Class ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource

Enclosing interface:

public static class ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource extends Object
A TLcdISO19115Metadata paired with the metadata source file(s) from which the metadata was decoded.
  • Constructor Details

    • MetadataWithSource

      public MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata aMetadata, TLcdModelMetadata.Source aSource)
      Creates a new MetadataWithSource instance for the given metadata and source file. The aSource parameter specifies the source file from which the metadata has been decoded. If the metadata is decoded from more than one source file, use the MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata, List) constructor instead.
      aMetadata - the decoded TLcdISO19115Metadata
      aSource - the source file from which the metadata has been decoded
    • MetadataWithSource

      public MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata aMetadata, List<TLcdModelMetadata.Source> aSources)
      Creates a new MetadataWithSource instance for the given metadata and source file(s). The aSource parameter specifies a list of source files from which the metadata has been decoded.
      aMetadata - the decoded TLcdISO19115Metadata
      aSources - the source file(s) from which the metadata has been decoded
  • Method Details