LuciadCPillar C# 2024.1.02
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NLuciadThe LuciadCPillar API
 NAnimationsAnimations API
 CAnimationManagerClass that starts, updates and stops IAnimation objects that are assigned to it
 COngoingAnimationThis struct represents an animation that has been started in AnimationManager and has not been stopped yet
 CIAnimationAn animation that can be added to AnimationManager
 NCamerasCamera API
 CCameraA camera transforms points from the map reference to view coordinates (device independent pixel coordinates)
 CLookStructure describing the position and orientation of the camera
 CLook2DStructure describing the position of the camera for an orthographic top-down view
 CLookAtStructure to orient a camera based on a specific target point
 CLookFromStructure describing the position and orientation of the camera
 COrthographicCameraA camera that uses an orthographic (or parallel) projection
 CBuilderFactory object that can create new OrthographicCamera instances
 CPerspectiveCameraA camera that uses an perspective projection
 CBuilderFactory object that can create new PerspectiveCamera instances
 NCartesianBasic constructs of Cartesian geometry
 CAngleAn angle on a mathematical circle: degrees, counter-clockwise from right/X-axis
 CAzimuthAn azimuth: degrees, clockwise from north/up/Y-axis
 CCoordinateA "POD" for a 3D coordinate
 CRectangleA "POD" for a 2D rectangle
 NConcurrentUtility classes for handling concurrent access
 CCancellationTokenThis class contains information on whether an operation has been canceled
 CICancellableTaskA task that can be canceled
 CITaskInterface for a class that represents a task to be executed
 CITaskSchedulerInterface for a class that can schedule tasks
 NContainersBasic container utilities
 CByteBufferRepresents an implicitly shared buffer of bytes, ie
 CDataEntityRepresents a blob of data
 CPriorityPriority class that can be used in all kinds of classes
 NControllersProvides interaction with the data presented on a Map
 CHoverEventHandlerHandler that translates hover gesture events to a hovering operation
 CIControllerAn IController implementation interprets received events and triggers an action on the map
 CISelectionCandidateCallbackThis callback needs to be called to let ISelectionCandidateChooser know which (subset of) features should be selected
 CISelectionCandidateChooserA selection candidate handler has the responsibility to show candidates for selection and let a user choose which feature(s) they want to select
 CPanEventHandlerBasic gesture handler dedicated to translate drag gesture events to a pan operation
 CRotateEventHandlerHandler that translates drag gesture events to a rotate operation
 CSelectEventHandlerHandler that translates click gesture events to a select operation
 CZoomEventHandlerHandler that translates scroll or click gesture events to a zoom operation
 NCreateSupports interactive creation of Features on the Map
 NFeaturesCreating features
 CFeatureCreateContextThis class provides context information for feature creation
 CFeatureCreatorThis class can create feature instances, based on a geometry
 CIFeatureCreateCallbackA callback interface that can signal that a feature was changed in the context of creation
 CIFeatureCreatorA feature creator can create feature instances, based on input events
 NGeometriesCreating geometries for features
 CIGeometryCreateCallbackA callback interface that can signal that a geometry was changed in the context of creation
 CIGeometryCreatorA geometry creator can create geometry instances, based on input events
 CPatchCreatorThis class can create patch instances, based on other created geometries
 CPointCreatorThis class can create point instances
 CPolylineCreatorThis class can create polyline instances
 CPolylineRingCreatorThis class can create (2D) polyline ring instances
 CCreatorThis class allows you to interactively create Features on the Map
 CBuilderBuilder for the Creator class
 CICreatorObserverThis observer is called when a feature was created and added to the layer by the Creator class, or when creation failed
 NDatamodelsThis package provides an API to describe domain objects in a unified way
 CDataAnnotationApplication-specific metadata that can be added to parts of a data model
 CDataModelA data model is a collection of types that forms a logical entity
 CBuilderBuilder that allows DataModel instances to be created
 CDataPropertyRepresents a property of a DataType
 CBuilderBuilder that allows DataProperty instances to be created
 CDataPropertyPathDescribes the path to a DataProperty in a DataType
 CBuilderBuilder that allows DataPropertyPath instances to be created
 CDataTypeA representation of the type of a data object
 CBuilderBuilder that allows DataType instances to be created
 CGeometryDataAnnotationDataAnnotation that is added on a DataType to define which property path contains the main geometry
 CIDataAnnotationFactoryFactory that can create a DataAnnotation based on a complete DataType
 NDrawingDrawing-related concepts like Icons, Color, Image, ..
 CBackgroundStyleThis class contains styling properties related to a background (for a label for example)
 CBuilderA builder class for creating background styles
 CColorMapThis class represents an ordered collection of levels and associated colors
 CIconPainterContextContains context information for painting the icon
 CIIconRepresents an icon, that can for example be used when painting point data or labels
 CIIconPainterAn icon painter can paint an icon as an Image
 CImageAn image with a width, height and pixel data in a specified pixel format
 CImageIconHelper class for loading JPEG or PNG files
 CBuilderBuilder which takes images as input to create an IIcon
 CRelativePositionDescribes a position relative to an anchor, with a rotation, alignment and offset
 NEditSupports interactive editing of Features on the Map
 NFeaturesEditing features
 CCompositeFeatureHandlesProviderA composite implementation of IFeatureHandlesProvider
 CFeatureEditCandidateEventThis event provides information about the addition or removal of edit candidates
 CFeatureEditConfigurationBuilderThis builder can be used to configure editing for a layer
 CFeatureEditContextFeatureEditContext provides context information for the feature that is being edited
 CFeatureHandlesProviderDefault handles provider for features
 CIHandleFactoryAllows you to specify the translate handle that is used by this handles provider
 CFeatureStateEditCandidateProviderThis IFeatureEditCandidateProvider uses enabled FeatureStates to determine editing candidates
 CIFeatureEditCallbackA callback interface that can signal that a Feature was edited
 CIFeatureEditCandidateObserverObserver that notifies of edit candidate changes
 CIFeatureEditCandidateProviderAn edit candidate provider determines which Features are considered for editing
 CIFeatureEditConfigurationAllows you to configure the editing behavior for a feature layer
 CIFeatureHandlesProviderThis class can provide edit handles for a given Feature
 NGeometriesEditing geometries
 CCompositeGeometryHandlesProviderA composite implementation of IGeometryHandlesProvider
 CIGeometryEditCallbackA callback interface that can signal that a geometry was edited
 CIGeometryHandlesProviderThis class can provide edit handles for a given Geometry
 CPatchHandlesProviderThis handles provider can be used to provider edit handles for a Patch geometry
 CPointHandlesProviderThis handles provider can create handles to edit Point geometries
 CIHandleFactoryAllows you to specify which handles are created by this handles provider
 CPolygonHandlesProviderThis handles provider can create handles to edit Polygon geometries
 CPolylineHandlesProviderThis provider can create handles to edit Polyline geometries
 CIHandleFactoryAllows you to specify which handles are used by this handles provider
 CPolylineRingHandlesProviderThis handles provider can create handles to edit PolylineRing geometries
 CIHandleFactoryAllows you to specify which handles are used by this handles provider
 NHandlesEdit handles
 CEditActionBinderThis class allows you to specify more options or requirements for actions that can be executed by handles, such as the mouse buttons that users need to click for the action to be executed, or the mouse cursor that is displayed when interacting with the handle
 CEditHandlesEventEvent that indicates that the collection of edit handles has changed
 CIEditHandleAn edit handle is a visual element on the Map that can react to events to perform an edit operation
 CIEditHandlesRepresents a collection of handles that determine how an edited object, a Feature or a Geometry for example, can be modified
 CIEditHandlesObserverAn observer that allows you to receive change events from an IEditHandles when the collection of handles changes
 CIPointEditActionAbstraction of an action that is executed based on a Point
 CITranslateEditActionA translate action performs a translation of a geometry or feature
 CPointEditHandleThis handle represents a Point on the Map and can be visualized using an icon
 CIVisualAidProviderThis interface allows to calculate a visual aid line based on the location of the handle
 CTranslateEditHandleThis handle allows you to translate a feature by translating its geometry using ITranslateEditAction
 CEditorThis class allows you to interactively edit Features on the Map
 CBuilderBuilder for the Editor class
 CEditSettingsThis class contains settings that can be used as defaults for IFeatureHandlesProvider and IGeometryHandlesProvider implementations
 NExpressionsSupport for creating expressions over an abstract object model
 CExpressionAn expression is an opaque object whose evaluation returns a value
 CExpressionFactoryClass containing static factory methods to create different types of expressions and conditions
 CExpressionValueValue object to store the value of an Expression and its DataType
 CIExpressionVisitorExpression visitor interface that allows traversal of an Expression or a Condition
 NFormatsSupport for accessing data in various formats
 NDtedSupport for accessing DTED data
 CDtedModelDecoderThis class can be used to create an IRasterModel implementation that can read DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data)
 COptionsOptions for decoding DTED
 CBuilderBuilder for the DTED model decoder options
 NGdalSupport for accessing data formats through the GDAL library
 CGdalModelDecoderThis class is a factory that provides new instances of a Model that are decoded using the GDAL library
 NGeopackageSupport for accessing OGC GeoPackage data
 CGeoPackageDataSourceDescribes a data source for GeoPackage
 CBuilderBuilder for creating GeoPackageDataSource
 CGeoPackageFeatureModelCreateOptionsOptions for creating a new GeoPackage IFeatureModel in a GeoPackage file using the GeoPackage Encoder
 CBuilderBuilder for the GeoPackage model create options
 CGeoPackageFeatureModelExportOptionsOptions for exporting a IFeatureModel to a GeoPackage file using the GeoPackage Encoder
 CBuilderBuilder for the GeoPackage model encoding export options
 CGeoPackageModelDecoderThis class is a factory that provides new instances of a Model
 CGeoPackageModelDecoderOptionsOptions for decoding GeoPackage data
 CBuilderBuilder for the GeoPackage decoder options
 CGeoPackageModelEncoderThe GeoPackageModelEncoder allows for exporting existing feature models as well as creating entirely new GeoPackage feature models
 CGeoPackageTableMetadataProvides information about a GeoPackage table
 NHspcSupport for accessing Hexagon Smart Point Cloud data
 CHspcModelDecoderThis class can be used to create an ITileSet3DModel implementation that can read Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC) data
 COptionsOptions for decoding HSPC data
 CBuilderBuilder for the HSPC options
 NMbTilesSupport for accessing MBTiles data
 CMbTilesModelDecoderA model decoder for MBTiles data
 CMbTilesModelDecoderOptionsOptions for decoding MBTiles data
 CBuilderBuilder for the MBTiles options
 NOgc3DTilesSupport for accessing OGC 3D Tiles data
 COgc3DTilesModelDecoderThis class can be used to create an ITileSet3DModel implementation that can read OGC 3D Tiles data
 COptionsOptions for decoding OGC 3D Tiles data
 CBuilderBuilder for the OGC 3D Tiles options
 NWmsSupport for accessing OGC Web Map Services
 CWmsCapabilitiesEncapsulates the capabilities of a WMS source
 CWmsDataSourceData source representation for a WMS, with one or more layers
 CBuilderA builder to create WmsDataSource instances
 CLayerRepresents a WMS layer with an optional style
 CWmsLayerContains information about a layer as described in a WMS GetCapabilities response
 CWmsLayerStyleContains information about a layer style as described in a WMS GetCapabilities response
 CWmsModelDecoderCreates an IRasterModel that connects to a WMS service
 CWmsModelDecoderOptionsOptions for decoding WMS data
 CBuilderBuilder for the WMS options
 NWmtsSupport for accessing OGC Web Map Tile Services
 CWmtsBoundingBoxContains information about a bounding box as described in a WMTS GetCapabilities request
 CWmtsCapabilitiesEncapsulates the capabilities of a WMTS source
 CWmtsDataSourceDescribes a WMTS data source and how to access it
 CBuilderBuilder for creating WmtsDataSource
 CWmtsLayerContains information about a layer as described in a WMTS GetCapabilities request
 CWmtsLayerStyleContains information about the layer style as described in a WMTS GetCapabilities request
 CWmtsModelDecoderThis class can be used to create an IRasterModel implementation that can read WMTS tiles
 CWmtsModelDecoderOptionsOptions for decoding WMTS data
 CBuilderBuilder for the WMTS options
 NGeodesyCoordinate references and geodesy calculations
 CCoordinateReferenceRepresents a coordinate reference
 CCoordinateReferenceProviderFactory to create coordinate references from EPSG and OGC identifiers
 CGeodesyCalculationsProvides geodesy calculations
 CTransformationProvides transformations between a source and a target coordinate reference
 NGeometriesEverything related to representing geometries
 NConstraintsGeometry constraints
 CIPointConstraintA constraint on Point editing
 CIPolylineConstraintA constraint on Polyline editing
 CIPolylineRingConstraintA constraint on PolylineRing
 CPointChangeDescribes a change that was made to a Point geometry
 CPolylineChangeDescribes a change that was made to a Polyline geometry
 NObservableObserve geometries and get notified when they change
 CObservableBezierCurveUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instances of BezierCurve
 CObservableCircleByCenterPointUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for CircleByCenterPoint
 CObservableEllipseUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Ellipse
 CObservableGeometryUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Geometry
 CObservablePatchUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Patch
 CObservablePolygonUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Polygon
 CObservablePolylineRingUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for PolylineRing
 CObservablePolylineUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Polyline
 CArcBandRepresents an arc band
 CBezierCurveRepresents a quadratic or cubic BezierCurve
 CBoundsRepresents a bounds
 CCircleBy3PointsA circle that is defined by a start point, a first intermediate point, and a second intermediate point on the circle
 CCircleByCenterPointRepresents a circle defined by a center point and a radius
 CCircularArcBy3PointsA circular arc that is defined by a start point, end point, and a third point on the arc
 CCircularArcByBulgeA circular arc defined by a start point, end point and a bulge factor
 CCircularArcByCenterPointRepresents a circular arc defined by a center point, radius, start angle, end angle, and angle direction
 CCompositeCurveRepresents a composite curve
 CCompositePatchRepresents a composite patch
 CCompositeRingRepresents a composite ring
 CCurve1-dimensional geometric primitive, representing the continuous image of a line
 CEllipseRepresents an ellipse
 CEllipticalArcRepresents an elliptical arc
 CExtrudedGeometryRepresents an extruded geometry
 CGeometryGeometry is the root class of the hierarchy
 CGeometryFactoryFactory to create geometries defined within a coordinate reference
 CLineRepresents a line
 CMultiGeometryCollection of one or more geometries
 CPatchA patch is a surface based on a single ring, thus not having any holes
 CPointRepresents a point
 CPolygonRepresents a polygon
 CPolylineRepresents a polyline
 CPolylineRingRepresents a polyline that is closed, i.e., the first point and the last point coincide
 CRingA ring is a curve that is closed
 CSurface2-dimensional geometric primitive, locally representing a continuous image of a region of a plane
 NGridsFunctionality related to grids
 NLonLatLon lat grids related functionality
 CLonLatFormatClass to format points as LonLat coordinates
 NMgrsMGRS grids related functionality
 CMgrsFormatClass to format points as MGRS or UTM/UPS coordinates
 CBuilderBuilder for creating MgrsFormat
 NInputEverything that is used as input to interact with the map
 NMouseEverything that is used as input to interact with the map using a mouse
 CMouseButtonRepresents a mouse button in the controller API
 CMouseClickEventSpecialization of the ClickEvent for the mouse
 CMouseDragEventSpecialization of the DragEvent for the mouse
 CMouseGestureRecognizerThis class generates high-level mouse gesture events from low-level input events
 CMouseMoveEventMouse movement dedicated implementation of the IInputEvent
 CMousePressedEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a mouse pressed
 CMouseReleasedEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a mouse released
 NTouchEverything that is used as input to interact with the map with a touch device
 CTouchDownEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a pointer (typically a finger) being pressed on a touch surface
 CTouchDragEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a touch drag gesture
 CTouchGestureRecognizerThis class generates high-level touch gesture events from low-level input events
 CTouchLongPressEventImplementation of IInputEvent representing a long press touch event
 CTouchPinchRotateEventImplementation of IInputEvent representing a 2 pointers gesture
 CTouchPointTouch point that results from a user touch interaction
 CTouchPointEventTouch point event, containing a collection of touch points
