Class TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties


public final class TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties extends Object
This class provides easy access to the properties of the EnrouteCommunication type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty CUSTOMER_AREA_CODE
      A code permitting to categorize communication facilities by geographical area (standard record) or by airline for whom the data is provided (tailored record). The customer/area code is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FIR_RDO_IDENTIFIER
      The FIR/RDO Identifier field for Enroute Center records identifies the Flight Information Region or Upper Information Region. FIR/RDO Identifier is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FIR_UIR_ADDRESS
      The FIR/UIR Address field contains the four character communication address of the FIR/UIR to supplement the FIR/UIR Identifier. FIR/UIR address is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty INDICATOR
      The FIR/UIR Identifier field may contain the identifier of a FIR, UIR or combined FIR/UIR. This field indicates which one of these records is an element. Indicator is of the type TLcdAirspaceType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty REMOTE_NAME
      The Remote Name contains the name assigned to a Remote Communications Air/Ground and Remote Communications Outlet facilities. These remote facilities are unmanned air/ground communication stations with transmit and receive capability, used to extend the service range of ARTCC and FSS stations. Remote name is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_TYPE
      The tree letter type of the communication object. The communication type is of the type TLcdCommunicationType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_FREQUENCY
      The Communication Frequency field specifies a frequency for the facility identified in the Communication Type. As of ARINC 424-19, this property is replaced by two separate properties to indicate the frequency for transmitting and receiving, i.e. COMMUNICATION_TRANSMIT_FREQUENCY and COMMUNICATION_RECEIVE_FREQUENCY. For ARINC 424-19 or higher, this property will contain the transmit frequency. Communication frequency is of the type Double.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_TRANSMIT_FREQUENCY
      The Communication Transmit Frequency field specifies a transmit frequency for the facility identified in the Communication Type. Communication frequency is of the type Double.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_RECEIVE_FREQUENCY
      The Communication Receive Frequency field specifies a receive frequency for the facility identified in the Communication Type. Communication frequency is of the type Double.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_UNIT
      The Frequency Units field will designate the frequency spectrum area for the frequency in the Communication Frequency. Frequency Units is of the type TLcdFrequencyUnit.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty GUARD_TRANSMIT
      The Guard/Transmit field is used to indicate if the frequency shown in the Communication Frequency field is used, by the station, to receive voice communications or to transmit voice on. Guard/Transmit is of the type TLcdGuardTransmitType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SERVICE_INDICATOR
      The Service Indicator field is used to further define the use of the frequency for the specified Communication Type. Service indicator is a fixed length String of length 3.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty RADAR_CAPABILITIES
      The Radar field indicates whether or not the communication unit has access to information derived from primary or secondary radar and can use that information in fulfilling their assigned tasks. Radar capabilities is of the type Boolean.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty MODULATION
      The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field. Modulation is of the type TLcdModulationType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SIGNAL_EMISSION
      High Frequency (HF) signals used in aeronautical communications can be the complete signal or a portion of the signal, called a sideband. The Signal Emission field will designate for each HF Frequency what emission is used. Signal emission is of the type TLcdSignalEmissionType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty MAGNETIC_VARIATION
      The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record. Dynamic Magnetic Variation is a computer model derived value and takes location and date into consideration. Magnetic variation is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty H24_INDICATOR
      The 24H Indicator field is used to indicate if the frequency is available on a 24 hour basis or only on a part time base. H24 indicator is of the type Boolean.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ALTITUDE_DESCRIPTION
      The Altitude Description field will designate whether a waypoint should be crossed "at", "at or above","at or below" or "at or above to at or below" specified altitudes. Altitude description is of the type TLcdAltitudeType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_ALTITUDE1
      The Communication Altitude fields are used to define the altitude restrictions that the frequency is to be used within. Communication altitude is of the type Integer.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_ALTITUDE2
      The Communication Altitude fields are used to define the altitude restrictions that the frequency is to be used within. Communication altitude is of the type Integer.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty REMOTE_FACILITY
      The Remote Facility field is used to define the Navaid that a Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) will be transmitting through. Remote facility is of the type ILcdPoint.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty REMOTE_FACILITY_ICAO
      The two letter ICAO region of the remote facility. For ICAO regions starting with a 'K', the second character is not unambiguous specified by the different formats. ARINC will use regions like K1, K2, etc. while DAFIF specifies regions like KZ, KA, etc. . The ICAO region is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CYCLE_DATE
      The calendar period in which the record was added to the file or last revised. A change in any ARINC 424 field, except Dynamic Magnetic Variation, Frequency Protection, Continuation Record Number and File Record Number, requires a cycle date change. The cycle date will not change if there is no change in the data. The first two digits of the field contain the last two digits of the year in which the addition or revision was made. The last two digits contain the numeric identity of the 28-day data update cycle during which the change occurred. Each calendar year contains 13 such cycles, however, on rare occasions 14 cycles will be encountered. The cycle date is of the type String.