Interface ILcyApplicationPaneFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcyApplicationPaneFactory
The factory that creates ILcyApplicationPane's. An ILcyApplicationPane shall always be created using a factory.

Note that there is no operation to add an application pane to Lucy's environment. The creation of a pane will add it to the (visible) Lucy's environment right away. This means all swing operations (like add, remove, ...) on the content pane of an application pane need to be performed on the event dispatch thread (swing is designed to be single threaded).

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • MAP_PANE

      static final int MAP_PANE
      Application pane type for maps. If a map was created, and a pane is needed, use this type.
      See Also:

      static final int HORIZONTAL_PANE
      Application pane type whose width is bigger than its height.
      See Also:

      static final int VERTICAL_PANE
      Application pane type whose height is bigger than its width.
      See Also:

      static final int VERTICAL_PANE2
      Same as VERTICAL_PANE, but if an implementation has two positions to put vertical panes, VERTICAL_PANE and VERTICAL_PANE2 should be in different positions. Otherwise, implementations can treat VERTICAL_PANE and VERTICAL_PANE2 the same way.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createApplicationPane

      ILcyApplicationPane createApplicationPane(ILcyApplicationPaneOwner aOwner)
      Creates and returns an application pane. The application pane is also added in the user interface.
      aOwner - The owner of the pane.
      The created application pane.
    • createApplicationPane

      ILcyApplicationPane createApplicationPane(int aLocationIndex, ILcyApplicationPaneOwner aOwner)
      Creates and returns an application pane for the given location. The application pane is also added in the user interface.
      aLocationIndex - The location of the application pane.
      aOwner - The owner of the pane.
      The created application pane.