Class TLcdASDIFacility


public class TLcdASDIFacility extends Object
Represents a facility sending ASDI messages.

All ASDI messages are framed with a header containing information on the facility that sent the message. Therefor all parsed messages have a facility property described by ILcdASDIMessageFeatures.MESSAGE_FACILITY_SF. The type of the feature is TLcdASDIFacility.

RT messages also contain a list of centers, which is tranlated to a feature ILcdASDIFlightPlanMessageFeatures.RT_CENTERS_SL, that is a list of TLcdASDIFacility.

This class contains constants for all known facilities. For these facilities a code, short code and description is available. For instance ALBUQUERQUE_CENTER has code 'KZAB', short code 'A' and description 'Albuquerque Center'.

ASDI messages can however contain unknown facilities. In that case the information in the ASDI message (for instance the code available in the message header) is used to create a new but uncomplete TLcdASDIFacility.