Class TLcdIconFactory


public final class TLcdIconFactory extends Object

Class containing factory methods to create ILcdIcon instances. The icons created by this class are identified by a String identifier. This allows to support different TLcdIconFactory.Themes: depending on the Theme, another icon will be returned for the same identifier.
An example use-case is to switch between different sets of icons based on the look and feel of your application: for a dark look-and-feel, you can use icons in light colors so that they have the necessary contrast with the background color from the look-and-feel. Similarly, for a light colored look-and-feel, you can use icons in dark colors.

It is currently not possible to add support for your own themes to this class, nor to add your own icons to one of the predefined themes. The only available icons are identified with the predefined String constants of this class. This might change in a future release.
Note that not all icons are available for all themes. The javadoc of the create(String, Theme, Size) method defines which icon will be returned when an icon is not available in the requested theme.

This class offers seamless support for high DPI rendering: for each listed icon, a regular and a high DPI (double size) image exists; the returned icon automatically selects the appropriate image based on the DPI scale.

Available icons

The following table shows an overview of all the predefined icons. The release includes SVG source files for the majority of those icons. Those SVG files can be found in the samples/resources/samples/images/vectorIcons folder in the release. You can use start from those SVG files if you want to derive a custom icon based on an existing one.

Icon Default White
ADD_DECO_ICON add_deco
ADD_EMPTY_LAYER_ICON add_empty_layer
ADD_ITEM_ICON add_item add_item
ADD_LAYER_FROM_MAP_ICON add_layer_from_map
APPLY_CHANGES_ICON apply_changes
ARROW_ICON arrow arrow
ASSET_ADD_ICON asset_add
ASSET_DECO_ICON asset_deco
AXIS_SCALE_ICON axis_scale
BUSY_DECO_ICON busy_deco
BUTTON_SELECTED_ICON button_selected
CAMERA_LINK_ICON camera_link
CAMERA_LINK_EMPHASIZED_ICON camera_link_emphasized
CANCEL_CHANGES_ICON cancel_changes
CLOSE_ICON close close
COLLAPSE_NODE_ICON collapse_node collapse_node
COLLAPSED_PANEL_ICON collapsed_panel collapsed_panel
COMPARE_ICON compare compare
COMPOSITE_SHAPE_CLOSED_ICON composite_shape_closed
COMPOSITE_SHAPE_NON_CLOSED_ICON composite_shape_non_closed
CONNECT_TO_ICON connect_to
CONVERT_DECO_ICON convert_deco
CONVERT_TO_3D_BUFFER_ICON convert_to_3D_buffer
CONVERT_TO_BUFFER_ICON convert_to_buffer
CONVERT_TO_DOME_ICON convert_to_dome
CONVERT_TO_SPHERE_ICON convert_to_sphere
CONVERT_TO_VARIABLE_BUFFER_ICON convert_to_variable_buffer
CONVEX_HULL_ICON convex_hull
COPY_ICON copy copy
CROP_ICON crop crop
DATA_LOADING_ICON data_loading
DATA_MANAGE_ICON data_manage
DATA_NOT_FOUND_ICON data_not_found
DATABASE_ADD_ICON database_add
DELETE_ICON delete delete
DRAW_3D_ARC_BAND_ICON draw_3D_arc_band
DRAW_3D_BUFFER_ICON draw_3D_buffer
DRAW_ARC_BAND_ICON draw_arc_band
DRAW_ARC_BY_3_POINTS_ICON draw_arc_by_3_points
DRAW_ARC_BY_BULGE_ICON draw_arc_by_bulge
DRAW_ARC_BY_CENTERPOINT_ICON draw_arc_by_centerpoint
DRAW_ARROW_ICON draw_arrow
DRAW_BOUNDS_ICON draw_bounds
DRAW_BUFFER_ICON draw_buffer
DRAW_CIRCLE_BY_3_POINTS_ICON draw_circle_by_3_points
DRAW_CIRCLE_BY_CENTER_ICON draw_circle_by_center
DRAW_CORRIDOR_ICON draw_corridor
DRAW_DOME_ICON draw_dome
DRAW_ELLIPSE_ICON draw_ellipse
DRAW_ELLIPTICAL_ARC_ICON draw_elliptical_arc
DRAW_GEO_BUFFER_ICON draw_geo_buffer
DRAW_MERIDIAN_ICON draw_meridian
DRAW_MULTI_POINT_ICON draw_multi_point
DRAW_NORTH_ARROW_ICON draw_north_arrow
DRAW_ORBIT_ICON draw_orbit
DRAW_PARALLEL_ICON draw_parallel
DRAW_POINT_ICON draw_point draw_point
DRAW_POLYGON_ICON draw_polygon draw_polygon
DRAW_POLYGON_BUFFER_ICON draw_polygon_buffer
DRAW_POLYLINE_ICON draw_polyline draw_polyline
DRAW_POLYPOINT_ICON draw_polypoint
DRAW_RECTANGLE_ICON draw_rectangle
DRAW_RHUMBLINE_POLYGON_ICON draw_rhumbline_polygon
DRAW_RHUMBLINE_POLYLINE_ICON draw_rhumbline_polyline
DRAW_SPHERE_ICON draw_sphere
DRAW_TEXT_ICON draw_text draw_text
DRAW_VARIABLE_WIDTH_BUFFER_ICON draw_variable_width_buffer
DRAWING_LAYER_ICON drawing_layer
DROP_DOWN_AREA_ICON drop_down_area
EDIT_ICON edit edit
EMPTY_LAYER_ICON empty_layer
ERROR_ICON error error
ERROR_DECO_ICON error_deco
EXIT_FULL_SCREEN_ICON exit_full_screen exit_full_screen
EXPAND_NODE_ICON expand_node expand_node
EXPANDED_PANEL_ICON expanded_panel expanded_panel
FAVORITE_ICON favorite favorite
FAVORITE_OUTLINE_ICON favorite_outline favorite_outline
FILL_COLOR_ICON fill_color fill_color
FILTER_ICON filter filter
FIT_ICON fit fit
FIXED_HEIGHT_MODE_ICON fixed_height_mode
FIXED_IMAGE_LAYER_ICON fixed_image_layer
FOCUS_SPOT_ICON focus_spot
FOLDER_COLLAPSED_ICON folder_collapsed
FOLDER_DECO_ICON folder_deco
FOLDER_EXPANDED_ICON folder_expanded
FOLDER_NETWORK_COLLAPSED_ICON folder_network_collapsed
FOLDER_NETWORK_ERROR_CLOSED_ICON folder_network_error_closed
FOLDER_NETWORK_ERROR_EXPANDED_ICON folder_network_error_expanded
FOLDER_NETWORK_EXPANDED_ICON folder_network_expanded
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_0_ICON folder_network_fetching_collapsed_0
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_1_ICON folder_network_fetching_collapsed_1
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_2_ICON folder_network_fetching_collapsed_2
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_0_ICON folder_network_fetching_expanded_0
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_1_ICON folder_network_fetching_expanded_1
FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_2_ICON folder_network_fetching_expanded_2
FORWARD_TO_END_ICON forward_to_end
FULL_SCREEN_ICON full_screen full_screen
FUSED_ASSETS_DECO_ICON fused_assets_deco
FUSION_CANCEL_ICON fusion_cancel
FUSION_PAUSE_ICON fusion_pause
FUSION_PENDING_DECO_ICON fusion_pending_deco
FUSION_PROPERTIES_ICON fusion_properties
FUSION_REPORT_ICON fusion_report
FUSION_START_ICON fusion_start
GLOBE_ADD_ICON globe_add
GLOBE_GO_TO_ICON globe_go_to
GRID_ICON grid grid
HAND_ICON hand hand
HEIGHT_ICON height height
HEIGHT_LAYER_ICON height_layer height_layer
HINT_ICON hint hint
IMAGE_LAYER_ICON image_layer
INFO_ICON info info
INTERSECTION_POINTS_ICON intersection_points
INVERTED_DIFFERENCE_ICON inverted_difference
LABEL_ICON label label
LAYER_ICON layer layer
LAYER_CONTROL_ICON layer_control layer_control
LAYER_PROPERTIES_ICON layer_properties layer_properties
LINE_ARROW_POSITION_ICON line_arrow_position line_arrow_position
LINE_COLOR_ICON line_color line_color
LINE_STROKE_ICON line_stroke line_stroke
LINE_WIDTH_ICON line_width line_width
LINK_DECO_ICON link_deco
LINK_GO_ICON link_go
LIST_INITIALIZE_ICON list_initialize
LOCATION_ICON location location
LOCKED_ICON locked locked
LOOK_AT_ENTIRE_LAYER_ICON look_at_entire_layer
MAP_2D_ICON map_2D
MAP_3D_ICON map_3D
MAP_BACKGROUND_ICON map_background
MAP_LAYER_ICON map_layer
MEASURE_ICON measure measure
MILITARY_SYMBOL_ICON military_symbol military_symbol
MOVE_DOWN_ICON move_down move_down
MOVE_LEFT_ICON move_left move_left
MOVE_RIGHT_ICON move_right move_right
MOVE_UP_ICON move_up move_up
MULTIPLE_SHAPES_DECO_ICON multiple_shapes_deco
NETWORK_CONNECTION_ICON network_connection network_connection
OK_ICON ok ok
OPEN_ICON open open
PAINT_FILL_ICON paint_fill paint_fill
PAUSE_ICON pause pause
PLAY_ICON play play
PRINT_PREVIEW_ICON print_preview
PROPERTIES_ICON properties properties
PROPERTIES_DECO_ICON properties_deco
RASTER_LAYER_ICON raster_layer
RECENTER_ICON recenter recenter
RECORD_DECO_ICON record_deco
RECTANGLE_ZOOM_ICON rectangle_zoom
REDO_ICON redo redo
REFRESH_ICON refresh refresh
REMOVE_DECO_ICON remove_deco
REMOVE_ITEM_ICON remove_item remove_item
REWIND_TO_START_ICON rewind_to_start
ROUTE_ICON route route
SAVE_ICON save save
SAVE_TO_DATABASE_ICON save_to_database
SEARCH_ICON search search
SELECT_OBJECT_ON_MAP_ICON select_object_on_map
SELECTABLE_ICON selectable selectable
SHAPES_ICON_ICON shapes_icon
STOP_ICON stop stop
STYLE_OPTIONS_ICON style_options
SUN_ICON sun sun
SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE_ICON symmetric_difference
TABLE_ICON table table
TERRAIN_FOLLOWING_MODE_ICON terrain_following_mode
TERRAIN_LAYER_ICON terrain_layer
TERRAIN_PROFILE_ICON terrain_profile terrain_profile
TO_BOTTOM_ICON to_bottom to_bottom
TO_END_ICON to_end to_end
TO_LEFT_ICON to_left to_left
TO_RIGHT_ICON to_right to_right
TO_START_ICON to_start to_start
TO_TOP_ICON to_top to_top
TOUCH_SELECT_ICON touch_select
TRANSPARENCY_ICON transparency transparency
UNDO_ICON undo undo
UNLOCKED_ICON unlocked unlocked
VECTOR_LAYER_ICON vector_layer
VISIBLE_ICON visible visible
WARNING_ICON warning warning
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String ADD_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default add_deco add_deco add_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String ADD_EMPTY_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default add_empty_layer add_empty_layer add_empty_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String ADD_ITEM_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default add_item add_item add_item
      White add_item add_item add_item
      See Also:

      public static final String ADD_LAYER_FROM_MAP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default add_layer_from_map add_layer_from_map add_layer_from_map
      See Also:

      public static final String APPLY_CHANGES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default apply_changes apply_changes apply_changes
      See Also:

      public static final String ARROW_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default arrow arrow arrow
      White arrow arrow arrow
      See Also:

      public static final String ASSET_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default asset asset asset
      See Also:

      public static final String ASSET_ADD_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default asset_add
      See Also:

      public static final String ASSET_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default asset_deco asset_deco asset_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String AXIS_SCALE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default axis_scale axis_scale axis_scale
      See Also:

      public static final String BUSY_ANIMATED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      This icon is an animated icon which will update itself.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default busy busy busy
      See Also:

      public static final String BUSY_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default busy_deco busy_deco busy_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String BUSY_LOW_CONTRAST_ANIMATED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      This icon is an animated icon which will update itself.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default busy_low_contrast busy_low_contrast busy_low_contrast
      See Also:

      public static final String BUTTON_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default button button button
      See Also:

      public static final String BUTTON_SELECTED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default button_selected button_selected button_selected
      See Also:

      public static final String CANCEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default cancel cancel cancel
      See Also:

      public static final String CANCEL_CHANGES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default cancel_changes cancel_changes cancel_changes
      See Also:

      public static final String CHART_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default chart chart chart
      See Also:

      public static final String CLEAR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default clear clear clear
      See Also:

      public static final String CLIPBOARD_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default clipboard
      See Also:

      public static final String CLOSE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default close close close
      White close close close
      See Also:

      public static final String COLLAPSE_NODE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default collapse_node collapse_node collapse_node
      White collapse_node collapse_node collapse_node
      See Also:

      public static final String COLLAPSED_PANEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default collapsed_panel collapsed_panel collapsed_panel
      White collapsed_panel collapsed_panel collapsed_panel
      See Also:

      public static final String COMPARE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default compare compare compare
      White compare compare compare
      See Also:

      public static final String COMPOSITE_SHAPE_CLOSED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default composite_shape_closed composite_shape_closed composite_shape_closed
      See Also:

      public static final String COMPOSITE_SHAPE_NON_CLOSED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default composite_shape_non_closed composite_shape_non_closed composite_shape_non_closed
      See Also:

      public static final String CONNECT_TO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      White connect_to connect_to connect_to
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_TO_3D_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_to_3D_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_TO_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_to_buffer convert_to_buffer convert_to_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_TO_DOME_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_to_dome convert_to_dome convert_to_dome
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_TO_SPHERE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_to_sphere convert_to_sphere convert_to_sphere
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVERT_TO_VARIABLE_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convert_to_variable_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String CONVEX_HULL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default convex_hull convex_hull convex_hull
      See Also:

      public static final String COPY_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default copy copy copy
      White copy copy copy
      See Also:

      public static final String CROP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default crop crop crop
      White crop crop crop
      See Also:
    • CUT_ICON

      public static final String CUT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default cut cut cut
      See Also:

      public static final String DATA_LOADING_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default data_loading data_loading data_loading
      See Also:

      public static final String DATA_MANAGE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default data_manage data_manage data_manage
      See Also:

      public static final String DATA_NOT_FOUND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default data_not_found data_not_found data_not_found
      See Also:

      public static final String DATABASE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default database database database
      See Also:

      public static final String DATABASE_ADD_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default database_add
      See Also:

      public static final String DELETE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default delete delete delete
      White delete delete delete
      See Also:

      public static final String DIFFERENCE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default difference difference difference
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_3D_ARC_BAND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_3D_arc_band draw_3D_arc_band draw_3D_arc_band
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_3D_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_3D_buffer draw_3D_buffer draw_3D_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ARC_BAND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_arc_band draw_arc_band draw_arc_band
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ARC_BY_3_POINTS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_arc_by_3_points draw_arc_by_3_points draw_arc_by_3_points
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ARC_BY_BULGE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_arc_by_bulge draw_arc_by_bulge draw_arc_by_bulge
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ARC_BY_CENTERPOINT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_arc_by_centerpoint draw_arc_by_centerpoint draw_arc_by_centerpoint
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ARROW_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_arrow draw_arrow draw_arrow
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_BOUNDS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_bounds draw_bounds draw_bounds
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_buffer draw_buffer draw_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_CIRCLE_BY_3_POINTS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_circle_by_3_points draw_circle_by_3_points draw_circle_by_3_points
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_CIRCLE_BY_CENTER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_circle_by_center draw_circle_by_center draw_circle_by_center
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_CORRIDOR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_corridor draw_corridor draw_corridor
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_DOME_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_dome draw_dome draw_dome
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ELLIPSE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_ellipse draw_ellipse draw_ellipse
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ELLIPTICAL_ARC_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_elliptical_arc draw_elliptical_arc draw_elliptical_arc
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_GEO_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_geo_buffer draw_geo_buffer draw_geo_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_MERIDIAN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_meridian draw_meridian draw_meridian
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_MULTI_POINT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_multi_point draw_multi_point draw_multi_point
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_NORTH_ARROW_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_north_arrow draw_north_arrow draw_north_arrow
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_ORBIT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_orbit draw_orbit draw_orbit
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_PARALLEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_parallel draw_parallel draw_parallel
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_POINT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_point draw_point draw_point
      White draw_point draw_point draw_point
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_POLYGON_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_polygon draw_polygon draw_polygon
      White draw_polygon draw_polygon draw_polygon
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_POLYGON_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_polygon_buffer draw_polygon_buffer draw_polygon_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_POLYLINE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_polyline draw_polyline draw_polyline
      White draw_polyline draw_polyline draw_polyline
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_POLYPOINT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_polypoint draw_polypoint draw_polypoint
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_RECTANGLE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_rectangle draw_rectangle draw_rectangle
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_RHUMBLINE_POLYGON_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_rhumbline_polygon draw_rhumbline_polygon draw_rhumbline_polygon
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_RHUMBLINE_POLYLINE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_rhumbline_polyline draw_rhumbline_polyline draw_rhumbline_polyline
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_SPHERE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_sphere draw_sphere draw_sphere
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_TEXT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_text draw_text draw_text
      White draw_text draw_text draw_text
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAW_VARIABLE_WIDTH_BUFFER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default draw_variable_width_buffer draw_variable_width_buffer draw_variable_width_buffer
      See Also:

      public static final String DRAWING_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default drawing_layer drawing_layer drawing_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String DUPLICATE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default duplicate duplicate duplicate
      See Also:

      public static final String EDIT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default edit edit edit
      White edit edit edit
      See Also:

      public static final String EMPTY_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default empty_layer empty_layer empty_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String ERROR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default error error error
      White error error error
      See Also:

      public static final String ERROR_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default error_deco error_deco error_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String EXIT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default exit exit exit
      See Also:

      public static final String EXIT_FULL_SCREEN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default exit_full_screen exit_full_screen exit_full_screen
      White exit_full_screen exit_full_screen exit_full_screen
      See Also:

      public static final String EXPAND_NODE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default expand_node expand_node expand_node
      White expand_node expand_node expand_node
      See Also:

      public static final String EXPANDED_PANEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default expanded_panel expanded_panel expanded_panel
      White expanded_panel expanded_panel expanded_panel
      See Also:

      public static final String EXTRUDE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default extrude extrude extrude
      See Also:

      public static final String FAVORITE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default favorite favorite favorite
      White favorite favorite favorite
      See Also:

      public static final String FAVORITE_OUTLINE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default favorite_outline favorite_outline favorite_outline
      White favorite_outline favorite_outline favorite_outline
      See Also:

      public static final String FILL_COLOR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fill_color fill_color fill_color
      White fill_color fill_color fill_color
      See Also:

      public static final String FILTER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default filter filter filter
      White filter filter filter
      See Also:
    • FIT_ICON

      public static final String FIT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fit fit fit
      White fit fit fit
      See Also:

      public static final String FIXED_HEIGHT_MODE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fixed_height_mode
      See Also:

      public static final String FIXED_IMAGE_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fixed_image_layer fixed_image_layer fixed_image_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String FOCUS_SPOT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default focus_spot focus_spot focus_spot
      See Also:
    • FOG_ICON

      public static final String FOG_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fog
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder folder folder
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_COLLAPSED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_collapsed folder_collapsed folder_collapsed
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_deco folder_deco folder_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_EXPANDED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_expanded folder_expanded folder_expanded
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_COLLAPSED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_collapsed folder_network_collapsed folder_network_collapsed
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_ERROR_CLOSED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_error_closed
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_ERROR_EXPANDED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_error_expanded
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_EXPANDED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_expanded folder_network_expanded folder_network_expanded
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_0_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_collapsed_0
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_1_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_collapsed_1
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_COLLAPSED_2_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_collapsed_2
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_0_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_expanded_0
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_1_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_expanded_1
      See Also:

      public static final String FOLDER_NETWORK_FETCHING_EXPANDED_2_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default folder_network_fetching_expanded_2
      See Also:

      public static final String FONT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default font font font
      See Also:

      public static final String FORWARD_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default forward forward forward
      See Also:

      public static final String FORWARD_TO_END_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default forward_to_end forward_to_end forward_to_end
      See Also:

      public static final String FULL_SCREEN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default full_screen full_screen full_screen
      White full_screen full_screen full_screen
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSED_ASSETS_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fused_assets_deco fused_assets_deco fused_assets_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion fusion fusion
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_CANCEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_cancel
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_PAUSE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_pause fusion_pause fusion_pause
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_PENDING_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_pending_deco fusion_pending_deco fusion_pending_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_PROPERTIES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_properties fusion_properties fusion_properties
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_REPORT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_report
      See Also:

      public static final String FUSION_START_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default fusion_start fusion_start fusion_start
      See Also:

      public static final String GLOBE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default globe globe globe
      See Also:

      public static final String GLOBE_ADD_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default globe_add
      See Also:

      public static final String GLOBE_GO_TO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default globe_go_to
      See Also:

      public static final String GRADIENT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default gradient gradient gradient
      See Also:

      public static final String GRID_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default grid grid grid
      White grid grid grid
      See Also:

      public static final String GROUP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default group group group
      See Also:

      public static final String HAND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default hand hand hand
      White hand hand hand
      See Also:

      public static final String HEIGHT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default height height height
      White height height height
      See Also:

      public static final String HEIGHT_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default height_layer height_layer height_layer
      White height_layer height_layer height_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String HINT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default hint hint hint
      White hint hint hint
      See Also:

      public static final String IMAGE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default image
      See Also:

      public static final String IMAGE_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default image_layer image_layer image_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String INFO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default info info info
      White info info info
      See Also:

      public static final String INTERSECTION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default intersection intersection intersection
      See Also:

      public static final String INTERSECTION_POINTS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default intersection_points intersection_points intersection_points
      See Also:

      public static final String INVERTED_DIFFERENCE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default inverted_difference inverted_difference inverted_difference
      See Also:

      public static final String LABEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default label label label
      White label label label
      See Also:

      public static final String LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default layer layer layer
      White layer layer layer
      See Also:

      public static final String LAYER_CONTROL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default layer_control layer_control layer_control
      White layer_control layer_control layer_control
      See Also:

      public static final String LAYER_PROPERTIES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default layer_properties layer_properties layer_properties
      White layer_properties layer_properties layer_properties
      See Also:

      public static final String LINE_ARROW_POSITION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default line_arrow_position line_arrow_position line_arrow_position
      White line_arrow_position line_arrow_position line_arrow_position
      See Also:

      public static final String LINE_COLOR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default line_color line_color line_color
      White line_color line_color line_color
      See Also:

      public static final String LINE_STROKE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default line_stroke line_stroke line_stroke
      White line_stroke line_stroke line_stroke
      See Also:

      public static final String LINE_WIDTH_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default line_width line_width line_width
      White line_width line_width line_width
      See Also:

      public static final String LIST_INITIALIZE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default list_initialize list_initialize list_initialize
      See Also:

      public static final String LOCATION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default location location location
      White location location location
      See Also:

      public static final String LOCKED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default locked locked locked
      White locked locked locked
      See Also:

      public static final String LOOK_AT_ENTIRE_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default look_at_entire_layer look_at_entire_layer look_at_entire_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String LOOP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default loop loop loop
      See Also:
    • MAP_2D_ICON

      public static final String MAP_2D_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default map_2D map_2D map_2D
      See Also:
    • MAP_3D_ICON

      public static final String MAP_3D_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default map_3D map_3D map_3D
      See Also:

      public static final String MAP_BACKGROUND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default map_background map_background map_background
      See Also:

      public static final String MAP_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default map_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String MEASURE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default measure measure measure
      White measure measure measure
      See Also:

      public static final String MILITARY_SYMBOL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default military_symbol military_symbol military_symbol
      White military_symbol military_symbol military_symbol
      See Also:

      public static final String MOVE_DOWN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default move_down move_down move_down
      White move_down move_down move_down
      See Also:

      public static final String MOVE_LEFT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default move_left move_left move_left
      White move_left move_left move_left
      See Also:

      public static final String MOVE_RIGHT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default move_right move_right move_right
      White move_right move_right move_right
      See Also:

      public static final String MOVE_UP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default move_up move_up move_up
      White move_up move_up move_up
      See Also:

      public static final String MOVIE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default movie movie movie
      See Also:

      public static final String MULTIPLE_SHAPES_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default multiple_shapes_deco multiple_shapes_deco multiple_shapes_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String NETWORK_CONNECTION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default network_connection network_connection network_connection
      White network_connection network_connection network_connection
      See Also:
    • OGC_ICON

      public static final String OGC_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default ogc
      See Also:
    • OK_ICON

      public static final String OK_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default ok ok ok
      White ok ok ok
      See Also:

      public static final String OPEN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default open open open
      White open open open
      See Also:

      public static final String OVERVIEW_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default overview overview
      See Also:

      public static final String PAINT_FILL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default paint_fill
      White paint_fill paint_fill paint_fill
      See Also:

      public static final String PARALLEL_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default parallel parallel parallel
      See Also:

      public static final String PASTE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default paste paste paste
      See Also:

      public static final String PAUSE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default pause pause pause
      White pause pause pause
      See Also:

      public static final String PERPENDICULAR_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default perpendicular perpendicular perpendicular
      See Also:

      public static final String PHOTOS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default photos
      See Also:

      public static final String PLAY_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default play play play
      White play play play
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTIES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default properties properties properties
      White properties properties properties
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTIES_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default properties_deco properties_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String RASTER_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default raster_layer raster_layer raster_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String RECENTER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default recenter recenter recenter
      White recenter recenter recenter
      See Also:

      public static final String RECORD_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default record_deco record_deco record_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String RECTANGLE_ZOOM_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default rectangle_zoom
      See Also:

      public static final String REDO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default redo redo redo
      White redo redo redo
      See Also:

      public static final String REFRESH_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default refresh refresh refresh
      White refresh refresh refresh
      See Also:

      public static final String REMOVE_DECO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default remove_deco remove_deco remove_deco
      See Also:

      public static final String REMOVE_ITEM_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default remove_item remove_item remove_item
      White remove_item remove_item remove_item
      See Also:

      public static final String REPLICATION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default replication replication replication
      See Also:

      public static final String REVERT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default revert revert revert
      See Also:

      public static final String REWIND_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default rewind rewind rewind
      See Also:

      public static final String REWIND_TO_START_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default rewind_to_start rewind_to_start rewind_to_start
      See Also:

      public static final String ROUTE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default route route route
      White route route route
      See Also:

      public static final String SAVE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default save save save
      White save save save
      See Also:

      public static final String SAVE_TO_DATABASE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default save_to_database save_to_database save_to_database
      See Also:

      public static final String SEARCH_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default search search search
      White search search search
      See Also:

      public static final String SELECT_OBJECT_ON_MAP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default select_object_on_map select_object_on_map select_object_on_map
      See Also:

      public static final String SELECTABLE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default selectable selectable selectable
      White selectable selectable selectable
      See Also:

      public static final String SETTINGS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default settings
      See Also:

      public static final String SHAPES_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      White shapes shapes shapes
      See Also:

      public static final String SHAPES_ICON_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default shapes_icon shapes_icon shapes_icon
      See Also:

      public static final String STOP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default stop stop stop
      White stop stop stop
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_OPTIONS_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default style_options style_options style_options
      See Also:
    • SUN_ICON

      public static final String SUN_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default sun
      White sun sun sun
      See Also:

      public static final String SWAP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default swap swap swap
      See Also:

      public static final String SWIPE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default swipe swipe swipe
      See Also:

      public static final String SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default symmetric_difference symmetric_difference symmetric_difference
      See Also:

      public static final String TABLE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default table table table
      White table table table
      See Also:

      public static final String TERRAIN_FOLLOWING_MODE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default terrain_following_mode terrain_following_mode terrain_following_mode
      See Also:

      public static final String TERRAIN_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default terrain_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String TERRAIN_PROFILE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default terrain_profile terrain_profile terrain_profile
      White terrain_profile terrain_profile terrain_profile
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_BOTTOM_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_bottom to_bottom to_bottom
      White to_bottom to_bottom to_bottom
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_END_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_end to_end to_end
      White to_end to_end to_end
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_LEFT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_left to_left to_left
      White to_left to_left to_left
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_RIGHT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_right to_right to_right
      White to_right to_right to_right
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_START_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_start to_start to_start
      White to_start to_start to_start
      See Also:

      public static final String TO_TOP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default to_top to_top to_top
      White to_top to_top to_top
      See Also:

      public static final String TOUCH_SELECT_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default touch_select touch_select touch_select
      See Also:

      public static final String TRANSPARENCY_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default transparency transparency transparency
      White transparency transparency transparency
      See Also:

      public static final String UNDO_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default undo undo undo
      White undo undo undo
      See Also:

      public static final String UNGROUP_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default ungroup ungroup ungroup
      See Also:

      public static final String UNION_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default union union union
      See Also:

      public static final String UNLOCKED_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default unlocked unlocked unlocked
      White unlocked unlocked unlocked
      See Also:

      public static final String VECTOR_LAYER_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default vector_layer vector_layer vector_layer
      See Also:

      public static final String VISIBLE_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default visible visible visible
      White visible visible visible
      See Also:

      public static final String WARNING_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default warning warning warning
      White warning warning warning
      See Also:

      public static final String WIREFRAME_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default wireframe wireframe wireframe
      See Also:

      public static final String WRENCH_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      White wrench wrench wrench
      See Also:

      public static final String ZOOM_ICON

      String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the create(String) method.

      The following table shows the icon for the different themes and sizes. When an icon is not available for a certain theme or size, no icon is shown in the table.

      Theme Size_16 Size_24 Size_32
      Default zoom zoom zoom
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setDefaultTheme

      public static void setDefaultTheme(TLcdIconFactory.Theme aDefaultTheme)

      Sets the default Theme. The default theme is the one that will be used when create(String) is called.

      Note that calling this method will have no effect on icons that were already created. It will only affect future icons. Typically, this method is called once in the main method of your application.

      aDefaultTheme - The default Theme instance
    • getDefaultTheme

      public static TLcdIconFactory.Theme getDefaultTheme()

      Returns the default Theme.

      the default Theme
      See Also:
    • setDefaultSize

      public static void setDefaultSize(TLcdIconFactory.Size aDefaultSize)

      Set the default Size. The default size is the one that will be used when create(String) is called.

      Note that calling this method will have no effect on icons that were already created. It will only affect future icons. Typically, this method is called once in the main method of your application.

      aDefaultSize - The default size
    • getDefaultSize

      public static TLcdIconFactory.Size getDefaultSize()

      Returns the default Size

      the default Size
      See Also:
    • create

      public static ILcdIcon create(String aIconIdentifier) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Creates an icon for the specified identifier using the default theme and the default size.

      It is short for:

         create( aIconIdentifier,

      The javadoc of the create(String, Theme, Size) method contains the look-up strategy this method uses.

      For convenience, this method will also accept paths to an icon. When a valid path is used, the default theme and size will be ignored.

      Query parameters

      The aIconIdentifier allows to override some of the default behavior by appending key-value pairs. For example, if you want to create an icon where the size does not match the default size, you can specify

         ILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.ADD_ITEM_ICON + "?size=size_24");

      Typically you do not need this functionality when creating icons through code. In that case, it is easier to call the create(String, Theme, Size) method directly.
      A possible use-case for this functionality is when the icon is defined in a configuration file, and can only be represented as a string.

      The currently available key-values are listed in the table below. Different key-value pairs must be separated by a & .

      The returned icon provides seamless support for high DPI rendering: it is backed by a regular and a high DPI (double size) image; the returned icon automatically selects the appropriate image based on the DPI scale.

      Key Allowed values
      size size_16
      aIconIdentifier - The icon identifier, possibly appended with query parameters. Currently the only valid identifiers are the string constants in this class, or a path to an icon.
      the requested icon.
      IllegalArgumentException - When the aIconIdentifier contains any of the following characters: "&", "=", ";", "?", "%". These characters are only allowed to specify the query parameters.
    • create

      public static ILcdIcon create(String aIconIdentifier, TLcdIconFactory.Theme aTheme, TLcdIconFactory.Size aSize)

      Creates an icon for the specified identifier using the specified theme and size.

      This method uses the following look-up strategy:

      • It first searches for the icon at the correct size in the requested theme. If the icon is available, return it.
      • Then it searches for the same icon, but with a larger size. If such icon is available, down-scale the icon to match the requested size and return it.
      • When the larger size isn't available either, look for the same icon, but with a smaller size. If such icon is available, add padding to match the requested size and return it.
      • If the icon is not found, it will check the fallback theme if available. The fallback theme is checked using the same strategy.
      • If the icon is still not found, a default icon will be returned.

      For convenience, this method will also accept paths to an icon. When a valid path is used, the default theme and size will be ignored.

      aIconIdentifier - The icon identifier. Currently the only valid identifiers are the string constants in this class, or a path to an icon.
      aTheme - The theme
      aSize - The size
      the requested icon.
      IllegalArgumentException - When the aIconIdentifier contains any of the following characters: "&", "=", ";", "?", "%"