LuciadCPillar C# 2024.0.04
Luciad Namespace Reference

The LuciadCPillar API. More...


namespace  Animations
 Animations API.
namespace  Cameras
 Camera API.
namespace  Cartesian
 Basic constructs of Cartesian geometry.
namespace  Concurrent
 Utility classes for handling concurrent access.
namespace  Containers
 Basic container utilities.
namespace  Controllers
 Provides interaction with the data presented on a Map.
namespace  Create
 Supports interactive creation of Features on the Map.
namespace  Datamodels
 This package provides an API to describe domain objects in a unified way.
namespace  Drawing
 Drawing-related concepts like Icons, Color, Image, ...
namespace  Edit
 Supports interactive editing of Features on the Map.
namespace  Expressions
 Support for creating expressions over an abstract object model.
namespace  Formats
 Support for accessing data in various formats.
namespace  Geodesy
 Coordinate references and geodesy calculations.
namespace  Geometries
 Everything related to representing geometries.
namespace  Grids
 Functionality related to grids.
namespace  Input
 Everything that is used as input to interact with the map.
namespace  Layers
 Support for rendering of data on a Map.
namespace  Loaders
 Base classes related to loading data for network resources.
namespace  Maps
 Supports display of data on screen using a map with layers.
namespace  Models
 Models provide content to be displayed in a Map.
namespace  Net
 Programming interface for network operations.
namespace  Rasters
 Classes for modeling raster data.
namespace  Symbology
 Support for various symbology standards.
namespace  Text
 Text related functionality.
namespace  Utils
 General utility classes.


class  Environment
 Container of global state in this library. More...
class  ErrorInfo
 This class exposes details for a failed method call. More...
interface  ILoggingBackend
 Backend for the logging in this library. More...
class  LicenseException
 The exception that is thrown when the CPillar license is not valid. More...


enum  LogLevel {
  Error , Warning , Info , Debug ,
 Various levels for logging messages. More...

Detailed Description

The LuciadCPillar API.

Make sure to initialize an Environment before using the CPillar functionality. You can find more within the tutorial on making your first map application.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LogLevel

Various levels for logging messages.


Indicates a problem from which no recovery is possible.


Indicates a problem from which we can recover.

Recovery could be to give up whatever we attempted.


Indicates information of general interest.


Indicates information of use for figuring out a problem.


Indicates extremely detailed information that is probably only useful to the maintainer of the code.