicCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeographicCRSPropertyType
    • TopoPointType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoPointType
    • PolygonPatchType

      public static final TLcdDataType PolygonPatchType
    • CoordinateSystemPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoordinateSystemPropertyType
    • DiscreteCoverageType

      public static final TLcdDataType DiscreteCoverageType
    • AffineCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AffineCSPropertyType
    • TimeUnitType_0

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeUnitType_0
    • KnotPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType KnotPropertyType
    • TimeUnitType_1

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeUnitType_1
    • HistoryPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType HistoryPropertyType
    • AggregationType

      public static final TLcdDataType AggregationType
    • GenericMetaDataType

      public static final TLcdDataType GenericMetaDataType
    • CurveArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CurveArrayPropertyType
    • ProjectedCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ProjectedCRSPropertyType
    • SpeedType

      public static final TLcdDataType SpeedType
    • ConventionalUnitType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConventionalUnitType
    • CountPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CountPropertyType
    • TimeCalendarEraPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCalendarEraPropertyType
    • DerivedCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DerivedCRSPropertyType
    • GridFunctionType

      public static final TLcdDataType GridFunctionType
    • NodePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType NodePropertyType
    • UomIdentifier

      public static final TLcdDataType UomIdentifier
    • TargetPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TargetPropertyType
    • OperationMethodType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationMethodType
    • ImageCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType ImageCRSType
    • PolarCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PolarCSPropertyType
    • ImageCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ImageCRSPropertyType
    • GeodesicType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodesicType
    • CRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CRSPropertyType
    • VerticalDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalDatumType
    • StringOrRefType

      public static final TLcdDataType StringOrRefType
    • ConversionType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConversionType
    • CategoryExtentType

      public static final TLcdDataType CategoryExtentType
    • booleanOrNilReason

      public static final TLcdDataType booleanOrNilReason
    • CodeType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodeType
    • FaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType FaceType
    • TimeEdgePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeEdgePropertyType
    • ValueArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ValueArrayPropertyType
    • SequenceRuleEnumeration

      public static final TLcdDataType SequenceRuleEnumeration
    • DirectedNodePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedNodePropertyType
    • ClothoidType_refLocation

      public static final TLcdDataType ClothoidType_refLocation
    • GeodeticCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodeticCRSType
    • PointPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType PointPropertyType
    • CategoryPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CategoryPropertyType
    • EngineeringCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType EngineeringCRSType
    • AffineCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType AffineCSType
    • MeasureOrNilReasonListType

      public static final TLcdDataType MeasureOrNilReasonListType
    • TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemType
    • IndirectEntryType

      public static final TLcdDataType IndirectEntryType
    • AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType
    • ArcType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcType
    • MultiPointPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiPointPropertyType
    • ArrayType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArrayType
    • ClothoidType

      public static final TLcdDataType ClothoidType
    • AbstractTopologyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTopologyType
    • FeaturePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType FeaturePropertyType
    • EngineeringDatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType EngineeringDatumPropertyType
    • TimePositionUnion

      public static final TLcdDataType TimePositionUnion
    • VerticalCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalCSPropertyType
    • DefinitionProxyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DefinitionProxyType
    • GeodesicStringType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeodesicStringType
    • GridEnvelopeType

      public static final TLcdDataType GridEnvelopeType
    • secondDefiningParameter

      public static final TLcdDataType secondDefiningParameter
    • TimeNodePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeNodePropertyType
    • TemporalCSType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalCSType
    • AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType
    • CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType
    • FaceOrTopoSolidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType FaceOrTopoSolidPropertyType
    • TimeIndeterminateValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeIndeterminateValueType
    • DirectedEdgePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedEdgePropertyType
    • DerivationUnitTermType

      public static final TLcdDataType DerivationUnitTermType
    • LocationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType LocationPropertyType
    • LineStringType

      public static final TLcdDataType LineStringType
    • DMSAngleType

      public static final TLcdDataType DMSAngleType
    • BezierType

      public static final TLcdDataType BezierType
    • GeometricPrimitivePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeometricPrimitivePropertyType
    • TimeInstantType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeInstantType
    • DirectionPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectionPropertyType
    • AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType
    • DomainSetType

      public static final TLcdDataType DomainSetType
    • booleanList

      public static final TLcdDataType booleanList
    • LinearRingPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType LinearRingPropertyType
    • RelatedTimeType__relativePosition

      public static final TLcdDataType RelatedTimeType__relativePosition
    • AbstractContinuousCoverageType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractContinuousCoverageType
    • EllipsoidalCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType EllipsoidalCSPropertyType
    • GridLengthType

      public static final TLcdDataType GridLengthType
    • OperationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationPropertyType
    • DerivedUnitType

      public static final TLcdDataType DerivedUnitType
    • RingType

      public static final TLcdDataType RingType
    • ConversionPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConversionPropertyType
    • SuccessionType

      public static final TLcdDataType SuccessionType
    • CircleByCenterPointType

      public static final TLcdDataType CircleByCenterPointType
    • TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType
    • EllipsoidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType EllipsoidPropertyType
    • doubleOrNilReason

      public static final TLcdDataType doubleOrNilReason
    • SurfaceArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SurfaceArrayPropertyType
    • SurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType SurfaceType
    • PolygonType

      public static final TLcdDataType PolygonType
    • LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType
    • CurvePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CurvePropertyType
    • AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType
    • ArcStringByBulgeType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcStringByBulgeType
    • DictionaryEntryType

      public static final TLcdDataType DictionaryEntryType
    • AbstractTimeObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractTimeObjectType
    • SingleOperationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SingleOperationPropertyType
    • AbstractGeneralParameterValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralParameterValueType
    • AbstractSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractSurfaceType
    • DegreesType

      public static final TLcdDataType DegreesType
    • CoordinateOperationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType CoordinateOperationPropertyType
    • VerticalDatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType VerticalDatumPropertyType
    • EnvelopeType

      public static final TLcdDataType EnvelopeType
    • TopoVolumePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoVolumePropertyType
    • AssociationRoleType

      public static final TLcdDataType AssociationRoleType
    • ArrayAssociationType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArrayAssociationType
    • TimeClockPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeClockPropertyType
    • ArcByCenterPointType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcByCenterPointType
    • AbstractGeneralTransformationType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeneralTransformationType
    • CircleType

      public static final TLcdDataType CircleType
    • VolumeType

      public static final TLcdDataType VolumeType
    • DerivedCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType DerivedCRSType
    • RangeSetType

      public static final TLcdDataType RangeSetType
    • AxisDirection

      public static final TLcdDataType AxisDirection
    • QuantityPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType QuantityPropertyType
    • DatumPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DatumPropertyType
    • QNameList

      public static final TLcdDataType QNameList
    • TimeType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeType
    • EngineeringCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType EngineeringCRSPropertyType
    • OperationMethodPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationMethodPropertyType
    • NCNameList

      public static final TLcdDataType NCNameList
    • NameOrNilReasonList

      public static final TLcdDataType NameOrNilReasonList
    • TopoComplexType

      public static final TLcdDataType TopoComplexType
    • OrientableSurfaceType

      public static final TLcdDataType OrientableSurfaceType
    • TimeClockType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeClockType
    • OperationParameterType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationParameterType
    • IdentifiedObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType IdentifiedObjectType
    • FormulaType

      public static final TLcdDataType FormulaType
    • DirectionDescriptionType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectionDescriptionType
    • AbstractGeometryType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeometryType
    • AbstractDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractDatumType
    • RectifiedGridType

      public static final TLcdDataType RectifiedGridType
    • AbstractGeometricAggregateType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGeometricAggregateType
    • CompositeSolidType

      public static final TLcdDataType CompositeSolidType
    • FeatureArrayPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType FeatureArrayPropertyType
    • KnotTypesType

      public static final TLcdDataType KnotTypesType
    • DynamicFeatureMemberType

      public static final TLcdDataType DynamicFeatureMemberType
    • TemporalDatumBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType TemporalDatumBaseType
    • EllipsoidType

      public static final TLcdDataType EllipsoidType
    • integerOrNilReason

      public static final TLcdDataType integerOrNilReason
    • GeographicCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType GeographicCRSType
    • ConversionToPreferredUnitType

      public static final TLcdDataType ConversionToPreferredUnitType
    • SphericalCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SphericalCSPropertyType
    • BSplineType

      public static final TLcdDataType BSplineType
    • EngineeringDatumType

      public static final TLcdDataType EngineeringDatumType
    • TimeCalendarEraType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimeCalendarEraType
    • ReferenceType

      public static final TLcdDataType ReferenceType
    • DictionaryType

      public static final TLcdDataType DictionaryType
    • IncrementOrder

      public static final TLcdDataType IncrementOrder
    • AffinePlacementType

      public static final TLcdDataType AffinePlacementType
    • SolidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SolidPropertyType
    • NodeOrEdgePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType NodeOrEdgePropertyType
    • MultiSolidType

      public static final TLcdDataType MultiSolidType
    • AbstractCurveSegmentType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractCurveSegmentType
    • DataBlockType

      public static final TLcdDataType DataBlockType
    • ProjectedCRSType

      public static final TLcdDataType ProjectedCRSType
    • AbstractGMLType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractGMLType
    • TimePrimitivePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TimePrimitivePropertyType
    • SingleCRSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType SingleCRSPropertyType
    • TransformationPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType TransformationPropertyType
    • InlinePropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType InlinePropertyType
    • DirectedObservationAtDistanceType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedObservationAtDistanceType
    • NameOrNilReason

      public static final TLcdDataType NameOrNilReason
    • DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType
    • OperationParameterGroupType

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationParameterGroupType
    • OffsetCurveType

      public static final TLcdDataType OffsetCurveType
    • MappingRuleType

      public static final TLcdDataType MappingRuleType
    • ArcStringType

      public static final TLcdDataType ArcStringType
    • DecimalMinutesType

      public static final TLcdDataType DecimalMinutesType
    • TinType

      public static final TLcdDataType TinType
    • ObliqueCartesianCSPropertyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ObliqueCartesianCSPropertyType
    • booleanOrNilReasonList

      public static final TLcdDataType booleanOrNilReasonList
    • CodeListType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodeListType
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Returns the data model for
      the data model