Uses of Interface
Packages that use ILcyLucyEnv
This package contains the core of Lucy: the
, which
is the central point of Lucy where addons
can add functionality to
extend Lucy, and the default front-end
.Provides the classes that define the interface for add-ons and how they are created.
Provides the addon that shows an about dialog.
Provides the addon that supports the AIXM format.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize AIXM 3/4 data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that supports the AIXM 5.1 aeronautical format.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize AIXM5.1 data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that supports visualization of time dependent information in the AIXM 5.1 aeronautical format.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize APP6a/b data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that allows to customize the aircraft performance settings of the procedures
added by the AIXM, DAFIF and ARINC addons.
Provides the addon that supports the Arinc format.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize ARINC data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon to decode and display ASDI data within Lucy.
This package provides an add-on which adds ASDI data support to a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon to decode and display ASTERIX data within Lucy.
This package provides an add-on which adds ASTERIX data support to a Lightspeed map.
Provides asynchronous painting using layer wrappers.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize BCI data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which adds Bing maps data support to a 2D map.
This package provides an add-on which adds Bing maps data support to a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on to model BUFR data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on to visualize BUFR data in an
.This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize CADRG data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides the add-on that allows to link the camera of the 3D view to an object.
This package provides the
which adds functionality to
compare the properties of multiple objects in a side-by-side view.This package provides an add-on which adds an action allowing to pass a String to the TLcyDataFormatManager
through the UI.
Provides the addon to decode and display DAFIF data within Lucy.
Provides the add-on to decode and display DAFIF data within Lucy.
This package contains an add-on
that provides support for displaying DAFIF data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the add-on for building a menu structure for loading data from a data repository.
Provides the addon to copy paste objects.
Provides an add-on which adds some debugging functionality to Lucy.
Provides the add-ons to support various data formats in Lucy; both data formats that ship
with LuciadLightspeed Essential as well as data formats that ship with additional LuciadLightspeed components.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize DIMAP data on a Lightspeed map.
Contains the
.The drawing add-on provides Lucy with the functionality to draw SLD styled shapes on the map and
editing and/or saving these drawings afterwards.
This package provides a new, highly configurable data format.
This package contains the default toolbar for editing drawing models used in the drawing add on.
This package provides the
.Provides the terrain analysis capabilities of the native drawing format.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding of E57 data.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize E57 data on a Lightspeed map.
Earth add-on.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize ECRG data.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize ECRG data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize ECW data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides the
.Provides the addon to save data in a different data format.
This add-on provides one menu/tool bar item that enables/disables the presence of a container
for ALcyFormatBars, located at the bottom of the ILcyMapComponent (location is configurable).
This add-on provides the LuciadFusion Core Environment.
This add-on provides the LuciadFusion Client Environment, one menu item that allows connecting to
a LuciadFusion Data Server and a data source handler for URI's of such a server.
This add-on allows for visualization of raster data coming from a LuciadFusion Data Server.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize raster data coming from a LuciadFusion Data
Server on a Lightspeed map.
This add-on allows for visualization of vector data coming from a LuciadFusion Data Server.
This package provides an add-on to visualize LuciadFusion vector data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on to model GDAL data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on to visualize GDAL data in an
.This package provides an add-on to model Google Earth Enterprise image data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on to visualize Google Earth Enterprise image data in an
.This addon provides functionality for working with multiple maps:
Provides the add-on that allows the visualization of GeoJson data
in Lightspeed views.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding and encoding of geometries and tile sets from
GeoPackage databases.
Package provides the add-on which is responsible for the visualization of GeoPackage data
on Lightspeed views.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding and visualisation of GeospatialPDF data.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize GeospatialPDF data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize GeoSPOT data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which adds GRIB data support to a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which provides support for visualizing Georef grid layers
on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which provides support for visualizing grid layers
on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which provides support for visualizing MGRS grid layers
on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on which provides support for visualizing XY grid layers
on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that displays a panel showing coordinates in different coordinate systems
This package contains the add-on which provides the functionality to allow the grid coordinate
add-on to function for Lightspeed maps as well.
Package which provides the
, an
add-on responsible to provide help in the usage of Lucy to the end-user of the Lucy application.Registers a default hyperlink listener that opens your default browser whenever a hyperlink is
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding of IFC data.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize IFC data on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on allowing to decode JPIP models and visualize them on
a GXY map.
Provides the addon that supports the KML 2.2 format.
Provides the addon that supports the visualization of the KML 2.2 format in Lightspeed views.
Provides the addon that supports visualization of time dependent information in the KML 2.2 format.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding of LASer data.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize LASer data on a Lightspeed map.
It is the responsibility of this addon to keep the layer control in sync with the active map
component of the Lucy application.
This package provides an add-on which allows to show a layer properties panel for each Lightspeed
Provides the add-on that supports Lightspeed formats.
Package that provides the add-on which adds support for visualizing data on a Lightspeed map
for which no native
is available.Provides the addon that allows to switch the Look and Feel of Lucy at runtime.
Provides the add-on that allows decoding of Luciad Point Cloud data sets.
This package provides an add-on to visualize Luciad Point Cloud data sets in a Lightspeed view.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding and encoding of LRDB databases.
This package provides the
, which is the
Lightspeed counterpart of the TLcyMapAddOn.Provides the add-on that allows the decoding and encoding of LVDB databases.
This package provides an add-on which provides the
with the capabilities of
displaying military symbology.Provides the addon that allows to forecast and display the variations in the magnetic north using
the WMM and IGRF magnetic models.
Provides various addons that add support for 2D maps; the most important addon is the TLcyMapAddOn.
This package contains an add-on allowing the map overview to work with Lightspeed map components.
This package provides an add-on to decode MBTiles data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on which adds MBTiles data support to a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on to model MGCP data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on which adds MGCP data support to a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize MS2525b/c data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the
, which allows the editing of a selected model.Provides the addon that allows to open data that is missing a valid model reference
(=coordinate system), and that allows to create Luciad .ref files for storing such a model reference
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize MrSid data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding and encoding of geometries from
Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Provides the add-on that allows to display the decoded data
from Microsoft SQL Server databases on a Lightspeed map.
This package provides an add-on to model NetCDF and GRIB data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on to visualize NetCDF and GRIB data in an
Provides the addon that offers to configure settings related to network connections used in Lucy:
This package provides visualization support for NITF data on a Lightspeed view.
This package provides an add-on to model NVG data and visualize it in an
.This package provides an add-on to visualize NVG files in an
.Provides the addon that supports the OBJ format.
Provides the addon that allows data to be retrieved from an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS).
This package provides the
which adds support for visualizing WCS data on a Lightspeed map.Provides the addon that allows data to be retrieved from an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS).
This package provides the
which adds support for visualizing WFS data on a Lightspeed map.This package provides an
that allows to retrieve and
display geographical information retrieved from OGC Web Map Tile Servers (WMTS).This package provides an add-on which plugs in GetFeatureInfo support for WMTS models and support to visualize
the GetFeatureInfo response for GXY views.
This package provides an
that allows to
display geographical information retrieved from OGC Web Map Tile Servers (WMTS)
on a Lightspeed view.This package provides an add-on which plugs in GetFeatureInfo visualization support for WMTS models on Lightspeed
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding of OGC 3D Tiles data.
This package provides add-ons allowing to visualize OGC 3D Tiles data in a Lightspeed view.
Provides the addon that supports the OpenFlight format.
Provides the addon that allows the decoding of image rasters stored in Oracle
Spatial databases.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize Oracle GeoRaster data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that allows the decoding and encoding of geometries from
Oracle Locator/Spatial databases with the Object-Relational model.
This package provides an add-on which adds Oracle Locator/Spatial database support to a
Lightspeed map.
Provides the add-on that allows the decoding of OpenSceneGraph data sets.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize OpenSceneGraph data sets on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that allows to draw trajectories on the map and to replay tracks along those
Provides the addon that allows the decoding of geometries from PostGIS databases.
This package provides an add-on which adds PostGIS database support to a
Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that makes the user preferences persistent.
Provides the addon that offers preview support to Lucy for replaying recorded or
simulated data.
Package which provides an add-on allowing the
to work on Lightspeed maps as well.Offers the possibility to customize the GUI widgets present in the panel of the TLcyPreviewAddOn.
Provides the addon that offers printing support to Lucy.
Provides the addon that offers printing support for Lightspeed views.
This package provides the
adds support to the TLcyLspLayerCustomizerAddOn
for editing the properties of a
in the layer properties panel.Provides the add-on that offers a menu with recently opened data files.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize S-57 data on a GXY map.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize S-57 data on a Lightspeed map.
This package contains a ECDIS realtime add-on which makes it possible to filter the S57 and S63 data using the previewer.
This package provides an add-on allowing to decode S-57 data which was encrypted using the
S-63 standard.
This package provides an add-on adding search functionality to Lucy.
Provides the addon that allows to customize/inspect the selected object.
Provides the addon that allows the decoding and encoding of geometries from
SpatiaLite databases.
This package provides an add-on which adds Spatialite data support to a Lightspeed map.
Package which provides the add-on responsible for creating an
object.This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize SwissDHMMatrix data on a Lightspeed map.
Terrain analysis add-ons.
Terrain analysis add-on for contour calculations.
Terrain analysis add-on for profile views.
Terrain analysis add-on for extreme point calculations.
Terrain analysis add-on for hypsometry calculations.
This package provides the
adds actions to add a hypsometry layer to a Lightspeed view.
This is a terrain analysis add-on for line-of-sight (LOS) calculation on Lightspeed maps.
Provides a Lucy Terrain analysis add-on with all the functionality for the calculation and visualization of line-of-sight (LOS) on Lightspeed maps.
Terrain analysis add-on for line-of-sight coverages.
Provides the add-on to perform visibility calculations between a point observer and other shapes on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the add-on to visualize the point observers and observation results created by the
on a Lightspeed map.
Terrain analysis add-on for viewsheds.
Optional AddOn that provides support for viewsheds based on the OpenFlight file format.
Terrain analysis add-on for visibility calculations.
Provides the addon that supports table views of loaded data.
This package provides the addon that supports table views of loaded data on Lightspeed map components.
Provides the addon that supports tree table views of loaded data.
Provides the addon to undo actions.
This package provides an add-on allowing to visualize USRP data on a Lightspeed map.
Provides the addon that offers vertical (or profile) views of loaded data.
Provides the addon that supports the VPF data format.
Package provides the add-on which is responsible for the decoding of VPF data
for Lightspeed views.
Package provides the add-on which is responsible for the visualization of VPF data
on Lightspeed views.
Provides the addon that allows to retrieve and display geographical information retrieved from
Web Map Servers.
This package provides the add-on which allows to paint the WMS layers, created by the TLcyWMSClientAddOn,
using a painter which supports tiling.
This package provides the
.This package provides an add-on which plugs in GetFeatureInfo support for WMS models and support to visualize
the GetFeatureInfo response for GXY views.
This package provides an add-on which plugs in visualization support for WMS models on Lightspeed views.
This package provides an add-on which plugs in GetFeatureInfo visualization support for WMS models on Lightspeed
Provides the addon that offers a front-end for workspaces: it adds menu items to load and save
them and it can load a default workspace on startup.
Contains classes to enable the exchange of model objects from one layer to another.
Provides support facilities for adding a new data format to Lucy.
Provides support facilities for adding visualization in a Lightspeed view for data formats.
Contains graphical user interface related classes like menu bars, toolbars, application panes and customizer factories.
This package provides a balloon content provider that uses balloon content providers registered to the
Lucy backend.
Contains classes to create user-interface components for displaying and modifying the properties
of objects.
This package provides functionality to create customizer panel factories for instances of
.This package provides an entry point to create user interface components which allow the
end-user to change various Lightspeed styles.
Package containing an abstract class
, which provides a component that
can be displayed to manipulate a layer of a given format.
Contains support classes for handling TLcdStatusEvent's in an application.
This package provides some basic Input/Output functionality classes.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual represention of a map.
Provides actions that have a relationship with a map.
Provides actions that have a relationship with a Lightspeed map.
Provides supporting classes for asynchronous painting.
This package provides generic linkers for the camera linking.It is used by the
package com.luciad.lucy.addons.cameralinking.
This package contains classes that can be used to implement labeling in Lucy.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual representation of a map.
Provides classes to deal with the models ( that store the actual data ) behind a map.
Provides Lucy's realtime (=previewer) support.
Provides utility classes for Lucy.
This package provides a heightprovider that uses heightproviderfactories registered to the
lucy backend.
This package provides a hyperlinklistener that uses hyperlinklisteners registered to the
Lucy backend.
Provides support facilities for working with measures.
Provides support facilities for working with preferences and configuration.
Provides workspace support for Lucy; a workspace is the complete state of the application (loaded
data, opened panels, ...); it can be saved to and loaded from for example a file.
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy
Methods in com.luciad.lucy that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ILcyLucyEnv
(ILcyApplicationPaneFactory aApplicationPaneFactory, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Equivalent tocreateLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneFactory, aMainMenuBar, true )
(ILcyApplicationPaneFactory aApplicationPaneFactory, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Creates a new lucy environment where the givenILcyApplicationPaneFactory
and the givenILcyMenuBar
are used.static ILcyLucyEnv
(ILcyApplicationPaneFactory aApplicationPaneFactory, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Equivalent tocreateLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneFactory, aMainMenuBar, true )
(ILcyApplicationPaneFactory aApplicationPaneFactory, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Equivalent tocreateLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneFactory, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), true )
(Container[] aContainers, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Creates a newILcyLucyEnv
(Container[] aContainers, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aContainers, aMainMenuBar, true )
(Container[] aContainers, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aContainers, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars )
(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new JMenuBar() )
(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Creates a newILcyLucyEnv
(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true )
(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars )
(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Creates a newILcyLucyEnv
(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true )
(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars) Equivalent ofcreateLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars )
Returns the ILcyLucyEnv who is the originator of this event.TLcyLucyEnvEvent.getLucyEnv()
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
that originated this event.TLcyMain.getLucyEnv()
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
that was created by this main class.TLcyXMLAddOnLoader.getLucyEnv()
Returns the lucy environment where the addons are plugged into.Methods in com.luciad.lucy with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ALcyFileTypeDescriptor
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates theALcyFileTypeDescriptor
that represents all known files.protected TLcyDataFormatManager.ALcyHandlerChooser
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates theTLcyDataFormatManager.ALcyHandlerChooser
that is responsible to choose the correct handler for a particular data source.TLcyLucyEnvFactory.createMapComponentChooser
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates theTLcyDataFormatManager.ALcyMapComponentChooser
that is responsible to choose the correct map component for opening a particular data source.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the lucy environment where the addons are plugged into.Method parameters in com.luciad.lucy with type arguments of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ILcyLucyEnvListener
(Consumer<ILcyLucyEnv> aLucyEnvConsumer) Utility method to create a newILcyLucyEnvListener
which will triggeraLucyEnvConsumer
when the state of Lucy changes toTLcyLucyEnvEvent.CLOSED
.static ILcyLucyEnvListener
(Consumer<ILcyLucyEnv> aLucyEnvConsumer) Utility method to create a newILcyLucyEnvListener
which will triggeraLucyEnvConsumer
when the state of Lucy changes toTLcyLucyEnvEvent.INITIALIZED
.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyAddOnContainerEvent
(ILcyLucyEnv aSource, int aID, ALcyAddOn aAddOn) Creates a new addon container event object with the given properties.TLcyDataFormatManager
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a new data format managerTLcyLucyEnvEvent
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, int aID) Creates a newTLcyLucyEnvEvent
for the givenILcyLucyEnv
and ID.TLcyLucyEnvEvent
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, int aID, Runnable aRevokeVetoRunnable) Creates a newTLcyLucyEnvEvent
for the givenILcyLucyEnv
and ID, with the ability to revoke a veto.TLcyXMLAddOnLoader
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aSourceName) Creates a newTLcyXMLAddOnLoader
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyPreferencesAddOn.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environment into which this add-on was plugged.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.initialize and finalizeInitialization are both replaced by one method: plugIntovoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aConfigSourceName) Deprecated.initialize and finalizeInitialization are both replaced by one method: plugIntoabstract void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Plugs this addon into the given lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Override this method and don't call super to init your addon.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates and plugs in the add-on's format.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates and plugs in the add-on's preferences tool.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Has been replaced by unplugFromabstract void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs this addon from the given Lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Override this method and don't call super to tear down your addon.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs the add-on's format.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs the add-on's preferences tool. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.about
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.about with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51.realtime
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aixm51.realtime with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.app6a.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.app6a.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aps
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.aps with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.arinc
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.arinc with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.arinc.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.arinc.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asdi
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asdi with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asdi.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asdi.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asterix
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asterix with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asterix.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asterix.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asynchronouspaint
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.asynchronouspaint with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bci.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bci.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bingmaps
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bingmaps with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bingmaps.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bingmaps.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bufr
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bufr with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bufr.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.bufr.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.cadrg.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.cadrg.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.cameralinking.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.cameralinking.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Plug into the lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplug from the lucy environment. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.comparison
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.comparison with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.connection
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.connection with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif2
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif2 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif2.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dafif2.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.datarepository
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.datarepository with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Implementation ofALcyAddon
the plugInto method.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.datatransfer
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.datatransfer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.debug
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.debug with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.decoders
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.decoders with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dimap.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dimap.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dimensionalfilter
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.dimensionalfilter with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyDrawingSettings.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environmentTLcySLDDomainObjectSupplier.getLucyEnv()
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
instance which was set during the construction.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates drawing settings based on the lucy environment.TLcyDrawingFormat
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyDrawingAddOn aDrawingAddOn, ALcyProperties aProperties) Construct a drawing format which supports drawing models, which are encoded/decoded in/from an extension of OGC's GML.TLcyDrawingSettings
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates drawing settings based on the lucy environment.TLcySLDDomainObjectSupplier
(ALcyShapeSupplier aShapeSupplier, ALcyProperties aProperties, boolean aExtrusionSupported, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates aTLcySLDDomainObjectSupplier
object. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.gui
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.gui with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(String aPropertyPrefix, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructs a new drawing tool bar factory which will create all actions, active settables, components and panels which are specified in the class as static fields. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.tea
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.tea with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.e57
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.e57 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.e57.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.e57.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecrg
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecrg with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecrg.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecrg.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecw.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ecw.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.errorlog
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.errorlog with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.export
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.export with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.formatbar
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.formatbar with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.client
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.client with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.raster
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.raster with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.raster.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.raster.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.vector
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.vector with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.vector.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.fusion.format.vector.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gdal
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gdal with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gdal.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gdal.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gee.raster
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gee.raster with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gee.raster.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gee.raster.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.genericmap
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.genericmap with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geojson.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geojson.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geopackage
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geopackage with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geopackage.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geopackage.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospatialpdf
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospatialpdf with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospatialpdf.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospatialpdf.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospot.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.geospot.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grib.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grib.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.georef.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.georef.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.mgrs.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.mgrs.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.xy.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.grid.xy.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gridcoordinate
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gridcoordinate with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gridcoordinate.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.gridcoordinate.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.hyperlink
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.hyperlink with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ifc
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ifc with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ifc.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ifc.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.jpip
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.jpip with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyKML22GUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new GUI factory with the given parameters. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.realtime
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.realtime with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.las
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.las with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.las.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.las.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.layercontrol
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.layercontrol with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.layercustomizer.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.layercustomizer.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates and plugs in the add-on's format and preferences tool.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs the add-on's format and preferences tool. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lightspeedadapter.gxy
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lightspeedadapter.gxy with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lookandfeel
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lookandfeel with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lpc
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lpc with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lpc.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lpc.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lrdb
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lrdb with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lspmap
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lspmap with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lvdb
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lvdb with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lvdb.military
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.lvdb.military with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.magneticnorth
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.magneticnorth with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Adds load/save workspace actions.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.Removes the load/save workspace actions.Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyMapOverviewComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyMapOverviewComponentFactory
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mbtiles
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mbtiles with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mbtiles.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mbtiles.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mgcp
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mgcp with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mgcp.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mgcp.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.milstd2525b.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.milstd2525b.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelcustomizer
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelcustomizer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Adds aILcdModelReferenceDecoder
to the givenILcyLucyEnv
that pops up a dialog to ask the user to specify the reference.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Removes the addedILcdModelReferenceDecoder
and menu item. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mrsid.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mrsid.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mssql
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mssql with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mssql.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.mssql.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.netcdf
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.netcdf with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.netcdf.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.netcdf.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.networkconnection
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.networkconnection with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nitf.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nitf.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nvg
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nvg with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nvg.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.nvg.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.obj
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.obj with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wcsclient
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wcsclient with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wcsclient.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wcsclient.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wfsclient
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wfsclient with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wfsclient.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wfsclient.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.getfeatureinfo
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.getfeatureinfo with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.lightspeed.getfeatureinfo
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc.wmtsclient.lightspeed.getfeatureinfo with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc3dtiles
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc3dtiles with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc3dtiles.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.ogc3dtiles.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.openflight
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.openflight with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.osgb
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.osgb with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.osgb.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.osgb.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.pim
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.pim with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.postgresql
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.postgresql with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.postgresql.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.postgresql.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.preferences
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.preferences with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view
Fields in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view declared as ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected ILcyLucyEnv
Deprecated.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns the lucy env.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the lucy env.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
(TLcyPreviewAddOn aPreviewAddOn, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
for the givenTLcyPreviewAddOn
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the associated lucy environment.abstract ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the associated lucy environment.TLcyPrintableComponentFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environment to which this customizer factory belongs.TLcyPrintPreviewFactory.getLucyEnv()
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) abstract void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the associated lucy environment.abstract void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the associated lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the Lucy environment to which this customizer factory belongs.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyPrintableComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyPrintableComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyPrintAreaCustomizerFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyPrintPreviewFactory
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory.getLucyEnv()
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a newTLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyPrintPreviewFactory
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.radarvideostyle.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.radarvideostyle.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.recentfiles
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.recentfiles with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57.realtime
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s57.realtime with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s63
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.s63 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.selectioneditor
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.selectioneditor with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.spatialite
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.spatialite with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.spatialite.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.spatialite.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.stylerepository.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.stylerepository.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.swissdhmmatrix.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.swissdhmmatrix.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyTEABackEnd.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environment into which the back-end was plugged.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionALcyTEABackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for a TEA back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.contour
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.contour with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for contour calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.contour with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyContourBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the contour back-end.TLcyContourGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.controller
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.controller that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTLcyTEAControllerAddOn.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environment into which this add-on was plugged.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.controller with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds the TEA controller and back-end and plugs in the GUI.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs the add-on from the Lucy environment.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.controller with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyTEAControllerBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the TEA controller back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.extremepoint
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.extremepoint with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for extreme point calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.extremepoint with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyExtremePointBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the extreme point back-end.TLcyExtremePointGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.hypsometry
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.hypsometry with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file formats for hypsometry calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.hypsometry with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyHypsometryBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the hypsometry back-end.TLcyHypsometryGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.hypsometry.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.hypsometry.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.lineofsight
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.lineofsight with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ILcdAltitudeProvider
(ILcdView aView, double aCalculationStepSize, ILcdGeoReference aPreferredReference, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates anILcdAltitudeProvider
that is used by the line-of-sight calculations to retrieve the altitude of the terrain.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.lineofsight.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.lineofsight.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for line-of-sight coverage calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the line-of-sight coverage back-end.TLcyLOSCoverageGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ILcdAltitudeProvider
(ILcdView aView, double aCalculationStepSize, ILcdGeoReference aPreferredReference, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates anILcdAltitudeProvider
that is used by the visibility calculations to retrieve the altitude of the terrain.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for viewshed and plugs in the GUI and file format.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyViewshedBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the viewshed back-end.TLcyViewshedGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.openflight
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.openflight with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.visibility
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.visibility with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for visibility calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.visibility with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyVisibilityBackEnd
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor for the visibility back-end.TLcyVisibilityGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Default constructor that builds all actions, component and panels. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tote
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tote with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tote.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.tote.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.treetable
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.treetable with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.undo
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.undo with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.usrp.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.usrp.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vertical
Fields in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vertical declared as ILcyLucyEnvMethods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vertical that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyVerticalViewComponentFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns the lucy env.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vertical with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the lucy env.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vertical with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory
(TLcyVerticalViewAddOn aVerticalViewAddOn, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory
for the givenTLcyVerticalViewAddOn
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf2
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf2 with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf2.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.vpf2.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.ecdis
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.ecdis with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.getfeatureinfo
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.getfeatureinfo with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnv -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.lightspeed.getfeatureinfo
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.wmsclient.lightspeed.getfeatureinfo with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.addons.workspace
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.addons.workspace with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.datatransfer
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.datatransfer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct aTLcyCompositeLayerSelectionTransferHandler
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyDataTransferManager
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyDataTransferManager
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.format
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.format that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ILcyLucyEnv
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
backend with which thisALcyFormat
is associated.ALcyFormatWrapper.getLucyEnv()
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.format with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Plugs this tool.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.format with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, Class aClass, ALcyProperties aProperties) Deprecated.Better use the constructor with explicit long and short prefix, to avoid any confusion.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties) Creates aALcyFileFormat
for the specified Lucy backend and configuration.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aPropertyPrefix) Creates aALcyFileFormat
for the specified Lucy backend and properties.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, Class aClass, ALcyProperties aProperties) Deprecated.Better use the constructor with explicit long and short prefix, to avoid any confusion.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties) Creates aALcyGeneralFormat
for the specified Lucy backend.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aPropertyPrefix) Creates aALcyGeneralFormat
for the specified Lucy backend. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ILcyLucyEnv
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
backend with which thisALcyLspFormat
is associated.ALcyLspFormatWrapper.getLucyEnv()
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Plugs this tool.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionALcyLspGeneralFormat
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties) Creates aALcyLspGeneralFormat
for the specified Lucy backend.protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aProperties, ILcdFilter<ILcdModel> aModelFilter) Create a new style file formatprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aPreferences, ILcdFilter<ILcdModel> aModelFilter) Create a new style formatTLcyLspRasterFormat
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aPreferences, ILcdFilter<ILcdModel> aModelFilter) Create a new raster formatTLcyLspVectorFormat
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aLongPrefix, String aShortPrefix, ALcyProperties aPreferences, ILcdFilter<ILcdModel> aModelFilter) Create a new vector format -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.gui that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyGUIFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.gui with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, Point aRelativeTextLocation, Font aFont, Color aFontColor) Paints the add-on loading progress information on top of the native Java splash screen.static void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aImageFilename, boolean aShowText, Point aRelativeTextLocation, Font aFont, Color aFontColor, boolean aShowProgressBar, int aProgressBarHeight, Color aProgressBarColor) Creates a splash screen showing the add-ons that are loaded and a progress bar at the bottom of the splash screen.static void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aImageFilename, Point aRelativeTextLocation, Font aFont, Color aFontColor) (Creates and) updates the splash screen to show the add-on loading progress information.static TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Short forvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets theILcyLucyEnv
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, int[] aActionIDs, int[] aActiveSettableIDs, int[] aComponentIDs, int[] aPanelIDs) Creates a newALcyGUIFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcdIntList aActionIDs, ILcdIntList aActiveSettableIDs, ILcdIntList aComponentIDs, ILcdIntList aPanelIDs) Creates a newALcyGUIFactory
(Component aFullScreenComponent, Object aComponentLayoutConstraints, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new active settable which can showaFullScreenComponent
in full-screen mode.TLcyUserInterfaceManager
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyApplicationPaneFactory aApplicationPaneFactory, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar) Constructs a newTLcyUserInterfaceManager
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.balloon
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.balloon with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct aTLcyCompositeBalloonContentProvider
working on the Lucy back-end -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(ILcdModelDescriptor aModelDescriptor, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyImmutableObjectContainer<ILcdOGCCondition> aConditionContainer) Returnstrue
whenTLcyOGCConditionCustomizerPanelFactories.createCustomizerPanel(ILcdModelDescriptor, ILcyLucyEnv, TLcyImmutableObjectContainer)
can create a customizer panel for the specified conditionstatic ILcyCustomizerPanel
(ILcdModelDescriptor aModelDescriptor, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyImmutableObjectContainer<ILcdOGCCondition> aConditionContainer) Creates a customizer panel for the condition contained inaConditionContainer
.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct aTLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.dataproperty
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.dataproperty that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the current Lucy environment.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.dataproperty with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcdFilter aObjectFilter, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Base constructor forALcyDataPropertyCustomizerPanel
.Creates a new instance ofTLcyDataPropertyValueCustomizerPanelFactories
for the specified Lucy environment. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.lightspeed
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspDataObjectLabelTextProviderStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspDensityFillStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspDensityLineStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspDensityPointStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspFillStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped aroundTLspCustomizableStyleableStyle containing aTLspIconStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspImageProcessingStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspIndexColorModelStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspLabelBoxStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspLineStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapper around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspParameterizedFillStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapper around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspParameterizedIconStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapper around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspParameterizedLineStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspPinLineStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapper around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspPointCloudStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspRasterStyle
.static ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
which can create anILcyCustomizerPanel
for aTLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext
wrapped around aTLspCustomizableStyle
containing aTLspTextStyle
.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer.lightspeed with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionCreate a newTLcyLspLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
Create a newTLcyLspStyledLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory aLayerContextCustomizerPanelFactory) Create a newTLcyLspStyledLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
which usesaLayerContextCustomizerPanelFactory
to create the UI for the general layer settings (e.g.TLcyLspStyledLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory aLayerContextCustomizerPanelFactory, List<ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory> aCustomizableStyleContextCustomizerPanelFactories) Create a newTLcyLspStyledLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
where the UI for both the general layer settings (e.g. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.formatbar
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.formatbar with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCompositeFormatBarFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeFormatBarFactory
working on the Lucy back-end -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.gui.status
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.gui.status with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyInterruptTaskAction
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) TLcyStatusMessageBar
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyStatusMessageBar
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCompositeInputStreamFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a composite factory that will act on the factories registered in the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeOutputStreamFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a composite factory that will act on the factories registered in the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeOWSTransport
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a compositeILcdOWSTransport
that will act on the transports registered in the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the associated lucy environment.ILcyMapLayerControlFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns the associated lucy environment.TLcyCombinedMapManager.getLucyEnv()
Returns the Lucy environment to which this combined map manager is associated.TLcyMapComponentFactory.getLucyEnv()
Returns the lucy env associated with this factory.TLcyMapLayerControlFactory.getLucyEnv()
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the associated lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the lucy environment.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the lucy env associated with this factory.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCombinedMapManager
(Collection<TLcyGenericMapManager<? extends ILcdView, ? extends ILcdLayer>> aMapManagers, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Deprecated.You should not create your own instances of this class.TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder
working on the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder
working on the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyCompositeLayerStyleCodec
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeLayerStyleCodec
working on the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeLayerStyleProvider
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeLayerStyleProvider
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyGenericMapUtil
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a new utility class for the specified Lucy instance.TLcyGXYLayerOrderManager
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent) Creates a newTLcyGXYLayerOrderManager
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyMapComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new layer control factory with the givenILcyLucyEnv
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, String aConfigSourceName) Creates a new layer control factory with the givenILcyLucyEnv
and the properties of the config fileaConfigSourceName
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the Lucy back-endTLcyCreateGXYLayerAction.getLucyEnv()
protected ILcyLucyEnv
Returns the current Lucy environment.TLcyStartNewMapComponentAction.getLucyEnv()
Returns the associated lucy environment.Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ILcdAction
(JComponent aComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aJComponent
to an imagestatic ILcdAction
(ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILcdGXYView, ? extends ILcdGXYLayer> aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aILcyGenericMapComponent
with anILcdGXYView
to an imagestatic ILcdAction
(ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aILcyMapComponent
to an imagevoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Sets the associated lucy environment.Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyGenericMapComponent<S, T> aMapComponent) Create a new action which will add the created layers toaMapComponent
(ALcyGXYNewControllerModel aControllerModel, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Utility constructor that creates a newALcyGXYNewControllerActiveSettable
for the givenALcyGXYNewControllerModel
(ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 aNewControllerModel, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Utility constructor that creates a newALcyGXYNewControllerActiveSettable
for the givenALcdGXYNewControllerModel2
(T aNewController, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCreation, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructor that creates a newALcyGXYNewControllerActiveSettable
given a new controller, a view and an actionprotected
(T aNewController, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCreation, ILcdGXYController aControllerToSetToView, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructor that creates a newALcyGXYNewControllerActiveSettable
given a new controller, a view and an actionTLcyCreateGXYLayerAction
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent) Creates a new action capable of creating and adding anILcdGXYLayer
to theILcdGXYView
(ALcyGXYNewControllerModel aControllerModel, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Utility constructor that creates a newTLcyNewController2ActiveSettable
for the givenALcyGXYNewControllerModel
using a newTLcdGXYNewController2
(ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 aControllerModel, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Utility constructor that creates a newTLcyNewController2ActiveSettable
for the givenALcdGXYNewControllerModel2
using a newTLcdGXYNewController2
(TLcdGXYNewController2 aGXYNewController, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCreation, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructor that creates a newTLcyNewController2ActiveSettable
given aTLcdGXYNewController2
, a view and an action.TLcyGXYNewControllerActiveSettable
(TLcdGXYNewController2 aGXYNewController, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCreation, ILcdGXYController aControllerToSetToView, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructor that creates a newTLcyNewController2ActiveSettable
given aTLcdGXYNewController2
, a view and an action.TLcyGXYSetControllerActiveSettable
(ILcdGXYController aGXYController, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyGXYSetControllerActiveSettable
for the given controller and the given view.TLcyGXYTouchNewControllerActiveSettable
(ALcyGXYNewControllerModel aNewControllerModel, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCommit, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aConfigPrefix) Creates a touch new controller active settable.TLcyGXYTouchNewControllerActiveSettable
(ALcyGXYNewControllerModel aNewControllerModel, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aConfigPrefix) Creates a touch new controller with as action to trigger after commit a action that sets the touch select controller on the view.TLcyGXYTouchNewControllerActiveSettable
(ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 aNewControllerModel, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCommit, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aConfigPrefix) Creates a touch new controller active settableTLcyGXYTouchNewControllerActiveSettable
(ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 aNewControllerModel, ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aConfigPrefix) Creates a touch new controller active settable with as action to trigger after commit a action that sets the touch select controller on the view. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTLcyLspSetControllerActiveSettable.getLucyEnv()
Returns the current Lucy environment.Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ILcdAction
(JComponent aComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aJComponent
to an image.static ILcdAction
(ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILspView, ? extends ILspLayer> aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aILcyGenericMapComponent
with anILspView
to an image.static ILcdAction
(ILcyLspMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create an action to save aILcyLspMapComponent
to an imageTLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable.createMouseControllerActiveSettable
(ALspCreateControllerModel aCreateControllerModel, ILcyLspMapComponent aLspMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Factory method to create aTLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable
which allows to create new shapes through interaction with the mouse.TLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable.createTouchControllerActiveSettable
(ALspCreateControllerModel aCreateControllerModel, ILcyLspMapComponent aLspMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Factory method to create aTLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable
which allows to create new shapes through touch interaction.TLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable.createTouchControllerActiveSettable
(ALspCreateControllerModel aCreateControllerModel, ILcyLspMapComponent aLspMapComponent, ALcyProperties aProperties, String aConfigPrefix, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Similar tocreateTouchControllerActiveSettable
, but this method also adds commit and cancel actions to the action bars when they are configured in the given properties object.Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyLspCreateControllerActiveSettable
(TLspCreateController aCreateController, ILspController aControllerToSetOnView, ILspView aView, ILcdAction aActionToTriggerAfterCreation, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructor that creates a new active settable allowing to set a new controller on the view.TLcyLspCreateLayerAction
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyGenericMapComponent<ILspView, ILspLayer> aMapComponent) Creates a new action capable of creating and adding anILspLayer
to theILspView
(ILspController aController, ILspView aView, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new active settable that, when active, sets the given controller on the given view. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyAsynchronousLayerHeightProviderFactory
(ILcdLayerHeightProviderFactory aDelegate, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Create a newTLcyAsynchronousLayerHeightProviderFactory
, wrapped aroundaDelegate
Construct aTLcyCompositeAsynchronousPaintHintProvider
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyGXYAsynchronousCustomizerPanelWorkspaceCodec
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec aDelegateCodec) TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerCustomizerPanel
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyCustomizerPanel aPanel) Creates a new wrapper panel.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerCustomizerPanelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory aCustomizerPanelFactory) Creates a new factory that creates wrapper panels around the panels produced by the given factory.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerDecoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcdGXYLayerDecoder aLayerDecoder, ILcdFilter aAsynchronousLayerFilter) Creates a new layer workspace codec.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerEncoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcdGXYLayerEncoder aLayerEncoder) Creates a new layer workspace codec.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcdGXYLayerFactory aLayerFactory, ILcdFilter aAsynchronousLayerFilter) Creates a new layer factory.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerPaintHintProvider
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyAsynchronousPaintHintProvider aPaintHintProvider) Creates a new paint hint provider wrapper.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerSelectionTransferHandler
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler aLayerSelectionTransferHandler) Creates a new transfer handler.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerTypeProvider
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ILcyGXYLayerTypeProvider aLayerTypeProvider) Creates a new layer type provider wrapper.TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerWorkspaceCodec
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec aCodec, ILcdFilter aAsynchronousLayerFilter) Creates a new layer workspace codec. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCompositeCameraLinkerFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeCameraLinkerFactory
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct aTLcyCompositeLabelPlacementHintProvider
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in
Methods in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ALcyLspStyleRepository
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Returns theALcyLspStyleRepository
instance registered on the Lucy back-end as service, or fails when no such instance is available.Constructors in with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyLspCompositeLayerFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyLspCompositeLayerFactory
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyLspMapComponent
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructs a newTLcyLspMapComponent
(ILspView aMainView, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructs a newTLspMapComponent
for the given view.TLcyLspMapComponentFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new map component factory for the specified Lucy environment.TLcyLspMapLayerControlFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a new layer control factory for the specifiedILcyLucyEnv
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.model
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.model with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCompositeDataSourceHandler
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructs aTLcyCompositeDataSourceHandler
working on the Lucy back-end.Construct aTLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyCompositeModelDecoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeModelDecoder
working on the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeModelEncoder
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeModelEncoder
working on the Lucy back-end.TLcyCompositeModelFactory
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeModelFactory
working on the Lucy back-end.Construct aTLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyCompositeModelReferenceParser
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeModelReferenceParser
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.realtime
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.realtime with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionDeprecated.Construct aTLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory
working on the Lucy back-end -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.util
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.util that return ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionALcyTool.getLucyEnv()
Returns theILcyLucyEnv
that was provided inplugInto
.Methods in com.luciad.lucy.util with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Plugs this tool.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Unplugs this tool.Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.util with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyGenericComposite
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, Class<T> aServiceClass) Construct aTLcyGenericComposite
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.util.height
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.util.height with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstructor for a compositeILcdLayerHeightProviderFactory
which will work on the registeredILcdLayerHeightProviderFactory
instances of the Lucy back-end.Construct aTLcyCompositeModelHeightProviderFactory
working on the Lucy back-endTLcyViewHeightProvider
(S aView, Map<String, Object> aRequiredProperties, Map<String, Object> aOptionalProperties, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Constructs aTLcyViewHeightProvider
using a given view and a list of optional or required properties. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.util.hyperlink
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.util.hyperlink with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcyCompositeHyperlinkListener
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Construct aTLcyCompositeHyperlinkListener
working on the Lucy back-end -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.util.measure
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.util.measure with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct aTLcyCompositeLayerMeasureProviderFactory
working on the Lucy back-end.Construct aTLcyCompositeModelMeasureProviderFactory
working on the Lucy back-end. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.util.preferences
Methods in com.luciad.lucy.util.preferences with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Reads the initial system and user preferences from the configuration source and performs the necessary work to automatically save the different kinds of preferences in the correct preferences stores.void
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Saves the user and system preferences of this tool to the user and system preferences of theTLcyPreferencesManager
. -
Uses of ILcyLucyEnv in com.luciad.lucy.workspace
Constructors in com.luciad.lucy.workspace with parameters of type ILcyLucyEnvModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyWorkspaceManager aWorkspaceManager) protected
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyWorkspaceManager aWorkspaceManager, ILcdInputStreamFactory aInputStreamFactory, ILcdOutputStreamFactory aOutputStreamFactory) Creates a newTLcyBlobWorkspaceCodec
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv, TLcyWorkspaceManager aWorkspaceManager) Creates a newTLcyFileWorkspaceCodec
(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) Creates a newTLcyWorkspaceManager