Class TLcdConstant


public final class TLcdConstant extends Object
This class defines a set of geodesic and unit conversion constants.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final double
    Benoit's Chain to meters.
    static final double
    Sear's Chain to meters.
    static final double
    US Survey Chain to meters.
    static final double
    Degrees to radians: Math.PI/180.
    static final double
    static final double
    static final double
    Earth radius in meters.
    static final double
    Clarke's feet to meters.
    static final double
    Indian feet (Clarke) to meters.
    static final double
    Sear's feet to meters.
    static final double
    Standard feet to meters.
    static final double
    US Survey feet to meters.
    static final double
    Fathom to meters.
    static final double
    German legal meters to meters.
    static final double
    Inch to cm.
    static final double
    static final double
    Kilometers to Nautical miles.
    static final double
    Benoit's Link to meters.
    static final double
    Clarke's Link to meters.
    static final double
    Sear's Link to meters.
    static final double
    US Survey Link to meters.
    static final double
    US Survey miles to meters.
    static final double
    Meters to Benoit's Chain.
    static final double
    Meters to Sear's Chain.
    static final double
    Meters to US Survey Chain.
    static final double
    Meters to Clarke's feet.
    static final double
    Meters to Indian feet (Clarke).
    static final double
    Meters to Sear's feet.
    static final double
    Meters to Standard feet.
    static final double
    Meters to US Survey feet.
    static final double
    Meters to Fathom.
    static final double
    Meters to German legal meters.
    static final double
    Meters to Benoit's Link.
    static final double
    Meters to Clarke's Link.
    static final double
    Meters to Sear's Link.
    static final double
    Meters to US Survey Link.
    static final double
    Meters to US Survey miles.
    static final double
    Meters to Nautical miles.
    static final double
    Meters to Indian Yard.
    static final double
    Meters to Sear's Yard.
    static final double
    Nautical miles to kilometers.
    static final double
    Nautical miles to meters.
    static final double
    Radians to degrees: 180/Math.PI.
    static final double
    WGS-84 ellipsoid parameter 1/f.
    static final double
    WGS-84 ellipsoid parameter A.
    static final double
    Indian Yard to meters.
    static final double
    Sear's Yard to meters.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • NM2KM

      public static final double NM2KM
      Nautical miles to kilometers.
      See Also:
    • KM2NM

      public static final double KM2NM
      Kilometers to Nautical miles.
      See Also:
    • RAD2DEG

      public static final double RAD2DEG
      Radians to degrees: 180/Math.PI.
      See Also:
    • DEG2RAD

      public static final double DEG2RAD
      Degrees to radians: Math.PI/180.
      See Also:
    • KM2DM

      public static final double KM2DM
      See Also:
    • DM2KM

      public static final double DM2KM
      See Also:
    • DM2NM

      public static final double DM2NM
      See Also:
    • FT2MTR_STD

      public static final double FT2MTR_STD
      Standard feet to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2FT_STD

      public static final double MTR2FT_STD
      Meters to Standard feet.
      See Also:
    • FT2MTR_US

      public static final double FT2MTR_US
      US Survey feet to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2FT_US

      public static final double MTR2FT_US
      Meters to US Survey feet.
      See Also:
    • MI2MTR_US

      public static final double MI2MTR_US
      US Survey miles to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2MI_US

      public static final double MTR2MI_US
      Meters to US Survey miles.
      See Also:
    • FT2MTR_CLA

      public static final double FT2MTR_CLA
      Clarke's feet to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2FT_CLA

      public static final double MTR2FT_CLA
      Meters to Clarke's feet.
      See Also:

      public static final double FT2MTR_IND_CLA
      Indian feet (Clarke) to meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double MTR2FT_IND_CLA
      Meters to Indian feet (Clarke).
      See Also:

      public static final double FT2MTR_SEAR
      Sear's feet to meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double MTR2FT_SEAR
      Meters to Sear's feet.
      See Also:
    • LK2MTR_US

      public static final double LK2MTR_US
      US Survey Link to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2LK_US

      public static final double MTR2LK_US
      Meters to US Survey Link.
      See Also:
    • LK2MTR_CLA

      public static final double LK2MTR_CLA
      Clarke's Link to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2LK_CLA

      public static final double MTR2LK_CLA
      Meters to Clarke's Link.
      See Also:
    • LK2MTR_BEN

      public static final double LK2MTR_BEN
      Benoit's Link to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2LK_BEN

      public static final double MTR2LK_BEN
      Meters to Benoit's Link.
      See Also:

      public static final double LK2MTR_SEAR
      Sear's Link to meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double MTR2LK_SEAR
      Meters to Sear's Link.
      See Also:
    • CH2MTR_US

      public static final double CH2MTR_US
      US Survey Chain to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2CH_US

      public static final double MTR2CH_US
      Meters to US Survey Chain.
      See Also:
    • CH2MTR_BEN

      public static final double CH2MTR_BEN
      Benoit's Chain to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2CH_BEN

      public static final double MTR2CH_BEN
      Meters to Benoit's Chain.
      See Also:

      public static final double CH2MTR_SEAR
      Sear's Chain to meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double MTR2CH_SEAR
      Meters to Sear's Chain.
      See Also:

      public static final double YD2MTR_SEAR
      Sear's Yard to meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double MTR2YD_SEAR
      Meters to Sear's Yard.
      See Also:
    • YD2MTR_IND

      public static final double YD2MTR_IND
      Indian Yard to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2YD_IND

      public static final double MTR2YD_IND
      Meters to Indian Yard.
      See Also:
    • FTH2MTR

      public static final double FTH2MTR
      Fathom to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2FTH

      public static final double MTR2FTH
      Meters to Fathom.
      See Also:
    • NM2MTR

      public static final double NM2MTR
      Nautical miles to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2NM

      public static final double MTR2NM
      Meters to Nautical miles.
      See Also:
    • GLM2MTR

      public static final double GLM2MTR
      German legal meters to meters.
      See Also:
    • MTR2GLM

      public static final double MTR2GLM
      Meters to German legal meters.
      See Also:

      public static final double EARTH_RADIUS
      Earth radius in meters.
      See Also:
    • WGS_1984_A

      public static final double WGS_1984_A
      WGS-84 ellipsoid parameter A.
      See Also:
    • WGS_1984_1OverF

      public static final double WGS_1984_1OverF
      WGS-84 ellipsoid parameter 1/f.
      See Also:
    • I2CM

      public static final double I2CM
      Inch to cm.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdConstant

      public TLcdConstant()