Class TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdUndoableSource, ILcdAWTEventListener, ILcdStatusSource, ILcdGXYChainableController, ILcdGXYController, KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Serializable, EventListener

public class TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController extends ALcdGXYSmartController implements ILcdGXYChainableController
When active on a ILcdGXYView, this ILcdController will catch each mouseClicked and try to modify the properties of the ILcdProjection currently on the ILcdGXYView accordingly.

More specifically it re-centers the projection at the touched point and it will rotate the map such that the direction to the magnetic north (what a compass would indicate) is equal to the (vertical) direction to the top of your screen.

This controller will also display a tool tip showing the declination at the point under the mouse cursor, see formatToolTip..

Note that the user of this class is responsible for giving this object a correctly initialized magnetic north map.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController

      public TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController()
      Default constructor, you will have to set a magnetic north map before the object is usable.
    • TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController

      public TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController(Cursor aCursor)
      Constructs a new controller with the given cursor. You will have to set a magnetic north map before the object is usable.
      aCursor - The cursor for this controller
    • TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController

      public TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController(ILcdMagneticNorthMap aMagneticNorthMap)
      Creates a new TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController with the given ILcdMagneticNorthMap. The object is ready to use.
      aMagneticNorthMap - The magnetic north map the controller will use.
    • TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController

      public TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController(Cursor aCursor, ILcdMagneticNorthMap aMagneticNorthMap)
      Creates a new TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController with the given cursor and the given ILcdMagneticNorthMap.
      aCursor - The cursor for this controller
      aMagneticNorthMap - The magnetic north map this controller will use.
  • Method Details