Class TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder


public class TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder extends Object
Instances of this class can be used to create an ILcdDataSource that can be used to decode a Bing Maps model using the TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder. This builder creates instances of TLcdBingMapsDataSource, data sources that connect to the main bing maps servers using an application id.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder

      public TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder(String aApplicationId)
      Creates a new TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder with the passed application id.
      aApplicationId - the application id used to access the bing maps servers.
  • Method Details

    • mapStyle

      Sets the map style property. This property controls which BingMaps coverage will be visible. See ELcdBingMapsMapStyle for all possibilities.
      aMapStyle - the map style that will be used.
      this builder.
    • culture

      public TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder culture(String aCulture)
      Sets the culture. This has influence on the labels when available (certain map styles). At the time of writing, values that support custom labeling are:
      • nl-BE: Dutch
      • en-US: English
      • fr-CA: French (Canada)
      • fr-FR: French (France)
      • de-DE: German
      • it-IT: Italian
      • ja-JP: Japanese (only over Japan)
      • es-MX: Spanish (Mexico)
      • es-ES: Spanish (Spain)
      • es-US: Spanish (US)
      • ja-JP: Japanese (only over Japan)
      There are other valid culture values, but these do not have custom labeling. Please refer to the MSDN developer documentation on Bing Maps for more information on the Bing Maps culture. The default value is "en-US".
      aCulture - the culture to use.
      this builder.
      See Also:
    • build

      public TLcdBingMapsDataSource build()
      Creates a data source that can be used to create a BingMaps model using the TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder.
      an TLcdBingMapsDataSource