Interface ILcdDAFIFNavaidFeature

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public interface ILcdDAFIFNavaidFeature extends ILcdNavaidFeature
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNavaidFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.

If a featured domain object contains a value for a feature, this value should comply with the terms specified in this interface.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    A code indicating the country in which the navaid is located.
    static final String
    Identifies the calendar period in which the record was added to the file or last revised.
    static final String
    The distance and altitude within which frequency reception is assured to be interference free.
    static final String
    The ICAO location identifier of the navaid.
    static final String
    The first two letters of the ICAO location identifier of the holding representing the ICAO region code.
    static final String
    A system generated number used to distinguish between navaids with the same identifier, type and country code.
    static final String
    The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
    static final String
    The capacity of the navaid facility.
    static final String
    The unit of measurement for the power of the navaid.
    static final String
    The radio class of this navaid.
    static final String
    The capacity of the navaid facility as expressed as effective range in some distance unit.
    static final String
    The unit of measurement for the range of this navaid.
    static final String
    A fixed value of magnetic variation applied to true direction to obtain the magnetic values for radials, courses and headings.
    static final String
    A code indicating the state/province in which the navaid is located.
    static final String
    The type of navaid.
    static final String
    A code indicating the airspace structure in which the navaid is used.
    static final String
    The world area code in which the navaid is located.

    Fields inherited from interface com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.ILcdNavaidFeature

  • Field Details

    • TYPE

      static final String TYPE
      The type of navaid. The type is of the type TLcdNavaidType.
      See Also:

      static final String COUNTRY_CODE
      A code indicating the country in which the navaid is located. The country code is of the type String.
      See Also:
    • KEY_CODE

      static final String KEY_CODE
      A system generated number used to distinguish between navaids with the same identifier, type and country code. The key code is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String STATE_PROVINCE_CODE
      A code indicating the state/province in which the navaid is located. The state / province code is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String ICAO_CODE
      The ICAO location identifier of the navaid. This is a four letter code which consists of four characters or two characters and two spaces.

      This feature is of the type String.

      See Also:

      static final String ICAO_REGION
      The first two letters of the ICAO location identifier of the holding representing the ICAO region code.

      This feature is of the type String.

      See Also:

      static final String WORLD_AREA_CODE
      The world area code in which the navaid is located. The area code is of type String
      See Also:

      static final String USAGE_CODE
      A code indicating the airspace structure in which the navaid is used. The usage code is of the type TLcdWaypointNavaidUsageCode.
      See Also:

      static final String RADIO_CLASS_CODE
      The radio class of this navaid. The radio class is of the type TLcdRadioClass.
      See Also:

      static final String FREQUENCY_PROTECTION
      The distance and altitude within which frequency reception is assured to be interference free. The frequency protection is of the type String.
      See Also:
    • POWER

      static final String POWER
      The capacity of the navaid facility. The power is of the type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String POWER_UNIT
      The unit of measurement for the power of the navaid. The power unit is of the type TLcdPowerUnit.
      See Also:
    • RANGE

      static final String RANGE
      The capacity of the navaid facility as expressed as effective range in some distance unit. The range is of the type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String RANGE_UNIT
      The unit of measurement for the range of this navaid. The range unit is of the type TLcdDistanceUnit.
      See Also:

      static final String SLAVED_VARIATION
      A fixed value of magnetic variation applied to true direction to obtain the magnetic values for radials, courses and headings. The slaved variation is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String MAGNETIC_VARIATION
      The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North. The magnetic variation is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String CYCLE_DATE
      Identifies the calendar period in which the record was added to the file or last revised. The first two digits indicate the century, the next two digits indicate the year and the last two digits indicate the 28 day cycle in which the addition/change was made. The cycle date is of the type String.
      See Also: