Class TLcdGDFDataUnit


public class TLcdGDFDataUnit extends Object
Represents the different data units that are available within GDF data.
  • Field Details

    • DEG

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit DEG
      GDF Data unit: Degree.
    • GRD

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit GRD
      GDF Data unit: Grade.
    • MTR

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit MTR
      GDF Data unit: Meter.
    • FET

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit FET
      GDF Data unit: Feet.
    • KGR

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit KGR
      GDF Data unit: Kilogram.
    • SEC

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit SEC
      GDF Data unit: Second (of time).
    • MIN

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit MIN
      GDF Data unit: Minute (of time).
    • HOR

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit HOR
      GDF Data unit: Hour.
    • WAT

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit WAT
      GDF Data unit: Watt.
    • VLT

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit VLT
      GDF Data unit: Volt.
    • MPS

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit MPS
      GDF Data unit: Meters per second.
    • KPH

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit KPH
      GDF Data unit: Kilometers per hour.
    • MPH

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit MPH
      GDF Data unit: Miles per hour.
    • YMD

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit YMD
      GDF Data unit: Year,month,day.
    • MDH

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit MDH
      GDF Data unit: Month,day,hour.
    • DHM

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit DHM
      GDF Data unit: Day,hour,minutes.
    • WHM

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit WHM
      GDF Data unit: Weekday,hour,minutes.
    • YXM

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit YXM
      GDF Data unit: Year,month,day,hour,minutes.
    • YXH

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit YXH
      GDF Data unit: Year,month,day,hour.
    • OTH

      public static final TLcdGDFDataUnit OTH
      GDF Data unit: Other SI-unit, to be described in field description.
  • Method Details

    • getDataUnitCount

      public static int getDataUnitCount()
      Returns the number of data units that are available (default units + units created at runtime).
      the number of data units that are available.
    • getDataUnit

      public static TLcdGDFDataUnit getDataUnit(int aIndex)
      Returns the data unit at the given index (default units + units created at runtime).
      aIndex - the index of the data unit to be returned.
      the data unit at the given index.
    • getDataUnit

      public static TLcdGDFDataUnit getDataUnit(String aDataUnitCode)
      Returns the data unit with the given Data Unit Code as described in the GDF specification.
      aDataUnitCode - the Data Unit Code of the data unit to be returned.
      the data unit with the given Data Unit Code.
      IllegalArgumentException - if no data unit exists for the given Data Unit Code.
    • getDataUnit

      public static TLcdGDFDataUnit getDataUnit(String aDataUnitCode, String aDescription)
      Returns a new TLcdGDFDataUnit object with the given data unit code and description.
      aDataUnitCode - the Data Unit Code of the data unit to be returned.
      aDescription - a textual description of the data unit to be returned.
      a TLcdGDFDataUnit object with the given data unit code and description.
      IllegalArgumentException - if there exists already a data unit with the given Data Unit Code.
    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      Returns the GDF code of this data unit.
      the GDF code of this data unit.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the textual description of this data unit.
      the textual description of this data unit.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a general description of this data unit. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and are subject to change.
      toString in class Object
      a general description of this data unit.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      Returns true if the given object is an instance of TLcdGDFDataUnit and its data unit code equals the data unit code of this object, false otherwise.
      equals in class Object
      aObject - the object that is to be compared with this object.
      true if the given object is an instance of TLcdGDFDataUnit and its data unit code equals the data unit code of this object, false otherwise.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object