 CTouchTapEventSpecialization of the ClickEvent class for touch events
 CTouchUpEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a pointer being released from a touch surface
 CClickEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a click event
 CDragEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a drag gesture
 CIInputEventBase interface for all input events
 CIInputEventCallbackA callback class that is called when a IInputEvent is fired
 CKeyCodeRepresents a key in the controller API
 CKeyEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents keyboard input
 CScreenDistanceThis class is used to represent distances between screen locations
 CScrollEventImplementation of IInputEvent that represents a scroll gesture (for example using the mouse wheel)
 NLayersSupport for rendering of data on a Map
 NFeaturesSupport for rendering of feature (vector) data
 CDensitySettingsDensitySettings are used on a feature layer to enable and configure density painting
 CFeatureCanvasCanvas to provide the commands to draw a geometry, icon, 3D icon, text or a label
 CGeometryDrawCommandCommand to specify drawing options for a geometry
 CIcon3DDrawCommandAn Icon3DDrawCommand describes how a 3D icon is painted in a 2D and a 3D view
 CIconDrawCommandCommand to specify drawing an icon for a geometry
 CLabelDrawCommandCommand to draw labels for a feature
 CTextDrawCommandCommand to specify drawing text for a geometry
 CFeatureLayerA layer for feature models
 CBuilderBuilder for the FeatureLayer class
 CFeaturePainterContextFeaturePainterContext provides information for use during feature painting
 CFeaturePainterMetadataClass to provide information on what type of changes affect the styling
 CFeatureQueryConfigurationThe FeatureQueryConfiguration specifies which conditions to use for feature querying based on the map's current scale
 CBuilderBuilder for the FeatureQueryConfiguration class
 CFeatureStateRepresentation of the state of a feature
 CFeatureStateEventThis class is used by IFeatureStateObserver to pass information about FeatureState changes
 CFeatureStateManagerManages feature states
 CChangeThis class is used to build feature state changes
 CIFeaturePainterA feature painter is used to specify how a feature is painted
 CIFeatureStateObserverCan be used to retrieve notifications for FeatureState changes
 CLayerFeatureIdRepresents an identifier for a feature within a view
 NGridsSupport for rendering of grids
 NLonLatSupport for rendering of Longitude Latitude (LonLat) grids
 CLonLatGridThe LonLat grid class represents how to visualize the LonLat grid on a map
 CAdvancedBuilderAdvanced builder for a LonLat grid
 CBuilderBuilder for a LonLat grid
 CLonLatGridLayerLongitude Latitude (LonLat) grid layer that can be added to a map
 CBuilderBuilder for creating a LonLatGridLayer
 CLonLatGridSettingLonLat grid setting
 CBuilderBuilder for a LonLat grid setting
 NMgrsSupport for rendering of Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grids
 CMgrsGridThe MGRS grid class represents how to visualize the MGRS grid on a map
 CAdvancedBuilderAdvanced builder for a MGRS grid
 CBuilderBuilder for a MGRS grid
 CMgrsGridLayerMilitary Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid layer that can be added to a map
 CBuilderBuilder for creating a MgrsGridLayer
 CMgrsGridSettingMGRS grid setting
 CBuilderBuilder for a MGRS grid setting
 CMgrsGridTextProviderAn MGRS text provider that notifies callbacks whenever the currently visible zone/square of a given Map changes
 CICallbackThis callback can be used to be notified whenever the currently visible zone/square changes, by giving you its formatted location text
 CGridLayerCommon representation for grid layers that can be added to a map
 NMbTilesSupport for rendering of Mapbox feature tile (vector) data
 CMbTilesFeatureLayerA layer for feature tile models
 CBuilderBuilder for the MbTilesFeatureLayer class
 NRastersSupport for rendering of raster data
 CRasterLayerA layer for raster models
 CBuilderBuilder for creating a RasterLayer for a IRasterModel
 NStylesSupport for styling data on a Map
 NComplexStrokesSupport for complex stroke linestyles and the patterns used to make them
 NBuildersComplexStroke Pattern builders
 CArcPatternBuilderCreates a pattern with an arc, ellipse or circle shape
 CArrowPatternBuilderCreates a pattern with an arrow shape
 CIconPatternBuilderCreates a pattern containing an icon
 CLinePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a line segment shape
 CParallelLinePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a line segment shape that is parallel to the base line
 CPolylinePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a polyline shape
 CRectanglePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a rectangle shape
 CTextPatternBuilderCreates a pattern containing text
 CTrianglePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a triangle shape
 CWavePatternBuilderCreates a pattern with a wave shape
 CComplexStrokeLineStyleA style that can be used to stroke the outline of a shape with complex patterns
 CBuilderA builder to create ComplexStrokeLineStyle objects
 CComplexStrokePatternThis class represents a complex stroke pattern, for example a dash or an arrow
 CComplexStrokePatternFactoryFactory to create all patterns that are used to create complex strokes
 NExpressionsSupport for expressions for styling data on a Map
 CStyleExpressionA StyleExpression represents a value that can be evaluated during rendering
 CStyleExpressionFactoryThis factory allows you to create style expressions that can be used when styling data
 CFillStyleThis class contains styling properties to determine how an area is filled
 CBuilderA builder class for creating fill styles
 CLineStyleThis class contains styling properties to determine how a line is painted
 CBuilderA builder class for creating line styles
 CMeshStyleThis class contains styling properties to determine how a mesh is painted
 CBuilderA builder class for creating mesh styles
 COnPathLabelStyleThis class contains styling properties to determine how a label is placed on a path
 CBuilderA builder class for creating an OnPathLabelStyle
 CPinStyleThis class contains styling properties that can be used to configure pins for labels, see FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand.PinStyle
 CBuilderA builder class for creating pin styles that can be set up to labels, see FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand.PinStyle
 CPointCloudStyleA class representing how point cloud data should be styled
 CBuilderA builder class for creating point cloud styles
 CRasterStyleStyle for rasters
 CBuilderBuilder for raster styles
 NTileSet3DSupport for rendering of 3D tiles data
 CTileSet3DLayerA TileSet3DLayer is a Layer that can visualize 3D tiles
 CBuilderBuilder for the TileSet3DLayer class
 CILayerListObserverObserver interface allowing to get notified about changes within the LayerList
 CILayerObserverInterface for observing layers
 CLayerCommon representation for layers that can be added to a map
 CLayerEventEvent that indicates that some property of a specific layer has changed
 CLayerListRepresents an ordered list of layers
 CLayerListEventAn event object, describing a change in a LayerList instance
 NLoadersBase classes related to loading data for network resources
 CAuthenticationScopeRepresents the scope of an authentication request
 CCredentialsMarker interface for user credentials
 CICredentialsProviderThis interface provides methods to retrieve a user and password for sites requesting authentication
 CIDataLoaderInterface for loading data from a path into memory
 CIProxySelectorThis interface allows to select a proxy to use when connecting to network resources
 CProxyRepresents the proxy server
 CUsernamePasswordCredentialsRepresents the user credentials
 NMapsSupports display of data on screen using a map with layers
 NEffectsThe graphics effects that can be applied to a map
 CAmbientOcclusionEffectThis class implements the Ambient occlusion effect, which shades areas of 3D geometry based on their proximity to other 3D geometry
 CAtmosphereEffectGraphics effect which adds a sky/atmosphere background to a 3D view
 CEyeDomeLightingEffectThis class implements the Eye-dome lighting (EDL) effect, a non-photorealistic lighting model which helps accentuate the shapes of different objects to improve depth perception, by shading their outlines
 CGraphicsEffectsThis class contains the graphics effects that can be applied to a map
 CIMapObserverInterface for observing the Map
 CIMapQueryFeaturesCallbackA callback class that is called with the results of a queryFeatures
 CIMouseCursorCallbackA callback class that is called when a cursor changes
 CMapA map for showing geo-spatial data
 CBuilderBuilder to create a Map
 CFeatureQueryA query specifies which features you are interested in
 CBuilderBuilder for a Map.FeatureQuery
 CHeightProviderA height provider based on the map layers order and visibility
 CIRendererCallbackThis callback can be used to execute tasks on the render thread right before or right after the Map is painted by Map.Renderer
 CRendererThe Map renderer
 CViewMapTransformationThis class allows to transform between view (pixel coordinates on the screen) and map coordinates
 CMapAttributionsA class from which the attributions of a map can be retrieved
 CMapEventEvent that indicates that some property of the map has changed
 CMapNavigatorClass that offers functionality to navigate around the globe
 CAboveConstraintOptionsOption to configure the navigation constraint to keep the camera above the terrain
 CBoundsConstraintOptionsOptions to configure the constraint to restrict the navigation to specific bounds
 CFitActionClass that allows to build a fit action and apply it, either directly or using an animation
 CPanActionClass that allows to build a pan action and apply it, either directly or using an animation
 CPitchConstraintOptionsOptions to configure the constraint to restrict the pitch (tilt) of the camera
 CRotateActionClass that allows to build a rotate action and apply it, either directly or using an animation
 CScaleConstraintOptionsOptions to configure the scale constraint to restrict the camera zooming
 CZoomActionClass that allows to build a zoom action and apply it, either directly or using an animation
 CMapQueryFeaturesResultContains information about (parts of) features hit by a Query, returned by Map.QueryFeatures
 CMapScaleThis class represents a map scale, a ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding actual distance
 CMouseCursorRepresents a mouse cursor in the map API
 NModelsModels provide content to be displayed in a Map
 NFeaturesModels containing vector data
 CDefaultFeatureGeometryProviderDefault geometry provider that works for Features with a DataType using a GeometryDataAnnotation
 CFeatureA Feature is a (partial) copy of a domain object
 CBuilderAllows the incremental creation of a Feature object
 CFeatureChangeRepresents a change for a feature
 CFeatureComparerFeature comparer class that can be used within sort algorithms
 CFeatureExpressionEvaluatorEvaluator for a Feature
 CFeatureExpressionEvaluatorFactoryFactory to create an evaluator for expressions to be applied on Feature instances
 CFeatureModelBuilderHelps the creation of a IFeatureModel given a list of features, a model metadata, a feature model metadata and optionally a bounds
 CFeatureModelEventRepresents a change in the feature model, which may result in a different visual representation
 CFeatureModelMetadataThis class exposes feature-specific metadata
 CBuilderThe builder for creating FeatureModelMetadata classes
 CFeatureModelPersistenceManagerThis class can be used to save changes to an IFeatureModel's backend
 CBuilderIFeatureModel implementations that have support for saving changes can use this class to create a FeatureModelPersistenceManager instance
 CFeatureModelUpdateThis class represents a single update to the model
 CBuilderBuilder that allows FeatureModelUpdate instances to be created
 CFeatureQueryA query specifies which objects you are interested in
 CBuilderBuilder to create a FeatureQuery
 CSortOperatorSortOperator class contains a list of properties that must be taken into account for sorting
 CSortPropertySortProperty class defines the property name and the sort order for the SortOperator
 CFeatureSaveErrorInfoThis class contains details on a failed IFeatureModel save
 CBuilderBuilder that allows FeatureSaveErrorInfo instances to be created
 CIFeatureGeometryProviderThis class can provide the Geometry associated with a Feature, and apply Geometry changes on that Feature
 CIFeatureModelA feature model allows to uniformly access vector data
 CIFeatureModelObserverObserver for changes within the feature model
 CIFeatureModelUpdaterThis class defines how an IFeatureModel can be updated
 CIFeatureQueryCallbackA callback class that is called with the results of a query
 CIFeatureSaveSupportAn implementation of this interface can be supplied to the FeatureModelPersistenceManager to enable support for saving in-memory changes
 CIFeatureUpdaterCallbackThis callback is used by IFeatureModelUpdater to give feedback on whether the feature update was successful or not
 CObservableFeatureUtilThis class provides utility methods for Observable instance for Feature
 NFeatureTilesModels containing tiled vector data
 CIFeatureTileModelMarker interface for tiled feature models
 NRastersModels containing imagery or elevation data
 CIMultilevelTiledAttributionProviderThis interface provides methods to retrieve the attributions for a given multilevel tiled raster layer
 CIMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetrieverThe interface to implement to retrieve the raster tile for a given tile coordinate
 CIMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetrieverCallbackInterface with callback methods for the raster data retriever to call
 CIRasterModelMarker interface for raster models
 CMultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilderThis builder class allows to create a multi-level tiled raster model
 CMultilevelTileInfoA class storing information about a multilevel tile
 CQuadTreeRasterModelBuilderThis builder class allows to create a multi-level tiled raster model using a quad-tree structure
 CRasterModelHeightProviderA height provider based on a raster model
 CBuilderBuilder for a RasterModelHeightProvider
 NTileSet3DModels containing 3D tiles data
 CITileSet3DModelMarker interface for 3D tile set models
 CDataAttributionData class that stores attribution data
 CModelInterface for models
 CModelMetadataRepresents meta data common for all types of models
 CBuilderThe builder class to create the luciad::ModelMedata class
 CMultilevelTileCoordinateRepresents the coordinate of a tile in a multilevel tiled structure
 NNetProgramming interface for network operations
 NHttpHTTP Client API
 CHttpClientAn HTTP Client, implementation of the IHttpClient interface
 CBuilderBuilder for the HttpClient class
 CHttpHeaderA class representing an HTTP header and its value
 CHttpRequestAn HTTP request
 CBuilderA builder of HttpRequests
 CHttpRequestOptionsOptions to be sent with an HTTP request
 CBuilderBuilder for the HttpRequestOptions class
 CHttpResponseAn HTTP response
 CBuilderBuilder for the HttpResponse class
 CIHttpClientInterface for sending HTTP requests
 CUriQueryParameterA class representing an URI query parameter
 NRastersClasses for modeling raster data
 CPixelDensityA pixel density represents the number of pixel in raster data over a unit of area in a given coordinate reference
 NSymbologySupport for various symbology standards
 NMilitarySupport for MIL-STD 2525 and APP6 symbologies
 CMilitaryDataModelProvides the data model and type of military symbols, as well as the relevant data property paths
 CMilitarySymbolAllows retrieving and manipulating modifiers of a military symbol, without having to worry whether the properties are encoded in the symbol code or in textual modifiers
 CMilitarySymbolFeatureCreatorCreates new symbology features
 CMilitarySymbolFeatureHandlesProviderProvides editing handles for military symbol features
 CMilitarySymbologyEncapsulates the symbol hierarchy of a symbology standard
 CMilitarySymbologyCanvasOffers functionality for drawing military symbols on a wrapped FeatureCanvas
 CDrawCommandAllows to draw a military symbol on the MilitarySymbologyCanvas
 CMilitarySymbologyNodeRepresentation of a military symbol
 CMilitarySymbolStyleDefines styling settings for visualizing military symbols
 CBuilderBuilder for the MilitarySymbolStyle class
 NTextText related functionality
 CFontConfigA class holding the configuration of a font
 CBuilderThis builder allows you to create a FontConfig instance that can be registered using Fonts.RegisterFont
 CFontsThis class allows you to register custom fonts
 CTextBlockA class containing multiple lines of text with multiple styles
 CBuilderA factory class that creates a TextBlock containing multiple lines of text with multiple styles
 CLineBuilderA class representing a line of text with multiple words with different styles
 CTextStyleThis class contains styling properties to determine how text is painted
 CBuilderA builder class for creating text styles
 NUtilsGeneral utility classes
 CIInvalidationCallbackThis is a callback class that is called when something is invalidated
 CObservableThis class makes it possible to hold and observe a value that can change over time
 CEnvironmentContainer of global state in this library
 CInitializerInitializer for the global Environment needed by this library
 CErrorInfoThis class exposes details for a failed method call
 CILoggingBackendBackend for the logging in this library
 CLicenseExceptionThe exception that is thrown when the CPillar license is not valid