LuciadCPillar C# 2024.1.01
Luciad.Edit.Editor Class Reference

This class allows you to interactively edit Features on the Map. More...

Inheritance diagram for Luciad.Edit.Editor:


class  Builder
 Builder for the Editor class. More...

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()
override bool Equals (object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
Luciad.Controllers.EventResult OnEvent (Luciad.Input.IInputEvent inputEvent)
 Handles the given event, and returns if the event was handled or not. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Luciad.Edit.Editor.Builder NewBuilder ()
 Returns a new builder for creating an Editor. More...


Luciad.Layers.Features.FeatureLayer EditHandleLayer [get]
 The layer that paint IEditHandles. More...

Detailed Description

This class allows you to interactively edit Features on the Map.

See the related guide for an overview of the editing API.

It manages the editing state and provides visualization capabilities by:

Editing can be configured using:

It is allowed to access this class on the UI thread only. See the related article: Threading rules for the Map


Member Function Documentation

◆ Dispose()

void Luciad.Edit.Editor.Dispose ( )

◆ Equals()

override bool Luciad.Edit.Editor.Equals ( object  obj)

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Luciad.Edit.Editor.GetHashCode ( )

◆ NewBuilder()

static Luciad.Edit.Editor.Builder Luciad.Edit.Editor.NewBuilder ( )

Returns a new builder for creating an Editor.

a new builder for creating an Editor.

◆ OnEvent()

Luciad.Controllers.EventResult Luciad.Edit.Editor.OnEvent ( Luciad.Input.IInputEvent  inputEvent)

Handles the given event, and returns if the event was handled or not.

This method delegates the given event to one of the currently available handles. The order in which this event is passed to the handles is determined by the handle's state, and the order in which they are returned from IEditHandles:

  • Active handles have priority over Highlighted handles, and Highlighted handles have priority over Inactive handles.
  • If multiple handles have the same state, the order in which they are returned from IEditHandles is used
inputEventan event, cannot be null.
if the event was consumed or not
System.ArgumentNullExceptionwhen null is passed.

Property Documentation

◆ EditHandleLayer

Luciad.Layers.Features.FeatureLayer Luciad.Edit.Editor.EditHandleLayer

The layer that paint IEditHandles.


Returns the layer that paint IEditHandles. This layer can contain the edit handles of multiple feature layers. The returned layer instance will always be the same, but the layer's model gets updated as edit handles are added, removed or modified.

A controller implementation typically adds this layer to its layer list, although it can also add this layer to the Map's layer list.