Class TLcdOverlayLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutManager, LayoutManager2

public class TLcdOverlayLayout extends Object implements LayoutManager2
Swing layout manager suitable for a Container panel overlaying a map. For JavaFX views, see TLcdOverlayPane.

You can add components to 10 distinct locations, and specify what should happen if multiple components are added to the same location.

To arrange components, use one of the following methods:

Below image shows the alignment for every single location with red spots which are the beginning of the this specific location.

overlay panel alignment

Note: The implementation depends on the preferredSize of the Component. When this is not set, it will use a default Dimension equal to (50, 50). So it's important that getPreferredSize returns an appropriate value for any component you wish to add to a container with this LayoutManager.

See Also: