Interface ILcdAerodromeFeature

All Known Subinterfaces:
ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature, ILcdARINCAerodromeFeature, ILcdDAFIFAerodromeFeature

public interface ILcdAerodromeFeature
This interface defines general applicable features for an aerodrome.

If a featured domain object contains a value for a feature, this value should comply with the terms specified in this interface.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The two letter ICAO region of the aerodrome.
    static final String
    An identifier for an aerodrome.
    static final String
    The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
    static final String
    A free text name of the aerodrome.
    static final String
    A code indicating whether an aerodrome is to used for military, civil or both types of operations.
  • Field Details


      static final String IDENTIFICATION
      An identifier for an aerodrome. The identifier is of the type String.

      This feature may be format dependent.

      See Also:
    • NAME

      static final String NAME
      A free text name of the aerodrome. The name is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String ICAO_REGION
      The two letter ICAO region of the aerodrome. For ICAO regions starting with a 'K', the second character is not unambiguous specified by the different formats. ARINC will use regions like K1, K2, etc. while DAFIF specifies regions like KZ, KA, etc. . The ICAO region is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String OPERATIONS_TYPE
      A code indicating whether an aerodrome is to used for military, civil or both types of operations. The operations type is of type TLcdAerodromeOperationsType
      See Also:

      static final String MAGNETIC_VARIATION
      The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome. The magnetic variation is of type String
      See Also: